Project Group
Ecological Epidemiology
"Epidemiology is the ecology of infectious diseases" (Dobson&Grenfel 1995)
EcoEpi today
Research systems
(Disclaimer: The material was saved from the ARD Mediathek in 2021, all rights are with the broadcaster, EcoEpi did not contribute to the production of this communication).
Dirk Krutinat, fox rabies model for school
Christian R. Dietrich, badger contact networks
Frank Hansen, ecological epidemiology of the small fox tapeworm
Dirk Eisinger, controlling rabies in foxes by oral mass vaccination
Huibert Maurice, encephalomyocarditis virus in pigs
- Barbary defence behaviour (plant intelligence)
- African Swine Fever (ASF) in wild boar
- Classical Swine Fever (CSF) in wild boar
"Kampf dem Virus" (Newsletter UFZ; März 2009; special thanks to Jürgen Teuffert, Petra Kranz & Christoph Staubach - FLI Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute, Wusterhausen)