Anne Holtmann
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department of Ecological Modelling
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
Tel.: +49 341 235-1723

Research Interests
- Modeling the carbon fluxes of a forest with a forest gap model: FORMIND
- Analyzing the impacts of extreme climatic events such as heat or drought on ecosystem functioning especially on the coupled carbon and water cycle of a forest as part of the Project MOMENT
since 04/2019 | Research Associate at the Department of Ecological Modelling |
07/2017-01/2019 | Research Associate at the Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology at the University of Hannover |
10/2014-07/2017 |
MSc in Environmental Systems and Resources Management at the University of Osnabrück Masterthesis: Simulating carbon dynamics of a tropical rainforest under current and future climate conditions: a case study in the Amazon rainforest, Paraco, French Guyana ( UFZ -Department of Ecological Modelling) |
2024 (1)
- Holtmann, A., Huth, A., Bohn, F., Fischer, R. (2024):
Assessing the impact of multi-year droughts on German forests in the context of increased tree mortality
Ecol. Model. 492 , art. 110696 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110696
2021 (3)
- Hiltner, U., Huth, A., Hérault, B., Holtmann, A., Bräuning, A., Fischer, R. (2021):
Climate change alters the ability of neotropical forests to provide timber and sequester carbon
For. Ecol. Manage. 492 , art. 119166 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119166 - Holtmann, A., Huth, A., Pohl, F., Rebmann, C., Fischer, R. (2021):
Carbon sequestration in mixed deciduous forests: The importance of mid-storey trees for forest productivity
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021
Copernicus Publications, EGU21-7228 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7228 - Holtmann, A., Huth, A., Pohl, F., Rebmann, C., Fischer, R. (2021):
Carbon sequestration in mixed deciduous forests: the influence of tree size and species composition derived from model experiments
Forests 12 (6), art. 726 10.3390/f12060726