ESD Competence Centre for Process Support and Process Evaluation (BiNaKom)


7/2020 – 6/2025


Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


The project ESD Competence Centre for Process Support and Process Evaluation (BiNaKom) aims at identifying and embedding approaches and initiatives in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at a regional and local level in Germany. The objective is to link those initiatives to data based municipal education management systems and hence to optimize local processes regarding ESD on an empirical basis.

For this purpose, about 50 model municipalities will be identified throughout Germany on the basis of criteria and won for cooperation. In parallel, various empirical approaches will be applied (detection of supply structure and structural conditions in the municipalities, case studies). These are supposed to serve to support the municipalities in building, implementing and systematically developing further local and regional ESD structures. The process support will draw on existing structures, processes, measures and products provided by the municipal educational landscapes and will adjust the offers accordingly. In this respect, different formats ought to be used.

The UFZ will conduct qualitative surveys and expert interviews with ESD actors in about 15 municipalities on the account of the criteria selected and compile in-depth case studies on local ESD structures. In addition, the UFZ will assist in implementing quantitative surveys in the model municipalities.

The joint project of the Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V. (DJI), the Trägerverein Transferagentur Kommunales Bildungsmanagement Niedersachsen e.V. and the UFZ is coordinated by the branch of the DJI in Halle (Saale).

A more detailed description of the project as well as current information can be found on the website of the ESD Competence Centre.

