Prof. Dr. Roland Müller

Contact / Address

Dept. Umwelt- und Biotechnologisches Zentrum (UBZ)
Environmental and Biotechnology Centre

für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 341 6025 1275


Department Head

Roland Müller

Research Interests

  • Multifunctional BlueGreen Water Infrastructures for Water Sensitive Cities
  • Decentralized Rainwater & Wastewater Treatment and Management of this Process
  • Ecological Engineering
  • Resource-efficient Wastewater Treatment


1984 - 1990

University studies in Technical Microbiology at the Carolo-Wilhelmina Technical University of Braunschweig

Occupational activities

since 2016

Hon. Professor for Integrated Wastewater Resource Management in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK)

since 2013

Head of Department SUBT - Systemic Environmental Biotechnology

2010 - 2012

Speaker of Department; Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (UBZ), UFZ

1996 - 2010

Head of Infrastructure Unit; Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (UBZ), UFZ

1997 - 2002

Speaker of the “Environmental Biotechnology” research area at the UFZ

1994 - 1996

Researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research as Head of the UFZ
Technical Laboratory, Leipzig

Editorship, Awards and Scholarships


German Environmental Award: Solving a central water problem in a decentralized manner: German skills form the basis for a new wastewater sector, using the example of Jordan; DBU - The German Federal Environmental Foundation (with M.Hirschfeld, M.-Y. Lee, M. van Afferden)


Winner UFZ Knowledge Transfer Award: Excellent Contributions to and Implementation of Jordanians Policy and Framework for an Effective Decentralized Wastewater Management


UFZ Technology Transfer Award for the "development and scientific support for the implementation of the vertical filter system for cleaning groundwater contaminated with benzene and MTBE" (with Manfred van Afferden, Khaja Z. Rahman and Peter Mosig)


Finalist: Hugo Junkers Prize for a “vertical filter system for resource-efficient and near-natural groundwater purification”. Research and innovation from Saxony-Anhalt, 2nd place in the “Most innovative basic research project” category (with Manfred van Afferden, Khaja Z. Rahman and Peter Mosig)


Finalist in the Innovation Award Competition for Central Germany: “Energy/Environment/Solar industry” competition category. Technology entry: “Process development for remediation of MTBE off-flow and benzene- contaminated groundwaters for the large-scale industrial site at Leuna”

Professional Memberships

since 2024

 Appointment to the Climate Advisory Board of the City of Leipzig

since 2023

Appointment to the Advisory Board of the Central German Competence Center for Water Management

since 2023

Appointment to the Advisory Board of POSEIDON-Interreg - Climate adaptation measures in northern Germany and southern Denmark (Interreg Europe)

since 2016

Appointments by DWA-German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste:
• As a member of the Federal Advisory Board (2019)
• As a Member of the Technical committee for international cooperation in the water sector BIZ -11; (2018)
• As a Speaker of the Working Group “Decentralized Wastewater Management for Developing and Transient Countries; KA-AG 11-1 (2020)
• As a Member of Working Group: System integration; KA- AG 1-4: NASS (member)

since 2014

Deputy Chairman of BDZ e.V. (Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralized Sewage Treatment)

since 2013

Appointment as the German representative in NICE – National Implementation Committee for decentralized Wastewater treatment, Jordan

since 2009

Member of the board of the BDZ e.V. (Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralized Sewage Treatment), Leipzig

2005 - 2009

Member of the ECOSAN (Ecological Sanitation) scientific advisory council of the GTZ German Society for Technical Cooperation GmbH; Eschborn

2024 (4)

2023 (4)

2022 (3)

2021 (8)

2020 (6)

2019 (8)

2018 (9)

2017 (5)

2016 (6)

2015 (4)

2014 (5)

2013 (5)

2012 (5)

2011 (13)

2010 (14)

2008 (3)

2007 (3)

2006 (1)

2005 (2)

2004 (3)

2003 (4)

2002 (3)

2001 (2)

2000 (2)

  • Noke, A., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (2000):
    Intensive treatment of mineral oil-contaminated drilling cuttings
    In: Wise, D.L., Trantolo, D.J., Cichon, E.J., Inyang, H.I., Stottmeister, U. (Hrsg.)
    Remediation engineering of contaminated soils
    Environmental Science and Pollution Control 23
    Marcel Dekker, New York, S. 321 - 327
  • Noke, A., Schönbein, K., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (2000):
    Bioreactor treatment of mineral oil contaminated drilling mud
    Contaminated Soil 2000. Proceedings of the 7th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, 18 - 22 September 2000, Leipzig, Germany
    Telford Publishing, London, 1150 - 1151

1999 (2)

  • Müller, R.H., Jahn, Y., Müller, R.A., Babel, W. (1999):
    Microbial detoxification of building rubble contaminated by phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicides
    9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe "Quality of life and environment in cultured landscape", Leipzig, 25.-29.5.1999
  • Noke, A., Kolszynski, R.v., Ercoli, E., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (1999):
    Biologische Behandlung von Bohrspülschlämmen
    In: Heiden, S., Erb, R., Warrelmann, J., Dierstein, R. (Hrsg.)
    Biotechnologie im Umweltschutz. Bioremediation: Entwicklungsstand, Anwendungen, Perspektiven ; [im Rahmen der Fachtagung "Biotechnologie im Umweltschutz, Bioremediation: Entwicklungsstand - Anwendungen - Perspektiven", vom 9.-12. Mai 1999 Munster, Soltau]
    Initiativen zum Umweltschutz 12
    Erich Schmidt, Berlin, S. 304

1998 (5)

1997 (1)

1996 (4)