Tatiana Rodríguez, M.A.
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental Politics
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Areas of Expertise & Research
- Sustainable/Regenerative Agriculture
- Knowledge Co-production
- Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research
- Ecosystem Services and Ecological Economics
- Agricultural/Environmental Policy
- Agricultural Innovation and Extension
Curriculum Vitae
Professional experience
since 10/2022
Researcher, Department of Environmental Politics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany
since 10/2019
Doctoral researcher, Research Area 2 “Land Use and Governance“, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany
PhD candidate Agricultural Sciences at Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin), Faculty of Life Sciences, Germany
11/2018 – 03/2019
Research assistant, Industrial University of Santander (UIS), Colombia
10/2017 – 10/2018
Master Fellow, Colombian Corporation for Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA), Colombia
09/2014 – 09/2016
Research assistant, Industrial University of Santander (UIS), Colombia
Since 10/2019
PhD candidate Agricultural Sciences at Humboldt University of Berlin (HU Berlin), Faculty of Life Sciences, Germany
08/2016 – 04/2019
Master in Economics and Development by Industrial University of Santander (UIS), Colombia
08/2014 – 04/2016
Postgraduate Diploma in Conservation of Natural Resources by Pontifical Bolivarian University (UPB), Colombia
08/2008 – 06/2014
Bachelor in Industrial Engineering by Industrial University of Santander (UIS), Colombia
Rodríguez, T., Bonatti, M., Löhr, K., et al (2022) Analyzing influencing factors to scale up agroforestry systems in Colombia: A comparative ex-ante assessment of cacao farming and cattle ranching in two regions. Agroforestry Systems 96:435–446. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-022-00730-1
Del Río Duque, M., Rodríguez, T., Pérez, P., et al (2022) Understanding systemic land use dynamics in conflict-affected territories: The cases of Cesar and Caquetá. PLoS One 17:e0269088. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0269088
Löhr, K., Morales-Muñoz, H., Rodriguez, T., et al (2022) Integrating the concept of peacebuilding in sustainability impact assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment Review 95: 106803. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2022.106803
Bonatti, M., Medina, L., Rodríguez, T., Del Río, M., et al (2022) Social learning for designing and scaling out sustainable land-use systems in conflict-affected areas. Policy Brief No. 70. Cali (Colombia): International Center for Tropical Agriculture 10 p. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/119215
Bonatti, M., Del Rio, M., Rodriguez, T., et al. (2021) Key factors for effective design and implementation of sustainable land use systems to reduce deforestation and enhance peacebuilding in Colombia. Policy Brief July 2021. Cali (Colombia): Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT 8 p. https://hdl.handle.net/10568/114163
Eufemia, L., Pérez, P., Rodriguez, T., et al (2021) Governance in post-conflict scenarios: assessing models of community-based governance in the departments of Caquetá and Cesar (Colombia), Territory, Politics, Governance. https://doi.org/10.1080/21622671.2021.1941231