Xiaoya He


Xiaoya He

PhD Student

Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research – UFZ
Department of Environmental Immunology
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Laboratories of the Environmental
Immunology in Saxonian Incubator for Clinical
Translation (SIKT)
Philipp-Rosenthal-Straße 55
04103 Leipzig, Germany

Phone: +49 341 6025-2041

Xiaoya He
Photo: Sebastian Wiedling/UFZ

Research Interests

  • Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the behavior of mast cells
  • Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on pregnancy-related processes and outcomes of mice

Curriculum vitae / Scientific career

Since 2023

PhD student (Dr. rer. med.), Department Environmental Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany

2019 - 2023

Resident doctor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Guangzhou Women and Children’s Hospital, Guangzhou, China

2017 - 2019

Master of Science, Reproductive and Developmental Medicine, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

2011 - 2016

Bachelor of Clinical Medicine, Hainan Medical University, Hainan, China



Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) funding


National Scholarship, China


He X, et al.: Placenta retention is associated with threatened abortion at the early stage of pregnancy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecological Investigations. 2023.

Amabebe E, Reynolds S, He X, et al.: Infection/inflammation-associated preterm delivery within 14 days of presentation with symptoms of preterm labour: A multivariate predictive model. PLos One. 2019.