Dr. Louisa Prause
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental Politics
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: +49304160254716

Key Research Areas
- just transitions in the agro-food and mobility sectors
- digital technologies and social inequalities in global food systems
- digitalization and labor in the agro-food sector
- land and resource conflicts
- social movements
Curriculum Vitae
Professional Experience
since 10/2024
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, Department of Environmental Politics
Senior Researcher
since 06/2023
Stellenbosch University, Department of Agricultural Economics
Extraordinary Lecturer
Robert Bosch Stiftung
Senior Expert for climate change and land use
2022 − 2023
University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa
Visiting Researcher, Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS)
total of 6 month
11/2019 − 04/2023
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Junior Research Group Biomaterialities
Post-doctoral Researcher
01/2019 − 11/2019
Freie Universität Berlin, Junior Research Group GLOCON
Post-doctoral Researcher
01/2019 − 09/2019
PowerShift e.V.
Policy Advisor for trade and investment
09/2018 − 10/2018
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Visiting Researcher, Institute for Geography und Liu Center for Global Issues
02/2017 − 04/2017
University of York, England
Visiting PhD Student, Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre
2015 − 2016
Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation West Africa office, Dakar, Senegal
Visiting PhD Student
total of 6 months
02/2015 − 12/2018
Freie Universität Berlin, Junior Research Group GLOCON
Pre-doctoral Researcher
07/2011 − 04/2014
Citizens For Europe e.V., Berlin
Policy Advisor and editorial board member
Academic Qualifications
06/2013 − 12/2018
Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr-Institute of political science
PhD Student
04/2007 − 12/2012
Diploma Student
09/2009 − 02/2010
Semester abroard
Selected Publications
Prause, Louisa & Lucia Argüelles (under review): “Weeding the World in 2050”: Co-constructing robotics in weeding practices,
Prause, Louisa (under review): The field as digital factory: Farm labor and the digital revolution in the corporate food regime, Journal of Peasant Studies
Zora Kovacic, Cristina García Casañas, Lucia Argüelles, Paloma Yáñez Serrano, Ramon Ribera-Fumaz, Louisa Prause, and Hug March (2024): The twin green and digital transition: High-level policy or science fiction?,
Dietz, Kristina & Prause, Louisa (2024): Global Just Transition: Anforderungen an eine global gerechte Verkehrswende, Journal für Entwicklungspolitik.
Prause, Louisa (2024): Contesting extractivisms: Challenges for coalition building between protest movements in the mining and agrarian sectors, International Development Policy, Vol 16, 179-200.
Prause, Louisa (2024): „Billiger Diesel ist keine Strategie. Was die Bauern in Europa brauchen“. Tagesspiegel, 23.02.2024
Podcast mit The National (2024): Agricultural expert on how EU farmers' protests might impact UK | The National, 11.03.2024
Interview Stern for the article (2024): “Warum Letzte Generation und Landwirte nicht gemeinsam protestieren“. 30.01.2024
Interview SWR 2 (2024): „Bauern Großdemo in Berlin“. 15.01.2024
Prause, Louisa und Eggert, Alwin (2023): Digitalisation for a socio-ecological transformation in agriculture, in Bits&Bäume Conference Journal.
Boyer, Miriam; Kusche, Franziska; Hackfort, Sarah; Prause, Louisa; Engelbrecht-Bock, Ike (2023): The making of sustainability: ideological strategies, the materiality of nature, and biomass use in the bioeconomy, Journal of Cleaner Production,
Prause, Louisa; Dietz, Kristina: ‘Just energy transition’ from a global perspective (2022): The case of e-mobility, Futures, 141, DOI: 10.1016/j.futures.2022.102987
Prause, Louisa (2022): Food Sovereignty, in: Handbuch Politische Ökologie. Daniela Gottschlich, Sarah Hackfort, Tobias Schmitt und Uta von Winterfeld (Hrsg.). Bielefeld: transcript.
Prause, Louisa (2022): Die nächste landwirtschaftliche Revolution? Digitalisierung und Strukturwandel in der deutschen Landwirtschaft 4.0, In: Ungleiche ländliche Entwicklung: Widersprüche, Konzepte und Perspektiven. Belina, Bern; Kallert, Andreas, Mießner, Michael; Naumann, Matthias. Bielefeld: Transcript.
Prause, Louisa (2021): Digital agriculture and labor: A few challenges for social sustainability, in: Sustainability 13, 5980. DOI: 10.3390/su13115980
Prause, Louisa; Hackfort, Sarah und Lindgren, Margit (2021): Digitalization and the third food regime, in: Agriculture and Human Values, 38, 641–655 DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10161-2.
Prause, Louisa und Le Billon, Philippe (2021): The struggle for land: comparing resistance movements against mining and agrarian projects, Journal for Peasant Studies. 48:5, 1100-1123, DOI: 10.1080/03066150.2020.1762181
Prause, Louisa (2020): Konflikte um die Aneignung von Land. Proteste gegen industrielle Minen und agrarindustrielle Projekte im Senegal. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
Prause, Louisa (2019): Success and failure of protest actors’ framing strategies in conflicts over land and mining in Senegal, in: Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 40: 3 387-403.
Brunner, Jan; Dobelmann, Anna; Kirst, Sarah und Louisa Prause (2019): Wörterbuch der Land- und Rohstoffkonflikte. Transcript: Bielefeld.
Prause, Louisa and Wienkoop, Nina (2017): Who is responsible for corruption”? Framing strategies of social movements in West Africa mobilizing against presidential term amendments, in: Partecipazione e Conflitto, 10:3, 850-873.