
Research Topics

  • Development and engineering of electrobiorefineries
  • Interfacing microbial and electrochemical synthesis for sustainble chemistry
  • Energetics of electroactive microorganisms and microbial electrochemical systems
  • Study of the microbial ecology of electroactive microbial cultures
  • Development of electrobioreactors as well as new methods and protocols in the field
  • Fancy ad hoc projects (related to microbiology and/ or electrochemistry)

Part of a vibrant international community


Anne Kuchenbuch
Cornelia Dilßner
Angelika Wichmann
Philip Haus

Undergraduates & Guests

Viktorija Reinikovaitė (Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Vilnius, Lithuania, guest PhD-student)
Max Pohl (Leipzig University, M.Sc.-student)
Luc Eibenstein (Leipzig University, M.Sc.-student)
Kurt Anton Garcke (Leipzig University, Student Assistant)
Ludwig Lehmann (Leipzig University, Student Assistant)
Susanne Stenz (Leipzig University, Student Assistant)


You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (14)

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2023 (17)

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2022 (14)

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2021 (20)

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2020 (11)

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For a full list since 2012 please see hier klicken

  • Innovation fonds "transfun" of the UFZ by the Helmholtz Association, co-funding by Leipzig University
    "LigNylon: Electrochemical hydrogenation of lignin-derived mix-tures of aromatic compounds for microbial synthesis of Nylon monomers"
    Partners: Leipzig University) DOMO Caproleuna GmbH
    PI: F. Harnisch (UFZ), CoPI: R. Karande (Leipzig University)
    Funding period: 07/2023 - 07/2025

  • Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
    "KMU-innovativ - KMUi-BÖ05: PHeaMOEZ - Plattform zum Hochdurchsatzscreening für elektrochemisch aktive Mikroorganismen und von Enzymen für die effiziente und langzeitstabile Biokatalyse; TP 3"
    Coordinator: Sciospec Scientific Instruments GmbH
    Partner: Leipzig University
    PI: F. Harnisch
    Funding period: 05/2023 - 04/2026

  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
    Priority Programme SPP2240: eBiotech
    ESCAPE: Establishing a scalable bioprocess reactor platform for cathodic obligate anaerobic electrobiosynthesis
    PI: F. Harnisch
    Partner und Coordinator for tandem project: Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research (Prof. Dr. M. A. Rosenbaum)
    Funding period: 07/2021 - 06/2024
    Link (external)

  • European Union (EU)
    VIVALDI: innoVative bIo-based chains for CO2 VALorisation as aDded-value organIc acids
    PI: F. Harnisch
    Coordinator: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona - UAB (Spanien)
    Partner: VERTECH (France), VITO (Belgium), CO2 Value Europe AISBL (Belgium), ISLE (The Netherlands), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien - BOKU (Austria), Lula Tekniska Universitet - LTU (Sweden), Avantium Chemicals BV (The Netherlands), LEITAT (Spaain), SunPine AB (Sweden), Bioagra S.A. (Poland)
    Estrella de Levante S.A.U. (Spain), Processium (France), Nutrition Sciences (Belgium)
    Funding period: 06/2021 - 05/2025
    Link (external)

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - CO2WIN
    GAMES - Gas diffusion electrodes for coupled microbial-electrochemical syntheses from CO2
    PI für TP 5: Halophilic microbial electrosynthesis: F. Harnisch
    Coordinator: Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen - THM (Prof. Dr. D. Holtmann)
    Partner: DECHEMA-Forschungsinstitut - DFI, Gesellschaft für Gassysteme durch Katalyse und Elektrochemie mbH - Gaskatel, ifn Forschungs- u. Technologiezentrum GmbH
    Funding period: 04/2021 - 03/2025

For closed third-party-funded projcts see here   

Group picture 07/ 2023
(c) B. Würz