Dr. Vianney Sicard


Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department Ecological Modelling

Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig

Tel: +49 341 6025-3334


  • Artificial intelligence - Agent-based system
  • Bayesian network
  • Epidemiological modelling
  • Inference (ABC-SMC)


  • Sicard, V.; Picault, S.; Andraud, M. (2023):
    Pig Herd Management and Infection Transmission Dynamics: A Challenge for Modellers.
    PCI Animal Science https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.17.541128.
  • Sicard, V.; Andraud, M.; Picault, S. (2022):
    A Declarative Modelling Language for the Design of Complex Structured Agent-Based Epidemiological Models.
    PAAMS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18192-4_31.
  • Sicard, V.; Picault, S.; Andraud, M. (2022=):
    Coupling Spatial and Temporal Structure in Batch Rearing Modelling for Understanding the Spread of the Swine Influenza a.
  • Sicard, V.; Assié, S.; Dorso, L.; Chocteau, F.; Picault, S. (2021):
    A Diagnosis Support System for Veterinary Necropsy Based on Bayesian Networks.
    PAAMS. https://doi.org/10/gh2n8h.
  • Sicard, V.; Andraud, M.; Picault, S. (2021):
    Organization as a Multi-Level Design Pattern for Agent-Based Simulation of Complex Systems.
    PAAMS. https://doi.org/10/gh2n8j.
  • Sicard, V.; Andraud, M.; Picault, S. (2021):
    L’organisation comme Design Pattern dans les systèmes multi-agents multi-niveaux.
  • Picault, S.; Sicard, V. (2020):
    Les meilleurs agents sont ceux qu’on ne simule pas : vers des architectures de simulation multi-paradigmes ?
  • Picault, S.; Huang, Y.-L.; Sicard, V.; Arnoux, S.; Beaunée, G.; Ezanno, P. (2019):
    EMULSION: Transparent and Flexible Multiscale Stochastic Models in Human, Animal and Plant Epidemiology.
    PLoS Comput Biol. https://doi.org/10/gg5hh4.
  • Picault, S.; Huang, Y.-L.; Sicard, V.; Hoch, T.; Vergu, E.; Beaudeau, F.; Ezanno, P. (2018):
    A Generic Multi-Level Stochastic Modelling Framework in Computational Epidemiology.
    preprint; Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1101/491605.
  • Ezanno, P.; Beaunée, G.; Picault, S.; Arnoux, S.; Sicard, V.; Beaudeau, F.; Rault, A.; Vergu, E. (2017):
    Gestion des maladies endémiques du troupeau aux territoires : contribution de la modélisation épidémiologique pour soutenir la prise de décision (projet MIHMES, 2012-2017).
    Innovations Agronomiques. https://doi.org/10.15454/1.5408053255183179E12.
  • Picault, S.; Huang, Y.-L.; Sicard, V.; Beaudeau, F.; Ezanno, P. (2017):
    Les SMA Multi-Niveaux Comme Cadre de Modélisation et de Simulation En Épidémiologie.
  • Picault, S.; Huang, Y.-L.; Sicard, V.; Ezanno, P. (2017):
    Enhancing Sustainability of Complex Epidemiological Models through a Generic Multilevel Agent-Based Approach.
  • Picault, S.; Huang, Y.-L.; Sicard, V.; Beaudeau, F.; Ezanno, P. (2017):
    EMuLSion, a Generic Simulation Framework in Animal Epidemiology Based on Multi-Level Multi-Agent Modelling.
  • Picault, S.; Huang, Y.-L.; Sicard, V.; Hoch, T.; Vergu, E.; Beaudeau, F.; Ezanno, P. (2017):
    A Multi-Scale, Multi-Paradigm Epidemiological Modelling Language for Investigating Q Fever Regional Infection Dynamics.
  • Picault, S.; Huang, Y.-L.; Sicard, V.; Beaudeau, F.; Ezanno, P. (2017):
    A Multi-Level Multi-Agent Simulation Framework in Animal Epidemiology.
    PAAMS. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59930-4_17.

Curriculum Vitae

since 2024 Postdoc - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
2023-2024 Postdoc - INSERM, Paris, France
2022-2023 Postdoc - INRAE, Nantes, France
2019-2022 PhD - INRAE, Nantes, France
2015-2019 Engineer - INRAE, Nantes, France
2012-2015 Engineer - Réseau Canopé, Nantes, France
2007-2010 Director - Cathedral choir school, Nantes


2019-2022 PhD in Epidemiological Modelling and Artificial Intelligence, INRAE, Nantes
2018 Engineer in computer science - Ecole polytechnique de l'Université de Tours
2012 Software design - IMIE, Rezé
2005 Advanced musical study - CNSMDP, Paris