Publication Details |
Category | Text Publication |
Reference Category | Journals |
DOI | 10.1088/1748-9326/aba4ca |
Licence | |
Title (Primary) | Near–real–time drought impact assessment: a text mining approach on the 2018/19 drought in Germany |
Author | de Brito, M.M.; Kuhlicke, C.; Marx, A. |
Source Titel | Environmental Research Letters |
Year | 2020 |
Department | CHS; SUSOZ |
Volume | 15 |
Issue | 10 |
Page From | art. 1040a9 |
Language | englisch |
Supplements | |
Keywords | drought impacts; Germany; text analytics; newspaper; validation |
Abstract | Contemporary drought impact assessments have been constrained due to data availability, leading to an incomplete representation of impact trends. To address this, we present a novel method for the comprehensive and near-real-time monitoring of drought socio-economic impacts based on media reports. We tested its application using the case of the exceptional 2018/19 German drought. By employing text mining techniques, 4,839 impact statements were identified, relating to livestock, agriculture, forestry, fires, recreation, energy and transport sectors. An accuracy of 95.6% was obtained for their automatic classification. Furthermore, high levels of performance in terms of spatial and temporal precision were found when validating our results against independent data (e.g. soil moisture, average precipitation, population interest in droughts, crop yield and forest fire statistics). The findings highlight the applicability of media data for rapidly and accurately monitoring the propagation of drought consequences over time and space. We anticipate our method to be used as a starting point for an impact-based early warning system. |
Persistent UFZ Identifier | |
de Brito, M.M., Kuhlicke, C., Marx, A. (2020): Near–real–time drought impact assessment: a text mining approach on the 2018/19 drought in Germany Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (10), art. 1040a9 10.1088/1748-9326/aba4ca |