Dr. Heidi Wittmer

Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental Politics
Working Group Nature Conservation and Biodiversity
Working Group Governance & Institutions
UFZ Science-Policy Expert Group

Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

phone: ++49 - 341 - 235 1629
fax: ++49 - 341 - 235 45 1629


Dr. Heidi Wittmer

Curriculum Vitae

since 2010

deputy head of the Department of Environmental Politics

since 2004

senior researcher at UFZ

2001 - 2003

post-doc researcher at UFZ


consultancy for the Centre for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn

1999 - 2001

senior researcher, Interdisciplinary Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Göttingen

1995 - 1998

Ph D. in Socio-economics of rural development, University of Göttingen


economist, Food and Agricultural Organisation, FAO, Rome

1990 - 1993

DAAD-long term lecturer Univ. of Tunja in Colombia

1983 - 1989

Agricultural Sciences: B.Sc. (1985 Univ. Gießen) M.Sc. (1989 TU-Berlin)

Completed Projects

Workshops Organised

  • Governance of Natural Resources in a Multi-Level Context, final conference of the GoverNat project, 20.-22.1.2010, Leipzig, Germany
  • International Science-Policy Interfaces for Biodiversity Governance, international workshop, 2.-4.10.2006, UFZ Leipzig
  • New Strategies for Solving Environmental Conflicts: Potentials for Combining Participation and Multicriteria Analysis, Summersymposium, 26.-28.6.2002, UFZ Leipzig
  • EU INCO-DEV International Workshop: Policy Options for the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems, 19.-22.6.2000, Mombasa, Kenya

Teaching Experiences

  • 1990-98 a total of 25 lectures, seminars and workshops at universities, public administrations and non-governmental organisations covering: participatory methods in rural development, empirical social research, 'Farming Systems Development', agricultural economics and marketing, natural resource management
  • 2000 'learning cabinet' for interdisciplinary communication between natural social and legal sciences


2024 (2)

2023 (2)

2022 (1)

2021 (3)

2020 (3)

2019 (5)

2018 (4)

2017 (5)

2016 (8)

2015 (7)

2014 (11)

2013 (8)

2012 (7)

2011 (6)

  • Hansjürgens, B., Kettunen, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., White, S., Wittmer, H., Shine, C. (2011):
    Framework and guiding principles for the policy response
    In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
    The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
    Earthscan, London, p. 47 - 75
  • Hansjürgens, B., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Tucker, G., Vakrou, A., Bassi, S., ten Brink, P., Ozdemiroglu, E., Shine, C., Wittmer, H. (2011):
    Addressing the losses through regulation and pricing
    In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
    The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
    Earthscan, London, p. 299 - 343
  • Hulme, M., Mahony, M., Beck, S., Görg, C., Hansjürgens, B., Hauck, J., Nesshöver, C., Paulsch, A., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H., Böschen, S., Bridgewater, P., Diaw, M.C., Fabre, P., Figueroa, D., Heong, K.L., Korn, H., Leemans, R., Lövbrand, E., Hamid, M.N., Monfreda, C., Pielke jr., R., Settele, J., Winter, M., Vadrot, A.B., van den Hove, S., van der Sluijs, J. (2011):
    Science-policy interface: beyond assessments
    Science 333 (6043), 697 - 698 10.1126/science.333.6043.697
  • Kettunen, M., Vakrou, A., Wittmer, H., Armstrong, J., Mazza, L., Shine, C., Rayment, M., Ruhweza, A., ten Brink, P. (2011):
    The global biodiversity crisis and related policy challenge
    In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
    The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
    Earthscan, London, p. 7 - 46
  • Neßhöver, C., Aronson, J., Blignaut, J., Eppink, F.V., Vakrou, A., Wittmer, H., Shine, C. (2011):
    Investing in ecological infrastructure
    In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
    The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
    Earthscan, London, p. 402 - 448
  • Wittmer, H., Förster, J. (2011):
    Die TEEB-Studie - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity
    Nat. Landschaft 86 (4), 148 - 150 10.17433/4.2011.50153090.148-150

2010 (5)

2009 (9)

  • Hansjürgens, B., Kettunen, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., White, S., Wittmer, H., Shine, C., Atkinson, G., Barrerra, L., Bridgewater, P., Donovan, D., van der Esch, S., Kessler, J.K., Killeen, T., Laxton, H., Lughadha, E.N., Morling, P., Ninan, K., Oteng-Yeboah, A., Simons, B., Simons, M., Smith, P., Tucker, G., Vakrou, A., Vause, J., Withana, S., Young, C.E. (2009):
    Chapter 2: Framework and guiding principles for the policy response
    In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
    TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
    p. 1 - 24
  • Hansjürgens, B., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Tucker, G., Vakrou, A., Bassi, S., ten Brink, P., Ozdemiroglu, E., Shine, C., Wittmer, H., Armstrong, J., Schweppe Kraft, B., Kretzschmar, T., Philipson, H.M., Rosenstock, M., Treweek, J., Wätzold, F. (2009):
    Chapter 7: Addressing losses through regulation and pricing
    In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
    TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
    p. 1 - 39
  • Kettunen, M., Dudley, N., Bruner, A., Pabon, L., Conner, N., Berghöfer, A., Vakrou, A., Mulongoy, K.J., Ervin, J., Gidda, S.B., Bouamrane, M., ten Brink, P., Chape, S., Morling, P., Seidl, A., Stolton, A., Andrews, S., Atkinson, G., Badman, T., Baldock, D., Basanglamao, , Bridgewater, P., Donovan, D., Revéret, J.-P., Ruhweza, A., Spyropoulou, R., Torkler, P., Tucker, G., Vorhies, F., Xin, H., Wittmer, H. (2009):
    Chapter 8: Recognising the value of protected areas
    In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
    TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
    p. 1 - 48
  • Nuissl, H., Haase, D., Lanzendorf, M., Wittmer, H. (2009):
    Environmental impact assessment of urban land use transitions - a context-sensitive approach
    Land Use Pol. 26 (2), 414 - 424 10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.05.006
  • Rauschmayer, F., Paavola, J., Wittmer, H. (2009):
    European governance of natural resources and participation in a multi-level context: an editorial
    Environ. Policy Gov. 19 (3), 141 - 147 10.1002/eet.504
  • Sukhdev, P., Bishop, J., ten Brink, P., Gundimeda, H., Karousakis, K., Kumar, P., Neßhöver, C., Neuville, A., Skinner, D., Vakrou, A., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (2009):
    The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers (TEEB) climate issues update
    United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 32 pp.
  • ten Brink, P., Berghöfer, A., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Sukhdev, P., Vakrou, A., White, S., Wittmer, H., de Groot, R., Kettunen, M., Kumar, P., Langdale, G., Lehmann, M., Mountford, H., Neuville, A., van der Ploeg, S., Shine, C., Simmons, B., Tucker, G., Vause, J., Wackenhut, F. (2009):
    TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers. Summary: responding to the value of nature 2009
    39 pp.
  • ten Brink, P., Kettunen, M., Vakrou, A., Wittmer, H., Armstrong, J., Rayment, M., Ruhweza, A., Shine, C., Baldock, D., Hansjürgens, B., Hart, K., Kumar, P., Luchtman, I., Morling, P., Neßhöver, C., Neuville, A., Portela, R., Tucker, G., Watkins, E., White, S. (2009):
    Chapter 1: The global biodiversity crisis and related policy challenge
    In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
    TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
    p. 1 - 34
  • ten Brink, P., Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Neuville, A., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Vakrou, A., White, S. (2009):
    Chapter 10: Responding to the value of nature
    In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
    TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
    p. 1 - 36

2008 (5)

2007 (7)

2006 (7)

2005 (7)

2004 (3)

2003 (4)

2002 (2)

2001 (1)

2000 (4)