Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad58fa
Licence creative commons licence
Title (Primary) Flash droughts and their impacts - using newspaper articles to assess the perceived consequences of rapidly emerging droughts
Author Alencar, P.H.L.; Sodoge, J.; Paton, E.N.; de Brito, M.M.
Source Titel Environmental Research Letters
Year 2024
Department SUSOZ
Volume 19
Issue 7
Page From art. 074048
Language englisch
Topic T5 Future Landscapes
Data and Software links
Keywords digital trace data, time series, validation, trend analysis, correlation analysis, flash drought
Abstract Flash droughts (FDs) have attracted increasing attention in the past decade. They are characterised by a rapid depletion of soil moisture resulting from interactions between the soil and atmospheric conditions. To date, there is a lack of consistent FD definitions and an understanding of their socio-economic impacts. Here, we explore the relationship between biophysical FD conditions and the perceived impacts of FDs in Germany between 2000 and 2022. We measured perceived impacts by analysing consequences reported in newspaper articles (2000–2022) and online search behaviour using Google trends data (2004–2022). To characterise the physical process, we considered root zone soil moisture data. Our results show that FDs are becoming increasingly frequent in Germany, occurring once every two years on average. Despite the lack of knowledge from the general public regarding the phenomenon of FDs, the peaks of interest in drought impacts correspond to the physical occurrence of FDs across the country. We identified an average time gap of four weeks between FD onset and the reporting of perceived impacts. This gap is longer than the average duration of FDs' onset. Consequently, our findings highlight that consistent monitoring of FD conditions and drivers is necessary to guarantee effective preparedness. As impact perception is too slow to allow the adoption of mitigation measures, FDs require new schemes for response measures compared with slowly emerging (conventional) drought events. The novel method also allows the consistent and impact-based validation of FD identification methods.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Alencar, P.H.L., Sodoge, J., Paton, E.N., de Brito, M.M. (2024):
Flash droughts and their impacts - using newspaper articles to assess the perceived consequences of rapidly emerging droughts
Environ. Res. Lett. 19 (7), art. 074048 10.1088/1748-9326/ad58fa