Yuanzao Zhu
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental Politics
Working Group Social-science Water Research
Working Group Transformative governance and science-policy-society interfaces
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: + 49 341 60251822

Research Interests
- Ecological and Environmental Economics
- Sustainable Development
- Econometrics
- Financial and Economic Instruments
- Stakeholder Engagement
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2022
Research Associate at UFZ, Department of Environmental Politics
2018 − 2022
Research Associate at UFZ, Department of Economics
2014 − 2015
M.Sc. in Environmental Economics (EEET-EDDEE) at University of Paris-Saclay (Paris, France), Master thesis: Generalisation of Payments for Ecosystem Services in the European Union
2013 − 2015
Engineer degree in environmental management and engineering at AgroParisTech (Paris, France)
Analyst at Biotope, International Department, internship of 6 months on Payments for Ecosystem Services (Mèze, France)
Research assistant at INRA-AgroParisTech, UMR Environment and Arable Crops, internship of 10 weeks on cost-benefit analysis of environmental impacts during the life cycle of biofuels of two generations (Paris, France)
2009 − 2013
B.Sc. in Environmental Science at Fudan University (Shanghai, China)
2011 − 2013
Research assistant (part-time) at Research Center for Urban Eco-planning & Design, Fudan University (Shanghai, China)
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2024 (3)
- Zhu, Y. (2024):
Pune Household Food-Water-Energy Nexus Consumption Survey. Data File Version 1.0.0
GESIS 10.7802/2730 - Zhu, Y., Gawel, E., Klauer, B., Klassert, C. (2024):
Impacts of intermittent water supply on household electricity demand: An econometric analysis for the Pune Metropolitan Region, India
Water Resources and Economics 48 , art. 100250 10.1016/j.wre.2024.100250 - Zhu, Y., Klassert, C., Klauer, B., Gawel, E. (2024):
Understanding the water-energy nexus at the private household level: an economic perspective
Water Econ. Policy , art. 2450010 10.1142/S2382624X24500103
2022 (3)
- Karutz, R., Omann, I., Gorelick, S.M., Klassert, C.J.A., Zozmann, H., Zhu, Y., Kabisch, S., Kindler, A., Figueroa, A.J., Wang, A., Küblböck, K., Grohs, H., Burek, P., Smilovic, M., Klauer, B. (2022):
Capturing stakeholders’ challenges of the food-water-energy nexus - A participatory approach for Pune and the Bhima Basin, India
Sustainability 14 (9), art. 5323 10.3390/su14095323 - Klauer, B., Küblböck, K., Omann, I., Karutz, R., Klassert, C., Zhu, Y., Zozmann, H., Smilovic, M., Talozi, S.A., Figueroa, A.J., Grohs, H., Heilemann, J., Gorelick, S. (2022):
Stakeholder workshops informing system modeling – analyzing the urban food-water-energy nexus in Amman, Jordan
Sustainability 14 (19), art. 11984 10.3390/su141911984 - Omann, I., Küblböck, K., Grohs, H., Gorelick, S., Karutz, R., Klassert, C., Klauer, B., Zhu, Y., Zozmann, H. (2022):
Documentation of Stakeholder and Expert Workshops, and Strategic Policy Thinker Dialogue in Amman, Jordan, September 2021
Austrian Foundation for Development Research (OEFSE), Vienna, 19 pp.
2021 (1)
- Link, A.-C., Zhu, Y., Karutz, R. (2021):
Quantification of resilience considering different migration biographies: A case study of Pune, India
Land 10 (11), art. 1134 10.3390/land10111134