Dr. Heidi Wittmer
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental Politics
Working Group Nature Conservation and Biodiversity
Working Group Governance & Institutions
UFZ Science-Policy Expert Group
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: ++49 - 341 - 235 1629
fax: ++49 - 341 - 235 45 1629
Curriculum Vitae
since 2010
deputy head of the Department of Environmental Politics
since 2004
senior researcher at UFZ
2001 - 2003
post-doc researcher at UFZ
consultancy for the Centre for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn
1999 - 2001
senior researcher, Interdisciplinary Centre for Sustainable Development, University of Göttingen
1995 - 1998
Ph D. in Socio-economics of rural development, University of Göttingen
economist, Food and Agricultural Organisation, FAO, Rome
1990 - 1993
DAAD-long term lecturer Univ. of Tunja in Colombia
1983 - 1989
Agricultural Sciences: B.Sc. (1985 Univ. Gießen) M.Sc. (1989 TU-Berlin)
Current Projects
BioValue − Biodiversity value in spatial policy and planning leveraging multi-level and transformative change Duration: 2022 − 2025
VooDoo – Viral eco-evolutionary dynamics of wild and domestic pollinators under global change Duration: 2020 − 2023
Biodiversity Assessement Germany Duration: 2021 − 2024
Workshops Organised
- Governance of Natural Resources in a Multi-Level Context, final conference of the GoverNat project, 20.-22.1.2010, Leipzig, Germany
- International Science-Policy Interfaces for Biodiversity Governance, international workshop, 2.-4.10.2006, UFZ Leipzig
- New Strategies for Solving Environmental Conflicts: Potentials for Combining Participation and Multicriteria Analysis, Summersymposium, 26.-28.6.2002, UFZ Leipzig
- EU INCO-DEV International Workshop: Policy Options for the Sustainable Use of Coral Reefs and Associated Ecosystems, 19.-22.6.2000, Mombasa, Kenya
Teaching Experiences
- 1990-98 a total of 25 lectures, seminars and workshops at universities, public administrations and non-governmental organisations covering: participatory methods in rural development, empirical social research, 'Farming Systems Development', agricultural economics and marketing, natural resource management
- 2000 'learning cabinet' for interdisciplinary communication between natural social and legal sciences
2024 (2)
- Mehring, M., Brietzke, A.S., Kleemann, J., Knauß, S., Poßer, C., Schreiner, V., Wittmer, H., Albert, C., Fürst, C., Grunewald, K., Kolkmann, M., Lettenmaier, L., Sanders, T.G.M., Schleyer, C., Settele, J., Straka, T.M., Hauck, J. (2024):
Multiple ways to bend the curve of biodiversity loss: An analytical framework to support transformative change
People Nat. 10.1002/pan3.10690 - Pe'er, G., Kachler, J., Herzon, I., Hering, D., Arponen, A., Bosco, L., Bruelheide, H., Finch, E.A., Friedrichs-Manthey, M., Hagedorn, G., Hansjürgens, B., Ladouceur, E., Lakner, S., Liquete, C., Quaas, M., Robuchon, M., López-Hoffman, L., Selva, N., Settele, J., Sirami, C., Sousa Pinto, I., van Dam, N.M., Wittmer, H., Bonn, A. (2024):
Role of science and scientists in public debates around environmental policy negotiations: the case of nature restoration and agrochemical regulation in the European Union
Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.10631871
2023 (2)
- Khan, S., Förster, J., Brenck, M., Raab, K., Garcia Rangel, S., Wittmer, H. (2023):
Guidebook on national biodiversity platforms: Connecting nature and people
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany and the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge, 70 pp. 10.57699/qm4c-nz16 - Pe'er, G., Kachler, J., Herzon, I., Hering, D., Arponen, A., Bosco, L., Bruelheide, H., Friedrichs-Manthey, M., Hagedorn, G., Hansjürgens, B., Ladouceur, E., Lakner, S., Liquete, C., Quaas, M., Robuchon, M., Saavedra, D., Selva, N., Settele, J., Sirami, C., van Dam, N.M., Wittmer, H., Wubs, E.R.J., Bonn, A. (2023):
Scientists support the EU's Green Deal and reject the unjustified argumentation against the Sustainable Use Regulation and the Nature Restoration Law. Open letter (Full Version 9.7.2023)
Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.8128624
2022 (1)
- Berghöfer, U., Rode, J., Jax, K., Förster, J., Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H. (2022):
'Societal relationships with nature’: A framework for understanding nature-related conflicts and multiple values
People Nat. 4 (2), 534 - 548 10.1002/pan3.10305
2021 (3)
- Brenck, M., Hansjürgens, B., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Tröger, U., Wessner, A., Wittmer, H. (2021):
Gesellschaftliche Wertigkeit des Tempelhofer Feldes – Qualitäten erfassen und sichtbar machen
UFZ Discussion Papers 5/2021
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 94 S. - Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Büttner, L., Chakrabarty, R., Förster, J., Khan, S., König, C., Krause, G., Kreuer, D., Locher-Krause, K.E., Moreno Soares, T., Munoz, M., Neumann, M., Renner, I., Rode, J., Schniewind, I., Schwarzer, D., Tröger, U., Zinngrebe, Y., Spiering, S. (2021):
Es geht um unsere Lebensgrundlage: Wie wir jetzt handeln können, um die globalen Gemeingüter Biodiversität, Wälder und Meere für eine lebenswerte Zukunft zu erhalten
UFZ-Bericht 2/2021
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 15 S. - Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Büttner, L., Chakrabarty, R., Förster, J., Khan, S., König, C., Krause, G., Kreuer, D., Locher-Krause, K., Moreno Soares, T., Muñoz Escobar, M., Neumann, M., Renner, I., Rode, J., Schniewind, I., Schwarzer, D., Tröger, U., Zinngrebe, Y., Spiering, S. (2021):
Transformative change for a sustainable management of global commons — biodiversity, forests and the ocean. Recommendations for international cooperation based on a review of global assessment reports and project experience
UFZ Report 3/2021
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, 154 pp. 10.57699/7s83-7z35
2020 (3)
- Dicks, L.V., Livoreil, B., Smith, R.K., Wittmer, H., Young, J. (2020):
Aligning evidence for use in decisions: mechanisms to link collated evidence to the needs of policy-makers and practitioners
In: Sutherland, W.J., Brotherton, P.N.M., Davies, Z.G., Ockendon, N., Petorelli, N., Vickery, J.A. (eds.)
Conservation research, policy and practice
Ecological Reviews
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 129 - 142 10.1017/9781108638210.008 - Krause, G., Wolf, C., Happe, A.-K., Hauck, J., Buttigieg, P.L., Fuchs, N., Scheve, J., König, C., Wittmer, H., Raab, K. (2020):
Lessons learnt from linking global recommendations with localized marine restoration schemes and policy options by using mixed methods
Front. Mar. Sci. 7 , art. 532 10.3389/fmars.2020.00532 - Skrimizea, E., Lecuyer, L., Bunnefeld, N., Butler, J.R.A., Fickel, T., Hodgson, I., Holtkamp, C., Marzano, M., Parra, C., Pereira, L., Petit, S., Pound, D., Rodríguez, I., Ryan, P., Staffler, J., Vanbergen, A.J., Van den Broeck, P., Wittmer, H., Young, J.C. (2020):
Sustainable agriculture: Recognizing the potential of conflict as a positive driver for transformative change
In: Bohan, D.A., Vanbergen, A.J. (eds.)
The future of agricultural landscapes, Part I
Advances in Ecological Research 63
Academic Press / Elsevier, London, p. 255 - 311 10.1016/bs.aecr.2020.08.003
2019 (5)
- Förster, J., Mcleod, E., Bruton-Adams, M.M., Wittmer, H. (2019):
Climate change impacts on small island states: ecosystem services risks and opportunities
In: Schröter, M., Bonn, A., Klotz, S., Seppelt, R., Baessler, C. (eds.)
Atlas of ecosystem services : drivers, risks, and societal responses
Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 353 - 359 10.1007/978-3-319-96229-0_54 - Förster, J., Schmidt, S., Bartkowski, B., Lienhoop, N., Albert, C., Wittmer, H. (2019):
Incorporating environmental costs of ecosystem service loss in political decision making: A synthesis of monetary values for Germany
PLOS One 14 (2), e0211419 10.1371/journal.pone.0211419 - Rode, J., Pinzon, A., Stabile, M.C.C., Pirker, J., Bauch, S., Iribarrem, A., Sammon, P., Llerena, C.A., Muniz Alves, L., Orihuela, C.E., Wittmer, H. (2019):
Why ‘blended finance’ could help transitions to sustainable landscapes: Lessons from the Unlocking Forest Finance project
Ecosyst. Serv. 37 , art. 100917 10.1016/j.ecoser.2019.100917 - Tallis, H., Kreis, K., Olander, L., Ringler, C., Ameyaw, D., Borsuk, M.E., Fletschner, D., Game, E., Gilligan, D.O., Jeuland, M., Kennedy, G., Masuda, Y.J., Mehta, S., Miller, N., Parker, M., Pollino, C., Rajaratnam, J., Wilkie, D., Zhang, W., Ahmed, S., Ajayi, O.C., Alderman, H., Arhonditsis, G., Azevedo, I., Badola, R., Bailis, R., Balvanera, P., Barbour, E., Bardini, M., Barton, D.N., Baumgartner, J., Benton, T.G., Bobrow, E., Bossio, D., Bostrom, A., Braimoh, A., Brondizio, E., Brown, J., Bryant, B.P., Calder, R.S.D., Chaplin-Kramer, B., Cullen, A., DeMello, N., Dickinson, K.L., Ebi, K.L., Eves, H.E., Fanzo, J., Ferraro, P.J., Fisher, B., Frongillo, E.A., Galford, G., Garrity, D., Gatere, L., Grieshop, A.P., Grigg, N.J., Groves, C., Gugerty, M.K., Hamm, M., Hou, X., Huang, S., Imhoff, M., Jack, D., Jones, A.D., Kelsey, R., Kothari, M., Kumar, R., Lachat, C., Larsen, A., Lawrence, M., DeClerck, F., Levin, P.S., Mabaya, E., MacDonald Gibson, J., McDonald, R.I., Mace, G., Maertens, R., Mangale, D.I., Martino, R., Mason, S., Mehta, L., Meinzen-Dick, R., Merz, B., Msangi, S., Murray, G., Murray, K.A., Naude, C.E., Newlands, N.K., Nkonya, E., Peterman, A., Petruney, T., Possingham, H., Puri, J., Remans, R., Remlinger, L., Ricketts, T.H., Reta, B., Robinson, B.E., Roe, D., Rosenthal, J., Shen, G., Shindell, D., Stewart-Koster, B., Sunderland, T., Sutherland, W.J., Tewksbury, J., Wasser, H., Wear, S., Webb, C., Whittington, D., Wilkerson, M., Wittmer, H., Wood, B.D.K., Wood, S., Wu, J., Yadama, G., Zobrist, S. (2019):
Aligning evidence generation and use across health, development, and environment
Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 39 , 81 - 93 10.1016/j.cosust.2019.09.004 - Watt, A., Ainsworth, G., Balian, E., Cojocaru, G., Darbi, M., Dicks, L., Eggermont, H., Furman, E., Goudeseune, L., Huybrecht, P., Kelemen, E., Koch, F., Konstantinou, Z., Livoreil, B., Locher, K., Lux, A., Mehring, M., Neßhöver, C., Paloniemi, R., Saarikoski, H., Sousa Pinto, I., Vandewalle, M., Varjopuro, R., Varumo, L., Wittmer, H., Young, J. (2019):
EKLIPSE: engaging knowledge holders and networks for evidence-informed European policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Evid. Policy 15 (2), 253 - 264 10.1332/174426418X15314036194114
2018 (4)
- Hansjürgens, B., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H., Moesenfechtel, U. (2018):
Werte der Natur aufzeigen und in Entscheidungen integrieren : eine Synthese. Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB DE
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 134 S. - Hansjürgens, B., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H., Moesenfechtel, U. (2018):
The value of nature for economy and society. A synthesis of Natural Capital Germany - TEEB DE
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, 130 pp. - Jax, K., Calestani, M., Chan, K.M.A., Eser, U., Keune, H., Muraca, B., O'Brien, L., Potthast, T., Voget-Kleschin, L., Wittmer, H. (2018):
Caring for nature matters: a relational approach for understanding nature’s contributions to human well-being
Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 35 , 22 - 29 10.1016/j.cosust.2018.10.009 - Tinch, R., Balian, E., Carss, D., de Blas, D.E., Geamana, N.A., Heink, U., Keune, H., Nesshöver, C., Niemelä, J., Sarkki, S., Thibon, M., Timaeus, J., Vadineanu, A., van den Hove, S., Watt, A., Waylen, K.A., Wittmer, H., Young, J.C. (2018):
Science-policy interfaces for biodiversity: dynamic learning environments for successful impact
Biodivers. Conserv. 27 (7), 1679 - 1702 10.1007/s10531-016-1155-1
2017 (5)
- Albert, C., Neßhöver, C., Schröter, M., Wittmer, H., Bonn, A., Burkhard, B., Dauber, J., Döring, R., Füst, C., Grunewald, K., Haase, D., Hansjürgens, B., Hauck, J., Hinzmann, M., Koellner, T., Plieninger, T., Rabe, S.-E., Ring, I., Spangenberg, J.H., Stachow, U., Wüstemann, H., Görg, C. (2017):
Towards a National Ecosystem Assessment in Germany: a plea for a comprehensive approach
GAIA 26 (1), 27 - 33 10.14512/gaia.26.1.8 - Berghöfer, A., Emerton, L., Moreno Diaz, A., Rode, J., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Wittmer, H., van Zyl, H. (2017):
Sustainable financing for biodiversity conservation – a review of experiences in German development cooperation
UFZ Discussion Papers 1/2017
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 143 pp. - Keune, H., Subramanian, S.M., Payyappallimana, U., Ahmad, S., Rahman, M.M., Azam, M.N., Sebesvari, Z., Spangenberg, J.H., Morand, S., Kretsch, C., Martens, P., Wittmer, H. (2017):
Biodiversity, ecosystems and human health: a complicated but important science policy challenge
In: Morand, S., Lajaunie, C., Satrawaha, R. (eds.)
Biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia: Challenges in a changing environment
Earthscan Conservation and Development
CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, p. 250 - 280 - Nesshöver, C., Assmuth, T., Irvine, K.N., Rusch, G.M., Waylen, K.A., Delbaere, B., Haase, D., Jones-Walters, L., Keune, H., Kovacs, E., Krauze, K., Külvik, M., Rey, F., van Dijk, J., Vistad, O.I., Wilkinson, M.E., Wittmer, H. (2017):
The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions: An interdisciplinary perspective
Sci. Total Environ. 579 , 1215 - 1227 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.11.106 - Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Díaz, S., Pataki, G., Roth, E., Stenseke, M., Watson, R.T., Dessane, E.B., Islar, M., Kelemen, E., Maris, V., Quaas, M., Subramanian, S.M., Wittmer, H., Adlan, A., Ahn, S.E., Al-Hafedh, Y.S., Amankwah, E., Asah, S.T., Berry, P., Bilgin, A., Breslow, S.J., Bullock, C., Cáceres, D., Daly-Hassen, H., Figueroa, E., Golden, C.D., Gómez-Baggethun, E., González-Jiménez, D., Houdet, J., Keune, H., Kumar, R., Ma, K., May, P.H., Mead, A., O’Farrell, P., Pandit, R., Pengue, W., Pichis-Madruga, R., Popa, F., Preston, S., Pacheco-Balanza, D., Saarikoski, H., Strassburg, B.B., van den Belt, M., Verma, M., Wickson, F., Yagi, N. (2017):
Valuing nature’s contributions to people: the IPBES approach
Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 26–27 , 7 - 16 10.1016/j.cosust.2016.12.006
2016 (8)
- Balian, E.V., Drius, L., Eggermont, H., Livoreil, B., Vandewalle, M., Vandewoestjine, S., Wittmer, H., Young, J. (2016):
Supporting evidence-based policy on biodiversity and ecosystem services: recommendations for effective policy briefs
Evid. Policy 12 (3), 431 - 451 10.1332/174426416X14700777371551 - Berghöfer, A., Brown, C., Bruner, A., Emerton, L., Esen, E., Geneletti, D., Kosmus, M., Kumar, R., Lehmann, M., Morales, F.L., Nkonya, E., Pistorius, T., Rode, J., Slootweg, R., Tröger, U., Wittmer, H., Wunder, S., van Zyl, H. (2016):
Increasing the policy impact of ecosystem service assessments and valuations – insights from practice
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) GmbH, Leipzig, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, 32 pp. - Berghöfer, A., Emerton, L., Moreno, A., Rode, J., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Wittmer, H., van Zyl, H. (2016):
Discussion brief: Enhancing the financial sustainability of biodiversity conservation - conclusions from a review of experience in German development cooperation
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), 4 pp. - Görg, C., Wittmer, H., Carter, C., Turnhout, E., Vandewalle, M., Schindler, S., Livorell, B., Lux, A. (2016):
Governance options for science–policy interfaces on biodiversity and ecosystem services: comparing a network versus a platform approach
Biodivers. Conserv. 25 (7), 1235 - 1252 10.1007/s10531-016-1132-8 - Nesshöver, C., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H., Balian, E.V., Carmen, E., Geijzendorffer, I.R., Görg, C., Jongman, R., Livoreil, B., Santamaria, L., Schindler, S., Settele, J., Sousa Pinto, I., Török, K., van Dijk, J., Watt, A.D., Young, J.C., Zulka, K.P. (2016):
The Network of Knowledge approach: improving the science and society dialogue on biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe
Biodivers. Conserv. 25 (7), 1215 - 1233 10.1007/s10531-016-1127-5 - Pullin, A., Frampton, G., Jongman, R., Kohl, C., Livoreil, B., Lux, A., Pataki, G., Petrokofsky, G., Podhora, A., Saarikoski, H., Santamaria, L., Schindler, S., Sousa-Pinto, I., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H. (2016):
Selecting appropriate methods of knowledge synthesis to inform biodiversity policy
Biodivers. Conserv. 25 (7), 1285 - 1300 10.1007/s10531-016-1131-9 - Rode, J., Wittmer, H., Emerton, L., Schröter-Schlaack, C. (2016):
‘Ecosystem service opportunities’: A practice-oriented framework for identifying economic instruments to enhance biodiversity and human livelihoods
J. Nat. Conserv. 33 , 35 - 47 10.1016/j.jnc.2016.07.001 - Tremblay, M., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H. (2016):
Ethical challenges at the science-policy interface: an ethical risk assessment and proposition of an ethical infrastructure
Biodivers. Conserv. 25 (7), 1253 - 1267 10.1007/s10531-016-1123-9
2015 (7)
- Aicher, C., Wittmer, H., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Rode, J., Hansjürgens, B. (2015):
The multifaceted contribution of biodiversity to human well-being: lessons from The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative
In: Gasparatos, A., Willis, K.J. (eds.)
Biodiversity in the green economy
Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics
Routledge, London, p. 94 - 115 - Berghöfer, A., Wittich, A., Wittmer, H., Rode, L., Emerton, L., Kosmus, M., van Zyl, H. (2015):
Analysis of 19 ecosystem service assessments for different purposes – insights from practical experience. ValuES Project Report
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) GmbH, Leipzig, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Eschborn, 27 pp. - Carmen, E., Nesshöver, C., Saarikoski, H., Vandewalle, M., Watt, A., Wittmer, H., Young, J. (2015):
Creating a biodiversity science community: Experiences from a European Network of Knowledge
Environ. Sci. Policy 54 , 497 - 504 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.03.014 - Förster, J., Barkmann, J., Fricke, R., Hotes, S., Kleyer, M., Kobbe, S., Kübler, D., Rumbaur, C., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Seppelt, R., Settele, J., Spangenberg, J.H., Tekken, V., Václavík, T., Wittmer, H. (2015):
Assessing ecosystem services for informing land-use decisions: a problem-oriented approach
Ecol. Soc. 20 (3), art. 31 10.5751/ES-07804-200331 - Hedden-Dunkhorst, B., Braat, L., Wittmer, H. (2015):
TEEB emerging at the country level: Challenges and opportunities
Ecosyst. Serv. 14 , 37 - 44 10.1016/j.ecoser.2015.03.007 - Neßhöver, C., Prip, C., Wittmer, H. (2015):
Biodiversity governance – a global perspective from the Convention on Biological Diversity
In: Gasparatos, A., Willis, K.J. (eds.)
Biodiversity in the Green Economy
Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics 39
Routledge, London, p. 289 - 308 - Rode, J., Wittmer, H., Emerton, L., Schröter-Schlaack, C. (2015):
Capturing ecosystem service opportunities: a practice-oriented framework for selecting economic instruments in order to enhance biodiversity and human livelihoods
UFZ Discussion Papers 3/2015
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 30 S.
2014 (11)
- Albert, C., Görg, C., Neßhöver, C., Wittmer, H., Hinzmann, M. (2014):
Ökosysteme und ihre Leistungen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Sondierungsstudie für ein Nationales Assessment in Deutschland: Ziele und erste Ergebnisse
Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis 23 (1), 54 - 59 - Albert, C., Neßhöver, C., Wittmer, H., Hinzmann, M., Görg, C., Grunewald, K., Bastian, O. (Hrsg., 2014):
Sondierungsstudie für ein Nationales Assessment von Ökosystemen und ihren Leistungen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft in Deutschland
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 64 S. - Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H., Emerton, L., van Zyl, H., Rode, J., Förster, J. (2014):
ValuES Methods Navigator. How to choose suitable assessment methods? - Hauck, J., Wittmer, H., Görg, C., Jax, K. (2014):
Herausforderungen der Nutzung des Konzepts der Ökosystemdienstleistungen in Politik und Management
In: Grunewald, K., Bastian, O., Drozdov, A., Grabovsky, V. (Hrsg.)
Erfassung und Bewertung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen (ÖSD) : Erfahrungen, insbesondere aus Deutschland und Russland. Учет и оценка экосистемных услуг (ЭУ) : oпыт, особенно Германии и России
BfN-Skripten 373
Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN), Bonn, S. 88 - 101 - Keune, H., Bauler, T., Wittmer, H. (2014):
Inquiring into the governance of ecosystem services: an introduction
In: Jacobs, S., Dendoncker, N., Keune, H. (eds.)
Ecosystem services : global issues, local practices
Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 63 - 69 10.1016/B978-0-12-419964-4.00005-6 - Keune, H., Bauler, T., Wittmer, H. (2014):
Ecosystem services governance: managing complexity?
In: Jacobs, S., Dendoncker, N., Keune, H. (eds.)
Ecosystem services : global issues, local practices
Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 135 - 155 10.1016/B978-0-12-419964-4.00013-5 - Schröter-Schlaack, C., Wittmer, H., Mewes, M., Schniewind, I. (Hrsg., 2014):
Der Nutzen von Ökonomie und Ökosystemleistungen für die Naturschutzpraxis. Workshop IV: Landwirtschaft. Vierte Veranstaltung der Workshop-Reihe des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz und des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Umweltforschung – UFZ, 15.-18. April 2013, Internationale Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm
BfN-Skripten 359
Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN), Bonn, 105 S. - Sukhdev, P., Wittmer, H., Miller, D. (2014):
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity (TEEB): challenges and responses
In: Helm, D., Hepburn, C. (eds.)
Nature in the balance : the economics of biodiversity
Oxford University Press, Oxford, p. 135 - 150 - Wittich, A., Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H. (eds., 2014):
ValuES Case Study Collection. Experiences with ecosystem service assessment processes - Wittmer, H. (2014):
Book review: "Anja Christnick, Martina Padmanabhan (eds.) 2013, Cultivate Diversity! A handbook on transdisciplinary approaches to agrobiodiversity research. Weikersheim: Margraf Publishers, Scientific Books"
Int. J. Commons 8 (2), 692 - 693 10.18352/ijc.545 - Wittmer, H., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Dietrich, K., Schniewind, I. (2014):
Ökosystemleistungen, Bewertung und Inwertsetzung: Wie nützlich sind diese Konzepte für die deutsche Naturschutzpraxis – ein Fazit
In: Schröter-Schlaack, C., Wittmer, H., Mewes, M., Schniewind, I. (Hrsg.)
Der Nutzen von Ökonomie und Ökosystemleistungen für die Naturschutzpraxis. Workshop IV: Landwirtschaft. Vierte Veranstaltung der Workshop-Reihe des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz und des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Umweltforschung – UFZ, 15.-18. April 2013, Internationale Naturschutzakademie Insel Vilm
BfN-Skripten 359
Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN), Bonn, S. 93 - 102
2013 (8)
- Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H. (2013):
Scoping The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) for the Himalayan Region. Recommendations for the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). Report to GIZ and ICIMOD
17 pp. - Hauck, J., Görg, C., Varjopuro, R., Ratamäki, O., Maes, J., Wittmer, H., Jax, K. (2013):
“Maps have an air of authority”: Potential benefits and challenges of ecosystem service maps at different levels of decision making
Ecosyst. Serv. 4 , 25 - 32 10.1016/j.ecoser.2012.11.003 - Hauck, J., Wittmer, H., Görg, C., Jax, K. (2013):
Von der Notwendigkeit, regionale Nutzer in die Erfassung von Ökosystemdienstleistungen einzubinden. On the necessity to include regional stakeholders in the assessment of ecosystem services
Nat. Landschaft 88 (9/10), 406 - 412 10.17433/9.2013.50153238.406-412 - Keune, H., Kretsch, C., de Blust, G., Gilbert, M., Flandroy, L., Van den Berge, K., Versteirt, V., Hartig, T., De Keersmaecker, L., Eggermont, H., Brosens, D., Dessein, J., Vanwambeke, S., Prieur-Richard, A.H., Wittmer, H., Van Herzele, A., Linard, C., Martens, P., Mathijs, E., Simoens, I., Van Damme, P., Volckaert, F., Heyman, P., Bauler, T. (2013):
Science–policy challenges for biodiversity, public health and urbanization: examples from Belgium
Environ. Res. Lett. 8 (2), art. 025015 10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/025015 - Klenke, R., Ring, I., Schwerdtner Máñez, K., Habighorst, R., Weiss, V., Wittmer, H., Gruber, B., Lampa, S., Henle, K. (2013):
Otters in Saxony: a story of successful conflict resolution
In: Klenke, R., Ring, I., Kranz, A., Jepsen, N., Rauschmayer, F., Henle, K. (eds.)
Human - wildlife conflicts in Europe: Fisheries and fish-eating vertebrates as a model case
Environmental Science and Engineering / Environmental Science
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 107 - 140 10.1007/978-3-540-34789-7_6 - Maes, J., Teller, A., Erhard, M., Liquete, C., Braat, L., Berry, P., Egoh, B., Puydarrieux, P., Fiorina, C., Santo, F., Paracchini, M.L., Keune, H., Wittmer, H., Hauck, J., Fiala, I., Verburg, P.H., Condé, S., Schägner, J.P., San Miguel, J., Estreguil, C., Ostermann, O., Barredo, J.I., Pereira, H.M., Stott, A., Laporte, V., Meiner, A., Olah, B., Royo Gelabert, E., Spyropoulou, R., Petersen, J.E., Maguire, C., Zal, N., Achilleos, E., Rubin, A., Ledoux, L., Brown, C., Raes, C., Jacobs, S., Vandewalle, M., Connor, D., Bidoglio, G. (2013):
Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services. An analytical framework for ecosystem assessments under action 5 of the EU biodiversity strategy to 2020
European Union, Luxembourg, 57 pp. - Neßhöver, C., Timaeus, J., Wittmer, H., Krieg, A., Geamana, N., van den Hove, S., Young, J., Watt, A. (2013):
Improving the science-policy interface of biodiversity research projects
GAIA 22 (2), 99 - 103 10.14512/gaia.22.2.8 - Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Sukhdev, P. (2013):
Poverty reduction and biodiversity conservation: using the concept of ecosystem services to understand the linkages
In: Roe, D., Elliott, J., Sandbrook, C., Walpole, M. (eds.)
Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation : exploring the evidence for a link
Conservation Science and Practice 12
Wiley, Oxford, p. 36 - 50
2012 (7)
- Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H., Ruhweza, A., Keune, H., Martens, P. (2012):
Making your natural capital work for local development
In: Wittmer, H., Gundimeda, H. (eds.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management
Earthscan, London, p. 281 - 300 - Hussain, S., Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Gundimeda, H. (2012):
Conceptual frameworks for considering the benefits of nature
In: Wittmer, H., Gundimeda, H. (eds.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management
Earthscan, London, p. 35 - 55 - Singh, S.J., Dudley, N., Wittmer, H., Munch-Petersen, N.F., Raes, L., Kretschmar, T. (2012):
Ecosystem services in rural areas and natural resource management
In: Wittmer, H., Gundimeda, H. (eds.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management
Earthscan, London, p. 129 - 164 - Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Förster, J. (2012):
Appendix: Practical advice, FAQs, tools and databases
In: Wittmer, H., Gundimeda, H. (eds.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management
Earthscan, London, p. 301 - 313 - Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Keune, H., Martens, P., Förster, J., Almack, K. (2012):
The value of nature for local development
In: Wittmer, H., Gundimeda, H. (eds.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management
Earthscan, London, p. 7 - 32 - Wittmer, H., Gundimeda, H. (eds., 2012):
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management
Earthscan, London, 351 pp. - Wittmer, H. (2012):
In: Wittmer, H., Gundimeda, H. (eds.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and regional policy and management
Earthscan, London, p. 1 - 3
2011 (6)
- Hansjürgens, B., Kettunen, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., White, S., Wittmer, H., Shine, C. (2011):
Framework and guiding principles for the policy response
In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
Earthscan, London, p. 47 - 75 - Hansjürgens, B., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Tucker, G., Vakrou, A., Bassi, S., ten Brink, P., Ozdemiroglu, E., Shine, C., Wittmer, H. (2011):
Addressing the losses through regulation and pricing
In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
Earthscan, London, p. 299 - 343 - Hulme, M., Mahony, M., Beck, S., Görg, C., Hansjürgens, B., Hauck, J., Nesshöver, C., Paulsch, A., Vandewalle, M., Wittmer, H., Böschen, S., Bridgewater, P., Diaw, M.C., Fabre, P., Figueroa, D., Heong, K.L., Korn, H., Leemans, R., Lövbrand, E., Hamid, M.N., Monfreda, C., Pielke jr., R., Settele, J., Winter, M., Vadrot, A.B., van den Hove, S., van der Sluijs, J. (2011):
Science-policy interface: beyond assessments
Science 333 (6043), 697 - 698 10.1126/science.333.6043.697 - Kettunen, M., Vakrou, A., Wittmer, H., Armstrong, J., Mazza, L., Shine, C., Rayment, M., Ruhweza, A., ten Brink, P. (2011):
The global biodiversity crisis and related policy challenge
In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
Earthscan, London, p. 7 - 46 - Neßhöver, C., Aronson, J., Blignaut, J., Eppink, F.V., Vakrou, A., Wittmer, H., Shine, C. (2011):
Investing in ecological infrastructure
In: ten Brink, P. (ed.)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in national and international policy making
Earthscan, London, p. 402 - 448 - Wittmer, H., Förster, J. (2011):
Die TEEB-Studie - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity
Nat. Landschaft 86 (4), 148 - 150 10.17433/4.2011.50153090.148-150
2010 (5)
- Hansjürgens, B., Wittmer, H. (2010):
Biodiversität und Ökonomie
UFZ-Experten in Sachen Biodiversität
Dezember 2010
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, S. 17 - 19 - Renn, O., Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H., Rauschmayer, F. (2010):
Evaluating and improving decision-making processes. Participation in the mutli-level governance of European water and biodiversity - a review of case studies; WP3 report; GoverNat 10
UFZ Discussion Papers 1/2010
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 24 pp. - Ring, I., Hansjürgens, B., Elmqvist, T., Wittmer, H., Sukhdev, P. (2010):
Challenges in framing the economics of ecosystems and biodiversity: the TEEB initiative
Curr. Opin. Environ. Sustain. 2 (1-2), 15 - 26 10.1016/j.cosust.2010.03.005 - Suškevics, M., Berghöfer, A., Rauschmayer, F., Wittmer, H. (eds., 2010):
Towards successful participation in European biodiversity and water governance. Policy brief
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 40 pp. - Sukhdev, P., Wittmer, H., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Nesshöver, C., Bishop, J., ten Brink, P., Gundimeda, H., Kumar, P., Simmons, B. (2010):
Mainstreaming the economics of nature: a synthesis of the approach, conclusions and recommendations of TEEB
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB), 36 pp.
2009 (9)
- Hansjürgens, B., Kettunen, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., White, S., Wittmer, H., Shine, C., Atkinson, G., Barrerra, L., Bridgewater, P., Donovan, D., van der Esch, S., Kessler, J.K., Killeen, T., Laxton, H., Lughadha, E.N., Morling, P., Ninan, K., Oteng-Yeboah, A., Simons, B., Simons, M., Smith, P., Tucker, G., Vakrou, A., Vause, J., Withana, S., Young, C.E. (2009):
Chapter 2: Framework and guiding principles for the policy response
In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
p. 1 - 24 - Hansjürgens, B., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Tucker, G., Vakrou, A., Bassi, S., ten Brink, P., Ozdemiroglu, E., Shine, C., Wittmer, H., Armstrong, J., Schweppe Kraft, B., Kretzschmar, T., Philipson, H.M., Rosenstock, M., Treweek, J., Wätzold, F. (2009):
Chapter 7: Addressing losses through regulation and pricing
In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
p. 1 - 39 - Kettunen, M., Dudley, N., Bruner, A., Pabon, L., Conner, N., Berghöfer, A., Vakrou, A., Mulongoy, K.J., Ervin, J., Gidda, S.B., Bouamrane, M., ten Brink, P., Chape, S., Morling, P., Seidl, A., Stolton, A., Andrews, S., Atkinson, G., Badman, T., Baldock, D., Basanglamao, , Bridgewater, P., Donovan, D., Revéret, J.-P., Ruhweza, A., Spyropoulou, R., Torkler, P., Tucker, G., Vorhies, F., Xin, H., Wittmer, H. (2009):
Chapter 8: Recognising the value of protected areas
In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
p. 1 - 48 - Nuissl, H., Haase, D., Lanzendorf, M., Wittmer, H. (2009):
Environmental impact assessment of urban land use transitions - a context-sensitive approach
Land Use Pol. 26 (2), 414 - 424 10.1016/j.landusepol.2008.05.006 - Rauschmayer, F., Paavola, J., Wittmer, H. (2009):
European governance of natural resources and participation in a multi-level context: an editorial
Environ. Policy Gov. 19 (3), 141 - 147 10.1002/eet.504 - Sukhdev, P., Bishop, J., ten Brink, P., Gundimeda, H., Karousakis, K., Kumar, P., Neßhöver, C., Neuville, A., Skinner, D., Vakrou, A., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (2009):
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers (TEEB) climate issues update
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), 32 pp. - ten Brink, P., Berghöfer, A., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Sukhdev, P., Vakrou, A., White, S., Wittmer, H., de Groot, R., Kettunen, M., Kumar, P., Langdale, G., Lehmann, M., Mountford, H., Neuville, A., van der Ploeg, S., Shine, C., Simmons, B., Tucker, G., Vause, J., Wackenhut, F. (2009):
TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers. Summary: responding to the value of nature 2009
39 pp. - ten Brink, P., Kettunen, M., Vakrou, A., Wittmer, H., Armstrong, J., Rayment, M., Ruhweza, A., Shine, C., Baldock, D., Hansjürgens, B., Hart, K., Kumar, P., Luchtman, I., Morling, P., Neßhöver, C., Neuville, A., Portela, R., Tucker, G., Watkins, E., White, S. (2009):
Chapter 1: The global biodiversity crisis and related policy challenge
In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
p. 1 - 34 - ten Brink, P., Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Neuville, A., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Vakrou, A., White, S. (2009):
Chapter 10: Responding to the value of nature
In: ten Brink, P., Hansjürgens, B., Kaplan, S., Karousakis, K., Kettunen, M., Lehmann, M., Bouamrane, M., Mountford, H., Ruhweza, A., Schauer, M., Schröter-Schlaack, C., Simons, B., Vakrou, A., van der Esch, S., Vause, J., Verma, M., Weber, J.-L., White, S., Wittmer, H. (eds.)
TEEB - The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity for national and international policy makers
p. 1 - 36
2008 (5)
- Behrens, V., Rauschmayer, F., Wittmer, H. (2008):
Managing international 'problem' species: why pan-European cormorant management is so difficult
Environ. Conserv. 35 (1), 55 - 63 10.1017/S037689290800444X - Berghöfer, A., Wittmer, H., Rauschmayer, F. (2008):
Stakeholder participation in ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management: a synthesis from European research projects
Mar. Pol. 32 (2), 243 - 253 10.1016/j.marpol.2007.09.014 - Rauschmayer, F., Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A. (2008):
Institutional challenges for resolving conflicts between fisheries and endangered species conservation
Mar. Pol. 32 (2), 178 - 188 10.1016/j.marpol.2007.09.008 - Varjopuro, R., Gray, T., Hatchard, J., Rauschmayer, F., Wittmer, H. (2008):
Introduction: interaction between environment and fisheries - the role of stakeholder participation
Mar. Pol. 32 (2), 147 - 157 10.1016/j.marpol.2007.09.001 - Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, U. (2008):
Gemeinsam durch die Ziellinie
Das Parlament 58 (14-15), 9
2007 (7)
- Berger, T., Birner, R., Díaz, J., McCarthy, N., Wittmer, H. (2007):
Capturing the complexity of water uses and water users within a multi-agent framework
Water Resour. Manag. 21 (1), 129 - 148 10.1007/s11269-006-9045-z - Berghöfer, A., Varjopuro, R., Wittmer, H., Rauschmayer, F., Wilson, D.C., Degnbol, D., Gray, T.S., Hatchard, J., Bruckmeier, K., Larsen, C.H. (2007):
Stakeholder participation towards ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management : taking stock of European experience ; The IBEFish project
Policy Brief Nov 2007
IBEFish, 16 pp. - Görg, C., Beck, S., Berghöfer, A., van den Hove, S., Koetz, T., Korn, H., Leiner, S., Neßhöver, C., Rauschmayer, F., Sharman, M., Wittmer, H., Zaunberger, K. (eds., 2007):
Workshop Report International Science-Policy Interfaces for Biodiversity Governance - Needs, Challenges, Experiences. A Contribution to the IMoSEB Consultative Process, 2-4 October 2006, Leipzig, Germany
45 pp. - Neßhöver, C., Beck, S., Born, W., Dziock, S., Görg, C., Hansjürgens, B., Jax, K., Köck, W., Rauschmayer, F., Ring, I., Schmidt-Loske, K., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H., Henle, K. (2007):
Das Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - eine deutsche Perspektive
Nat. Landschaft 82 (6), 262 - 267 - Rauschmayer, F., Wittmer, H., Paavola, J. (2007):
Multi-level governance of natural resources: tools and processes for water and biodiversity governance in Europe (GoverNat) - A European research and training network
UFZ Discussion Papers 3/2007
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 25 pp. - Robinson, D.T., Brown, D.G., Parker, D.C., Schreinemachers, P., Janssen, M.A., Huigen, M., Wittmer, H., Gotts, N., Promburom, P., Irwin, E., Berger, T., Gatzweiler, F., Barnaud, C. (2007):
Comparison of empirical methods for building agent-based models in land use science
Journal of Land Use Science 2 (1), 31 - 55 10.1080/17474230701201349 - Wittmer, H., Nuissl, H., Haase, D., Jongman, R.H.G. (2007):
Variety matters! The planners', lawyers' and the landscape ecologists' view on land consumption combined in an interdisciplinary approach
In: Bunce, R.G.H., Hojas, L., Weel, S. (eds.)
25 years of landscape ecology: scientific principles in practice. 7th IALE World Congress, Wageningen, 8.-12.7.2007
IALE Publication Series 4
IALE, Wageningen, p. 179 - 180
2006 (7)
- Beck, S., Born, W., Dziock, S., Görg, C., Hansjürgens, B., Henle, K., Jax, K., Köck, W., Neßhöver, C., Rauschmayer, F., Ring, I., Schmidt-Loske, K., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H. (2006):
Die Relevanz des Millennium Ecosystem Assessment für Deutschland
UFZ-Bericht 2/2006
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 106 S. - Birner, R., Wittmer, H. (2006):
Better public sector governance through partnership with the private sector and civil society: the case of Guatemala's forest administration
Int. Rev. Adm. Sci. 72 (4), 459 - 472 10.1177/0020852306070077 - Rauschmayer, F., Wittmer, H. (2006):
Evaluating deliberative and analytical methods for the resolution of environmental conflicts
Land Use Pol. 23 (1), 108 - 122 10.1016/j.landusepol.2004.08.011 - Rauschmayer, F., Wittmer, H. (eds., 2006):
Resolving environmental conflicts: Combining participation and multi-criteria analysis
Land Use Pol. 23 (1), 122 - Schiller, J., Manstetten, R., Klauer, B., Steuer, P., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H., Hansjürgens, B. (2006):
The challenge of programme-based research. On the conception, organisation and evaluation of problem-oriented environmental reseach
UFZ-Diskussionspapiere 8/2006
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 13 pp. - Schiller, J., Manstetten, R., Klauer, B., Steuer, P., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H., Hansjürgens, B. (2006):
Herausforderung Programmforschung : Konzeption, Organisation und Evaluation problemorientierter Umweltforschung
Ökologie und Wirtschaftsforschung 63
Metropolis, Marburg, 142 S. - Wittmer, H., Rauschmayer, F., Klauer, B. (2006):
How to select instruments for the resolution of environmental conflicts?
Land Use Pol. 23 (1), 1 - 9 10.1016/j.landusepol.2004.09.003
2005 (7)
- Birner, R., Wittmer, H., Berghöfer, A., Mühlenberg, M. (2005):
Prospects and challenges for biodiversity conservation in Guatemala
In: Markussen, M., Buse, R., Garrelts, H., Mañez Costa, M.A., Menzel, S., Marggraf, R. (eds.)
Valuation and conservation of biodiversity. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the Convention on Biological Diversity
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 285 - 296 10.1007/3-540-27138-4_13 - Garrelts, H., Birner, R., Wittmer, H. (2005):
Policy-windows for the declaration of protected areas - a comparative case study of East Germany and Guatemala
In: Markussen, M., Buse, R., Garrelts, H., Mañez Costa, M.A., Menzel, S., Marggraf, R. (eds.)
Valuation and conservation of biodiversity. Interdisciplinary perspectives on the Convention on Biological Diversity
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 65 - 83 10.1007/3-540-27138-4_4 - Manstetten, R., Schiller, J., Klauer, B., Steuer, P., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H., Hansjürgens, B. (2005):
Evaluation problemorientierter integrativer Umweltforschung - Hintergründe, Probleme und Ansätze
UFZ-Diskussionspapiere 19/2005
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 15 S. - Schiller, J., Manstetten, R., Klauer, B., Steuer, P., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H. (2005):
Charakteristika und Beurteilungsansätze problemorientierter integrativer Umweltforschung
UFZ-Diskussionspapiere 9/2005
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 18 S. - Schiller, J., Manstetten, R., Klauer, B., Steuer, P., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H., Hansjürgens, B. (2005):
Evaluation interdisziplinärer Programm-Forschung - Ziele, Anlässe und Prozesse
UFZ-Diskussionspapiere 17/2005
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 32 S. - Schiller, J., Manstetten, R., Klauer, B., Steuer, P., Unnerstall, H., Wittmer, H., Hansjürgens, B. (2005):
Charakteristika und Beurteilungsansätze problemorientierter integrativer Umweltforschung
In: Baumgärtner, S., Becker, C. (Hrsg.)
Wissenschaftsphilosophie interdisziplinärer Umweltforschung
Ökologie und Wirtschaftsforschung 59
Metropolis, Marburg, S. 137 - 169 - Wittmer, H., Birner, R. (2005):
Between conservationism, eco-populism and developmentalism - discourses in biodiversity policy in Thailand and Indonesia
CAPRI working paper 37
International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, 29 pp.
2004 (3)
- Birner, R., Wittmer, H. (2004):
On the 'efficient boundaries of the state': the contribution of transaction-costs economics to the analysis of decentralization and devolution in natural resource management
Environ. Plan. C-Gov. Policy 22 (5), 667 - 685 10.1068/c03101s - Dombrowsky, I., Wittmer, H., Rauschmayer, F. (Hrsg., 2004):
Institutionen in Naturschutz und Ressourcenmanagement - Beiträge der neuen Institutionenökonomik
UFZ-Bericht 7/2004
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 163 S. - Wittmer, H., Birner, R. (2004):
The role of the state in biodiversity governance: theoretical considerations and empirical evidence from Guatemala
In: Dombrowsky, I., Wittmer, H., Rauschmayer, F. (eds.)
Institutionen in Naturschutz und Ressourcenmanagement - Beiträge der neuen Institutionenökonomik
UFZ-Bericht 7/2004
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, p. 115 - 134
2003 (4)
- Birner, R., Wittmer, H. (2003):
Using social capital to create political capital: how do local communities gain political influence? A theoretical approach and empirical evidence from Thailand
In: Dolsak, N., Ostrom, E. (eds.)
The commons in the new millennium. Challenges and adaptation
Politics, Science, and the Environment
MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, p. 291 - 334 - Hansjürgens, B., Schiller, J., Wittmer, H. (2003):
HGF: "Sustainable Use of Landscapes" - Programme 5 within the Helmholtz Research Field "Earth and Environment"
GAIA 12 (3), 229 - 231 10.14512/gaia.12.3.16 - Jentsch, A., Wittmer, H., Jax, K., Ring, I., Henle, K. (2003):
Biodiversity - Emerging issues for linking natural and social sciences
GAIA 12 (2), 121 - 128 10.14512/gaia.12.2.9 - Wander, A.E., Birner, R., Wittmer, H. (2003):
Can transaction cost economics explain the different contractual arrangements for the provision of agricultural machinery services? A case study of Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul
Revista Teoria e Evidência Econômica 11 (20), 9 - 26
2002 (2)
- Birner, R., Jell, B., Wittmer, H. (2002):
Coping with co-management: a framework for analysing the co-operation between state and farmers' organisations in protected area management
In: Hagedorn, K. (ed.)
Environmental co-operation and institutional change. Theories and policies for European agriculture
New Horizons in Environmental Economics
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 46 - 65 - Wittmer, H., Berger, T. (2002):
Clean Development Mechanism: Neue Potenziale für regenerative Energien? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer verstärkten Nutzung von Bioenergieträgern in Entwicklungsländern
ZEF Discussion Papers on Development Policy 58
Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung, Bonn, 82 S.
2001 (1)
- Wittmer, H., Berger, T. (2001):
"Small is beautiful" - Bioenergy in developing countries
ZEFnews 8/2001 , 4
2000 (4)
- Wittmer, H. (2000):
Ölboom und Agrarfrage. Kleinbäuerliche Anpassungsreaktionen bei rapidem Wandel in Kolumbien
Dissertation, Georg-August-Universität
Sozialökonomische Schriften zur ruralen Entwicklung
Vauk, Kiel, 194 S. - Wittmer, H., Birner, R. (2000):
Making stakeholder participation work: the role of social science research
In: Wittmer, H., Hassan, Z.E. (eds.)
INCO-DEV international workshop on policy options for the sustainable use of coral reefs and associated ecosystems, Mombasa/Kenia, 19.-22.6.2000
ACP-EU Fisheries Research Report Series 10
European Commission, Brussels, 180 - 190 - Wittmer, H., Hassan, Z.E. (eds., 2000):
Proceedings of the INCO-DEV international workshop on policy options for the sustainable use of coral reefs and associated ecosystems, Mombasa, Kenya, 19-22 June 2000
European Commission, Brussels, 239 pp. - Wittmer, H. (2000):
Policy options for the sustainable use of coral reefs and associated ecosystems
In: Wittmer, H., Hassan, Z.E. (eds.)
INCO-DEV international workshop on policy options for the sustainable use of coral reefs and associated ecosystems, Mombasa/Kenia, 19.-22.6.2000
ACP-EU Fisheries Research Report Series 10
European Commission, Brussels, 1 - 14