Thermodynamics of electroactive microorganisms

Electroactive microorganism and microbial electrochemical technologies are investigated for more than 20 years. Thereby, numerous applications are discussed ranging from wastewater treatment to power production to synthesis of bulk and fine chemicals. Similarly, it is suggested that these microorganisms influence several natural proccesses and environments including biogeochemical redox cycles, carbon and nitrogen cycle, microbial communities, and the human gut.

Although many aspects of electroactive microorganisms were investigated, their thermodynamic characterization is still in its infancy. However, assessing their thermodynamics and energy fluxes are prerequisites for increasing the efficiency and leveraging the biotechnological potential of microbial electrochemical technologies. By combining bioelectrocalorimetry, modeling, and further fundamental experiments, we aim to decipher the thermodynamics of electroactive microorganisms.

Energy conversions in electroactive microorganisms
Energy conversions in electroactive microorganisms

Team leader

Dr. Benjamin Korth


Cornelia Dilßner (Technician)

Yvonne Schößow (PhD student)

Florian Fischer (PhD student) jointly with Organic Trace Analysis in the project SmartManure

Viktorija Reinikovaitė (Guest PhD student) from  Bioelectronics Laboratory

Ella Mondschein (Student Assistant) jointly with Anja Worrich in the project BENEFIT

Students are always welcome to join the group and encouraged to apply for an internship/bachelor/master thesis in the research field of microbiology and electrobiotechnology. Topics can always be developed and adjusted to fit your personal needs. Just send an email to

Currently we offer following theses: