Bioeconomy research at the UFZ
The focus of our work at the UFZ is on researching the transformation processes of our entire economic system. These transformation processes are triggered by the ecological necessity to largely dispense with fossil fuels in the future (Energy research at the UFZ). To this end, the establishment of sustainable bioprocesses to replace environmentally harmful and fossil-based syntheses of chemicals and energy sources is an important goal of our technology-orientated research.
As this change is to take place while preserving the natural basis of life, it is essential to maintain productive ecosystems by reducing utilisation pressure and land consumption and designing multifunctional landscapes. With this in mind, we are researching the complex changes towards a circular, sustainable bioeconomy.
System Analysis BioEconomy
The UFZ research group "System Analysis of the Bioeconomy (SABE)" deals with the further development of life cycle assessments and life cycle management.
ElectroBiorefineries & Biosynthesis
Development of biotechnological processes for the production of valuable materials and energy sources