Dr. Mariana M. de Brito

Group Leader

Thematic Area Environment and Society

Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology

Speaker of the Working Group Social-Science Water Research

Scientific coordinator of the Thirsty Cities Graduate School

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany

Tel.: +49 341 6025 2149

Mariana de Brito

I'm an interdisciplinary scientist working at the intersection of natural and social sciences. My research is guided by relevant societal issues related to hydro-climatic extremes. Currently, my research focuses on synthesizing knowledge using quantitative methods, monitoring long-term climate impacts on society, exploring human-water interactions, and investigating social inequalities using computational social sciences and inter-and-transdisciplinary research methods. I am particularly interested in the use of natural language processing to extract relevant information on extreme events impacts and their adaptation.

Systems thinking approach
a, Traditional research frequently disregards the relationships between mitigation measures and water scarcity, which can lead to maladaptation. b, To address this issue, my research considers a systems thinking approach to account for how response and adaptation measures can potentially exacerbate climate crisis


2015-2018 Ph.D. in Geography - University of Bonn, Geography Institute, Germany (Magna cum Laude, 1.0)
01-02/2014 Semester abroad - University of Freiburg, Germany (DAAD scholarship)
2012-2014 M.Sc. in Engineering with an emphasis in Environmental Sciences - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil (GPA 10/10)
2007-2011 B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering - Lutheran University of Brazil, Brazil (GPA 9.08/10)

Research stays

08-08/2022 Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Research Groups of Prof. Philip Ward and Prof. Anne Van Loon (COST Scholarship)
11-12/2021 Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ), Potsdam. Research group of Dr. Keidi Kreibich (HIDA Scholarship)
02-03/2020 University of Vigo, Spain. Department of Forest Engineering. Research group of Prof. Dr. Juan Vidal Puga. Research on the spatial assessment of the costs and benefits of different land uses for flood risk reduction (COST Grant)
11-12/2017 Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria. Institute of Geography. Research group of Prof. Dr. Glenda García-Santos. Use of system dynamics for modelling human-environment interactions
05-04/2016 Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Department of Civil Engineering. Research group of Prof. Dr. Luis Carlos Pinto da S. F. Participatory modelling of flood vulnerability (CAPES Scholarship)

Publication list


You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (14)

to index

2023 (7)

to index

2022 (10)

to index

2021 (8)

to index

2020 (2)

to index

2019 (1)

  • de Brito, M.M., Almoradie, A., Evers, M. (2019) Spatially-explicit sensitivity and uncertainty analysis in a MCDA-based flood vulnerability model. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, doi:10.1080/13658816.2019.1599125

2018 (5)

  • de Brito, M.M., Evers, M., Almoradie, A. (2018) Participatory flood vulnerability assessment: a multi-criteria approach. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 373-390, doi:10.5194/hess-22-373-2018
  • García-Santos, G., de Brito, M.M., Höllermann, B., Taft, L., Almoradie, A., Evers, M. (2018) Methodology to explore emergent behaviours of the interactions between water resources and ecosystem under a pluralistic approach. Proceedings of the Int. Association of Hydrological Sciences, 95, 1-5, doi:10.5194/piahs-95-1-2018
  • Bormann, H., de Brito, M.M., Charchousi, D., Chatzistratis, D., David, A., Groser, P.F., Kebschull, J., Konis, A. Koutalakis, P., Koraki, A., Krauzig, N., Meier, J., Meliadou, V., Meinhardt, M., Munnelly, K., Stephan, C., de Vos, L.F., Dietrich, J., Tzoraki, O. (2018) Impact of hydrological modellers’ decisions and attitude on the performance of a calibrated conceptual catchment model: results from a ‘modelling contest’. Hydrology, 5, 64; doi:10.3390/hydrology5040064
  • Ramos, P.A.R., Oliveira, G.G., de Brito, M.M., Silva, L.C.P. (2018) Methodological proposal for flood vulnerability mapping. Anuário do Instituto de Geociências, 41, 281-291, doi: 10.11137/2018_3_281_291
  • Evers, M., de Brito, M.M. (2018) Multi-criteria and participatory Vulnerability Analysis – a transdisciplinary approach to Flood Risk Management. In: Schütze, N. et al. (Eds) Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung. Heft 39.18.

2017 (5)

  • de Brito, M.M., Evers, M., Höllermann, B. (2017) Prioritization of flood vulnerability, coping capacity and exposure indicators through the Delphi technique: A case study in Taquari-Antas basin, Brazil. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 24, 119-128, doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.05.027
  • de Brito, M.M., Weber, E.J., Silva Filho, L.C.P. (2017) Multi-criteria analysis applied to landslide susceptibility mapping. Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia, 17, 719-735, doi:10.20502/rbg.v18i4.1117
  • de Brito, M.M., Weber, E.J., Krigger, V.S., Leitzke, F.P. (2017) Analysis of landslide conditioning factors in Porto Alegre municipality based on historical data. Brazilian Journal of Cartography, 68, 1853-1872
  • de Brito, M.M., Weber, E.J., Passuello, A. (2017) Multicriteria analysis applied to landslide susceptibility mapping: a case study in Cascata District, Porto Alegre, RS. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 10, 12-24, doi:10.5935/1984-2295.20170048
  • Passuello, A., de Brito, M.M., Giazzon, E., Foresti, A., Pauletti, C., Favero, E., Bresolin, J., Silva Filho, L.C.P. (2017) Tecnologia social como ferramenta para a redução de vulnerabilidade a riscos. In: Marchezini, V., Saito, S., Londe, L., Trajber, R., Iwama, A.Y., Furtado, J.R. (Eds.) Redução de vulnerabilidade a desastres: em busca de rotas para prevenção. RiMA editora.

Before 2016 (3)

  • de Brito, M.M., Evers, M. (2016) Multi-criteria decision making for flood risk management: a survey of the current state-of-the-art. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 16, 1019-1033, doi:10.5194/nhess-16-1019-2016
  • de Brito, M.M. (2015) Identification of landslides scars in the Eastern Edge of the Paraná Basin based on Landsat 5-TM images. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física, 8, 56-70. doi:10.26848/rbgf.v8.1.p056-070
  • Silva Filho, L.C.P., Pauletti, C., Passuello, A., Bussular, C.Z., Korzenowski, C., Rocha, C. S., Giazzon, E.M.A., Costa, E.A., Favero, E., Bresolin, J.T., Fin, J., Guasselli, L.A.; Souza, L. P., Bressani, L.A., Fonseca, M.R., de Brito, M.M., Assis, M., Schavinski, M., Fontes, P.W., Alves, R.C.M., Lucena, R. B., Saito, S.M., Marchezini, V. (2015) Capacitação em gestão de riscos. 2nd ed. Porto Alegre: UFRGS. 214p.

For further info, check out my google scholar.

Travel Grants and Awards

2023 International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) Next Scientific Decade workshop. Cordoba, Spain – IAHS
2019 Early Career Short Term Scientific Mission Grant - European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). Title: Analysis of the costs and benefits of different land uses for flood risk reduction through game theory. Link: http://www.land4flood.eu/mariana-in-vigo/ Vigo, Spain - COST
2019 Resilient flood risk management Summer School. Cologne, Germany - DAAD
2019 Stakeholder engagement workshop, Land4floods Project. Thessaloniki, Greece - COST
2019 Citizen science & social innovations Workshop. Kaunas, Lithuania - COST
2019 Digital transformations in citizen science & social innovation Training School. Fiesole, Italy - COST
2018 Coastal floods and river hazards and management strategies Summer School. Aachen, Germany - BMBF, ICGS and DAAD
2017 Best oral presentation and travel award - Dangerous Landscapes Conference. Hannover, Germany - Volkswagen Stiftung
2017 Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE) Conference. Wageningen, Netherlands - ESRI and AGILE
2017 Flood risk management Summer School. Lesbos, Greece - DAAD
2016 THESys Summer School - Transformative human-environment research & participatory methods: from co-production to co-producing. Berlin, Germany - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
2016 International promovieren in Deutschland – für alle (IPID4all). Viena, Austria - DAAD
2015 Citizen science for clean coasts Training School. Galway, Ireland - COST
2015 Human sensor and GIS for disaster risk management Training School. Coimbra, Portugal - COST