Contact Humblenoble Stembridge Ayuk PhD Student
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Department of Environmental Immunology Permoserstr. 15 04318 Leipzig, Germany Phone: +49 341 6025-2496
Photo: Sebastian Wiedling/UFZ
Research Interests
The mechanism of viral entry into trophoblast cells SARS-CoV-2 entry in the placenta and vertical transmission to the fetus
Curriculum vitae / Scientific career
PhD student, Department Environmental Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
Master in Leading international Vaccinology Education, Erasmus+ Joint Master degree program of Spain, Belgium, France and the UK
Master of Science in Molecular Parasitology and Vector Biology, Cameroon
Bachelor of Sciences in Medical Laboratory Sciences, Cameroon
Erasmus+ Joint master degree full scholarship - EU
Best undergraduate research project - University of Buea
Presidential Excellence Grant - University of Buea
International Vaccinologist Alumni Association (IVAA) Erasmus Mundus Student and Alumni Association (EMA) British Society of Immunologists (BSI)
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2025 (1)Ayuk, H.S. , Arnold, S., Pierzchalski, A., Bauer, M., Stojanovska, V., Zenclussen, A. (2025):
SARS-CoV-2 activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) do not provoke adverse effects in trophoblast spheroids
Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 93 (1), e70039 10.1111/aji.70039 to index 2024 (1)Asaba, C.N., Ekabe, C.J., Ayuk, H.S. , Gwanyama, B.N., Bitazar, R., Bukong, T.N. (2024):
Interplay of TLR4 and SARS-CoV-2: Unveiling the complex mechanisms of inflammation and severity in COVID-19 infections
J. Inflamm. Res. 17 , 5077 - 5091 10.2147/JIR.S474707 to index 2023 (1)Ayuk, H.S. , Arnold, S., Bauer, M., Stadtmüller, M., Lindemann, D., Stojanovska, V., Zenclussen, A. (2023):
Entry points for SARS-CoV-2 in trophoblast cells and possible mechanisms of resistance
Placenta 140 , e53 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.07.176 to index
Social Media You can follow us on the platform X (twitter). There you will find interesting information about our working group, but also everything about our research activities and publications.
Department News
At the New Year's kickoff of the Profertilita Fertility Center in Regensburg, Prof. Ana Zenclussen was invited as a keynote speaker and panel discussion participant. Together with experts, she discussed the challenges and opportunities in the field of fertility and family planning.
Read more in the press release:
photo: private
We are delighted that the review paper "The ENDOMIX perspective: how everyday chemical mixtures impact human health and reproduction by targeting the immune system " (Gómez-Olarte et al., 2024) was selected as "Editor's Choice " in the journal Biology of Reproduction and highlighted for the cover of the current issue! Click here for the full article.
Our scientists Dr. Nicole Meyer and Dr. Florence Fischer were invited to the podcast “Forschungsquartett” where they talked about the environmental chemicals we are exposed to every day, what potential dangers some of them pose and how the public, in particular pregnant women, can better protect themselves against them. As part of the “SAFE Challenge” project, the two scientists are also continuing to collect ideas until 30.11. on how to reach new target groups with the topic.
On 22/23.10.2024 the first CERES network meeting took place in Leipzig, which was organized by the LE-REP project. The two-day event was filled with insightful discussions, bringing together young scientists from across Germany in the field of reproductive health!
photo: private
Autumn, here we come: Last month we held our annual department retreat where we strengthened the team spirit and productively discussed our department’s purpose and goals. We were guided by great moderators who always helped to create a good atmosphere.
Our dedicated scientists Nicole Meyer and Florence Fischer want to raise awareness about the risks of environmental chemicals and are calling for participation in the "SAFE " Crowd Innovation Challenge ! Creative ideas to reach new target groups and identify effective communication channels can be submitted until November 30 . Further information on the challenge and participation is linked here .
Photo: UFZ / IMW
We congratulate our PhD student Yu Xia for winning this year's "ESTIV Best Poster Award" at the EUROTOX 2024 Congress in Copenhagen, Denmark!
Photo: private
The kick-off meeting of the German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ ) for the partner site Leipzig/Dresden took place on August 28-29, 2024. We look forward to successful collaboration and are excited to see the further development of the upcoming research projects!
Photo: private
On July 25, 2024, Dr. Tobias Kretschmer presented the effect of chemicals in the environment on fertility with exciting findings from his own research as part of the LE-REP project!
Photo: private
On June 18-21, 2024, the annual meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS 2024) took place in San Francisco. Researchers and clinicians discussed the latest breakthroughs across immune-mediated diseases. Prof. Ana Zenclussen presented the research at the department.
Photo: private
On June 13-14, 2024, the Kick-Off meeting for the ENKORE Cluster, which icludes our ENDOMIX project, took place in Brussels. The days were filled with exciting exchanges between scientists and stakeholders, as well as efforts to strengthen collaborative research on the health impacts of EDCs!
Photo: private
We congratulate our guest scientist Prof. Dr. Kristin Junge on her habilitation as Dr. rer. nat. habil. in the field of nutritional physiology and biochemistry of nutrition at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg!
Photo: private
We are delighted that the
German Center for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ) will start its development phase on June 1, 2024. Leipzig and Dresden are tpartner sites of the new health center. The aim is to ensure that children and adolescents in Germany receive optimal disease detection and treatment in line with the latest research at all stages of their development.
Click here for the full press release.
Photo: private
At the conference of the American Society for Reproductive Immunology (ASRI 2024 ) in Houston, Texas, Prof. Ana Zenclussen , Dr. Nicole Meyer und PhD Student Stembridge Ayuk presented their recent research.
Photo: private
The GIT laboratory journal by Wiley Analytical Science recently published an interview with
Prof. Ana Zenclussen regarding the dangers of environmental chemicals. It highlighted our
ENDOMIX project, which investigates the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
Click here for the full interview.
You can now follow exciting news about project progress, publications, and upcoming events on the official ENDOMIX website . We look forward to your visit!
ENDOMIX - Understanding how endocrine disruptors and chemical mixtures of concern target the immune system to trigger or perpetuate disease. Photo: EIBIR
Last week, Ana Zenclussen and two of our medical PhD students attended the annual meeting of the Society for Reproductive Investigation (SRI) in Vancouver, Canada, and presented their recent research.
Elisabeth Krieger, Kristin Kraußer and Ana Zenclussen at the annual SRI meeting in Vancouver, Canada. Photo: private.
The kick-off meeting for our EU-funded project ENDOMIX took place 30th/31st January in the Kubus. We look back on two amazing, motivating days full of productive discussions and a lot of commitment and look forward to working on it together!
ENDOMIX Kick-off meeting 30./31.01.2024 in the Kubus. Photo: private.
On January 18th, the 17th Research Festival for Life Sciences took place at the University of Leipzig. Dr. Tobias Kretschmer presented a poster about his research on endocrine-disrupting chemicals and their effects on fertility.
Dr. Tobias Kretschmer at the Research Festival for Life Sciences at the University of Leipzig. Photo: private.
We are happy to announce that our new research project ENDOMIX , initiated and coordinated by Prof. Ana Zenclussen, has officially started on 1st January 2024. Within the project, we aim to investigate the previously hidden dangers of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and to decipher their effects on human health. Read the official press release here .
Latest publications
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2025 (1)Ayuk, H.S. , Arnold, S. , Pierzchalski, A. , Bauer, M. , Stojanovska, V. , Zenclussen, A. (2025):
SARS-CoV-2 activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) do not provoke adverse effects in trophoblast spheroids
Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 93 (1), e70039 10.1111/aji.70039 to index 2024 (29)Asaba, C.N., Ekabe, C.J., Ayuk, H.S. , Gwanyama, B.N., Bitazar, R., Bukong, T.N. (2024):
Interplay of TLR4 and SARS-CoV-2: Unveiling the complex mechanisms of inflammation and severity in COVID-19 infections
J. Inflamm. Res. 17 , 5077 - 5091 10.2147/JIR.S474707 Braun, G., Herberth, G. , Krauss, M., König, M., Wojtysiak, N., Zenclussen, A.C. , Escher, B.I. (2024):
Neurotoxic mixture effects of chemicals extracted from blood of pregnant women
Science 386 (6719), 301 - 309 10.1126/science.adq0336 Choudhary, P., Monasso, G.S., Karhunen, V., Ronkainen, J., Mancano, G., Howe, C.G., Röder, S. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Herberth, G. , Sebert, S., et al. (2024):
Maternal educational attainment in pregnancy and epigenome-wide DNA methylation changes in the offspring from birth until adolescence
Mol. Psychiatr. 29 , 348 - 358 10.1038/s41380-023-02331-5 Eijkemans, M., Mommers, M., Harskamp-van Ginkel, M.W., Vrijkotte, T.G.M., Ludvigsson, J., Faresjö, Å., Bergström, A., Herberth, G. , Standl, M., et al. (2024):
Physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and childhood asthma: a European collaborative analysis
BMJ Open Respir. Res. 11 , e001630 10.1136/bmjresp-2023-001630 Fischer, F. , Ermer, M.R. , Howanski, J. , Yin, Z. , Bauer, M. , Wagner, M. , Fink, B. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Schumacher, A. (2024):
Single and mixture effects of bisphenol A and benzophenone-3 on in vitro T helper cell differentiation
Chem.-Biol. Interact. 395 , art. 111011 10.1016/j.cbi.2024.111011 Fischer, F. , Kretschmer, T. , Seifert, P. , Howanski, J. , Krieger, E. , Rödiger, J. , Fink, B. , Yin, Z. , Bauer, M. , Zenclussen, M.L., Meyer, N. , Schumacher, A. , Zenclussen, A.C. (2024):
Single and combined exposures to bisphenol A and benzophenone-3 during early mouse pregnancy have differential effects on fetal and placental development
Sci. Total Environ. 922 , art. 171386 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171386 Fischer, F. , Kretschmer, T. , Seifert, P. , Krieger, E. , Rödiger, J. , Howanski, J. , Meyer, N. , Zenclussen, M.L., Schumacher, A. , Zenclussen, A.C. (2024):
Combined exposure to bisphenol A and benzophenone-3 during early mouse pregnancy affects fetal development in a sex-dependent manner
Reprod. Sci. 31 (1 Suppl.), 229A - 229A 10.1007/s43032-024-01501-2 Fischer, F. , Pierzchalski, A. , Riesbeck, S., Aldehoff, A.S., Castañeda-Monsalve, V., Haange, S.-B., von Bergen, M., Rolle-Kampczyk, U.E., Jehmlich, N., Zenclussen, A.C. , Herberth, G. (2024):
An in vitro model system for testing chemical effects on microbiome-immune interactions - examples with BPX and PFAS mixtures
Front. Immunol. 15 , art. 1298971 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1298971 Gómez-Olarte, S. , Mailänder, V. , Castro-Neves, J. , Stojanovska, V. , Schumacher, A. , Meyer, N. , Zenclussen, A.C. (2024):
The ENDOMIX perspective: how everyday chemical mixtures impact human health and reproduction by targeting the immune system
Biol. Reprod. 111 (6), 1170 - 1187 10.1093/biolre/ioae142 Huber, C., Brack, W., Röder, S. , von Bergen, M., Rolle-Kampczyk, U., Zenclussen, A.C. , Krauss, M., Herberth, G. (2024):
Pesticide residues and polyphenols in urine – A combined LC-HRMS screening to reveal intake patterns
Environ. Int. 191 , art. 108981 10.1016/j.envint.2024.108981 Junge, K. (2024):
Early lifestyle and environmental factors and their impact on infant allergy & obesity development
[Keine Auswahl]
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät III - Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften, Geowissenschaften und Informatik, Halle/S., 10.25673/116209 Krause, J.L. , Engelmann, B., Schaepe, S.S., Rolle-Kampczyk, U., Jehmlich, N., Chang, H.-D., Slanina, U., Hoffmann, M., Lehmann, J., Zenclussen, A.C. , Herberth, G. , von Bergen, M., Haange, S.-B. (2024):
DSS treatment does not affect murine colonic microbiota in absence of the host
Gut Microbes 16 (1), art. 2297831 10.1080/19490976.2023.2297831 Krausser, K. , Howanski, J. , Fink, B. , Bauer, M. , Fischer, F. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Schumacher, A. (2024):
Benzophenone-3 as endocrine-disrupting chemical does not seem to affect the human decidualization process in an in vitro setting
Reprod. Sci. 31 (1 Suppl.), 264A - 264A 10.1007/s43032-024-01501-2 Krieger, E. , Kretschmer, T. , Howanski, J. , Fink, B. , Bauer, M. , Fischer, F. , Schumacher, A. , Zenclussen, A.C. (2024):
The combined influence of the endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A and benzophenone-3 on follicular maturation and immune cell populations in the ovaries of offspring exposed in utero and during lactation
Reprod. Sci. 31 (1 Suppl.), 265A - 265A 10.1007/s43032-024-01501-2 Li, S., Spitz, N., Ghantous, A., Abrishamcar, S., Reimann, B., Marques, I., Silver, M.J., Aguilar-Lacasaña, S., Kitaba, N., Rezwan, F.I., Röder, S. , Sirignano, L., Tuhkanen, J., Mancano, G., Sharp, G.C., Metayer, C., Morimoto, L., Stein, D.J., Zar, H.J., Alfano, R., Nawrot, T., Wang, C., Kajantie, E., Keikkala, E., Mustaniemi, S., Ronkainen, J., Sebert, S., Silva, W., Vääräsmäki, M., Jaddoe, V.W.V., Bernstein, R.M., Prentice, A.M., Cosin-Tomas, M., Dwyer, T., Håberg, S.E., Herceg, Z., Magnus, M.C., Munthe-Kaas, M.C., Page, C.M., Völker, M., Gilles, M., Send, T., Witt, S., Zillich, L., Gagliardi, L., Richiardi, L., Czamara, D., Räikkönen, K., Chatzi, L., Vafeiadi, M., Arshad, S.H., Ewart, S., Plusquin, M., Felix, J.F., Moore, S.E., Vrijheid, M., Holloway, J.W., Karmaus, W., Herberth, G. , Zenclussen, A. , Streit, F., Lahti, J., Hüls, A., Hoang, T.T., London, S.J., Wiemels, J.L. (2024):
A Pregnancy and Childhood Epigenetics Consortium (PACE) meta-analysis highlights potential relationships between birth order and neonatal blood DNA methylation
Commun. Biol. 7 , art. 66 10.1038/s42003-023-05698-x Maddalon, A., Pierzchalski, A. , Krause, J.L., Bauer, M. , Finckh, S., Brack, W., Zenclussen, A.C. , Marinovich, M., Corsini, E., Krauss, M., Herberth, G. (2024):
Impact of chemical mixtures from wastewater treatment plant effluents on human immune cell activation: An effect-based analysis
Sci. Total Environ. 906 , art. 167495 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167495 Pierzchalski, A. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Herberth, G. (2024):
A comprehensive battery of flow cytometric immunoassays for the in vitro testing of chemical effects in human blood cells
Front. Immunol. 14 , art. 1327960 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1327960 Prokopciuk, N., Tarasiuk, N., Franck, U. , Schraufnagel, D.E., Valiulis, A., Kostantinova, M., Zielinski, T., Valiulis, A. (2024):
On the possible climatic consequences of the large oil spills in oceans
Atmosphere 15 (10), art. 1216 10.3390/atmos15101216 Romanelli, F. , Bauer, M. , Fink, B. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Meyer, N. (2024):
Exploring the importance of estrogen receptor α in mast cells throughout pregnancy: Insights from a mouse model
Placenta 154 , e25 - e26 10.1016/j.placenta.2024.07.128 Romanelli, F. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Meyer, N. (2024):
Bisphenol a negatively impacts cellular vascularization processes related to early pregnancy
FEBS Open Bio 14 (S1), 46 - 46 10.1002/2211-5463.13792 Romanelli, F. , Zenclussen, M.L., Zenclussen, A.C. , Meyer, N. (2024):
Carbon monoxide exposure does not improve the in vitro fertilization rate of oocytes obtained from heterozygous Hmox1 knockout mice
Int. J. Fertil. Steril. 18 (1), 76 - 80 10.22074/ijfs.2023.1982726.1411 Schierano-Marotti, G., Altamirano, G.A., Oddie, S., Gomez, A.L., Meyer, N. , Muñoz-de-Toro, M., Zenclussen, A.C. , Rodríguez, H.A., Kass, L. (2024):
Branching morphogenesis of the mouse mammary gland after exposure to benzophenone-3
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 484 , art. 116868 10.1016/j.taap.2024.116868 Snapkow, I., Smith, N.M., Arnesdotter, E., Beekmann, K., Blanc, E.B., Braeuning, A., Corsini, E., Sollner Dolenc, M., Duivenvoorde, L.P.M., Eriksen, G.S., Franko, N., Galbiati, V., Gostner, J.M., Grova, N., Gutleb, A.C., Hargitai, R., Janssen, A.W.F., Krapf, S.A., Lindeman, B., Lumniczky, K., Maddalon, A., Mollerup, S., Parráková, L., Pierzchalski, A. , Pieters, R.H.H., Silva, M.J., Solhaug, A., Staal, Y.C.M., Straumfors, A., Szatmári, T., Turner, J.D., Vandebriel, R.J., Zenclussen, A.C. , Barouki, R. (2024):
New approach methodologies to enhance human health risk assessment of immunotoxic properties of chemicals - a PARC (Partnership for the Assessment of Risk from Chemicals) project
Front. Toxicol. 6 , art. 1339104 10.3389/ftox.2024.1339104 Strunz, S. , Strachan, R. , Bauer, M. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Leppert, B. , Junge, K.M. , Polte, T. (2024):
Maternal exposure to low-dose BDE-47 induced weight gain and impaired insulin sensitivity in the offspring
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25 (16), art. 8620 10.3390/ijms25168620 Wang, S., Casey, E., Sordillo, J., Aguilar-Lacasaña, S., Morales Berstein, F., Biedrzycki, R.J., Brescianini, S., Chen, S., Hough, A., Isaevska, E., Kim, W.J., Lecorguillé, M., Shaobo Li, S., Page, C.M., Park, J., Röder, S. , Salontaji, K., Santorelli, G., Sun, Y., Won, S., Zillich, E., Zillich, L., Annesi-Maesano, I., Arshad, S.H., Bustamante, M., Cecil, C.A.M., Elliott, H.R., Ewart, S., Felix, J.F., Gagliardi, L., Håberg, S.E., Herberth, G. , Heude, B., Holloway, J.W., Huels, A., Karmaus, W., Koppelman, G.H., London, S.J., Mumford, S.L., Nisticò, L., Popovic, M., Rusconi, F., Schisterman, E.F., Stein, D.J., Send, T., Tiemeier, H., Vonk, J.M., Vrijheid, M., Wiemels, J.L., Witt, S.H., Wright, J., Yeung, E.H., Zar, H.J., Zenclussen, A.C. , Zhang, H., Chavarro, J.E., Hivert, M.-F. (2024):
Cesarean delivery and blood DNA methylation at birth and childhood: Meta-analysis in the Pregnancy and Childhood Epigenetics Consortium
Sci. Adv. 10 (48), eadr2084 10.1126/sciadv.adr2084 Xia, Y. , Fu, Q., Voss, H., Fest, S. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Stojanovska, V. (2024):
Evaluation of real-life PFAS mixture toxicity and impact on 3D placenta spheroid model
Toxicol. Lett. 399 (Suppl. 2), S189 10.1016/j.toxlet.2024.07.471 Yin, Z. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Schumacher, A. (2024):
Sex-specific effects of bisphenol A, its substitutes and benzophenone-3 on T helper 1 cell differentiation
FEBS Open Bio 14 (S1), 49 - 50 10.1002/2211-5463.13792 Zenclussen, A.C. (2024):
ENDOMIX: Understanding how endocrine disruptors and mixtures of concern target the immune system to trigger or perpetuate disease
Reprod. Sci. 31 (1 Suppl.), 332A - 332A 10.1007/s43032-024-01501-2 Zenclussen, M.L., Ulrich, S., Bauer, M. , Fink, B. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Schumacher, A. , Meyer, N. (2024):
Absence of heme oxygenase-1 affects trophoblastic spheroid implantation and provokes dysregulation of stress and angiogenesis gene expression in the uterus
Cells 13 (5), art. 376 10.3390/cells13050376 to index
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2023 (29)Ayuk, H.S. , Arnold, S. , Bauer, M. , Stadtmüller, M., Lindemann, D., Stojanovska, V. , Zenclussen, A. (2023):
Entry points for SARS-CoV-2 in trophoblast cells and possible mechanisms of resistance
Placenta 140 , e53 10.1016/j.placenta.2023.07.176 Bauer, M. (2023):
Interplay between toxicants, natural toxins, and the immune system in animal models. Editorial
Front. Immunol. 14 , art. 1186300 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1186300 Buchenauer, L. , Haange, S.-B., Bauer, M. , Rolle-Kampczyk, U.E., Wagner, M. , Stucke, J. , Elter, E. , Fink, B. , Vass, M., von Bergen, M., Schulz, A., Zenclussen, A.C. , Junge, K.M. , Stangl, G.I., Polte, T. (2023):
Maternal exposure of mice to glyphosate induces depression- and anxiety-like behavior in the offspring via alterations of the gut-brain axis
Sci. Total Environ. 905 , art. 167034 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167034 Fischer, F. , Ermer, M.R. , Howanski, J. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Schumacher, A. (2023):
Bisphenol A and benzophenone-3, two ubiquitous endocrine disruptors, may interfere with tolerance pathways by disturbing the T cell equilibrium
Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 89 (S1), 83 - 83 10.1111/aji.13696 Fischer, F. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Meyer, N. (2023):
Gefährdung durch Alltagschemikalien: Ein Impuls für die Schwangerschaftsvorsorge. Hazards due to everyday chemicals: An impulse for prenatal care
Gynäkologie 56 (9), 633 - 640 10.1007/s00129-023-05125-6 Hofsink, N., Dijkstra, D.J., Stojanovska, V. , Scherjon, S.A., Plösch, T. (2023):
Preeclampsia-induced alterations in brain and liver gene expression and DNA methylation patterns in fetal mice
J. Dev. Orig. Health Dis. 14 (1), 146 - 151 10.1017/S2040174422000344 Junge, K.M. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Desoye, G. (2023):
(Über‑)Ernährung und Einfluss auf die Funktion der Plazenta
Diabetologie 19 (6), 747 - 757 10.1007/s11428-023-01087-4 Kadalayil, L., Alam, M., White, C.H., Ghantous, A., Walton, E., Gruzieva, O., Merid, S.K., Kumar, A., Roy, R., Solomon, O., Huen, K., Eskenazi, B., Rzehak, P., Grote, V., Langhendries, J.-P., Verduci, E., Ferre, N., Gruszfeld, D., Gao, L., Guan, W., Zeng, X., Schisterman, E.F., Dou, J., Bakulski, K.M., Feinberg, J.I., Soomro, M.H., Pesce, G., Baiz, N., Isaevska, E., Plusquin, M., Vafeiadi, M., Roumeliotaki, T., Langie, S.A.S., Standaert, A., Allard, C., Perron, P., Bouchard, L., van Meel, E.R., Felix, J.F., Jaddoe, V.W.V., Yousefi, P.D., Ramlau‑Hansen, C.H., Relton, C.L., Tobi, E.W., Starling, A.P., Yang, I.V., Llambrich, M., Santorelli, G., Lepeule, J., Salas, L.A., Bustamante, M., Ewart, S.L., Zhang, H., Karmaus, W., Röder, S. , Zenclussen, A.C. , Jin, J., Nystad, W., Page, C.M., Magnus, M., Jima, D.D., Hoyo, C., Maguire, R.L., Kvist, T., Czamara, D., Räikkönen, K., Gong, T., Ullemar, V., Rifas‐Shiman, S.L., Oken, E., Almqvist, C., Karlsson, R., Lahti, J., Murphy, S.K., Håberg, S.E., London, S., Herberth, G. , Arshad, H., Sunyer, J., Grazuleviciene, R., Dabelea, D., Steegers‑Theunissen, R.P.M., Nohr, E.A., Sørensen, T.I.A., Duijts, L., Hivert, M.-F., Nelen, V., Popovic, M., Kogevinas, M., Nawrot, T.S., Herceg, Z., Annesi-Maesano, I., Fallin, M.D., Yeung, E., Breton, C.V., Koletzko, B., Holland, N., Melén, E., Sharp, G.C., Silver, M.J., Rezwan, F.I., Holloway, J.H. (2023):
Analysis of DNA methylation at birth and in childhood reveals changes associated with season of birth and latitude
Clin. Epigenetics 15 , art. 148 10.1186/s13148-023-01542-5 Kilanowski, A., Thiering, E., Wang, G., Kumar, A., Kress, S., Flexeder, C., Bauer, C.-P., Berdel, D., von Berg, A., Bergström, A., Gappa, M., Heinrich, J., Herberth, G. , Koletzko, S., Kull, I., Melen, E., Schikowski, T., Peters, A., Standl, M. (2023):
Allergic disease trajectories up to adolescence: Characteristics, early-life, and genetic determinants
Allergy 78 (3), 836 - 850 10.1111/all.15511 Kotsakis Ruehlmann, A., Sammallahti, S., Cortés Hidalgo, A.P., Bakulski, K.M., Binder, E.B., Campbell, M.L., Caramaschi, D., Cecil, C., Colicino, E., Cruceanu, C., Czamara, D., Dieckmann, L., Dou, J., Felix, J.F., Frank, J., Håberg, S.E., Herberth, G. , Hoang, T.T., Houtepen, L.C., Hüls, A., Koen, N., London, S.J., Magnus, M.C., Mancano, G., Mulder, R.H., Page, C.M., Räikkönen, K., Röder, S. , Schmidt, R.J., Send, T.S., Sharp, G., Stein, D.J., Streit, F., Tuhkanen, J., Witt, S.H., Zar, H.J., Zenclussen, A.C. , Zhang, Y., Zillich, L., Wright, R., Lahti, J., Brunst, K.J. (2023):
Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of prenatal maternal stressful life events and newborn DNA methylation
Mol. Psychiatr. 28 , 5090 - 5100 10.1038/s41380-023-02010-5 Krause, J.L. , Pierzchalski, A. , Chang, H.D., Zenclussen, A.C. , Bauer, M. , Herberth, G. (2023):
Bisphenols, but not phthalate esters, modulate gene expression in activated human MAIT cells in vitro
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We coordinate the EU-funded project ENDOMIX.
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