Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2010.10.001
Title (Primary) A field comparison of BTEX mass flow rates based on integral pumping tests and point scale measurements
Author Dietze, M.; Dietrich, P. ORCID logo
Source Titel Journal of Contaminant Hydrology
Year 2011
Department MET
Volume 122
Issue 1-4
Page From 1
Page To 25
Language englisch
Keywords Integral pumping test; Point scale measurements; CSTREAM; Mass flow rate; BTEX; Direct-Push
Abstract Measuring contaminant flow rates at control cross sections is the most accurate method to evaluate natural attenuation processes in the saturated subsurface. In most instances, point scale measurement is the method of choice due to practical reasons and cost factors. However, at many field sites, the monitoring network is too sparse for a reliable estimation of contaminant and groundwater flow rates. Therefore, integral pumping tests have been developed as an alternative. In this study, we compare mass flow rates obtained by integral pumping test results and point scale data. We compare results of both methods with regard to uncertainties due to estimation errors and mass flow estimations based on two different point scale networks. The differences between benzene and groundwater flow rate estimates resulting from point scale samples and integral pumping tests were 6.44% and 6.97%, respectively, demonstrating the applicability of both methods at the site. Point scale-based data, especially with use of cost efficient Direct-Push technique, can be applied to show the contaminant distribution at a site and may be followed by a denser point scale network or an integral method. Nevertheless, a combination of both methods decreases uncertainties.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Dietze, M., Dietrich, P. (2011):
A field comparison of BTEX mass flow rates based on integral pumping tests and point scale measurements
J. Contam. Hydrol. 122 (1-4), 1 - 25 10.1016/j.jconhyd.2010.10.001