Dr. Dietmar Schlosser
Dr. Dietmar Schlosser
Group Leader Environmental Mycology
Department of Applied Microbial Ecology
Working Group Environmental Mycology
Helmholtz Centre for
Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany
Phone +49 341 6025 1329
CV / Scientific career
Diploma in Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
PhD, Chair of Technical Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Professional experience
Research Associate, Chair of Technical Microbiology, Institute of Microbiology
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
1994 -2000
Scientific Assistant (C1), Chair of Applied and Ecological Microbiology Institute of Microbiology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Junior Research Group Leader, UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle
since 2005
Group Leader Environmental Mycology, Department of Applied Microbial Ecology (formerly Department of Environmental Microbiology), UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle
Research interests
My field of research covers the biotransformation and degradation of various organic environmental pollutants (synthetic polymers - plastics - and their additives, micro-pollutants, and “classical” mass pollutants) by fungal organisms, as well as fungal conversion and valorisation of complex natural compounds such as lignocellulose.
Based on an ecologically motivated research approach with an application orientation, special emphasis is placed on the biochemistry/enzymology, physiology, ecology and biotechnology of fungi of diverse habitats and lifestyles.
Current research projects and co-operations
TapNature - Tapping nature’s potential for sustainable production and a healthy environment - towards a waste-minimized sustainable bioeconomy (2021 - 2027; Helmholtz research program "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future")
FINEST Microplastics - Use and management of finest particulate anthropogenic material flows in a sustainable circular economy (2022 - 2027; Helmholtz project funded within the Helmholtz Sustainability Challenge)
PUreValue - Waste PU to value - Biodegradation of polyurethanes for polymer upcycling (2024 - 2027; Helmholtz satellite project funded within the Helmholtz Sustainability Challenge; website still under construction)
CLEANER - Fostering pollutant-sink functions of blue-green Infrastructures: towards local urban water cycles in climate-resilient cities (2023 - 2026; PhD college of UFZ's Research Unit Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology)
microPlastics Competence Cluster at UFZ
Completed projects
DeltAdapt - Sustainable adaptation of coastal agro-ecosystems to increased salinity intrusion (BMBF project)
BIOCLEAN - Biotechnological solutions for the degradation of synthetic polymeric materials (EU FP7 project)
MINOTAURUS - Microorganism and enzyme immobilization: novel techniques and approaches for upgraded remediation of underground-, wastewater and soil (EU FP7 project)
SOPHIED - Novel sustainable bioprocesses for the European colour industries (EU FP 6 project)
Adaptive physiological and biochemical reactions caused by ecological relevant substances (DFG graduate school)Other professional activities
- Advisory Board Member of 'Journal of Basic Microbiology'
Publications (2000 - present)
- 2024 (2)
- 2023 (3)
- 2022 (5)
- 2021 (4)
- 2020 (6)
- 2018 (4)
- 2017 (5)
- 2016 (2)
- 2015 (7)
- 2014 (7)
- 2012 (5)
- 2011 (4)
- 2010 (2)
- 2009 (2)
- 2008 (7)
- 2007 (3)
- 2006 (4)
- 2005 (3)
- 2004 (5)
- 2003 (3)
- 2002 (8)
- 2001 (4)
- 2000 (2)
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2024 (2)
- Duong, H.L., Paufler, S., Harms, H., Maskow, T., Schlosser, D. (2024):
Biocalorimetry-aided monitoring of fungal pretreatment of lignocellulosic agricultural residues
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 108 (1), art. 394 10.1007/s00253-024-13234-y - Moeller, L., Knapp, S., Schmauck, S., Otto, P., Schlosser, D., Wick, L.Y., Georgi, A., Friesen, J., Ueberham, M., Trabitzsch, R., Wollschläger, N., Schlink, U., Hofmann, D., Müller, R.A., Mackenzie, K. (2024):
Gründächer im urbanen Raum und ihre Ökosystemleistungen
In: Kabisch, S., Rink, D., Banzhaf, E. (Hrsg.)
Die resiliente Stadt: Konzepte, Konflikte, Lösungen
Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 165 - 180 10.1007/978-3-662-66916-7_11
2023 (3)
- Kang, B.R., Kim, J.J., Hong, J.-K., Schlosser, D., Lee, T.K. (2023):
Continuous operation of fungal wheel reactor based on solid-state fermentation for the removal of pharmaceutical and personal care products
J. Environ. Manage. 331 , art. 117316 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.117316 - Maskow, T., Schlosser, D. (2023):
Lignocellulose-Verwertung durch Pilze mit metabolischer Wärme erfassen
Biospektrum 29 (3), 321 - 323 10.1007/s12268-023-1944-5 - Moeller, L., Trabitzsch, R., Bernhard, K., Schlosser, D., Wollschläger, N., Otto, P. (2023):
Die Gründachforschung in Leipzig
GebäudeGrün 2023 (4), 22 - 25
2022 (5)
- Duong, H.L., Paufler, S., Harms, H., Maskow, T., Schlosser, D. (2022):
Applicability and information value of biocalorimetry for the monitoring of fungal solid-state fermentation of lignocellulosic agricultural by-products
New Biotech. 66 , 97 - 106 10.1016/j.nbt.2021.11.001 - Duong, H.L., Paufler, S., Harms, H., Schlosser, D., Maskow, T. (2022):
Fungal lignocellulose utilization strategies from a bioenergetic perspective: Quantification of related functional traits using biocalorimetry
Microorganisms 10 (8), art. 1675 10.3390/microorganisms10081675 - Pozdnyakova, N., Dubrovskaya, E., Schlosser, D., Kuznetsova, S., Sigida, E., Grinev, V., Golubev, S., Kryuchkova, E., Varese, G.C., Turkovskaya, O. (2022):
Widespread ability of ligninolytic fungi to degrade hazardous organic pollutants as the basis for the self-purification ability of natural ecosystems and for mycoremediation technologies
Appl. Sci. 12 (4), art. 2164 10.3390/app12042164 - Puiggené, Ò., Cárdenas Espinosa, M.J., Schlosser, D., Thies, S., Jehmlich, N., Kappelmeyer, U., Schreiber, S., Wibberg, D., Kalinowski, J., Harms, H., Heipieper, H.J., Eberlein, C. (2022):
Extracellular degradation of a polyurethane oligomer involving outer membrane vesicles and further insights on the degradation of 2,4-diaminotoluene in Pseudomonas capeferrum TDA1
Sci. Rep. 12 , art. 2666 10.1038/s41598-022-06558-0 - Xiong, B.-J., Stanley, C.E., Dusny, C., Schlosser, D., Harms, H., Wick, L.Y. (2022):
pH distribution along growing fungal hyphae at microscale
J. Fungi 8 (6), art. 599 10.3390/jof8060599
2021 (4)
- Heeger, F., Bourne, E.C., Wurzbacher, C., Funke, E., Lipzen, A., He, G., Ng, V., Grigoriev, I.V., Schlosser, D., Monaghan, M.T. (2021):
Evidence for lignocellulose-decomposing enzymes in the genome and transcriptome of the aquatic hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquatica
J. Fungi 7 (10), art. 854 10.3390/jof7100854 - Schlosser, D. (2021):
Past, presence and future of macrofungi applications: old friends, yet unknown strangers
In: Sridhar, K.R., Deshmukh, S.K. (eds.)
Advances in macrofungi: Industrial avenues and prospects
Progress in Mycological Research
CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, p. 1 - 8 - Schlosser, D. (2021):
Cultivation of filamentous fungi for attack on synthetic polymers via biological Fenton chemistry
In: Weber, G., Bornscheuer, U.T., Wei, R. (eds.)
Enzymatic plastic degradation
Methods Enzymol. 648
Elsevier, p. 71 - 94 10.1016/bs.mie.2020.12.006 - Xiong, B.-J., Dusny, C., Wang, L., Appel, J., Lindstaedt, K., Schlosser, D., Harms, H., Wick, L. (2021):
Illuminate the hidden: in vivo mapping of microscale pH in the mycosphere using a novel whole-cell biosensor
ISME Commun. 1 , art. 75 10.1038/s43705-021-00075-3
2020 (6)
- Carstens, L., Cowan, A.R., Seiwert, B., Schlosser, D. (2020):
Biotransformation of phthalate plasticizers and bisphenol A by marine-derived, freshwater, and terrestrial fungi
Front. Microbiol. 11 , art. 317 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00317 - Haghbeen, K., Schlosser, D. (2020):
Laccases in the context of potentially cooperating enzymes
In: Schlosser, D. (ed.)
Laccases in bioremediation and waste valorisation
Microbiology Monographs 33
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, p. 79 - 114 10.1007/978-3-030-47906-0_4 - Mogodiniyai Kasmaei, K., Schlosser, D., Sträuber, H., Kleinsteuber, S. (2020):
Does glucose affect the de-esterification of methyl ferulate by Lactobacillus buchneri?
MicrobiologyOpen 9 (2), e971 10.1002/mbo3.971 - Schlosser, D. (ed., 2020):
Laccases in bioremediation and waste valorisation
Microbiology Monographs 33
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 238 pp. 10.1007/978-3-030-47906-0 - Schlosser, D. (2020):
Biotechnologies for water treatment
In: Filip, J., Cajthaml, T., Najmanová, P., Černík, M., Zbořil, R. (eds.)
Advanced nano-bio technologies for water and soil treatment
Springer, Cham, p. 335 - 343 10.1007/978-3-030-29840-1_15 - Schlosser, D. (2020):
Fungal attack on environmental pollutants representing poor microbial growth substrates
In: Nevalainen, H. (ed.)
Grand challenges in fungal biotechnology
Grand Challenges in Biology and Biotechnology
Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 33 - 57 10.1007/978-3-030-29541-7_2
2018 (4)
- Hofmann, U., Fenu, A., Beffa, T., Beimfohr, C., Weemaes, M., Yu, L., Schrader, S., Moeder, M., Schlosser, D. (2018):
Evaluation of the applicability of the aquatic ascomycete Phoma sp. UHH 5‐1‐03 for the removal of pharmaceutically active compounds from municipal wastewaters using membrane bioreactors
Eng. Life Sci. 18 (7), 510 - 519 10.1002/elsc.201800070 - Jahangiri, E., Thomas, I., Schulze, A., Seiwert, B., Cabana, H., Schlosser, D. (2018):
Characterisation of electron beam irradiation-immobilised laccase for application in wastewater treatment
Sci. Total Environ. 624 , 309 - 322 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.127 - Pozdnyakova, N., Schlosser, D., Dubrovskaya, E., Balandina, S., Sigida, E., Grinev, V., Turkovskaya, O. (2018):
The degradative activity and adaptation potential of the litter-decomposing fungus Stropharia rugosoannulata
World J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 34 , art. 133 10.1007/s11274-018-2516-6 - Schlosser, D. (2018):
Sind konventionelle Kunststoffe mikrobiell abbaubar?
Biospektrum 24 (4), 375 - 378 10.1007/s12268-018-0932-7
2017 (5)
- Harms, H., Wick, L.Y., Schlosser, D. (2017):
The fungal community in organically polluted systems
In: Dighton, J., White, J.F. (eds.)
The fungal community: Its organization and role in the ecosystem
Mycology Series 32
CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, p. 459 - 469 - Jahangiri, E., Seiwert, B., Reemtsma, T., Schlosser, D. (2017):
Laccase- and electrochemically mediated conversion of triclosan: Metabolite formation and influence on antibacterial activity
Chemosphere 168 , 549 - 558 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.11.030 - Krueger, M.C., Seiwert, B., Prager, A., Zhang, S., Abel, B., Harms, H., Schlosser, D. (2017):
Degradation of polystyrene and selected analogues by biological Fenton chemistry approaches: opportunities and limitations
Chemosphere 173 , 520 - 528 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2017.01.089 - Pezzella, C., Macellaro, G., Sannia, G., Raganati, F., Olivieri, G., Marzocchella, A., Schlosser, D., Piscitelli, A. (2017):
Exploitation of Trametes versicolor for bioremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in bioreactors
PLOS One 12 (6), e0178758 10.1371/journal.pone.0178758 - Schlosser, D., Wick, L.Y. (2017):
Cultivation of hydrocarbon-degrading fungi
In: McGenity, T.J., Timmis, K.N., Nogales, B. (eds.)
Hydrocarbon and lipid microbiology protocols. Isolation and cultivation
Springer Protocols Handbooks
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, p. 269 - 281 10.1007/8623_2015_97
2016 (2)
- Hofmann, U., Schlosser, D. (2016):
Biochemical and physicochemical processes contributing to the removal of endocrine-disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals by the aquatic ascomycete Phoma sp. UHH 5-1-03
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 100 (5), 2381 - 2399 10.1007/s00253-015-7113-0 - Krueger, M.C., Bergmann, M., Schlosser, D. (2016):
Widespread ability of fungi to drive quinone redox cycling for biodegradation
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 363 (11), fnw105 10.1093/femsle/fnw105
2015 (7)
- Ardao, I., Agathos, S.N., Ammann, E., Aluenta, F., Corvini, P., Frascari, D., Majone, M., Hochstrat, R., Hofmann, U., Kolvenbach, B., Schlosser, D., Zanaroli, G. (2015):
Immobilization techniques for biocatalysts
In: Hochstrat, R., Wintgens, T., Corvini, P. (eds.)
Immobilized biocatalysts for bioremediation of groundwater and wastewater
IWA Publishing, London, p. 49 - 69 - Hochstrat, R., Schlosser, D., Corvini, P., Wintgens, T. (2015):
In: Hochstrat, R., Wintgens, T., Corvini, P. (eds.)
Immobilised biocatalysts for bioremediation of groundwater and wastewater
IWA Publishing, London, p. 1 - 14 - Krueger, M.C., Harms, H., Schlosser, D. (2015):
Prospects for microbiological solutions to environmental pollution with plastics
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 99 (1), 8857 - 8874 10.1007/s00253-015-6879-4 - Krueger, M.C., Hofmann, U., Moeder, M., Schlosser, D. (2015):
Potential of wood-rotting fungi to attack polystyrene sulfonate and its depolymerisation by Gloeophyllum trabeum via hydroquinone-driven Fenton chemistry
PLOS One 10 (7), e0131773 10.1371/journal.pone.0131773 - Otto, B., Beuchel, C., Liers, C., Reisser, W., Harms, H., Schlosser, D. (2015):
Laccase-like enzyme activities from chlorophycean green algae with potential for bioconversion of phenolic pollutants
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 362 (11), fnv072 10.1093/femsle/fnv072 - Pradhan, A., Seena, S., Schlosser, D., Gerth, K., Helm, S., Dobritzsch, M., Krauss, G.-J., Dobritzsch, D., Pascoal, C., Cássio, F. (2015):
Fungi from metal-polluted streams may have high ability to cope with the oxidative stress induced by copper oxide nanoparticles
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 34 (4), 923 - 930 10.1002/etc.2879 - Zanaroli, G., Beck, H., Beimfohr, C., Cichocka, D., Corvini, P., Frascari, D., Hofmann, U., Kästner, M., Macek, T., Müller, J.A., Uhlik, O., Schlosser, D. (2015):
Analytical and monitoring methods
In: Hochstrat, R., Wintgens, T., Corvini, P. (eds.)
Immobilized biocatalysts for bioremediation of groundwater and wastewater
IWA Publishing, London, p. 15 - 48
2014 (7)
- Fester, T., Giebler, J., Wick, L.Y., Schlosser, D., Kästner, M. (2014):
Plant–microbe interactions as drivers of ecosystem functions relevant for the biodegradation of organic contaminants
Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 27 , 168 - 175 10.1016/j.copbio.2014.01.017 - Jahangiri, E., Reichelt, S., Thomas, I., Hausmann, K., Schlosser, D., Schulze, A. (2014):
Electron beam-induced immobilization of laccase on porous supports for waste water treatment applications
Molecules 19 (8), 11860 - 11882 10.3390/molecules190811860 - Otto, B., Schlosser, D. (2014):
First laccase in green algae: purification and characterization of an extracellular phenol oxidase from Tetracystis aeria
Planta 240 (6), 1225 - 1236 10.1007/s00425-014-2144-9 - Pradhan, A., Seena, S., Dobritzsch, D., Helm, S., Gerth, K., Dobritzsch, M., Krauss, G.-J., Schlosser, D., Pascoal, C., Cássio, F. (2014):
Physiological responses to nanoCuO in fungi from non-polluted and metal-polluted streams
Sci. Total Environ. 466–467 , 556 - 563 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.073 - Schlosser, D., Krauss, G.-J. (2014):
Sensing of pollutant effects and bioremediation
In: Krauss, G.-J., Nies, D.H. (eds.)
Ecological biochemistry : environmental and interspecies interactions
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, p. 333 - 340 - Singh, S., Harms, H., Schlosser, D. (2014):
Screening of ecologically diverse fungi for their potential to pretreat lignocellulosic bioenergy feedstock
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 98 (7), 3355 - 3370 10.1007/s00253-014-5563-4 - Solé, M., Schlosser, D. (2014):
Xenobiotics form human impacts
In: Krauss, G.-J., Nies, D.H. (eds.)
Ecological biochemistry: Environmental and interspecies interactions
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, p. 259 - 275
2012 (5)
- Hommes, G., Gasser, C.A., Howald, C.B.C., Goers, R., Schlosser, D., Shahgaldian, P., Corvini, P.F.-X. (2012):
Production of a robust nanobiocatalyst for municipal wastewater treatment
Bioresour. Technol. 115 (July 2012), 8 - 15 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.11.129 - Junghanns, C., Neumann, J.F., Schlosser, D. (2012):
Application of the aquatic fungus Phoma sp. (DSM22425) in bioreactors for the treatment of textile dye model effluents
J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 87 (9), 1276 - 1283 10.1002/jctb.3797 - Libardi jr., N., Gern, R.M.M., Furlan, S.A., Schlosser, D. (2012):
Laccase production by the aquatic ascomycete Phoma sp. UHH 5-1-03 and the white rot basidiomycete Pleurotus ostreatus DSM 1833 during submerged cultivation on banana peels and enzyme applicability for the removal of endocrine-disrupting chemicals
Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 167 (5), 1144 - 1156 10.1007/s12010-012-9601-3 - Singh, S., Schlosser, D. (2012):
Fungal pre-treatment of lignocellulosic feedstock to improve biogas production
1st UFZ Energy Days 2012: 4-5 April 2012. Book of abstracts
UFZ Report 6/2012
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, p. 9 - Solé, M., Müller, I., Pecyna, M.J., Fetzer, I., Harms, H., Schlosser, D. (2012):
Differential regulation by organic compounds and heavy metals of multiple laccase genes in the aquatic hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquatica
Appl. Environ. Microb. 78 (13), 4732 - 4739 10.1128/AEM.00635-12
2011 (4)
- Goodman, V., Müller, A., Gröger-Arndt, H., Schlosser, D., Jehmlich, N., Treudler, R., Lehmann, I., Simon, J.-C., von Bergen, M. (2011):
Identification of spore specific allergen candidates from Penicillium chrysogenum
Journal of Integrated OMICS 1 (2), 272 - 279 10.5584/jiomics.v1i2.75 - Harms, H., Schlosser, D., Wick, L.Y. (2011):
Untapped potential: exploiting fungi in bioremediation of hazardous chemicals
Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 9 (3), 177 - 192 10.1038/nrmocro2519 - Krauss, G.-J., Solé, M., Krauss, G., Schlosser, D., Wesenberg, D., Bärlocher, F. (2011):
Fungi in freshwaters: ecology, physiology and biochemical potential
FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 35 (4), 620 - 651 10.1111/j.1574-6976.2011.00266.x - Schlosser, D. (2011):
Pilze im Süßwasser und organische Umweltschadstoffe [Pollutant degradation: Freshwater fungi and organic environmental pollutants]
Biospektrum 17 (7), 745 - 748 10.1007/s12268-011-0120-5
2010 (2)
- Galliker, P., Hommes, G., Schlosser, D., Corvini, P.F.-X., Shahgaldian, P. (2010):
Laccase-modified silica nanoparticles efficiently catalyze the transformation of phenolic compounds
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 349 (1), 98 - 105 10.1016/j.jcis.2010.05.031 - Otto, B., Schlosser, D., Reisser, W. (2010):
First description of a laccase-like enzyme in soil algae
Arch. Microbiol. 192 (9), 759 - 768 10.1007/s00203-010-0603-7
2009 (2)
- Junghanns, C., Pecyna, M.J., Böhm, D., Jehmlich, N., Martin, C., von Bergen, M., Schauer, F., Hofrichter, M., Schlosser, D. (2009):
Biochemical and molecular genetic characterisation of a novel laccase produced by the aquatic ascomycete Phoma sp. UHH 5-1-03
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 84 (6), 1095 - 1105 10.1007/s00253-009-2028-2 - Martin, C., Corvini, P.F.X., Vinken, R., Junghanns, C., Krauss, G., Schlosser, D. (2009):
Quantification of the influence of extracellular laccase and intracellular reactions on the isomer-specific biotransformation of the xenoestrogen technical nonylphenol by the aquatic hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquatica
Appl. Environ. Microb. 75 (13), 4398 - 4409 10.1128/aem.00139-09
2008 (7)
- Jäger, I., Hafner, C., Hercher, C., Sannia, G., Pezzella, C., Mois, E., Cludts, M., Junghanns, C., Schlosser, D., Prunty, C., Jarosz-Wilkołazka, A., Olszewska, A., Yesiladali, K., Enaud, E., Vanhulle, S. (2008):
Possibilities and limitations of the investigation of colored samples in the luminescent bacteria test
Melliand-China 11/2008 , 48 - 54 - Jäger, I., Hafner, C., Hercher, C., Sannia, G., Pezzella, C., Mois, E., Cludts, M., Junghanns, C., Schlosser, D., Prunty, C., Jarosz-Wilkołazka, A., Olszewska, A., Yesiladali, K., Enaud, E., Vanhulle, S. (2008):
Possibilities and limitations of the investigation of colored samples in the luminescent bacteria test
Melliand Textilberichte 10/2008 , E119 - E122 - Junghanns, C., Krauss, G., Schlosser, D. (2008):
Potential of aquatic fungi derived from diverse freshwater environments to decolourise synthetic azo and anthraquinone dyes
Bioresour. Technol. 99 (5), 1225 - 1235 10.1016/j.biortech.2007.02.015 - Junghanns, C., Parra, R., Keshavarz, T., Schlosser, D. (2008):
Towards higher laccase activities produced by aquatic ascomycetous fungi through combination of elicitors and an alternative substrate
Eng. Life Sci. 8 (3), 277 - 285 10.1002/elsc.200800042 - Schlosser, D., Solé, M., Wesenberg, D., Geyer, R., Krauss, G. (2008):
Fungal responses to organic pollutants
In: Sridhar, S., Bärlocher, F., Hyde, K.D. (eds.)
Novel techniques and ideas in mycology
Fungal Diversity Research Series 20
Fungal Diversity Press, Hong Kong, p. 119 - 148 - Solé, M., Kellner, H., Brock, S., Buscot, F., Schlosser, D. (2008):
Extracellular laccase activity and transcript levels of putative laccase genes during removal of the xenoestrogen technical nonylphenol by the aquatic hyphomycete Clavariopsis aquatica
FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 288 (1), 47 - 54 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2008.01333.x - Vogt, C., Cyrus, E., Herklotz, I., Schlosser, D., Bahr, A., Herrmann, S., Richnow, H.-H., Fischer, A. (2008):
Evaluation of toluene degradation pathways by two-dimensional stable isotope fractionation
Environ. Sci. Technol. 42 (21), 7793 - 7800 10.1021/es8003415
2007 (3)
- Liers, C., Ullrich, R., Pecyna, M., Schlosser, D., Hofrichter, M. (2007):
Production, purification and partial enzymatic and molecular characterization of a laccase from the wood-rotting ascomycete Xylaria polymorpha
Enzyme Microb. Technol. 41 (6-7), 785 - 793 10.1016/j.enzmictec.2007.07.002 - Martin, C., Moeder, M., Daniel, X., Krauss, G., Schlosser, D. (2007):
Biotransformation of the polycyclic musks HHCB and AHTN and metabolite formation by fungi occurring in freshwater environments
Environ. Sci. Technol. 41 (15), 5395 - 5402 10.1021/es0711462 - Martin, C., Pecyna, M., Kellner, H., Jehmlich, N., Junghanns, C., Benndorf, D., von Bergen, M., Schlosser, D. (2007):
Purification and biochemical characterization of a laccase from the aquatic fungus Myrioconium sp. UHH 1-13-18-4 and molecular analysis of the laccase-encoding gene
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 77 (3), 613 - 624 10.1007/s00253-007-1207-2
2006 (4)
- Augustin, T., Schlosser, D., Baumbach, R., Schmidt, J., Grancharov, K., Krauss, G., Krauss, G.-J. (2006):
Biotransformation of 1-naphthol by a strictly aquatic fungus
Curr. Microbiol. 52 (3), 216 - 220 10.1007/s00284-005-0239-z - Corvini, P.F.X., Schäffer, A., Schlosser, D. (2006):
Microbial degradation of nonylphenol and other alkylphenols-our evolving view
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 72 (2), 223 - 243 10.1007/s00253-006-0476-5 - Jarosz-Wilkołazka, A., Grąz, M., Braha, B., Menge, S., Schlosser, D., Krauss, G.-J. (2006):
Species-specific Cd-stress response in the white rot basidiomycetes Abortiporus biennis and Cerrena unicolor
Biometals 19 (1), 39 - 49 10.1007/s10534-005-4599-4 - Moeder, M., Martin, C., Schlosser, D., Harynuk, J., Górecki, T. (2006):
Separation of technical 4-nonylphenols and their biodegradation products by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry
J. Chromatogr. A 1107 (1-2), 233 - 239 10.1016/j.chroma.2005.12.092
2005 (3)
- Junghanns, C., Moeder, M., Krauss, G., Martin, C., Schlosser, D. (2005):
Degradation of the xenoestrogen nonylphenol aquatic fungi and their laccases
Microbiology-(UK) 151 (1), 45 - 57 10.1099/mic.0.27431-0 - Krauss, G., Schlosser, D., Krauss, G.-J. (2005):
Aquatic fungi in heavy metal and organically polluted habitats
In: Deshmukh, S.K., Rai, M.K. (eds.)
Biodiversity of fungi: Their role in human life
Science Publishers, Enfield, NH, p. 221 - 246 - Strauch, G., Bittkau, A., Schlosser, D., Petzoldt, H., Sbjeschni, A. (2005):
Assessing the pollution of water protection areas and river banks along Elbe and Mulde rivers after the flood event in August 2002
Acta Hydrochim. Hydrobiol. 33 (5), 418 - 429 10.1002/aheh.200400595
2004 (5)
- Balcke, G.U., Turunen, L.P., Geyer, R., Wenderoth, D.F., Schlosser, D. (2004):
Chlorobenzene biodegradation under consecutive aerobic-anaerobic conditions
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 49 (1), 109 - 120 10.1016/j.femsec.2003.08.014 - Bittkau, A., Geyer, R., Bhatt, M., Schlosser, D. (2004):
Enhancement of the biodegradability of aromatic groundwater contaminants
Toxicology 205 , 201 - 210 10.1016/j.tox.2004.06.052 - Dermietzel, J., Strenge, G., Strauch, G., Schlosser, D., Bittkau, A. (2004):
Die Grundwassermessstelle als Mikrokosmos - ein Ansatz zur In-situ-Abschätzung des NA-Potenzials
Grundwasser 9 (2), 89 - 97 10.1007/s00767-004-0030-2 - Kramer, C., Kreisel, G., Fahr, K., Käßbohrer, J., Schlosser, D. (2004):
Degradation of 2-fluorophenol by brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum striatum: evidence for the involvement of extracellular Fenton chemistry
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 64 (3), 387 - 395 10.1007/s00253-003-1445-x - Strauch, G., Sbjeschni, A., Bittkau, A., Schlosser, D. (2004):
Schadstofftransport in überfluteten Trinkwassereinzugsgebieten
In: Geller, W., Ockenfeld, K., Böhme, M., Knöchel, A. (Hrsg.)
Schadstoffbelastung nach dem Elbe-Hochwasser 2002: Endbericht des Ad-hoc-Projekts "Schadstoffuntersuchungen nach dem Hochwasser vom August 2002 - Ermittlung der Gefährdungspotentiale an Elbe und Mulde"
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Magdeburg, S. 305 - 313
2003 (3)
- Bittkau, A., Jaeckel, P., Krauss, G., Schlosser, D. (2003):
Assessment of contaminated sites for their microbial potential to bind heavy metals
In: Foth, H. (ed.)
Risk assessment and management of large contamination sites. Gefahrenabschätzung und Handhabung großflächiger Kontaminationen. Proceedingsband zum Kongress an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 22. - 24. Februar 2002
p. 24 - Krauß, G., Schlosser, D., Sridhar, K.R., Wennrich, R., Möder, M., Strauch, G., Neu, T.R., Jain, D. (2003):
Wasserpilze und Umweltschadstoffe
Forschen für die Umwelt 4
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 50 - 57 - Strauch, G., Sbjeschni, A., Bittkau, A., Schlosser, D. (2003):
Belastung der Sedimente in Trinkwassereinzugsgebieten von Elbe und Mulde
Schadstoffbelastung im Mulde- und Elbe-Einzugsgebiet nach dem Augusthochwasser 2002,
Ergebnisse und Forschungsbedarf, Tagungsband. Statusseminar des BMBF-Ad-hoc-Verbundprojektes, Freiberg, 27.-29. August 2003
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Magdeburg, 166 - 171
2002 (8)
- Bittkau, A., Geyer, R., Bhatt, M., Schlosser, D. (2002):
Can Fenton chemistry and microbial processes be coupled to degrade chlorinated groundwater contaminants?
International Workshop "Sustainable Resource Management (SUREMA)", Halle/Saale, 23.-27.11.2002
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/S., - Geyer, R., Bittkau, A., Gan, M., Schlosser, D., White, D.C. (2002):
Advantages of lipid biomarkers in the assessment of environmental microbial communities in contaminated aquifers and surface waters
In: Schmitz, G.H. (ed.)
ICWRER 2002. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Dresden, Germany, 22-25 July 2002. Vol. 2. Matter and particle transport in surface and subsurface flow; Ecosystem research
Beiträge zu Abfallwirtschaft, Altlasten 28
Forum für Abfallwirtschaft und Altlasten e.V., Pirna, p. 163 - 167 - Geyer, R., Richnow, H.H., Schlosser, D. (2002):
Quantification of polymerisation processes during the oxidative degradation of 14C-labelled chlorophenols
Water Air Soil Poll.: Focus 2 (3), 153 - 159 10.1023/A:1019935108751 - Krauss, G., Sridhar, K.R., Möder, M., Strauch, G., Schlosser, D. (2002):
Assessment of water contaminants and the microbial potential in urban aquatic environments
In: Eickoff, C.V., van Aggelen, G.C., Niimi, A.J. (eds.)
Proceedings of the 29th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, October 21-23, 2002
Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 2438
Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), Ottawa, 110 - 111 - Nitzsche, H.M., Schlosser, D., Knappe, S., Gläßer, W., Harting, P. (2002):
Studies of the development of carbon dioxide in a lysimeter
In: Kühl, S., Voss, M., Brabec, S., Böye, S., Deutsch, B., Hoffmann, C., Fellerhof, C., Liskow, I. (eds.)
Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope 2002, Warnemünde, 25.-27.9.2002 - Schlosser, D. (2002):
The environmental significance of oxidoreductase enzymes
International Workshop "Sustainable Resource Management (SUREMA)", Halle/Saale, 23.-27.11.2002
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/S., - Schlosser, D., Höfer, C. (2002):
Laccase-catalyzed oxidation of Mn2+ in presence of natural Mn3+ chelators as a novel source of H2O2 and its impact on manganese peroxidase
Appl. Environ. Microb. 68 (7), 3514 - 3521 10.1128/AEM.68.7.3514-3521.2002 - Schlosser, D. (2002):
Direct oxidation of Mn2+ by fungal laccases
In: Kruus, K., Tron, T. (eds.)
Proceedings of the International Workshop "Laccases: from structure-activity studies to applications", Cassis/France, 26.-28.1.2002
2001 (4)
- Dermietzel, J., Schlosser, D., Strenge, G., Bittkau, A. (2001):
Die Grundwassermeßstelle als Mikrokosmos - Ein Ansatz zur in situ-Abschätzung des N.A.-Potentials
3. DECHEMA Symposium "Natural Attenuation - Umsetzung, Finanzierung, Perspektiven", Frankfurt/M., 4.-5.12.2001
87 - 88 - Geyer, R., Richnow, H.H., Schlosser, D. (2001):
Biotransformation von Chlorphenolen durch holz- und streuabbauende Basidiomyceten und ihre extrazellulären oxidativen Enzyme
19. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Leipzig, 13.-15.3.2001 - Geyer, R., Richnow, H.H., Schlosser, D. (2001):
Quantification of polymerisation processes during the oxidative degradation of 14C-labelled chlorophenols
International Symposium on Remediation of Water Pollution by Acid Inorganic and Aromatic Chlorinated Compounds, Leipzig, 21.-23.3.2001 - Schlosser, D. (2001):
Extracellular radical-based mechanisms involved in degradation of xenobiotics by lignocellulose-degrading basidiomycetes
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Mykologie und Lichenologie, Halle, 20.-23.9.2001
2000 (2)
- Schlosser, D., Fahr, K., Karl, W., Wetzstein, H.G. (2000):
Hydroxylated metabolites of 2,4-dichlorophenol imply a Fenton-type reaction in Gloeophyllum striatum
Appl. Environ. Microb. 66 (6), 2479 - 2483 10.1128/AEM.66.6.2479-2483.2000 - Schlosser, D., Grey, R., Höfer, C., Fahr, K. (2000):
Degradation of chlorophenols by basidiomycetes
In: Wise, D.L., Trantolo, D., Cichon, E.J., Inyang, H.I., Stottmeister, U. (eds.)
Bioremediation of contaminated soils
Environmental Science and Pollution Control 22
Marcel Dekker, New York, p. 393 - 408