
Research Focus:

Research in the Applied Biocatalysis group focusses on whole-cell biocatalysis and aims at the development of efficient and stable bioprocesses via an integrated biocatalyst and reaction engineering approach. Specifically, redox biotransformations (oxygenases, dehydrogenases, hydrogenases), in vivo cascades / orthogonal pathways, and fermentative approaches are targeted via enzyme, metabolic, reaction, and process engineering to develop and apply engineered microbial cells for the eco-efficient production of bulk and fine chemicals as well as fuels and bioactives from renewable as well as fossil resources. The renewables considered include sunlight, water and CO2  and thus the exploitation of photosynthesis with H2 formation by means of O2-tolerant hydrogenases as a major focus. Cyanobacteria, E. coli, and Pseudomonads constitute the host strains mainly employed. Following a systems biotechnology approach, special emphasis lies on biocatalyst and process efficiency with the ultimate goal to develop environment-friendly and industrially feasible processes via rational biocatalyst and process engineering.

Group Leader:
Prof. Dr. Bruno Bühler

Academic Staff:

Dr. Jörg Toepel

Adrian Tüllinghoff


Carolin Bertelmann

Lyn Katinka Möhrlin

Diletta Sacco

Bioprocess Engineer:

Daniel Spindler

Guest Scientist:

Carolin Bertelmann

Paul Bolay

Sara Lupacchini

Ana Camila Zenteno Illanes


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Projekt: Neue Grüne Chemie als Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Bioökonomie (NeuGChem)

(Antrags-Nr. 100328904)

Die Maßnahme Neue Grüne Chemie erweitert die Infrastruktur des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Umweltforschung GmbH – UFZ.

Der neue Ansatz der "Neuen Grünen Chemie" zielt auf neue Verfahren ab, die Ressourcen wie Mineralien und CO2 konsequent im Kreis führen, keine landwirtschaftlichen Nutzflächen in Anspruch nehmen und nur in geringem Maß klimarelevante Emissionen verursachen. Dabei wird CO2 durch Algen assimiliert, daraus aber keine Biomasse gebildet, sondern die organische Säure Glykolat. Diese Säure soll dann ohne Ernte- und Aufarbeitungsaufwand in einem zweiten Prozessschritt anstelle von Glukose für die mikrobielle Herstellung von Grundbausteinen der chemischen Industrie genutzt werden. Perspektivisch können praktisch alle Produkte auf dieser Grundlage hergestellt werden, die heute auf Glukose (oder Stärke) als Kohlenstoffquelle basieren.

Die Bioreaktoranlage zur Kultivierung von heterotrophen Mikroorganismen wird dabei zur Entwicklung des zweiten Prozessschrittes sowie für die Evaluierung der Kopplung beider Prozessschritte verwendet.


Project: New Green Chemistry a contribution to a sustainable bioeconomy

(Proposal-no: 100328904)

The action New Green Chemistry extends the intrastructure at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ.

The "New Green Chemistry" approach aims at new processes, which consistently move ressources such as minerals and CO2 in circles, do not utilize agricultural areas and only cause minor climate-relevant emissions. Thereby, CO2 is assimilated by algae, but not to form biomass, but the organic acid glycolate. This acid is then used in a second process step in place of glucose and without harvesting and purification efforts for the microbial production of building blocks of the chemical industry. Prospectively, largely all products, which today are based on glucose (or starch) as carbon source, may be produced in this way.

The bioreactor equipment financed by this project will be utilized for the cultivation of heterotrophic microorganisms to develop the second process step and evaluate the coupling of both process steps.

Lecture: “Basics of Biocatalysis” in the 1st semester module “Introduction to Chemical Biotechnology” and "Drug target identification and validation"
Lecturer: Prof. Bruno Bühler

When:  Fridays in the winter semester, 1 pm – 3 pm or according to announcement
Where: MLU Halle, Weinberg-Campus, Hoher Weg 8, SR 101 HW or SR 107 HW according to announcement

Lecture: “Whole-Cell Biocatalysis” in the 3rd semester module “Applied Biocatalysis”
Lecturer: Prof. Bruno Bühler

When:  Fridays in the winter semester, 10 am - 12 am or according to announcement
Where: MLU Halle, Weinberg-Campus, Hoher Weg 8, SR 101 HW or SR 107 HW according to announcement


Project Seminar/ practical course on Applied Biocatalysis
Responsible Supervisor: Prof. Bruno Bühler

When:  One week in the winter semester break according to announcement
Where: UFZ, Leipzig

Under construction