Yuchen Geng
Contact / Address
Yuchen Geng
PhD Student
Department of Soil Ecology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Theodor-Lieser-Strasse 4 | D-06120 Halle/Saale
+49 341 6025 3679

Research Project
CV / Scientific Career
since 2020
Ph.D. and master's research at the Institute of Aquatic Biology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
List of Publications
Geng, Y., Peng, C., Wang, Z., Huang, S., Zhou, P., Li, D., 2022. Insights into the spatiotemporal differences in tailings seepage pollution by assessing the diversity and metabolic functions of the soil microbial community. Environmental Pollution 306, 119408.
Geng, Y., Peng, C., Zhou, W., Huang, S., Zhou, P., Wang, Z., Qin, H., Li, D., 2022. Gradient rise in seepage pollution levels in tailings ponds shapes closer linkages between phytoplankton and bacteria. Journal of Hazardous Materials 437, 129432.
Geng, Y., Ding, Y., Zhou, P., Wang, Z., Peng, C., Li, D., 2023. Soil microbe-mediated carbon and nitrogen cycling during primary succession of biological soil crusts in tailings ponds. Science of The Total Environment 894,164969.
Geng, Y., Zhou, P., Wang, Z., Peng, C., Li, G., Li, D., 2024. The roles of rare and abundant microbial species in the primary succession of biological soil crusts are differentiated in metal tailings ponds with different states. Journal of Hazardous Materials 472,134577.