Brock J., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo M., Lange M., Tratalos J., Barrett D., Lane L., More S.J., Graham D.A., Thulke H.-H. (2024).
Evaluating the effectiveness & costs of strategies post-eradication to monitor for freedom from BVDV infection in Ireland
Agricultural Systems
221: 104127.
DOI: 10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104127
EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH), Bragard C., Baptista P., Chatzivassiliou E., Di Serio F., Gonthier P., Jaques Miret J.A., Fejer Justesen A., MacLeod A.,
Magnusson C.S., Navas-Cortes J.A., Parnell S., Potting R., Reignault P.L., Stefani E., Vicent Civera A., Van der Werf W., Yuen J, Zappalà L.,
Thulke H.-H., Loomans A., Christoph E.H., Crotta M., Gobbi A., Golic D., Maiorano A., Terzidou A., Milonas P. (2024).
Risk assessment of Phlyctinus callosus for the EU
EFSA Journal
22: e8832.
DOI: 10.2903/j.efsa.2024.8832
Ingenloff K., Ben Aziza S., Weiland C., Nikolova N., Thulke H.-H., Lange M., Reichold A., Schigel D. (2024).
Prototype Biodiversity Digital Twin: disease outreaks Res. Ideas Outcomes
10: e125521.
EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH), Bragard C., Baptista P., Chatzivassiliou E., Di Serio F., Gonthier P., Jaques Miret J.A., Fejer Justesen A., MacLeod A.,
Magnusson C.S., Navas-Cortes J.A., Parnell S., Potting R., Reignault P.L., Stefani E., Thulke H.-H., Vicent Civera A., Van der Werf W., Yuen J, Zappalà L.,
Gutierrez A.P., Loomans A., Ponti L., Crotta M., Maiorano A., Mosbach-Schulz O., Rossi E., Stancanelli G., Milonas P. (2023).
Assessment of the probability of introduction of Thaumatotibia leucotreta into the European Union with import of cut roses
EFSA Journal
21: e08107.
DOI: 10.2903/j.efsa.2023.8107
Brock J., Lange M., Tratalos J.A., Meunier N., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo M., More S.J., Thulke H.-H., Graham D. (2022).
The Irish cattle population structured by enterprise type: overview, trade & trends.
Irish Veterinary Journal
75: 6.
DOI: 10.1186/s13620-022-00212-x
Forth JH, Calvelage S, Fischer M, Hellert J, Sehl-Ewert J, Roszyk H, Deutschmann P, Reichold A, Lange M, Thulke H-H, Sauter-Louis C,
Höper D, Mandyhra S, Sapachova M, Beer M, Blome S (2022). African swine fever virus – variants on the rise.
Emerging Microbes & Infection
DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2022.2146537
Nolzen H., Brugger K., Reichold A., Brock J., Lange M., Thulke H.-H. (2022).
Model-based extrapolation of ecological systems under future climate scenarios: The example of Ixodes ricinus ticks.
17: e0267196.
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0267196
Reichold A., Lange M., Thulke H.‐H. (2022).
Modelling the effectiveness of measures applied in zones dedicated to stop the spread of African Swine Fever in wild boar when bordering with a region of limited control.
EFSA Supporting Publications
19: EN‐7320. 26 pp.
DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2022.EN-7320
Brock J., Lange M., Tratalos J.A., More S.J., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo M., Graham D., Thulke H.-H. (2021).
A large-scale epidemiological model of BoHV-1 spread in the Irish cattle population to support decision-making in conformity with the European Animal Health Law.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
192: 105375.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2021.105375
Brock J., Lange M., Tratalos J.A., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo M., More S.J., Graham D., Thulke H.-H. (2021). A large-scale epidemiological model of the Irish cattle population to support decision-making in the context of BoHV-1 control. In: v. Schaik G. & Brennan M. (Eds). Proceedings SVEPM Online, 115-127.
Brock J., Lange M., Tratalos J.A., More S.J., Graham D., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo M., Thulke H.-H. (2021).
Combining expert knowledge and machine‑learning to classify herd types in livestock systems.
Scientific Reports
11: 2989.
OA DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-82373-3
Graham D., More S.J., O’Sullivan P., Lane E., Barrett D., Lozano J.-M., Thulke H.-H., Verner S., Guelbenzu M. (2021).
The Irish Programme to Eradicate Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus—Organization, Challenges, and Progress.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
8: 674557.
OA - DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.674557
Hodnik J.J., et al. (2021).
Overview of cattle diseases listed under Category C, D or E in the Animal Health Law for which control programmes are in place within Europe
Front. Vet. Sci. 8 : 688078.
OA - DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.688078
Koch A., Lange M., Ewert B., Linder M., House R., Albrecht K., Thulke H.-H. (2021). Beurteilung alternativer Überwachungsansätze zum Erhalt der Freiheit von BVD in regionalen Rinderpopulationen - Ergebnisse eines Computermodells. Amtstierärztlicher Dienst und Lebensmittelkontrolle 28: 1-8
Lange M., Reichold A., Thulke H.‐H. (2021).
Modelling advanced knowledge of African swine fever, resulting surveillance patterns at the population level and impact on reliable exit strategy definition.
EFSA Supporting Publications
18: EN‐6429. 60 pp.
DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN‐6429
Lange M., Reichold A., Thulke H.‐H. (2021).
Modelling wild boar management for controlling the spread of ASF in the areas called white zones (zones blanche).
EFSA Supporting Publications
18: EN‐6573. 40 pp.
DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2021.EN-6573
Proesmans W., Albrecht M., Gajda A., Neumann P., Paxtone R.J., Pioz M., Polzin C., Schweiger O., Settele J., Szentgyörgy H., Thulke H.-H., Vanbergen A.J. (2021).
Pathways for novel epidemiology: plant-pollinator-pathogen networks and global change.
36 623-636.
DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2021.03.006
Will M., Dressler G., Kreuer D., Thulke H.-H., Grêt-Regamey A., Müller B. (2021).
How to make socio-environmental modelling more useful to support policy and management?
People and Nature.
3 560-572.
Boklund A., Dhollander S., Chesnoiu Vasile T., Abrahantes J.C., Bøtner A., Gogin A., Gonzalez Villeta L.C., Gortázar C., More J.S., Papanikolaou A., Roberts H., Stegeman A., Ståhl K., Thulke H.-H., Viltrop A., Van der Stede Y., Mortensen S. (2020).
Risk factors for African swine fever incursion in Romanian domestic farms during 2019.
Scientific Reports
10: 10215.
OA DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-66381-3
Brock J., Lange M., Guelbenzu-Gonzalo M., Meunier N., Vaz A.M., Tratalos J.A., Dittrich P., Gunn M., More S.J., Graham D., Thulke H.-H. (2020).
Epidemiology of age-dependent prevalence of Bovine Herpes Virus Type 1 (BoHV-1) in dairy herds with and without vaccination.
Veterinary Research
OA DOI: 10.1186/s13567-020-00842-5
Brock J., Lange M., More S.J., Graham D., Thulke H.-H. (2020).
Reviewing age-structured epidemiological models of cattle diseases tailored to support management decisions: Guidance for the future.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
174: 104814.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2019.104814
EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH) et al. (2020).
Pest categorisation of Saperda tridentata.
EFSA Journal
18 (1): 5940.
OA DOI: 10.2903/j.efsa.2020.5940
Grimm V., Johnston A.S.A., Thulke H.-H., Forbes V.E., Thorbek P. (2020).
Three questions to ask before using model outputs for decision support.
Nature Communications
11 : 4959.
OA DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-17785-2
Jori F., Chenais E., Boinas F., Busauskas P., Dholllander S., Fleischmann L., Olsevskis E., Rijks J.M., Schulz K., Thulke H.H., Viltrop A., Stahl K. (2020).
Application of the World Café method to discuss the efficiency of African swine fever control strategies in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
185: 105178.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2020.105178
Scherer C., Radchuk V., Franz M., Thulke H.-H., Lange M., Grimm V., Kramer‐Schadt S. (2020).
Moving infections: individual movement decisions drive disease persistence in spatially structured landscapes.
129: 651-667.
DOI: 10.1111/oik.07002
Weise H., Auge H., Baessler C., Bärlund I., Bennett E.M., Berger U., Bohn F., Bonn A., Borchardt D., Brand F., Chatzinotas A., Corstanje R., De Laender F., Dietrich P., Dunker S., Durka W., Fazey I., Groeneveld J., Guilbaud C.S.E., Harms H., Harpole S., Harris J., Jax K., Jeltsch F., Johst K., Joshi J., Klotz S., Kühn I., Kuhlicke C., Müller B., Radchuk V., Reuter H., Rinke K., Schmitt-Jansen M., Seppelt R., Singer A., Standish R.J., Thulke H.-H., Tietjen B., Weitere M., Wirth C., Wolf C., Grimm V. (2020).
Resilience trinity: safeguarding ecosystem functioning and services across different time horizons and decision contexts.
129: 445-456.
DOI: 10.1111/oik.07213
Lange M., Albrecht K., Brock J., House R., Linder M., Koch A., Ewert B., Thulke H.-H. (2019). Modellbasierter Vergleich alternativer Überwachungsansätze zum Erhalt der Freiheit von BVD in regionalen Rinderpopulationen. Projektbericht.
Scherer C., Radchuk V., Staubach C., Müller S., Blaum N., Thulke H.-H., Kramer‐Schadt S. (2019).
Seasonal host life‐history processes fuel disease dynamics at different spatial scales.
Journal of Animal Ecology
88 (11): 1812-1824.
DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13070
Vicente J., Apollonio M., Blanco-Aguiar J.A., Borowik T., Brivio F., Casaer J., Croft S., Ericsson G., Ferroglio E., Gavier-Widen D., Gortázar C., Jansen P.A., Keuling O., Kowalczyk R., Petrovic K., Plhal R., Podgórski T., Sange M., Scandura M., Schmidt K., Smith G.C., Soriguer R., Thulke H.-H., Zanet S., Acevedo P., (2019).
Science-based wildlife disease response.
364 (6444): 943 - 944.
DOI: 10.1126/science.aax4310
Lange M., Guberti V., Thulke H.‐H. (2018).
Understanding ASF spread and emergency control concepts in wild boar populations using individual‐based modelling and spatio‐temporal surveillance data.
EFSA Supporting Publications
2018:EN‐1521. 46 pp.
DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2018.EN-1521
Thulke H.-H., Lange M., Tratalos J., Clegg T., McGrath G., O'Grady L., O'Sullivan P., Doherty M.L., Graham D.A., More S.J. (2018).
Eradicating BVD, reviewing Irish programme data and model predictions to support prospective decision making.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
150: 151-161.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2017.11.017
Tratalos J., Thulke H.-H., Graham D.A., Guelbenzu M., More S.J. (2018).
Decision support beyond total savings – eligibility and potential savings for individual participants from changes in the national surveillance strategy for bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) in Ireland.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
155: 38-44.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.04.005
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), Depner K., Gortazar C., Guberti V., Masiulis M., More S., Oļševskis E., Thulke H.-H., Viltrop A., Woźniakowski G., Cortiñas Abrahantes J., Gogin A., Verdonck F., Dhollander S. (2017).
Scientific Report on the epidemiological analyses of African swine fever in the Baltic States and Poland.
EFSA Journal
15 (11): 5068, 59 pp.
DOI: 10.2903/j.efsa.2017.5068
Lange M., Thulke H.-H. (2017).
Elucidating transmission parameters of African swine fever through wild boar carcasses by combining spatio-temporal notification data and agent-based modelling.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
31: 379-391.
DOI: 10.1007/s00477-016-1358-8
Thulke H.-H., Lange M. (2017).
Simulation-based investigation of ASF spread and control in wild life without consideration of human non-compliance to biosecurity.
EFSA Supporting Publications 14(11): EN-1312. 30 pp.
DOI: 10.2903/sp.efsa.2017.EN-1312
Thulke H.-H., Lange M., Clegg T., McGrath G., Tratalos J., O'Grady L., O'Sullivan P., Doherty M.L., Graham D.A., More S.J. (2017). Assessing future control options for the BVD eradication programme in Ireland. In: Nielsen, L.R. and Lindberg, A. (Eds). Proceedings SVEPM Inverness, 209-221.
Dhollander S., Belsham G.J., Lange M., Willgert K., Alexandrov T., Chondrokouki E., Depner K., Khomenko S., Özyörük F., Salman M., Thulke H.-H., Bøtner A. (2016).
Assessing the potential spread and maintenance of foot-and-mouth disease virus infection in wild ungulates; general principles and application to a specific scenario in Thrace.
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases
63: 165–174.
DOI: 10.1111/tbed.12240
Graham D.A., Clegg T.A., Thulke H.-H., O'Sullivan P., McGrath G., More S.J. (2016).
Quantifying the risk of spread of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) between contiguous herds in Ireland.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
126: 30–38.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.01.017
Halasa T., Boklund A., Bøtner A., Toft N., Thulke H.-H. (2016). Simulation of Spread of African Swine Fever, including the Effects of Residues from Dead Animals. Front. Vet. Sci. 3:6. Open Access - DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2016.00006
Moltke Jordt A., Lange M., Kramer-Schadt S., Nielsen L.H., Nielsen S.S., Thulke H.-H., Vejre H., Alban L. (2016).
Spatio-temporal modeling of the invasive potential of wild boar - a conflict-prone species - using multi-source citizen science data.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
124: 34-44.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.12.017
Lange M., Kramer-Schadt S., Thulke H.-H. (2016).
Relevance of indirect transmission for wildlife disease surveillance.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science
3: 110.
DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2016.00110
Maurice H., Thulke H.-H., Schmid J.S., Stegeman A., Nielen M. (2016).
The impact of compartmentalised housing on direct encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) transmission among pigs; insight from a model.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
127: 105–112.
DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2016.03.006
Lange M., Thulke H.-H. (2015). Mobile barriers as emergency measure to control outbreaks of African swine fever in wild boar. In: Thulke H.-H. and Verheyen K. (Eds.) Proceedings SVEPM Ghent, 122-132.
Rossi S., Staubach C., Blome S., Guberti V., Thulke H.-H., Vos A., Koenen F., Le Potier M.-F. (2015). Controlling of CSFV in European wild boar using oral vaccination: a review. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6, 1141. Open Access - DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01141
Lange M., Siemen H., Blome S., Thulke H.-H. (2014).
Analysis of spatio-temporal patterns of African swine fever cases in Russian wild boar does not reveal an endemic situation.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
117: 317-325.
science direct
Meyer K.M., Soldaat L.L., Auge H., Thulke H.-H. (2014).
Adaptive and selective seed abortion reveals complex conditional decision making in plants.
American Naturalist
183: 376-383.
Open Access: DOI 10.1086/675063
Thulke H.-H., Lange M., Siemen H., Blome S. (2014). Digging into the myth – African Swine Fever, Russian wild boar and the endemicity hypothesis. In: Mintiens K. and Parkin T.D.H. (Eds.) Proceedings SVEPM Dublin, 86-95.
Verdonck F., Chauzat M.-P., Mosbach-Schulz O., Ritter W., Rortais A., Thulke H.-H., Vos S., Koenen F. (2014). An improved method for qualitative risk assessment - validation and application to a bee pest. In: Mintiens K. and Parkin T.D.H. (Eds.) Proceedings SVEPM Dublin, 260-270.
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2013).
Scientific Opinion on monitoring procedures at slaughterhouses for bovines.
EFSA Journal
11 (12): 3460.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2013.3460
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2013).
Scientific Opinion on monitoring procedures at slaughterhouses for pigs.
EFSA Journal
11 (12): 3523.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2013.3523
Peer G., Saltz D., Münkemüller T., Matsinos Y.G., Thulke H.-H. (2013).
Simple rules for complex landscapes: the case of hilltopping movements and topography.
122: 1483-1495.
science direct
Arens L., Thulke H.-H., Eisinger D., Theuvsen L. (2012).
Administrative cooperation and disease control in cross-border pork production.
Food Policy
37: 473–482.
science direct
Dietrich C., Thulke H.-H. (2012). Influence of contact structure between host animals on the dynamics of infectious diseases. In: Parkin T.D.H. and Kelly L. (Eds.) Proceedings SVEPM Glasgow, 157-169.
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2012).
Guidance on Risk Assessment for Animal Welfare.
EFSA Journal
10 (1): 2513.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2513
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2012).
Scientific Opinion on on Swine Vesicular Disease and Vesicular Stomatitis.
EFSA Journal
10 (4): 2631.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2631
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2012).
Scientific Opinion on foot-and-mouth disease in Thrace.
EFSA Journal
10 (4): 2635.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2012.2635
Eisinger D. (2012).
Modelling the spread of Swine Vesicular Disease Virus and Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in an area of livestock units without any control measures and measurement of consequential impact resulting from an assumed introduction into one livestock farm.
EFSA Supporting Publications 9(5): EN-285. 30 pp.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/sp.efsa.2012.EN-285
Lange M., Kramer-Schadt S., Thulke H.-H. (2012).
Efficiency of spatio-temporal vaccination regimes in wildlife populations under different viral constraints.
Veterinary Research
Open Access: DOI 10.1186/1297-9716-43-37
Lange M., Kramer-Schadt S., Blome S., Beer M., Thulke H.-H. (2012).
Disease severity declines over time after a wild boar population has been affected by Classical Swine Fever - legend or actual epidemiological process?
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
science direct
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2011).
Scientific Opinion on Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome.
EFSA Journal
9 (10): 2387.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2011.2387
M. Lange, S. Kramer-Schadt, H.-H. Thulke (2011). Does virulence decline by time in wild boar populations infected by Classical Swine Fever virus (CSFV)? In: Fourichon, C., Pfeiffer, D.U. (Eds.) Proceedings SVEPM Leipzig, 154-167.
A. Singer, M. Salman, H.-H. Thulke (2011).
Reviewing model application to support animal health decision making.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
99: 60-67.
science direct
H.-H. Thulke, D. Eisinger, M. Beer (2011).
The role of movement restrictions and pre-emptive destruction in the emergency control strategy against CSF outbreaks in domestic pigs.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
99: 28-37.
science direct
Supplementary Material from CSFMM Online Repository
H.-H. Thulke (2011).
Application of recent approaches in modelling for Animal Health.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
99: 1-3.
science direct
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2010).
Scientific Opinion on the practice of harvesting (collecting) feathers from live geese for down production.
EFSA Journal
8 (11): 1886.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1886
EFSA Panel on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2010).
Scientific Opinion on African Swine Fever.
EFSA Journal
8 (3): 1556.
Open Access: DOI 10.2903/j.efsa.2010.1556
V. Grimm, V.E. Forbes, F. Heimbach, P. Thorbek, H.-H. Thulke, P.J. van den Brink, J. Wogram, U. Hommen (2010).
Executive summary of the LEMTOX workshop: lessons learned and steps to be taken.
In: Thorbek P, Forbes V, Heimbach F, Hommen U, Thulke HH, van den Brink PJ, Wogram J, Grimm V (eds). Ecological models for regulatory risk assessments of pesticides: developing a strategy for the future.
Pensacola and Boca Raton (FL): Society of Environmental and Chemistry (SETAC) and CRC Press, pp. 1-10.
H.-H. Thulke, V. Grimm (2010).
Ecological models supporting management of wildlife diseases.
In: Thorbek P, Forbes V, Heimbach F, Hommen U, Thulke HH, van den Brink PJ, Wogram J, Grimm V (eds). Ecological models for regulatory risk assessments of pesticides: developing a strategy for the future.
Pensacola and Boca Raton (FL): Society of Environmental and Chemistry (SETAC) and CRC Press, pp. 67-76.
V. Forbes, U. Hommen, P. Thorbek, F. Heimbach, P.J. Van den Brink, J. Wogram, H.-H. Thulke, V. Grimm (2009).
Ecological models in support of regulatory risk assessments of pesticides: developing a strategy for the future.
IEAM 5: 167-172.
S. Kramer-Schadt, N. Fernández, D. Eisinger, V. Grimm, H.-H. Thulke (2009).
Individual variations in infectiousness explain long-term disease persistence in wildlife populations.
OIKOS 118: 199-208.
Appendix as PDF
G.C. Smith, G. Marion, S. Rushton, D. Pfeiffer, H.-H. Thulke, D. Eisinger, M.R. Hutchings (2009).
Modelling Disease Dynamics and Management Scenarios.
In: R. Delahay, G.C. Smith, M.R. Hutchings (eds.). Management of Disease in Wild Mammals. Springer, 298 p.
ISBN: 978-4-431-77133-3
H.-H. Thulke, D. Eisinger, C. Freuling, A. Fröhlich, A. Globig, V. Grimm, T. Müller, T. Selhorst, C. Staubach, S. Zips (2009).
Situation-based surveillance: adapting investigations to actual epidemic situations.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45: 1089-1103.
PDF - Open Access
Paper York 2007 Ecology & Management of Wildlife Diseases
K.E. Brehm, N.Kumar, H.-H. Thulke, B. Haas (2008).
High potency vaccines induce protection against heterologous challenge with foot and mouth disease virus.
Vaccine 26: 1681-1687.
D. Eisinger, H.-H. Thulke (2008).
Spatial pattern formation facilitates eradication of infectious disease.
Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 415–423.
Open Access: DOI 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01439.x
G.C. Smith, H.-H. Thulke, A.R. Fooks, M. Artois, D.W. Macdonald, D. Eisinger, T. Selhorst (2008). What is the future of rabies control in Europe? In: B. Dodet, A.R. Fooks, T. Müller, N. Tordo, the Scientific & Technical Department of the OIE (eds.): Towards the Elimination of Rabies in Eurasia. Developments in Biologicals, Basel, Karger. vol. 131, pp. 283-290.
H.-H. Thulke, D. Eisinger (2008). The strength of 70% - after revision of a standard threshold of rabies control. In: B. Dodet, A.R. Fooks, T. Müller, N. Tordo, the Scientific & Technical Department of the OIE (eds.): Towards the Elimination of Rabies in Eurasia. Developments in Biologicals, Basel, Karger. vol. 131, pp. 291-298.
H.-H. Thulke, D. Eisinger, T. Selhorst, T. Müller (2008).
Scenario-analysis evaluating emergency strategies after rabies re-introduction.
In: B. Dodet, A.R. Fooks, T. Müller, N. Tordo, the Scientific & Technical Department of the OIE (eds.):
Towards the Elimination of Rabies in Eurasia. Developments in Biologicals, Basel, Karger. vol. 131, pp. 265-272.
Author's Pre-Print
S. Kramer-Schadt, N. Fernandez, H.-H. Thulke (2007)
Potential ecological and epidemiological factors affecting the persistence of classical swine fever in wild boar Sus scrofa populations
Mammal Review 37: 1-20.
Authors PDF
N. Fernandez, S. Kramer-Schadt, H.-H. Thulke (2006).
Viability and risk assessment in species restoration: planning reintroductions for the wild boar, a potential disease reservoir.
Ecology and Society 11: 6.
open access
N. Fernandez, S. Kramer-Schadt, H.-H. Thulke (2006). Understanding epidemics in heterogeneous habitats: models and data of classical swine fever (CSF) in wild boars. In: Proceedings SVEPM Exeter, 240-252.
L. Alban, M.M. Andersen, T. Asferg, A. Boklund, N. Fernández, S.G. Goldbach, M. Greiner, A. Højgaard, S. Kramer-Schadt,
A. Stockmarr, H.-H. Thulke, Å. Uttenthal, B. Ydesen (2005). Classical swine fever and wild boar in Denmark: A risk analysis.
Project report, DFVF, pg. 118. (ISBN: 87-91587-01-8)
publisher's pdf
L. Alban, M.M. Andersen, T. Asferg, A. Boklund, N. Fernández, S.G. Goldbach, M. Greiner, A. Højgaard,
S. Kramer-Schadt, A. Stockmarr, H.-H. Thulke, Å. Uttenthal, B. Ydesen (2005).
Risk assessment for introduction of wild boar (Sus Scrofa) to Denmark.
In: Proceedings SVEPM Nairn, 79-90.
D. Eisinger, H.-H. Thulke (2005).
Saving budget in rabies control - revisiting classic epidemiological threshold.
In: Proceedings SVEPM Nairn, 101-110.
D. Eisinger, H.-H. Thulke, T. Selhorst, T. Müller (2005).
Emergency vaccination of rabies under limited resources - combating or containing?
BMC Infectious Diseases 5: 10.
open access
V. Grimm, E. Revilla, U. Berger, F. Jeltsch, W.M. Mooij, S.F. Railsback, H.-H. Thulke, J. Weiner, T. Wiegand, D.L. DeAngelis (2005).
Pattern-Oriented Modeling of Agent-Based Complex Systems: Lessons from Ecology.
Science 310, 987 - 991.
Abstract Science
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S. Kramer-Schadt, N. Fernandez, H.-H. Thulke (2005).
Explaining Classical Swine Fever persistence by combining epidemiological and ecological modelling.
In: Proceedings SVEPM Nairn, 57-67.
H.-H. Thulke, T. Selhorst, T. Müller (2005).
Pseudorabies virus infections in wild boar: Data visualisation as an aid to understanding diseaes dynamics.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine
68, 35-48.
science direct
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F. Hansen, F. Jeltsch, K. Tackmann, C. Staubach, H-H. Thulke (2004).
Processes leading to a spatial aggregation of Echinococcus multilocularis in its natural intermediate host Microtus arvalis.
Int J Parasitol
34, 37-44.
science direct
G. Pe'er, D. Saltz, H.-H. Thulke, U. Motro (2004).
Response to topography in a hilltopping butterfly and implications for modelling non-random dispersal.
Animal Behaviour 68, 825-839.
science direct
N. Speybroeck, M. Madder, H.-H. Thulke, J. Mtambo, L. Tirry, G. Chaka, T. Marcotty, D. Berkvens (2004).
The importance of body size in the tick complex Rhipicephalus appendiculatus/ Rhipicephalus zambeziensis.
Journal of Vector Ecology 2, 347-354.
publisher's pdf
H.-H. Thulke, T. Selhorst, T. Müller, T. Wyszomirski, U. Müller, U. Breitenmoser (2004).
Assessing anti-rabies baiting - what happens on the ground?
BMC Infectious Diseases 4 : 9.
open access
F. Hansen, K. Tackmann, F. Jeltsch, C. Wissel, H.-H. Thulke (2003).
Controlling Echinococcus multilocularis - ecological implications of field trials.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 60, 91-105.
science direct
F. Hansen, K. Tackmann, F. Jeltsch, H.-H. Thulke (2003). Köderauslageintervalle und Dauer der Bekämpfung des Kleinen Fuchsbandwurms. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 116, 299-305.
F. Hansen, H.-H. Thulke, F. Jeltsch (2003)
Simulationsmodelle zur Planung von Strategien in der Bekämpfung von Wildtiererkrankungen.
Forum Geoökologie 14, 20-22.
publisher's pdf
H.-H. Thulke, T. Selhorst, T. Müller (2003).
Dynamisches dynamisch Wahrnehmen: Raum-Zeit Prozesse, Data Movies und Wildschweineherpes -
In: Gnauck, A. (ed.) Theorie und Modellierung von Ökosystemen.
Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 89-101.
Author's Pre-Print
H.-H. Thulke (2003).
Book Review: "Hudson PJ et al. (eds.) The Ecology of Wildlife Diseases".
Basic and Applied Ecology 4, 487.
H.-H. Thulke (2002).
Unschärfebeziehung zwischen Detailliertheit und Komplexität beim Modellieren - Crux oder Chance? -
In: F. Hölker (ed). Scales, Hierarchies and Emergent Properties in Ecological Models.
Theorie in der Ökologie, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 47-60.
H.-H. Thulke, T. Selhorst, T. Müller (2002).
Let disease data tell the full story before 'slaughter' -
In: Proceedings of the SVEPM Conference, Cambridge, 21-30.
F. Hansen, K. Tackmann, F. Jeltsch, C. Staubach, H.-H. Thulke (2001).
If space changes all - the small-scale epidemiology of the fox tapeworm. -
In: Proceedings of the SVEPM Conference, Noordwijkerhout, 73-85.
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F. Herzog, A. Lausch, E. Müller, H.-H. Thulke, U. Steinhardt, S. Lehmann (2001).
Landscape metrics for the assessment of landscape destruction and rehabilitation.
Environmental Management 27, 91-107.
science direct
A. Lausch, H.-H. Thulke (2001). The analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics of landscape structures. - In: R. Krönert, U. Steinhardt, M. Volk (eds.) Landscape balance and landscape assessment. Springer Verlag, pp. 113-136.
T. Selhorst, H.-H. Thulke, T. Müller (2001).
Cost-efficient vaccination of foxes (Vulpes vulpes) against rabies and the need for a new baiting strategy.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 51, 95-109.
science direct
C. Staubach, K. Tackmann, H.-H. Thulke, M. Hugh-Jones, F.J. Conraths (2001).
Geographic information system-aided analysis of factors potentially influencing the spatial distribution of Echinococcus multilocularis infections of foxes.
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 65, 943-948.
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K. Tackmann, U. Löschner, H. Mix, C. Staubach, H.-H. Thulke, M. Ziller, F.J. Conraths (2001).
A field trial to control Echinococcus multilocularis-infections of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in an endemic focus in Brandenburg, Germany.
Epidemiology and Infection 127, 577-587.
science direct
F. Hansen, F. Jeltsch, K. Tackmann, C. Staubach, H.-H. Thulke (2000)
Controling parasites: the impact of space. -
In: Proceedings of the ISVEE Conference, Breckenridge Colorado, 1318-1320.
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H. Schlüter, J. Teuffert, T. Selhorst, C. Staubach, T. Müller, H.-H. Thulke (2000). Die Anwendung moderner epidemiologischer Methoden in der praktischen Tierseuchenbekämpfung in Deutschland am Beispiel der Tollwut- und Schweinepestbekämpfung in den 90er Jahren. - In: Proceedings of the DVG Conference, Tänikon, 51-63.
T. Selhorst, H.-H. Thulke, T. Müller (2000). Threshold analysis of cost-efficient oral vaccination strategies against rabies in fox (Vulpes vulpes) populations - In: Proceedings of the SVEPM Conference, Edinbourgh, 71-84.
T. Selhorst, H.-H. Thulke, T. Müller (2000). Anwendung von Modellen bei der Entwicklung effizienter Tierseuchenbekämpfungsstrategien. Beispiel Fuchstollwut - In: Proceedings of the DVG -experts group session "Tierseuchen", Hannover, 89-98.
C. Staubach, U. Stiebling, M. Ziller, K. Tackmann, H.-H. Thulke, H. Schlüter (2000).
The consequences of using different analysis techniques on wildlife study data to model disease transmission. -
In: Proceedings of the ISVEE Conference, Breckenridge Colorado, 885-887.
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H.-H. Thulke (2000).
Ökologische Gleichgewicht - geht ein Konzept in Rente ?. -
In: J. Wittmann, A. Gnauck, B. Page, V. Wohlgemuth (eds.) Simulation in Umwelt- und Geowissenschaften, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 205-216.
Author's Pre-Print
H.-H. Thulke (2000).
Simulation der raum-zeitlichen Dynamik von Tierkrankheiten - Theorie und Anwendung im Beispiel -
In: Proceedings of the DVG Conference, Tänikon, 109-116.
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H.-H. Thulke, L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, T. Selhorst, F. Jeltsch, T. Müller, H. Schlüter, C. Wissel (2000).
The spatio-temporal dynamics of a post-vaccination resurgence of rabies in foxes and emergency vaccination planning.
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 47, 1-21.
Erratum (2001) Prev.Vet.Med. 49, 277.
science direct
K. Wiegand, D. Ward, H.-H. Thulke, F. Jeltsch (2000).
From snap-shot information to long-term population dynamics of Acacias by a simulation model.
Plant Ecology 150, 97-115.
publishers information
F. Hansen, F. Jeltsch, K. Tackmann, C. Staubach, U. Löschner, H.-H. Thulke (1999).
The fox tapeworm: modeling a parasite host system, an ecological approach [in German]. -
In: J. Pfadenhauer (ed.), Verhandlungen der GfÖ, vol.29, 219-229.
see related poster (SVEPM-Conf., Bristol, 1999).
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F. Herzog, A. Lausch, E. Müller, H.-H. Thulke (1999). Das Monitoring von Landschaftsveränderungen mit Landschaftsstrukturmaßen - Fallstudie Espenhain. - In: U. Walz (ed.). Erfassung und Bewertung der Landschaftsstruktur. Inst.f.Ökologische Raumentwicklung IÖR-Schriften, vol.29, 93-106.
K. Tackmann, U. Löschner, H. Mix, K. Reimer, C. Staubach, T. Selhorst, H.-H. Thulke, M. Ziller, F.J. Conraths (1999). Echinococcus Multilocularis Control. In: E. Larrieu, S. Romeo, C. Mercapide (eds.) Abstracts of the XIX International Congress of Hydatidology, San Carlos de Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina. Archivos Internationales de la Hidatidosis, XXXIII, 114-115.
H.-H. Thulke, V. Grimm, M.S. Müller, C. Staubach, L. Tischendorf, C. Wissel, F. Jeltsch (1999).
From pattern to practice: a scaling-down strategy for spatially explicit modelling illustrated by the spread and control of rabies.
Ecological Modelling 117, 179-202.
science direct
H.-H. Thulke, L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, F. Jeltsch, T. Müller, T. Selhorst, H. Schlüter (1999).
Controlling rabies in foxes by oral vaccination - learning from a simulation model. -
In: Proceedings of the SVEPM Conference, Bristol, 140-151.
Author's Pre-Print
C. Staubach, K. Tackmann, U. Löschner, H. Mix, W. Busse, H.-H. Thulke, B.M. Territo, F.J. Conraths (1998).
Geographic information system-aided analysis of factors potentially influencing the spatial distribution of Echinococcus multilocularis infections of foxes. -
In: Proceedings of the SVEPM Conference, Ennis, 40-47.
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K. Tackmann, U. Löschner, H. Mix, C. Staubach, H.-H. Thulke, F.J. Conraths (1998).
Spatial distribution patterns of Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) (Cestoda: Cyclophyllidae: Taniidae) among red foxes in an endemic focus in Brandenburg (Germany).
Epidemiology and Infection 120, 101-109.
publisher's abstract page
H.-H. Thulke, L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, V. Grimm, F. Jeltsch, M.S. Müller, T. Müller, T. Selhorst, J. Goretzki, H. Schlüter, C. Wissel (1998).
From an ecological model towards management: insight into the dynamics of the fox-rabies-system [in German]. -
In: J. Pfadenhauer (ed.), Verhandlungen der GfÖ, vol.28, 263-272.
more information
L. Tischendorf, H.-H. Thulke, C. Staubach, M.S. Müller, F. Jeltsch, J. Goretzki, T. Müller, T. Selhorst, H. Schlüter, C. Wissel (1998).
Chance and risk of controlling rabies in large-scale and long-term immunised fox populations.
Proceedings of the Royal Society - B 265, 839-845.
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C. Staubach, J. Teuffert, H.-H. Thulke (1997).
Risk analysis and local spread mechanisms of classical swine fever.
Epidémiol.santé anim. 31-32, 6.12.1-3.
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H.-H. Thulke, L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, M.S. Müller, H. Schlüter (1997).
New insight into the challenge of continued rabies control in Germany [in German].
Deutsche Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 104, 492-495.
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H.-H. Thulke, L. Tischendorf, C. Staubach, M. S. Müller, H. Schlüter (1997). Simulation based investigations on the consequences of changed rabies spreading within immunised fox populations. Epidémiol.santé anim. 31-32, 1.02.1-3.