Ehemalige MitarbeiterInnen
Dr. Katharine Nora Farrell
Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften
Department Ökonomie
für Umweltforschung − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Beruflicher Werdegang
2006 - 2008
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung − UFZ, Germany.
Department of Economics.
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow (EU Contract EIF – 024688)
Dezember 2005
Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland. Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research, PhD, Ecological Political Economy
November 2000
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland. Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, MSc by Research, Environmental Engineering
Mai 1997
New School for Social Research, New York, NY, 10011, USA. Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, MSc, Urban Policy Analysis and Management (honours)
Mai 1991
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. Douglass College, BA, Political Science (honours)
Abgeschlossene Projekte
ALIVE − Accountability and Legitimacy of Governance Institutions that support Viable Environments
European Union Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship Research Project 024688
Jan 2006 − April 2008
Visiting Research Fellow, Gibson Institute for Land, Food and the Environment, Queen's University Belfast
Time and Tradition in the Works of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
Tokushima, Japan − in collaboration with Professor Kozo Mayumi
May, June July 2006
Farrell, K.N., van den Hove, S., Luzzati, T. Ed. (2008) Beyond reductionism: interdisciplinary
research in ecological economics Routledge, London: in preparation for publication within the series Routledge Studies in Ecological Economics.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
Farrell, K.N. and Mayumi, K. (2007) 'Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen's general theory of ecological economic production: an application to electricity futures' In Sergio Ulgiati Ed. Advances in Energy Studies: Perspectives on Energy Future, Book of Proceedings 5th Edition: In Press.
Farrell, K.N. (2007) 'The Politics of Science: has Marcuse's New Science finally come of age?' In Andrew Biro Ed. Critical Ecologies:The Frankfurt School and Environmental Politics in the 21st Century University of Toronto Press, Toronto: Accepted for Publication.
Farrell, K.N. (2007) 'Living with Living Systems: the co-evolution of values and valuation', The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology 14(1):14-26.
Farrell. K.N. and Winkler, R. (2006) 'Introduction: Complexity and Ecological Economics (Special Issue)' Ecological Complexity 3(4):1-10.
Farrell, K.N. (2006) 'Reflections on International Political Economy and Global Environmental Governance' Organisation & Environment 19(2):270-274.
Meadowcroft, J., Farrell, K.N., Spangenberg, J. (2005) 'Governance for Sustainable Development: Developing a framework for sustainability governance in the European Union' International Journal of Sustainable Development 8(1/2):3-11.
Farrell, K.N., Kemp, R., Hinterberger, F, Rammel, C. and Ziegler, R. (2005) 'From * for * to Governance for Sustainable Development in Europe - what is at stake for further research?' International Journal of Sustainable Development 8(1/2):127-150.
Farrell, K.N. (2005) 'Different forms of Difference in Multi-level Governance for Sustainability: connections between gender and complexity theory perspectives' Der Öffentliche Sektor-Forschungsmemoranden, 1-2:9-19.§)
Farrell, K.N. (2004) 'Recapturing Fugitive Power: epistemology, complexity and democracy' Local Environment 9(5):469-479.
Working Papers
Farrell, K.N. (2007) 'Making Sense of Science in Society: considering the downstream consequences of upstreaming' UK Economic and Social Research Council Workshop Report, ESRC Science in Society Programme, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK: In Press.
Farrell, K.N. and Ravetz J. R. Eds. (2005) Governance of Science: the new politics of science in historical perspective Institute of Governance, Public Policy and Social Research Working Paper QU/GOV/2/2005.
Farrell, K.N. (2004) Living with living systems: exosomatic instruments and the evolution of homo sapiens Governance for Sustainable Development (GoSD) Working Paper No. 3.
Non Academic Publications
Technical Companion Document to the Irish Alternative Country Report Telling it like it is. Prepared for and presented to the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development, Earth Summit Ireland, Dublin, 2002.
'How our looming waste crisis can be solved' The Sunday Business Post: Comment & Analysis 12 August, 2001.
'Waste Not, Want Not' Business & Finance 22nd-28th March, 2001.
'Labour, IBEC call for national waste authority' The Sunday Business Post 14 February, 2001.
'Landed in a mess of our own making' The Sunday Business Post 14 January, 2001.
'Ireland needs one waste plan not ten' The Sunday Business Post: Comment & Analysis 19 November, 2000.
'Persian Gulf: whose war is it anyway?' Rutgers Review 16 October, 1990.
Book Reviews
Farrell, K.N. (2005) 'Ecological and Environmental Economics: Selected Issues and Policy Responses, Clem Tisdell (2003) Edward Elgar: Book Review' Environmental Politics 14(5):723-724.
Farrell, K.N. (2005) 'Environmental Planning in the Netherlands: Too Good to be True, From Command-and-Control Planning to Shared Governance, Gert de Roo (2003)Ashgate: Book Review' Environmental Politics 14(5):733-734.
Farrell, K.N. (2005) 'Review Essay: Complexity, Organisation and Change, Elizabeth McMillan (2004) Routledge' Organisation & Environment 18(1):124-127.
Farrell, K.N. (2004) 'Critical Political Ecology, Tim Forsyth (2003) Routledge: Book Review' Environmental Values 13(3):403-406.
Farrell, K.N. (2004) 'Organisations, Policy, and the Natural Environment: Institutional and Strategic Perspectives, Andrew J. Hoffman and Marc J. Ventresca (2002) Stanford University Press: Book Review' Environmental Politics 13(2):503-505.
Farrell, K.N. (2003) 'Waste in Ecological Economics, Katy Bisson and John Proops (2002) Edward Elgar: Book Review' Environmental Politics 12(4):154-155.
Farrell, K.N. (2003) 'Review Essay: Green States and Social Movements, John S Dryzek, David Downes, Christian Hunold and David Schlosberg with Hans-Kristian Hernes (2003) Oxford University Press' Organisation & Environment 16(3):398-400.
Farrell, K. (1994) 'The Ecology of Commerce, Paul Hawken (1994) Harper Collins: Book Review' Capitalism Nature Socialism 5(4):132-133.