Projects of the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology

Current projects



GeRohTrans – Public Engagement in Raw Materials Research in the Ore Mountains: Transdisciplinary Cooperation and Global Responsibility
Kontakt: H. Rutjes
01/2024 - 12/2025
RamonCO -Risk-based framework for assessing CO2 storage monitoring
Kontakt: Dr. D. Otto
12/2023 - 11/2024
Lebendige Wände – Living Walls: Green facades for multifunctional climate adaptation in the city
Contact: Prof. Dr. U. Schlink, N. Wollschläger, H. Zozmann
10/2021 – 12/2023
Resilienz in der kommunalen Praxis − RESI-vhw
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. C. Kuhlicke Prof. Dr. D. Rink J. Pößneck
12/2022 - 06/2024
ESD Competence Centre for Process Support and Process Evaluation (BiNaKom) (BMBF)
Contact: Prof. Dr. D. Rink, H. Rutjes
07/2020 – 06/2025
KlimaKonform: joint project RegIKlim: Joint platform for climate-compliant action at community and district level in low mountain range regions – subproject 4: Green infrastructure at community level (BMBF)
Contact: Prof. Dr. U. Schlink, N. Wollschläger
05/2020 – 06/2026
RadFuß+ UmweltTracker
Contact: Prof. Dr. U. Schlink
06/2023 - 05/2024
REGREEN – Fostering nature-based solutions for equitable, green and healthy urban transitions in Europe and China (EU)
Contact: Dr. E. Banzhaf, J. Knopp S. Elze
09/2019 – 02/2024
RECONECT – Regenerating Ecosystems with Nature-based solutions for hydro-meteorological risk reduction (EU Horizon 2020)
Contact: Prof. Dr. C. Kuhlicke, Dr. D. Dushkova
09/2018 – 08/2023
Interval study „Housing and Living in Leipzig-Grünau“
Contact: Prof. Dr. S. Kabisch, J. Pößneck

Long-term project, last survey 2020



Urban resilience through urban greenery. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Schlink Niels Wollschläger
Novel 3D characteristics of urban building morphology as indicator for urban heat environments. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Schlink Fengxiang Guo
Technology development and administration – expertise and practices in secondary mining. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Matthias Groß, Dr. Alena Bleicher Henriette Rutjes

Assessing socio-spatial impacts on health of children in urban environments. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sigrun Kabisch

Juliane Schicketanz

Completed projects, PhD and habilitation theses

Heat Stress: Planetary Health Model for the Reduction of Heat Stress on the Neighbourhood Level
Contact: Prof. Dr. S. Kabisch, Prof. Dr. U. Schlink, D. Hertel, J. Pößneck

uVITAL − User-Valued Innovations for Social Housing Upgrading through Trans-Atlantic Living Labs (BMBF)
Contact: Prof. Dr. S. Kabisch, J. Pößneck

DigiMon − Digital Monitoring of CO2 Storage Projects
Contact: Prof. Dr. M. Groß, Dr. D. Otto

The Housing-Integration-Nexus: shaping exchange and innovation for migrants’ access to housing and social inclusion – House-In (JPI Urban Europe)
Contact: Dr. A. Haase, A. Schmidt

rECOmine: Ressourcenorientierte Umwelttechnologien für das 21. Jahrhundert − Startprojekt 3 "Analyse von Entscheidungsstrukturen und Konflikten und Entwicklung eines Methodenbaukastens für die transdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit im rECOmine Netzwerk" (BMBF, WIR! – Wandel durch Innovation in der Region)
Kontakt: H. Rutjes, Prof. Dr. M. Groß
(01/2020 - 10/2022)

Obsolete Stadt − Raumpotentiale für eine gemeinwohlorientierte, klimagerechte und koproduktive Stadtentwicklung in wachsenden Großstädten
(01/2020 – 12/2021)

MigraChance: Migration-related conflicts as challenge and chance for institutional change in large cities and small towns
(04/2018 – 09/2021)

KoopLab: Integration through cooperative development of open spaces – real-world labs strengthening the socio-ecological development of arrival neighbourhoods
(01/2018 – 09/2021)

RegioZukunft:Wärme – Wärmeversorgung der „Stadt der Zukunft“ und der Region im Kontext von Transformation und Adaption
(09/2020 – 05/2021)

ClimAlert: Climate Alert Smart System for Sustainable Water and Agriculture
(10/2017 – 05/2021)

Food-water-energy for Urban Sustainable Environments (FUSE)
(04/2018 – 03/2021)

GORmin – Governance Options for acceptable primary and secondary Scarce-Resource mining in Germany
(03/2015 – 09/2020)

ANYWHERE – EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events
(06/2016 − 12/2019)

TEACHENER – Integrating Social Sciences and Humanities into Teaching about Energy
(09/2016 – 08/2019)

Urban Woodlands
(10/2009 – 12/2018)

EnRoute – Enhancing Resilience of Urban Ecosystems through Green Infrastructure
(12/2016 – 11/2018)

TACTIC – Tools, methods and training for communities and society to better prepare for a crisis
(05/2014 – 04/2016)

DiverCities – Governing Urban Diversity: Creating Social Cohesion, Social Mobility and Economic Performance in Today's Hyper-diversified Cities
(03/2013 – 02/2017)

Energy-efficient Delitzsch (BMBF)
(2011 – 2016)

CLIST – Climate change response at the local level in Istanbul – Mutual learning among cities and actors (BMBF German-Turkish Year of Research, Education and Innovation 2014)
(06/2014 – 02/2016)

CLAVE – Climate change adaptation options in Santiago de Chile and other Latin American megacities - Urban vulnerability on local level (HGF/FONDECYT)
(04/2013 – 03/2016)

Monitoring of Commercial and Residential Brownfields in the City of Leipzig (COREBRO) – Potentials to renaturalize and to revitalize urban brownfields (City of Leipzig)
(every 5 years)

ADVOCATE – Advancing Sustainable In Situ Remediation for Contaminated Land and Groundwater (Marie-Curie Initial Training Network)
(2011 – 2015)

emBRACE – Building Resilience Amongst Communities in Europe
(10/2011 – 09/2015)

CLIMP – Implementation of climate change adaptation measures in Santiago de Chile (Federal Foreign Office)
(07/2014 – 12/2014)

Socio-demographic change in neighbourhoods of post-socialist European cities
(long-term project)

TIMBRE – Tailored Improvement of Brownfield Regeneration in Europe
(2011 – 2014)

EU – Network of Excellence LIAISE: Linking Impact Assessment Instruments to Sustainability Expertise
(11/2009 – 04/2014)

Urban land use conflicts and options
(01/2009 – 12/2013)

Mega-Trend Urbanisation: Vulnerability and Environmental Risks
(01/2009 – 12/2013)

CLUVA – Climate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa
(12/2010 – 11/2013)

CATALYST - Capacity Development for Hazard Risk Reduction and Adaptation
(10/2011 – 09/2013)

Leipzig Weiter Denken - Auf dem Weg zur nachhaltigen Stadt (BMBF)
(06/2012 – 06/2013)

Evaluating Environmental and Life Quality to analyse Urban Vulnerability in Santiago de Chile (BMBF/CONICYT)
(2011 – 2013)

Polish and German large housing estates yesterday, today and tomorrow
(DPWS, 02/2011 – 12/2012

SAFIRA II – Revitalization of Contaminated Land and Groundwater at Megasites
(04/2006 – 12/2012)

ClimateAdaptationSantiago (CAS)
(BMU, 12/2009 – 11/2012)

CapHaz-Net – Social Capacity Building for Natural Hazards: Toward More Resilient Societies
(EU, 6/2009 – 5/2012)

Shrink Smart – The Governance of Shrinkage, Analyse von Politik- und Governance-Systemen in unterschiedlichen Typen von schrumpfenden Stadtregionen
(EU, 5/2009 – 4/2012)

RISK MAP – Improving Flood Risk Maps as a Means to Foster Public Participation and Raising Flood Risk Awareness: Toward Flood Resilient Communities
(BMBF, 9/2009 – 8/2011)

Risk Habitat Megacity (RHM)
(Helmholtz Association, 2007 – 2011)

Urban climate Leipzig: Vulnerability to heatstress
(HGF, pilot stuy 2010) -German only-

Interval-study Leipzig-Grünau – empirical long-term study on housing satisfaction in a large housing estate
(5/2009 – 4/2010)

Climate Policy Integration, Coherence and Governance
(PEER network climate initiative)

conDENSE – Social and spatial consequences of demographic change for cities in East Central Europe (Volkswagen Foundation)
(Volkswagen-Stiftung, 5/2006 – 4/2009)

Die Zukunft ostmitteleuropäischer Großwohnsiedlungen zwischen Akzeptanz und Abwertung
(Helmholtz-Association, 04/2007 – 03/2009) -German only-

ALTER-Net – A Long-term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awareness Research Network
(EU, 04/2004 – 03/2009)

Risk perception, community behaviour and social resilience (Task 11 of Integrated project FLOODsite – Integrated Flood Risk Analysis and Management Methodologies)
(EU, 03/2004 – 02/2009)

Urban Restructuring and Reduction of Land Consumption
(01/2003 – 12/2008)

Integrated assessment of land use change in urban regions
(003/2007 – 12/2008)

FLOOD-ERA – Flood risk management strategies in European Member States
(BMBF/Defra – United Kingdom/Lebensministerium – Austria, 10/2006 - 04/2008)

Accountability and Legitimacy of Governance Institutions that support Viable Environments (ALIVE)
(EU, 01/2006 – 12/2007)

URBS PANDENS – Urban Sprawl – European Patterns, Environmental Degradation and Sustainability
(EU, 01/2002 – 03/2005)

Sustainability monitoring in shrinking cities
(2006 – 2008) -German only-

Aufbau einer integrierten regionalen Umwelt- und Sozialberichterstattung unter dem Leitbild einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung (BMBF)
(BMBF, 6/2002 – 01/2006) -German only-

Reurbanisation of inner-city residential areas with respect to demographic change (Re Urban Mobil)
(EU, 11/2002 – 10/2005)

Reduction of Housing Vacancy and Improvement of the Quality of Life – Sociological Investigations in the City of Weißwasser
(BMBF, 07/2001 – 06/2005)

Sociological observations on the implementation and execution of demolitions, aiming at the reduction of housing vacancies and the improvement of environmental conditions and the quality of life
(BMBF, 08/2002 – 08/2005)

Umwelt- und Sozialatlas der Region Gran Concepcion, Chile
(BMBF, 04/2001 – 12/2004) -German only-

Binnen- und Außenimage von Johanngeorgenstadt (Zentrales Erzgebirge)
(BMBF, IÖR, Land Sachsen, 11/2002 – 12/2004) -German only-

Quality of Urban Life - Characteristics and Perception of Urban Quality - Examples from Argentina and Germany (The Rising Number of barrios cerrados in Gran Mendoza)
(BMBF, 03/2001 – 12/2003)

Nachhaltige Entwicklung des Wohnungsbestandes in sächsischen Groß- und Mittelstädten (SMI)
(03/1999 – 04/2001) -German only-

Interdependenzen von gebauter, sozialer und natürlicher Umwelt und deren Einfluß auf die Umsetzung quartiersbezogener Umweltqualitätsziele
(05/1997 – 12/2000) -German only-

Quality of Life in the Post-mining Landscape in Central Germany – Usage Preferences at Mine Lakes
(09/1999 – 08/2002)

Umweltmentalitäten, Naturvorstellungen und Lebensstile in Ostdeutschland
(03/2000 – 03/2003) -German only-

Naturverständnisse in der Nachhaltigkeitsforschung
(08/2000 – 07/2001) -German only-

Revitalisierung von Tagebaurandgemeinden im Braunkohlerevier Südraum Leipzig – Bewertung sozioökonomischer Folgen und Zukunftschancen der Randlage von Anliegerkommunen des Tagebaus Espenhain
(BMBF, 07/1996 – 06/1999) -German only-

Socio-economic and Demographic Factors Relevant for Differentiation of Urban Spaces
(BMBF, 1996 – 1998) -German only-

Social Atlas of the City of Leipzig
(04/1994 – 12/1997)

→ Potenzialanalyse zur Beeinflussung von Landnutzungssystemen und deren biogeochemischen Kreisläufe zur Erreichung der Treibhausgas-Reduktionsziele

Urbanization-related Sustainability Challenges of the Emerging Megacity of Pune, India - an Interdisciplinary Analysis. Betreuung am UFZ: Prof. Dr. Sigrun Kabisch (Raphael Karutz, 2023)

Perceptions of nature-based solutions in the context of floods - Understanding the complexity of people and places at risk. Supervisor at UFZ: Prof. Dr. Christian Kuhlicke (Sungju Han, 2022)

Optimization of urban heat adaptation measures. Supervisor at UFZ: Prof. Dr. Uwe Schlink (Daniel Hertel, 2022)

Multifunctional trade-offs for a sustainable green infrastructure in smart urban growth. The European blueprint as options for more resilient Chinese cities. Supervisor at UFZ: Dr. Ellen Banzhaf
(Jingxia Wang, 2020)

Individual-specific exposure to environmental stressors in terms of action spaces in urban regions – a time-geography study applying handheld sensors in Leipzig. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Uwe Schlink
(Maximilian Ueberham, 2019)

Uneven urban Dynamics. The Role of urban shrinkage and regrowth in Europe.
(Manuel Wolff, 2018)

Schulpolitik in Städten mit Schülerrückgang. Eine Governance-Analyse am Beispiel von Leipzig und Timişoara
(Anne Walde, 2017)

Climate Adaptation as a Wicked Problem – Institutional Challenges in Urban Planning
(Elisabeth Süßbauer, 2014)

Ambivalent segregation patterns considering spatial and temporal dimensions of social integration – the case of Santiago de Chile
(Juliane Welz, 2012)

→ Transdisziplinarität in der Umweltforschung: Eine Analyse integrativer Strategien in der Sanierungsforschung
(Vivien Weiss, 2012)

Political Participation in the context of periurban megaprojects in Santiago de Chile
(Michael Lukas, 2011)

Public transport governance in the light of decentralization – the cases of Santiago de Chile and Bogotá
(Carolin Höhnke, 2011)

Abenteuer Altlasten. Vom Umgang mit Nichtwissen in Entscheidungsprozessen am Beispiel der Altlastensanierung
(Alena Bleicher, 2011)

Flood Risk Assessment in Santiago de Chile
(Annemarie Ebert, 2011)

Residential Property Rights and Markets in Shrinking Cities. An Institutional Analysis for Urban Research and Planning
(Bertram Schiffers, 2008)

Life-limited neighbourhoods in an ageing society (Heinrich-Böll-Foundation)
(Andreas Peter, 2008)

Ignorance and Vulnerability: The 2002 Flood in the City of Eilenburg (Saxony, Germany) (EU)
(Christian Kuhlicke, 2008)

Social Stratification, Environment, and Health (EU)
(Horst-Dietrich Elvers, 2004)

Residential Location Decisions and Environmental Quality. Case Studies of Urban Transition Processes in Leipzig (Germany) and Brno (Czech Republic)
(Annett Steinführer, 2002)

→ Aktionsräume in dispersen Stadtregionen – ein akteursbezogener Ansatz zur Analyse von Suburbanisierungsprozessen am Beispiel der Stadtregion Leipzig
(Susanne Heydenreich, 1999)

Stadtumbau: Herausforderungen nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung in einer Transformationsgesellschaft
(Sigrun Kabisch, 2006)

Räumliche Entwicklung im gesellschaftlichen Wandel
(Henning Nuissl, 2006)

Ignorance and Surprise: Science, Knowledge Production, and the Making of Robust Ecological Design
(Matthias Gross, 2006)