Working groups
Applied Biocatalysis

Head: Prof. Dr. Bruno Bühler
Tel. +49 341 6025-4687
- Whole-cell multistep and redox biocatalysis
- Integration of biocatalyst and bioprocess engineering
- Whole-cell biocatalysis powered by sunlight
- Applications of O2 tolerant hydrogenases

Head: Dr. Bin Lai
Tel. +49 341 6025-4690
- Electro-microbiology with particular focus on the extracellular electron transfer pathway and microbial phenotype
- Bottom-up electro-biosynthesis process development driven by quantitative and holistic understandings from biochemistry, electrochemistry and process engineering
- Digitalization and modelling of electro-biotechnological process

Head: Prof. Dr. Falk Harnisch
Tel. +49 341 6025-1337
- Electromicrobiology: Electroactive microorganisms – from fundamentals to potential application
- Focus: Novel processes for the generation of platform and fine chemicals (microbial bioelectrosynthesis and bioelectrochemcially steered fermentation)
Catalytic Biofilms

Head: Prof. Dr. Katja Bühler
Tel. +49 341 6025-4683
- Understanding biofilms in technical settings
- Designing microbial biofilms for biocatalysis
- Developing novel biofilm reactor concepts
- Applying biofilms for productive catalysis
Microbiology of Anaerobic Systems

Head: Dr. Sabine Kleinsteuber
Tel. +49 341 6025-1325
- Microbial ecology and physiology of anaerobes in natural and engineered environments
- Biotechnological application of anaerobic microbiota
Ecothermodynamics / Biocalorimetry

Head: Prof. Dr. Thomas Maskow
Tel. +49 341 6025-1328
- Application, development and validation of thermodynamic rules in ecosystems as well as in biotechnology
- Development of ultra-sensitive real time sensors for ecosystems and biotechnology (Biocalorimetry)
Systems Biotechnology

Head: Prof. Dr. Jens Krömer
Tel. +49 341 6025-4688
- Quantitative physiology (fluxomics and metabolomics)
- Metabolic modelling (FBA, EMA, GEM, 13C)
- Metabolic engineering
- Analytics (LC, GC-MS, LC-MS)
- Bioelectrochemical systems