
Publications 2024


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Text Publication

Accepted / in press (4)

to index

Articles in ISI listed journals (31)

to index

Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (1)

to index

Edited books (1)

to index

Book chapters (7)

  • Böttcher, M.E., Mallast, U., Massmann, G., Moosdorf, N., Müller-Petke, M., Waska, H. (2024):
    Coastal–groundwater interfaces (submarine groundwater discharge)
    In: Krause, S., Hannah, D.M., Grimm, N.B. (eds.)
    Ecohydrological interfaces
    Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, p. 123 - 147 10.1002/9781119489702.ch6
  • Bucher, A., Görke, U.-J., Grimm, R., Hastreiter, N., Kolditz, O., Lubashevsky, K., Randow, J., Richter, S., Rink, K., Schönfelder, S., Shao, H., Vienken, T., Zschoke, H.K. (2024):
    Einführung in das Verbundvorhaben Easyquart
    In: Bucher, A., Shao, H., Grimm, R., Schönfelder, S., Randow, J., Vienken, T., Rink, K., Zschoke, K. (Hrsg.)
    EASyQuart - Energieeffiziente Auslegung und Planung dezentraler Versorgungsnetze von Stadtquartieren. Heizen und Kühlen unter Nutzung oberflächennaher geologischer Ressourcen
    Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 1 - 43 10.1007/978-3-662-67140-5_1
  • Hastreiter, N., Henker, S., Pohle, M., Werban, U., Vienken, T. (2024):
    Erkundung und Monitoring auf Quartiersebene
    In: Bucher, A., Shao, H., Grimm, R., Schönfelder, S., Randow, J., Vienken, T., Rink, K., Zschoke, K. (Hrsg.)
    EASyQuart - Energieeffiziente Auslegung und Planung dezentraler Versorgungsnetze von Stadtquartieren. Heizen und Kühlen unter Nutzung oberflächennaher geologischer Ressourcen
    Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 53 - 84 10.1007/978-3-662-67140-5_3
  • Henker, S., Hastreiter, N., Randow, J., Rink, K., Satke, P., Vienken, T., Zschoke, H.K. (2024):
    Standorte und Standortmodelle
    In: Bucher, A., Shao, H., Grimm, R., Schönfelder, S., Randow, J., Vienken, T., Rink, K., Zschoke, K. (Hrsg.)
    EASyQuart - Energieeffiziente Auslegung und Planung dezentraler Versorgungsnetze von Stadtquartieren. Heizen und Kühlen unter Nutzung oberflächennaher geologischer Ressourcen
    Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 45 - 52 10.1007/978-3-662-67140-5_2
  • Liu, G., Devlin, J.F., Dietrich, P., Butler jr., J.J. (2024):
    High-resolution characterization of the shallow unconsolidated subsurface using direct push, nuclear magnetic resonance, and groundwater tracing technologies
    In: García-Rincón, J., Gatsios, E., Lenhard, R., Atekwana, E.A., Naidu, R. (eds.)
    Advances in the characterisation and remediation of sites contaminated with Petroleum Hydrocarbons
    Environmental Contamination Remediation and Management
    Springer Nature, Cham, p. 171 - 212 10.1007/978-3-031-34447-3_7
  • Randow, J., Bucher, A., Görke, U.-J., Grimm, R., Hastreiter, N., Kolditz, O., Lubashevsky, K., Richter, S., Rink, K., Schönfelder, S., Shao, H., Vienken, T., Zschoke, H.K. (2024):
    Fazit und Ausblick
    In: Bucher, A., Shao, H., Grimm, R., Schönfelder, S., Randow, J., Vienken, T., Rink, K., Zschoke, K. (Hrsg.)
    EASyQuart - Energieeffiziente Auslegung und Planung dezentraler Versorgungsnetze von Stadtquartieren. Heizen und Kühlen unter Nutzung oberflächennaher geologischer Ressourcen
    Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 275 - 283 10.1007/978-3-662-67140-5_8
  • Rink, K., Grimm, R., Hastreiter, N., Kroll, P., Remmler, P., Shao, H., Zschoke, H.K. (2024):
    In: Bucher, A., Shao, H., Grimm, R., Schönfelder, S., Randow, J., Vienken, T., Rink, K., Zschoke, K. (Hrsg.)
    EASyQuart - Energieeffiziente Auslegung und Planung dezentraler Versorgungsnetze von Stadtquartieren. Heizen und Kühlen unter Nutzung oberflächennaher geologischer Ressourcen
    Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 239 - 273 10.1007/978-3-662-67140-5_7
to index

Reports (3)

to index

Conference papers (2)

to index

Preprints (6)

to index

Software Publication (2)

  • Brinckmann, N., Alhaj Taha, K., Kuhnert, T., Abbrent, M., Becker, W., Bohring, H., Breier, J., Bumberger, J., Becker, D., Eder, T., Gransee, F., Hanisch, M., Lorenz, C., Moorthy, R., Nendel, L.J., Pongratz, E., Remmler, P., Rosin, V., Schaeffer, M., Schaldach, M., Schäfer, D., Sielaff, D., Ziegner, N. (2024):
    Sensor Management System - SMS
    Version: 1.16.1 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.13329926
  • Harpke, A., Brünecke, J., Bohring, H., Grescho, V., Haase, K., Kühn, E., Kuhnert, T., Musche, M., Petruschke, S., Schnicke, T., Sielaff, D., Strätling, J., Bumberger, J. (2024):
    BioMe - The butterfly monitoring Germany usecase
    Version: 0.1 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.11190783
to index

Data Publication (1)

to index

Publications 2023


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (37)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (5)

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Book chapters (5)

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Reports (1)

to index

Conference papers (4)

to index

Data Publication (21)

to index

Software Publication (9)

to index

Publications 2022


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (33)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (2)

to index

Book chapters (8)

  • Borg, E., Truckenbrodt, S.C., Lausch, A., Dietrich, P., Schmidt, K. (2022):
    Remote sensing
    In: Kresse, W., Danko, D. (eds.)
    Springer handbook of geographic information
    Springer Handbooks (SHB)
    Springer Nature, Cham, p. 231 - 280 10.1007/978-3-030-53125-6_10
  • Bubenzer, O., Casselmann, C., Faßbinder, J., Fischer, P., Forbriger, M., Hecht, S., Lambers, K., Linzen, S., Mächtle, B., Schlütz, F., Siart, C., Sonnemann, T.F., Stolz, C., Vött, A., Werban, U., Werther, L., Zielhofer, C. (2022):
    In: Stolz, C., Miller, C.E. (Hrsg.)
    Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 255 - 286 10.1007/978-3-662-62774-7_14
  • Greinert, J., Henkel, D., Dransch, D., Bouwer, L.M., Brix, H., Dietrich, P., Frickenhaus, S., Petzold, A., Rechid, D., Ruhnke, R., zu Castell, W. (2022):
    Lessons learned in the Digital Earth project
    In: Bouwer, L.M., Dransch, D., Ruhnke, R., Rechid, D., Frickenhaus, S., Greinert, J. (eds.)
    Integrating data science and earth science. Challenges and solutions
    SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences
    Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 145 - 148 10.1007/978-3-030-99546-1_9
  • Koedel, U., Dietrich, P., Fischer, P., Greinert, J., Bundke, U., Burwicz-Galerne, E., Haas, A., Herrarte, I., Haroon, A., Jegen, M., Kalbacher, T., Kennert, M., Korf, T., Kunkel, R., Kwok, C.Y., Mahnke, C., Nixdorf, E., Paasche, H., González Ávalos, E., Petzold, A., Rohs, S., Wagner, R., Walter, A. (2022):
    The Digital Earth SMART monitoring concept and tools
    In: Bouwer, L.M., Dransch, D., Ruhnke, R., Rechid, D., Frickenhaus, S., Greinert, J. (eds.)
    Integrating data science and earth science. Challenges and solutions
    SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences
    Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 85 - 120 10.1007/978-3-030-99546-1_6
  • Morsy, M., Dietrich, P., Scholten, T., Michaelides, S., Borg, E., Sherief, Y. (2022):
    The potential of using satellite-related precipitation data sources in arid regions
    In: Michaelides, S. (ed.)
    Precipitation science. Measurement, remote sensing, microphysics and modeling
    Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 201 - 237 10.1016/B978-0-12-822973-6.00001-9
  • Penzel, S., Rudolph, M., Borsdorf, H., Kanoun, O. (2022):
    Prototypical investigation of the use of fuzzy measurement data in a case study in water analysis
    In: Ganzha, M., Maciaszek, L., Paprzycki, M., Ślęzak, D. (eds.)
    Position Papers of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems
    Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems 31
    Polish Information Processing Society, Warsaw, p. 27 - 33 10.15439/2022F125
  • Ruhnke, R., Rechid, D., Dransch, D., Bouwer, L.M., Brix, H., Dietrich, P., Frickenhaus, S., Greinert, J., Henkel, D., Petzold, A., zu Castell, W. (2022):
    The Digital Earth project: Focus and agenda
    In: Bouwer, L.M., Dransch, D., Ruhnke, R., Rechid, D., Frickenhaus, S., Greinert, J. (eds.)
    Integrating data science and earth science. Challenges and solutions
    SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences
    Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 7 - 16 10.1007/978-3-030-99546-1_2
  • zu Castell, W., Ruhnke, R., Bouwer, L.M., Brix, H., Dietrich, P., Dransch, D., Frickenhaus, S., Greinert, J., Petzold, A. (2022):
    Data science and Earth system science
    In: Bouwer, L.M., Dransch, D., Ruhnke, R., Rechid, D., Frickenhaus, S., Greinert, J. (eds.)
    Integrating data science and earth science. Challenges and solutions
    SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences
    Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 1 - 6 10.1007/978-3-030-99546-1_1
to index

Reports (2)

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Conference papers (3)

to index

Data Publication (9)

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Software Publication (1)

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Publications 2021


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (44)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (1)

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Book chapters (5)

to index

Conference papers (7)

to index

Publications 2020


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (30)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (5)

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Edited journals (1)

to index

Book chapters (1)

to index

Report articles (5)

  • Berndes, G., Cowie, A., Thrän, D. (2020):
    Recommendation and next steps
    In: Thrän, D., Cowie, A.L., Berndes, G. (eds.)
    Roles of bioenergy in energy system pathways towards a “well-below-2-degrees-Celsius (WB2)” world. Workshop report and synthesis of presented studies. A Strategic Inter-Task Study carried out with cooperation between IEA Bioenergy Tasks 40, 43, 44 and 45
    IEA Bioenergy, p. 34 - 35
  • Borchers, M., Cherubini, F., Cowie, A., Egnell, G., Hamelin, L., Harris, Z., Kollai, H., Lodato, C., Röder, M., Thrän, D. (2020):
    Summary of the workshop
    In: Thrän, D., Cowie, A.L., Berndes, G. (eds.)
    Roles of bioenergy in energy system pathways towards a “well-below-2-degrees-Celsius (WB2)” world. Workshop report and synthesis of presented studies. A Strategic Inter-Task Study carried out with cooperation between IEA Bioenergy Tasks 40, 43, 44 and 45
    IEA Bioenergy, p. 14 - 19
  • Cowie, A., Berndes, G., Thrän, D. (2020):
    Translating research into practice
    In: Thrän, D., Cowie, A.L., Berndes, G. (eds.)
    Roles of bioenergy in energy system pathways towards a “well-below-2-degrees-Celsius (WB2)” world. Workshop report and synthesis of presented studies. A Strategic Inter-Task Study carried out with cooperation between IEA Bioenergy Tasks 40, 43, 44 and 45
    IEA Bioenergy, p. 31 - 34
  • Kollai, H., Fritsche, U., Thrän, D. (2020):
    In: Thrän, D., Cowie, A.L., Berndes, G. (eds.)
    Roles of bioenergy in energy system pathways towards a “well-below-2-degrees-Celsius (WB2)” world. Workshop report and synthesis of presented studies. A Strategic Inter-Task Study carried out with cooperation between IEA Bioenergy Tasks 40, 43, 44 and 45
    IEA Bioenergy, p. 12 - 14
  • Millinger, M. (2020):
    Techno-economic analysis and transformation pathways of the energetic biomass potential in Germany
    In: Thrän, D., Cowie, A.L., Berndes, G. (eds.)
    Roles of bioenergy in energy system pathways towards a “well-below-2-degrees-Celsius (WB2)” world. Workshop report and synthesis of presented studies. A Strategic Inter-Task Study carried out with cooperation between IEA Bioenergy Tasks 40, 43, 44 and 45
    IEA Bioenergy, p. 89 - 92
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Conference papers (3)

to index

Publications 2019


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (21)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (2)

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Edited journals (1)

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Book chapters (3)

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Conference papers (5)

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Publications 2018


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (23)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (3)

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Report articles (1)

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Edited reports (1)

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Conference papers (4)

to index

Publications 2017


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (21)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (1)

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Book chapters (16)

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Report articles (1)

  • Moeller, L., Bauer, A., Marx, L., Schmidt, S., Pörschmann, J., Stärk, H.-J., Zehnsdorf, A. (2017):
    Die Ernte aus dem Wasser und die weitere Nutzung
    In: Moeller, L., Zehnsdorf, A. (Hrsg.)
    Zum Thema Wasserpflanzenmanagement : Projekt AquaMak ; BMEL-Projekt 22403013
    Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, S. 15 - 23
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Edited reports (1)

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Qualification assignments (2)

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Conference papers (2)

to index

Publications 2016


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (23)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (1)

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Book chapters (2)

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Conference papers (2)

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Publications 2015


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (17)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (4)

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Book chapters (2)

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Conference papers (9)

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Publications 2014


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (29)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (3)

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Book chapters (3)

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Qualification assignments (1)

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Conference papers (7)

to index

Publications 2013


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (32)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (3)

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Book chapters (1)

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Report articles (3)

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Conference papers (11)

to index

Publications 2012


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (31)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (1)

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Edited books (1)

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Book chapters (5)

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Report articles (4)

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Conference papers (6)

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Publications 2011


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (17)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (2)

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Book chapters (4)

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Qualification assignments (1)

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Publications 2010


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (12)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (3)

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Books (1)

  • Leven, C., Weiß, H., Koschitzky, H.-P., Blum, P., Ptak, T., Dietrich, P. (2010):
    Schriftenreihe Altlastenforum Baden-Württemberg 15
    Schweizerbart, Stuttgart, 36 S.
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Book chapters (3)

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Conference papers (14)

to index

Publications 2009


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (8)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (3)

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Book chapters (1)

  • Werban, U., Nuesch, A.-K., Pohle, M., van Egmond, F.M., Wunderlich, T., Al Hagrey, S.A., Dietrich, P. (2009):
    iSOIL - Integration of geophysical technologies in measuring platforms
    Near surface 2009 - 15th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (EAGE-NSG), Dublin, Ireland, 7-9 September 2009
    European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), Houten, p. 6784
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Conference papers (4)

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Publications 2008


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (8)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (4)

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Book chapters (1)

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Reports (2)

  • Alcamo, J., Andreae, M., Akhtar-Schuster, M., Borchardt, D., Callies, U., Cramer, W., Görg, C., Hansjürgens, B., Heimann, M., Helbig, G., Jacob, D., Jürgens, N., Karte, J., Kalko, E., Kaltschmitt, M., Klepper, G., Klotz, S., Kraas, F., Kremer, H., Kroll, S., Lelieveld, J., Lemke, P., Marotzke, J., Mauser, W., Schulz, M., Seppelt, R., Stoll, P.-T., Teutsch, G., Vlek, P., Wefer, G., Weisser, W., von Storch, H., Zacharias, S. (2008):
    Global change research in Germany 2008
    In: Höll, B., Mauser, W. (eds.)
    German National Committee on Global Change Research (NKGCF), München, 45 pp.
  • Renger, M., Bohne, K., Facklam, M., Harrach, T., Riek, W., Schäfer, W., Wessolek, G., Zacharias, S. (2008):
    Ergebnisse und Vorschläge der DBG-Arbeitsgruppe "Kennwerte des Bodengefüges" zur Schätzung bodenphysikalischer Kennwerte
    Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft, 51 S.
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Report articles (2)

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Conference papers (10)

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Publications 2007


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (6)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (2)

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Qualification assignments (1)

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Conference papers (3)

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Publications 2006


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (9)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (3)

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Books (1)

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Book chapters (4)

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Qualification assignments (1)

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Conference papers (1)

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Publications 2005


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (4)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (2)

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Edited books (1)

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Book chapters (7)

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Qualification assignments (2)

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Publications 2004


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Text Publication

Articles in ISI listed journals (6)

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Articles in other journals (not listed in ISI) (3)

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Book chapters (1)

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