Prof. Dr. Christian Kuhlicke


Prof. Dr. Christian Kuhlicke

Head of Deparment Urban and Environmental Sociology

Department Urban and Environmental Sociology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Tel: +49 341 6025 1751
Fax: +49 341 6025 45 1751
Dr. Christian Kuhlicke

Portrait Christian Kuhlicke

Working Group Environmental Risks and Extreme Events

I am leading the working group on environmental risks and extreme events. Below you find some topics we are currently working on:

  • Perception of environmental risks, including socio-psychological as well as institutional, economic-political and cultural factors;
  • Assessment of environmental risks (e.g. flooding, droughts) with a focus on social vulnerability and community resilience;
  • Co-production of community-oriented disaster risk management and adaptation approaches including the coordination of transdisciplinary research projects;
  • Organisational and institutional challenges of using climate science in adaptation policy and decision-making processes and how they are shaped through concepts such as risk, resilience and vulnerability.

Publications (since 2015)

2024 (6)

2023 (6)

2022 (5)

2021 (4)

2020 (8)

2019 (2)

2018 (3)

2017 (3)

2016 (5)

  • Kuhlicke, C., David, D. (2016), Adaptive and risk-based approaches to climate change and the management of uncertainty and institutional risk: the case of future flooding in England, Global Environmental Change, 37, 56-68 (Link Open Access)
  • Kuhlicke, C., Callsen, I., Begg, C. (2016), Reputational risks and participation in flood risk management and the public debate about the 2013 flood in Germany. Environmental Science & Policy. 55, Part 2, 318-325 (Link)
  • Begg, C., Ueberham, M., Masson, T., Kuhlicke, C. (2016), Interactions between citizen responsibilization, flood experience and household resilience: insights from the 2013 flood in Germany. International Journal of Water Resources Development, online first, 1-18. (Link)
  • Thieken, A. H., Kienzler, S., Kreibich, H., Kuhlicke, C., Kunz, M., Mühr, B., Müller, M., Otto, A., Petrow, T., Pisi, S., Schröter K. (2016), Review of the flood risk management system in Germany after the major flood in 2013. Ecology and Society 21/2:51. (Link Open Access)

Curriculum Vitae