Peter Pothmann
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig
Department of Ecological Modelling
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
Research Interests
My research focuses on using habitat models to describe the occurrence of mosquito species. Mosquitoes are vectors of zoonotic diseases, and through habitat modeling, I can predict regions and time periods that are at high risk of disease transmission. By identifying these high-risk areas and times, my research aims to contribute to more effective prevention and control strategies for mosquito-borne diseases.
Further Information
since 01/2025 |
PhD Student Technische Universität Dresden Institute of Forest Growth and Forest Computer Sciences Forest Biometrics and Systems Analysis |
since 03/2024 |
PhD Student Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research Research Area Land Use and Governance Biodiversity of Aquatic and Semiaquatic Landscape Features |
since 03/2024 |
Guest scientist and PhD Student Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research Department of Ecological Modelling Ecological Epidemiology |
06/2023 - 12/2023 |
Guest scientist Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig Macroecology and Society |
10/2021 - 10/2023 |
M. Sc. International Area Studies – Global Change Geography Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg |
10/2021 - 06/2023 |
Research assistant Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig Macroecology and Society |
11/2020 - 09/2021 |
Student assistant Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Department of Conservation Biology & Social-Ecological Systems Floodplain ecology |
01/2020 - 09/2021 |
Student assistant Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg Faculty of Natural Sciences III Geoecology |
10/2018 - 04/2022 |
B. Sc. Geography Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg |