Prof. Dr. Christian Kuhlicke
Prof. Dr. Christian Kuhlicke
Leiter Department Stadt- und Umweltsoziologie
- Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Umweltrisiken und Extremereignisse
- Co-Sprecher der Integrierten Plattform Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen
- Professor für Umweltrisiken und Nachhaltigkeit, Universtät Potsdam
Department Stadt- und Umweltsoziologie
für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Tel: 0341 6025 1751
Fax: 341 6025 45 1751
Dr. Christian Kuhlicke
Arbeitsgruppe Umweltrisiken und Extremereignisse
Die Arbeitsgruppe "Umweltrisiken und Extremereignisse" beschäftigt sich vor allem mit folgenden Forschungsthemen:
- Wahrnehmung von Umweltrisiken (sozial-psychologische Faktoren ebenso wie institutionelle, politisch-ökonomische und kulturelle);
- Integrative Bewertung von Umweltrisiken (z.B. Hochwasser, Dürrren) mit einem Schwerpunkt auf sozialer Verwundbarkeit bzw. Resilienz;
- Co-Produktion von Risikomanagement- und Klimaanpassungsansätzen, inklusive der Koordination von transdisziplinären Forschungsverbünden;
- Organisationelle und institutionelle Herausforderungen, die mit der der Nutzung von „Klimawissen“ bei Anpassungsprozessen verbunden sind;
- Die Konstruktion von Risiken, Resilienz und Verwundbarkeit in Management- und Governanceprozessen.
Publikationen (seit 2016)
2024 (6)
- de Brito, M.M., Sodoge, J., Fekete, A., Hagenlocher, M., Koks, E., Kuhlicke, C., Messori, G., de Ruiter, M., Schweizer, P.-J., Ward, P.J. (2024):
Uncovering the dynamics of multi-sector impacts of hydrological extremes: A methods overview
Earth Future 12 (1), e2023EF003906 10.1029/2023ef003906 - Dushkova, D., Kuhlicke, C. (2024):
Making co-creation operational: A RECONECT seven-steps-pathway and practical guide for co-creating nature-based solutions
MethodsX 12 , art. 102495 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102495 - Kuhlicke, C., Pößneck, J., Rink, D. (2024):
Resilienz in der nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung: Überlegungen zur systemischen Integration in Kommunen
Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung 2024 (6), 282 - 285 - Pößneck, J., Kuhlicke, C., Rink, D., Wiesemann, L. (2024):
Kommunale Perspektiven auf das Resilienzkonzept: Einstellungen, Umsetzungsstand, Unterstützungsbedarfe
Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung 2024 (6), 323 - 326 - Sodoge, J., Kuhlicke, C., Mahecha, M.D., de Brito, M.M. (2024):
Text mining uncovers the unique dynamics of socio-economic impacts of the 2018–2022 multi-year drought in Germany
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 24 (5), 1757 - 1777 10.5194/nhess-24-1757-2024 - Sodoge, J., Reckhaus, Z., Kuhlicke, C., de Brito, M.M. (2024):
Unified in diversity: Unravelling emerging knowledge on drought impact cascades via participatory modeling
Clim. Risk Manag. 46 , art. 100652 10.1016/j.crm.2024.100652
2023 (6)
- Birkmann, J., Schüttrumpf, H., Handmer, J., Thieken, A., Kuhlicke, C., Truedinger, A., Sauter, H., Klopries, E.-M., Greiving, S., Jamshed, A., Merz, B., Solecki, W., Kirschbauer, L. (2023):
Strengthening resilience in reconstruction after extreme events – Insights from flood affected communities in Germany
Int. J. Disaster Risk Reduct. 96 , art. 103965 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103965 - Han, S., Bubeck, P., Thieken, A., Kuhlicke, C. (2023):
A place-based risk appraisal model for exploring residents’ attitudes toward nature-based solutions to flood risks
Risk Anal. 43 (12), 2562 - 2580 10.1111/risa.14118 - Han, S., Kuhlicke, C. (2023):
Deichrückverlegungsprojekte in Sachsen-Anhalt: eine Fallstudie zur Wahrnehmung von naturbasierten Lösungen. Dike relocation projects in Saxony-Anhalt: A case study on the perception of nature-based solutions
Geographische Rundschau 75 (7-8), 34 - 39 - Köhler, L., Masson, T., Köhler, S., Kuhlicke, C. (2023):
Better prepared but less resilient: the paradoxical impact of frequent flood experience on adaptive behavior and resilience
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 23 (8), 2787 - 2806 10.5194/nhess-23-2787-2023 - Kuhlicke, C., de Brito, M.M., Bartkowski, B., Botzen, W., Doğulu, C., Han, S., Hudson, P., Karanci, A.N., Klassert, C.J., Otto, D., Scolobig, A., Moreno Soares, T., Rufat, S. (2023):
Spinning in circles? A systematic review on the role of theory in social vulnerability, resilience and adaptation research
Glob. Environ. Change 80 , art. 102672 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2023.102672 - Sodoge, J., Kuhlicke, C., de Brito, M.M. (2023):
Automatized spatio-temporal detection of drought impacts from newspaper articles using natural language processing and machine learning
Weather Clim. Extremes 41 , art. 100574 10.1016/j.wace.2023.100574
2022 (5)
- Kuhlicke, C., Müller, U., Assmann, A., Heiland, P., Hutter, G., Illing, C., Kutschera, G., Scheibel, M., Siekmann, T., Tragner, F., Pyka, C. (2022):
Das neue DWA-Merkblatt Hochwasserrisikokommunikation. The new DWA fact sheet Flood Risk Communication
WasserWirtschaft 112 (10), 16 - 21 10.1007/s35147-022-1727-9 - Kühn, E., Becker, M., Harpke, A., Kühn, I., Kuhlicke, C., Schmitt, T., Settele, J., Musche, M. (2022):
The benefits of counting butterflies - recommendations for a successful citizen science project
Ecol. Soc. 27 (2), art. 38 10.5751/ES-12861-270238 - Rufat, S., de Brito, M.M., Fekete, A., Comby, E., Robinson, P.J., Armaş, I., Botzen, W.J.W., Kuhlicke, C. (2022):
Surveying the surveyors to address risk perception and adaptive-behaviour cross-study comparability
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 22 (8), 2655 - 2672 10.5194/nhess-22-2655-2022 - Schröter, B., Hack, J., Hüesker, F., Kuhlicke, C., Albert, C. (2022):
Beyond demonstrators — tackling fundamental problems in amplifying nature-based solutions for the post-COVID-19 world
npj Urban Sustain. 2 , art. 4 10.1038/s42949-022-00047-z - Sodoge, J., de Brito, M.M., Kuhlicke, C. (2022):
Automatized drought impact detection using natural language processing
WasserWirtschaft 112 (S1), 30 - 31 10.1007/s35147-022-1008-7
2021 (4)
- Albert, C., Rufat, S., Kuhlicke, C. (2021):
Five principles for climate-resilient cities
Nature 596 (7873), 486 - 486 10.1038/d41586-021-02309-9 - de Brito, M.M., Otto, D., Kuhlicke, C. (2021):
Tracking topics and frames regarding sustainability transformations during the onset of the COVID-19 crisis
Sustainability 13 (19), art. 11095 10.3390/su131911095 - Han, S., Kuhlicke, C. (2021):
Barriers and drivers for mainstreaming nature-based solutions for flood risks: The case of South Korea
Int. J. Disaster Risk Sci. 12 (5), 661 - 672 10.1007/s13753-021-00372-4 - Kuhlicke, C., Albert, C., Bachmann, D., Birkmann, J., Borchardt, D., Fekete, A., Greiving, S., Hansjürgens, B., Jüpner, R., Kabisch, S., Krellenberg, K., Merz, B., Müller, R., Rink, D., Rinke, K., Schwarze, R., Teutsch, G., Thieken, A., Ueberham, M., Voss, M. (2021):
Fünf Prinzipien für klimasichere Kommunen und Städte
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 14 (9), 537 - 539
2020 (8)
- de Brito, M.M., Kuhlicke, C., Marx, A. (2020):
Near–real–time drought impact assessment: a text mining approach on the 2018/19 drought in Germany
Environ. Res. Lett. 15 (10), art. 1040a9 10.1088/1748-9326/aba4ca - Kleemann, J., Schröter, M., Bagstad, K.J., Kuhlicke, C., Kastner, T., Fridman, D., Schulp, C.J.E., Wolff, S., Martínez-López, J., Koellner, T., Arnhold, S., Martín-López, B., Marques, A., Lopez-Hoffman, L., Liu, J., Kissinger, M., Guerra, C.A., Bonn, A. (2020):
Quantifying interregional flows of multiple ecosystem services – A case study for Germany
Glob. Environ. Change 61 , art. 102051 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2020.102051 - Kuhlicke, C., Masson, T., Kienzler, S., Sieg, T., Thieken, A.H., Kreibich, H. (2020):
Multiple flood experiences and social resilience: Findings from three surveys on households and companies exposed to the 2013 flood in Germany
Weather Clim. Soc. 12 (1), 63 - 88 10.1175/WCAS-D-18-0069.1 - Kuhlicke, C., Seebauer, S., Hudson, P., Begg, C., Bubeck, P., Dittmer, C., Grothmann, T., Heidenreich, A., Kreibich, H., Lorenz, D.F., Masson, T., Reiter, J., Thaler, T., Thieken, A.H., Bamberg, S. (2020):
The behavioral turn in flood risk management, its assumptions and potential implications
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.-Water 7 (3), e1418 10.1002/wat2.1418 - Merz, B., Kuhlicke, C., Kunz, M., Pittore, M., Babeyko, A., Bresch, D.N., Domeisen, D.I.V., Feser, F., Koszalka, I., Kreibich, H., Pantillon, F., Parolai, S., Pinto, J.-G., Punge, H.J., Rivalta, E., Schröter, K., Strehlow, K., Weisse, R., Wurpts, A. (2020):
Impact forecasting to support emergency management of natural hazards
Rev. Geophys. 58 (4), e2020RG000704 10.1029/2020RG000704 - Rufat, S., Fekete, A., Armaş, I., Hartmann, T., Kuhlicke, C., Prior, T., Thaler, T., Wisner, B. (2020):
Swimming alone? Why linking flood risk perception and behavior requires more than “it's the individual, stupid”
Wiley Interdiscip. Rev.-Water 7 (5), e1462 10.1002/wat2.1462 - Weise, H., Auge, H., Baessler, C., Bärlund, I., Bennett, E.M., Berger, U., Bohn, F., Bonn, A., Borchardt, D., Brand, F., Chatzinotas, A., Corstanje, R., De Laender, F., Dietrich, P., Dunker, S., Durka, W., Fazey, I., Groeneveld, J., Guilbaud, C.S.E., Harms, H., Harpole, S., Harris, J., Jax, K., Jeltsch, F., Johst, K., Joshi, J., Klotz, S., Kühn, I., Kuhlicke, C., Müller, B., Radchuk, V., Reuter, H., Rinke, K., Schmitt-Jansen, M., Seppelt, R., Singer, A., Standish, R.J., Thulke, H.-H., Tietjen, B., Weitere, M., Wirth, C., Wolf, C., Grimm, V. (2020):
Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across three different time horizons and decision contexts
Oikos 129 (4), 445 - 456 10.1111/oik.07213 - Zingraff-Hamed, A., Hüesker, F., Lupp, G., Begg, C., Huang, J., Oen, A., Vojinovic, Z., Kuhlicke, C., Pauleit, S. (2020):
Stakeholder mapping to co-create nature-based solutions: Who is on board?
Sustainability 12 (20), art. 8625 10.3390/su12208625
2019 (2)
- Han, S., Kuhlicke, C. (2019):
Reducing hydro-meteorological risk by nature-based solutions: What do we know about people’s perceptions?
Water 11 (12), art. 2599 10.3390/w11122599 - Koellner, T., Bonn, A., Arnhold, S., Bagstad, K.J., Fridman, D., Guerra, C.A., Kastner, T., Kissinger, M., Kleemann, J., Kuhlicke, C., Liu, J., López-Hoffman, L., Marques, A., Martín-López, B., Schulp, C.J.E., Wolff, S., Schröter, M. (2019):
Guidance for assessing interregional ecosystem service flows
Ecol. Indic. 105 , 92 - 106 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.04.046
2018 (3)
- Begg, C., Callsen, I., Kuhlicke, C., Kelman, I. (2018):
The role of local stakeholder participation in flood defence decisions in the United Kingdom and Germany
J. Flood Risk Manag. 11 (2), 180 - 190 10.1111/jfr3.12305 - Fuchs, S., Kuhlicke, C. (2018):
Naturgefahren und -risiken in Mitteleuropa. Natural hazards and natural risks in Central Europe
Geographische Rundschau 70 (7/8), 4 - 9 - Kuhlicke, C. (2018):
Multiple Hochwassererfahrung und die Resilienz von Haushalten. Multiple flood experience and resilience of households
Geographische Rundschau 70 (7/8), 26 - 29
2017 (3)
- Begg, C., Ueberham, M., Masson, T., Kuhlicke, C. (2017):
Interactions between citizen responsibilization, flood experience and household resilience: insights from the 2013 flood in Germany
Int. J. Water Resour. Dev. 33 (4), 591 - 608 10.1080/07900627.2016.1200961 - Kreibich, H., Di Baldassarre, G., Vorogushyn, S., Aerts, J.C.J.H., Apel, H., Aronica, G.T., Arnbjerg-Nielsen, K., Bouwer, L.M., Bubeck, P., Caloiero, T., Chinh, D.T., Cortès, M., Gain, A.K., Giampá, V., Kuhlicke, C., Kundzewicz, Z.W., Llasat, M.C., Mård, J., Matczak, P., Mazzoleni, M., Molinari, D., Dung, N.V., Petrucci, O., Schröter, K., Slager, K., Thieken, A.H., Ward, P.J., Merz, B. (2017):
Adaptation to flood risk: Results of international paired flood event studies
Earth Future 5 (10), 953 - 965 10.1002/2017EF000606 - Kruse, S., Abeling, T., Deeming, H., Fordham, M., Forrester, J., Jülich, S., Karanci, A.N., Kuhlicke, C., Pelling, M., Pedoth, L., Schneiderbauer, S. (2017):
Conceptualizing community resilience to natural hazards – the emBRACE framework
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 17 (12), 2321 - 2333 10.5194/nhess-17-2321-2017
2016 (5)
- Dressler, G., Müller, B., Frank, K., Kuhlicke, C. (2016):
Towards thresholds of disaster management performance under demographic change: exploring functional relationships using agent-based modeling
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 16 (10), 2287 - 2301 10.5194/nhess-16-2287-2016 - Kuhlicke, C., Callsen, I., Begg, C. (2016):
Reputational risks and participation in flood risk management and the public debate about the 2013 flood in Germany
Environ. Sci. Policy 55 (Part 2), 318 - 325 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.06.011 - Kuhlicke, C., Demeritt, D. (2016):
Adaptive and risk-based approaches to climate change and the management of uncertainty and institutional risk: The case of future flooding in England
Glob. Environ. Change 37 , 56 - 68 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.01.007 - Thieken, A.H., Kienzler, S., Kreibich, H., Kuhlicke, C., Kunz, M., Mühr, B., Otto, A., Petrow, T., Pisi, S., Schröter, K. (2016):
Review of the flood risk management system in Germany after the major flood in 2013
Ecol. Soc. 21 (2), art. 51 10.5751/ES-08547-210251 - Ueberham, M., Kabisch, S., Kuhlicke, C. (2016):
Resilienz, Risikokommunikation und Verantwortung in der Hochwasservorsorge - Zum Verhältnis zwischen öffentlichem Schutz und privater Eigenvorsorge in überschwemmungsgefährdeten Gebieten. Resilience, risk communication and responsibility in the context of flood prevention - the relation between public protection and private mitigation in flood-prone settlements
Hydrol. Wasserbewirtsch. 60 (2), 135 - 145 10.5675/HyWa_2016,2_3