Prof. Dr. Matthias Groß
Prof. Dr. Matthias Groß
Head of Department
Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: ++49 - 341 - 6025 1746
Prof. Matthias Groß
Full CV
Supervision (MA, PhD etc.)
Before you contact me concerning thesis supervision (at U Jena), please read the following:
Working group
Free Access Article in Social Studies of Science
Marco Sonnberger, Maria Pfeiffer, Alena Bleicher, and Matthias Gross (202): "Wake Effects and Temperature Plumes: Coping with Non-knowledge in the Expansion of Wind and Geothermal Energy.” Available at: Access
Recent Books (Selection):
Sonnberger, Marco; Alena Bleicher & Matthias Groß, eds. (2024): Fully Revised Second Edition of Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer Table of ContentsMatthias Gross and Linsey McGoey, eds. (Fully Revised Second Edition in 2023): Routledge International Handbook of Ignorance Studies. London: Routledge. Info
- First Edition discussed in The New York Times Info, The Washington Post Info, The New Humanist Info as well as blogs and academic outlets such as Prometheus Info.
Davidson, Debra J. & Matthias Gross, eds. (2018): Oxford Handbook of Energy and Society. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Info
Current Areas of Expertise & Research
- Alternative Energy Systems
- Ecological Restoration
- Ignorance, Risk, and Knowledge
- Real World Experiments
- Science, Technology, and Engineering
- Senses and Society
- Social Theory and Analysis
- Technology Development in the Context of Society
Curriculum Vitae
since 10/2013
Full Professor of Environmental Sociology at the University of Jena, joint appointment with Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany. Head of UFZ's Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology.
04/2005 - 09/2013
Senior Researcher in the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology (granted tenure in 2009), since June 2008 deputy head of the department.
04 - 09/2012
Interim professor of Economic and Environmental Sociology at Martin Luther University of Halle
04/2002 - 03/2005
Co-Director of the "Real World Experiments Project," Institute for Science and Technology Studies, Bielefeld University
08 - 12/2003
Visiting Assistant Professor (Research & Teaching), Department of Sociology and the Environmental Studies Program, Loyola University Chicago, USA
04 - 07/2003
Guest Lecturer, Institute of Sociology, Technische Universität Karlsruhe, Germany
07/2001 - 03/2002
Post Doctoral Fellow (German Research Foundation, DFG), Institute for Science and Technology Studies, Bielefeld University
02 - 07/2000
DAAD Doctoral Fellow, Department of Rural Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
04/1999 - 06/2001
Doctoral Fellow in the German Research Foundation's (DFG) Graduate School "Genese, Strukturen und Folgen von Wissenschaft und Technik," Institute for Science and Technology Studies, Bielefeld University (fully funded doctoral fellowship)
01/1998 - 03/1999
Scientific Assistant at the Department of Sociology, Bielefeld University
05 - 07/1996
Work at the Center for Applied Social Analysis and Education (CASAE), Arcata, California, USA
04 - 09/1992
Volunteer work in environmental conservation and restoration projects, Involvement Volunteers Ass. Inc., Victoria, Australia
Curriculum Vitae: Education
Dr. rer. soc. (~ Ph.D.) Sociology, Bielefeld University
Diplom (~ M.A.), Sociology, Bielefeld University ("With Distinction")
08/1995 - 07/1996
Graduate Student. Department of Sociology, Humboldt State University, California, USA (with a fully funded fellowship)
Vordiplom (~ B.A.), Sociology major; psychology minor, Bielefeld University
08/1991 - 02/1992
University of Bonn, M.A. program in philosophy with minors in psychology and archaeology
Current and Recent Projects (Selection)
Academic Services (Selection)
2014 - 2018
Elected Board Member of the Research Committee 23, Sociology of Science and Technology International Sociological Association (ISA)
Elected Chair, Environment & Society Research Network (RN12), Board member since 2009European Sociological Association (ESA)
2006 - 2018
Chair of the section "Environmental Sociology" in the German Sociological Association (DGS)
since 2005
Co-founder and Editor of the journal Nature + Culture
2002 - 2010
Treasurer and board member of the Research Committee on "Environment and Society" (RC 24) of the International Sociological Association (ISA)
Formation of a group for Junior Scholars in Environmental Sociology (Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie) together with Harald Heinrichs
- American Sociological Association (ASA)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (German Sociological Association, DGS)
- European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
- European Sociological Association (ESA)
- International Network for Engineering Studies (INES)
- International Sociological Association (ISA)
- Society for Ecological Restoration International (SER)