Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1007/s12127-012-0091-3
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Title (Primary) Ion mobility spectrometry of laser desorbed pesticides from fruit surfaces
Author Weickhardt, C.; Kaiser, N.; Borsdorf, H. ORCID logo
Source Titel International Journal for Ion Mobility Spectrometry
Year 2012
Department MET
Volume 15
Issue 2
Page From 55
Page To 62
Language englisch
Keywords pesticides; food analysis; laser desorption; ion mobility spectrometry

The applicability of a technique combining laser desorption and ion mobility spectrometry for rapid detection of pesticides on fruit surfaces is explored. A selection of 20 fungicides, herbicides and insecticides with very different chemical and spectroscopic characteristics was used to study its features. For a variety of fruits the maximum tolerable laser irradiance was determined, at which no signals are generated by the clean surface. The spectra recorded for each substance on fruits were compared to those obtained for the same compound using laser desorption from a well defined surface. Furthermore, the influence of a dew layer on the sample was investigated. Limits of detection were estimated to be in the range of some tens of ng/kg for apples.

Persistent UFZ Identifier
Weickhardt, C., Kaiser, N., Borsdorf, H. (2012):
Ion mobility spectrometry of laser desorbed pesticides from fruit surfaces
Int. J. Ion Mobil. Spectrom. 15 (2), 55 - 62 10.1007/s12127-012-0091-3