Prof. Dr. Roland Müller
Contact / Address
Dept. Umwelt- und Biotechnologisches Zentrum (UBZ)
Environmental and Biotechnology Centre
für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 341 6025 1275
Department Head
Research Interests
- Multifunctional BlueGreen Water Infrastructures for Water Sensitive Cities
- Decentralized Rainwater & Wastewater Treatment and Management of this Process
- Ecological Engineering
- Resource-efficient Wastewater Treatment
1984 - 1990
University studies in Technical Microbiology at the Carolo-Wilhelmina Technical University of Braunschweig
Occupational activities
since 2016
Hon. Professor for Integrated Wastewater Resource Management in the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK)
since 2013
Head of Department SUBT - Systemic Environmental Biotechnology
Speaker of Department; Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (UBZ), UFZ
Head of Infrastructure Unit; Centre for Environmental Biotechnology (UBZ), UFZ
Speaker of the “Environmental Biotechnology” research area at the UFZ
Researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research as Head of the UFZ
Technical Laboratory, Leipzig
Editorship, Awards and Scholarships
German Environmental Award: Solving a central water problem in a decentralized manner: German skills form the basis for a new wastewater sector, using the example of Jordan; DBU - The German Federal Environmental Foundation (with M.Hirschfeld, M.-Y. Lee, M. van Afferden)
Winner UFZ Knowledge Transfer Award: Excellent Contributions to and Implementation of Jordanians Policy and Framework for an Effective Decentralized Wastewater Management
UFZ Technology Transfer Award for the "development and scientific support for the implementation of the vertical filter system for cleaning groundwater contaminated with benzene and MTBE" (with Manfred van Afferden, Khaja Z. Rahman and Peter Mosig)
Finalist: Hugo Junkers Prize for a “vertical filter system for resource-efficient and near-natural groundwater purification”. Research and innovation from Saxony-Anhalt, 2nd place in the “Most innovative basic research project” category (with Manfred van Afferden, Khaja Z. Rahman and Peter Mosig)
Finalist in the Innovation Award Competition for Central Germany: “Energy/Environment/Solar industry” competition category. Technology entry: “Process development for remediation of MTBE off-flow and benzene- contaminated groundwaters for the large-scale industrial site at Leuna”
Professional Memberships
since 2024
Appointment to the Climate Advisory Board of the City of Leipzig
since 2023
Appointment to the Advisory Board of the Central German Competence Center for Water Management
since 2023
Appointment to the Advisory Board of POSEIDON-Interreg - Climate adaptation measures in northern Germany and southern Denmark (Interreg Europe)
since 2016
Appointments by DWA-German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste:
• As a member of the Federal Advisory Board (2019)
• As a Member of the Technical committee for international cooperation in the water sector BIZ -11; (2018)
• As a Speaker of the Working Group “Decentralized Wastewater Management for Developing and Transient Countries; KA-AG 11-1 (2020)
• As a Member of Working Group: System integration; KA- AG 1-4: NASS (member)
since 2014
Deputy Chairman of BDZ e.V. (Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralized Sewage Treatment)
since 2013
Appointment as the German representative in NICE – National Implementation Committee for decentralized Wastewater treatment, Jordan
since 2009
Member of the board of the BDZ e.V. (Training and Demonstration Centre for Decentralized Sewage Treatment), Leipzig
2005 - 2009
Member of the ECOSAN (Ecological Sanitation) scientific advisory council of the GTZ German Society for Technical Cooperation GmbH; Eschborn
2024 (4)
- Breulmann, M., Müller, R., van Afferden, M. (2024):
Modeling urban stormwater and irrigation management with coupled blue-green infrastructure in the context of climate change
Blue-Green Syst. 6 (1), 100 - 113 10.2166/bgs.2024.101 - Khurelbaatar, G., Ramos Rodriguez, S.P., Aubron, T., Rahman, K.Z., Khalil, N., van Afferden, M., Breulmann, M., Friesen, J., Müller, R.A. (2024):
Preliminary planning and optimization approach for wastewater infrastructure for regions with low data availability
Water 16 (5), art. 694 10.3390/w16050694 - Moeller, L., Knapp, S., Schmauck, S., Otto, P., Schlosser, D., Wick, L.Y., Georgi, A., Friesen, J., Ueberham, M., Trabitzsch, R., Wollschläger, N., Schlink, U., Hofmann, D., Müller, R.A., Mackenzie, K. (2024):
Gründächer im urbanen Raum und ihre Ökosystemleistungen
In: Kabisch, S., Rink, D., Banzhaf, E. (Hrsg.)
Die resiliente Stadt: Konzepte, Konflikte, Lösungen
Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 165 - 180 10.1007/978-3-662-66916-7_11 - Rahman, K.Z., Al Saadi, S., Al Rawahi, M., van Afferden, M., Bernhard, K., Friesen, J., Müller, R.A. (2024):
Small decentralized technologies for high-strength wastewater treatment and reuse in arid and semi-arid regions
Environments 11 (7), art. 142 10.3390/environments11070142
2023 (4)
- Breulmann, M., Kallies, R., Bernhard, K., Gasch, A., Müller, R.A., Harms, H., Chatzinotas, A., van Afferden, M. (2023):
A long-term passive sampling approach for wastewater-based monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in Leipzig, Germany
Sci. Total Environ. 887 , art. 164143 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.164143 - Müller, R., van Afferden, M., Khurelbaatar, G., Ueberham, M., Reese, M., Fischer, H., Geyler, S., Hofmann, E., Wüstneck, T., Ziegenbein, T., Sahlbach, T., Winkler, U., Berbig, J., Mohr, M., Stefan, M. (2023):
Wege zum abflussfreien Stadtquartier - Potentiale, Wirkungen und Rechtsrahmen des ortsnahen Schmutz- und Regenwassermanagements. Abschlussbericht
Texte Umweltbundesamt 34/2023
Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau, 201 S. - Rahman, K.Z., Al Saadi, S., Al Rawahi, M., Knappe, J., van Afferden, M., Moeller, L., Bernhard, K., Müller, R.A. (2023):
A multi-functional nature-based solution (NBS) for greywater treatment and reuse at the same plot
Ecol. Eng. 191 , art. 106952 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.106952 - Rahman, K.Z., Chen, X., Blumberg, M., Bernhard, K., Müller, R.A., Mackenzie, K., Trabitzsch, R., Moeller, L. (2023):
Effect of hydraulic loading rate on treatment performance of a pilot wetland roof treating greywater from a household
Water 15 (9), art. 3375 10.3390/w15193375
2022 (3)
- Breulmann, M., Khurelbaatar, G., Sanne, M., van Afferden, M., Subah, A., Müller, R.A. (2022):
Integrated wastewater management for the protection of vulnerable water resources in the north of Jordan
Sustainability 14 (6), art. 3574 10.3390/su14063574 - Nivala, J., Wallace, S., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2022):
Evapotranspiration dynamics in aerated and non-aerated subsurface flow treatment wetlands
Sci. Total Environ. 843 , art. 156605 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156605 - Sossalla, N.A., Nivala, J., Escher, B.I., Schlichting, R., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A., Reemtsma, T. (2022):
Impact of various aeration strategies on the removal of micropollutants and biological effects in aerated horizontal flow treatment wetlands
Sci. Total Environ. 828 , art. 154423 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154423
2021 (8)
- Breulmann, M., Müller, R.A., Al-Subeh, A., van Afferden, M. (2021):
Influx of Syrian refugees in Jordan – effects on the water sector
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ; Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Leipzig, Germany; Amman, Jordan, 38 pp. - Breulmann, M., van Afferden, M., Al-Subeh, A., Al-Mahamid, J.S., Dorgeloh, E., Müller, R.A. (2021):
National Framework: The certification of wastewater treatment systems with capacities up to 5.000 PE in Jordan
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ; Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Leipzig, Germany; Amman, Jordan, 252 pp. 10.13140/RG.2.2.19012.35203 - Khurelbaatar, G., Al Marzuqi, B., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A., Friesen, J. (2021):
Data reduced method for cost comparison of wastewater management scenarios - case study for two settlements in Jordan and Oman
Front. Environ. Sci. 9 , art. 626634 10.3389/fenvs.2021.626634 - Khurelbaatar, G., van Afferden, M., Sullivan, C.M., Fühner, C., Amgalan, J., Londong, J., Müller, R.A. (2021):
Wastewater treatment and wood production of willow system in cold climate
Water 13 (12), art. 1630 10.3390/w13121630 - Khurelbaatar, G., van Afferden, M., Ueberham, M., Stefan, M., Geyler, S., Müller, R.A. (2021):
Management of Urban STormwater at Block-level (MUST-B): A new approach for potential analysis of decentralized stormwater management systems
Water 13 (3), art. 378 10.3390/w13030378 - Kohlheb, N., Wluka, M., Bezama, A., Thrän, D., Aurich, A., Müller, R.A. (2021):
Environmental-economic assessment of the pressure swing adsorption biogas upgrading technology
BioEnergy Res. 14 (3), 901 - 909 10.1007/s12155-020-10205-9 - Kuhlicke, C., Albert, C., Bachmann, D., Birkmann, J., Borchardt, D., Fekete, A., Greiving, S., Hansjürgens, B., Jüpner, R., Kabisch, S., Krellenberg, K., Merz, B., Müller, R., Rink, D., Rinke, K., Schwarze, R., Teutsch, G., Thieken, A., Ueberham, M., Voss, M. (2021):
Fünf Prinzipien für klimasichere Kommunen und Städte
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 14 (9), 537 - 539 - Sossalla, N.A., Nivala, J., Reemtsma, T., Schlichting, R., König, M., Forquet, N., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A., Escher, B.I. (2021):
Removal of micropollutants and biological effects by conventional and intensified constructed wetlands treating municipal wastewater
Water Res. 201 , art. 117349 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117349
2020 (6)
- Al-Rawahi, M.N., Lee, M.-Y., Friesen, J., Khurelbaatar, G., Müller, R. (2020):
A practical step towards sustainability: decentralised wastewater management in Oman
Desalin. Water Treat. 176 , 360 - 369 10.5004/dwt.2020.25545 - Becker, M.-Y., Kohlheb, N., Hunger, S., Eschrich, S., Müller, R., Aurich, A. (2020):
Early‐stage sustainability assessment of biotechnological processes: A case study of citric acid production
Eng. Life Sci. 20 (3-4), 90 - 103 10.1002/elsc.201800198 - Boog, J., Nivala, J., Kalbacher, T., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2020):
Do wastewater pollutants impact oxygen transfer in aerated horizontal flow wetlands?
Chem. Eng. J. 383 , art. 123173 10.1016/j.cej.2019.123173 - Breulmann, M., Brückner, F., Toll, M., van Afferden, M., Becker, M.-Y., Subah, A., Müller, R.A. (2020):
Vulnerable water resources in Jordan: hot spots
Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Amman, Jordan; Leipzig, Germany; Hannover, Germany, 39 pp. - Breulmann, M., Müller, R.A., Al-Subeh, A., Subah, A., van Afferden, M. (2020):
Reuse of treated wastewater and biosolids in Jordan – nationwide evaluation
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ; Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Leipzig, Germany; Amman, Jordan, lX, 90 pp. - Sossalla, N.A., Nivala, J., Escher, B.I., Reemtsma, T., Schlichting, R., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2020):
Resilience of micropollutant and biological effect removal in an aerated horizontal flow treatment wetland
Water 12 (11), art. 3050 10.3390/w12113050
2019 (8)
- Aubron, T., van Afferden, M., Khurelbaatar, G., Müller, R. (2019):
WP-B: Development and Testing of a GIS-Based Planning Tool for Creating Decentralized Sanitation Scenarios
In: Sachse, A., Liao, Z., Zhu, W., Dai, X., Kolditz, O. (eds.)
Chinese water systems. Volume 2: Managing water resources for urban catchments: Chaohu
Terrestrial Environmental Sciences
Springer Nature, Cham, p. 125 - 157 10.1007/978-3-319-97568-9_4 - Boog, J., Kalbacher, T., Nivala, J., Forquet, N., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2019):
Modeling the relationship of aeration, oxygen transfer and treatment performance in aerated horizontal flow treatment wetlands
Water Res. 157 , 321 - 334 10.1016/j.watres.2019.03.062 - Boog, J., Kalbacher, T., Nivala, J., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2019):
Modeling dynamics of organic carbon and nitrogen removal during aeration interruption in aerated horizontal flow treatment wetlands
Water Sci. Technol. 80 (3), 597 - 606 10.2166/wst.2019.304 - Kolditz, O., Berendonk, T.U., Chen, C., Fuchs, L., Haase, M., Jungmann, D., Kalbacher, T., Krebs, P., Moldaenke, C., Müller, R., Neubert, F., Rink, K., Rinke, K., Sachse, A., Walther, M. (2019):
Managing water resources for urban catchments
In: Sachse, A., Liao, Z., Zhu, W., Dai, X., Kolditz, O. (eds.)
Chinese water systems. Volume 2: Managing water resources for urban catchments: Chaohu
Terrestrial Environmental Sciences
Springer Nature, Cham, p. 35 - 85 10.1007/978-3-319-97568-9_2 - Nivala, J., Abdallat, G., Aubron, T., Al-Zreiqat, I., Abbassi, B., Wu, G.-M., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2019):
Vertical flow constructed wetlands for decentralized wastewater treatment in Jordan: Optimization of total nitrogen removal
Sci. Total Environ. 671 , 495 - 504 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.376 - Nivala, J., Boog, J., Headley, T., Aubron, T., Wallace, S., Brix, H., Mothes, S., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2019):
Side-by-side comparison of 15 pilot-scale conventional and intensified subsurface flow wetlands for treatment of domestic wastewater
Sci. Total Environ. 658 , 1500 - 1513 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.165 - Zehnsdorf, A., Blumberg, M., Müller, R.A. (2019):
Helophyte mats (wetland roofs) with high evapotranspiration rates as a tool for decentralised rainwater management – process stability improved by simultaneous greywater treatment
Water Supply 19 (3), 808 - 814 10.2166/ws.2018.126 - Zehnsdorf, A., Willebrand, K.C.U., Trabitzsch, R., Knechtel, S., Blumberg, M., Müller, R. (2019):
Wetland roofs as an attractive option for decentralized water management and air conditioning enhancement in growing cities—a review
Water 11 (9), art. 1845 10.3390/w11091845
2018 (9)
- Al-Zreiqat, I., Abbassi, B., Headley, T., Nivala, J., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2018):
Influence of septic tank attached growth media on total nitrogen removal in a recirculating vertical flow constructed wetland for treatment of domestic wastewater
Ecol. Eng. 118 , 171 - 178 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.05.013 - Boog, J., Nivala, J., Aubron, T., Mothes, S., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2018):
Resilience of carbon and nitrogen removal due to aeration interruption in aerated treatment wetlands
Sci. Total Environ. 621 , 960 - 969 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.131 - Breulmann, M., Kuka, K., van Afferden, M., Buscot, F., Fühner, C., Müller, R., Schulz, E. (2018):
Labile water soluble components govern the short-term microbial decay of hydrochar from sewage sludge
Arch. Agron. Soil Sci. 64 (6), 873 - 880 10.1080/03650340.2017.1387779 - Breulmann, M., Schulz, E., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A., Fühner, C. (2018):
Hydrochars derived from sewage sludge: effects of pre-treatment with water on char properties, phytotoxicity and chemical structure
Arch. Agron. Soil Sci. 64 (6), 860 - 872 10.1080/03650340.2017.1396318 - Moeller, L., Bauer, A., Zehnsdorf, A., Lee, M.-Y., Müller, R.A. (2018):
Anaerobic co‐digestion of waste yeast biomass from citric acid production and waste frying fat
Eng. Life Sci. 18 (7), 425 - 433 10.1002/elsc.201700176 - Moeller, L., Zehnsdorf, A., Müller, R.A. (2018):
Effect of triticale milling coarseness on biogas production
Chem. Ing. Tech. 90 (1-2), 249 - 255 10.1002/cite.201600111 - Nivala, J., Kahl, S., Boog, J., van Afferden, M., Reemtsma, T., Müller, R.A. (2018):
Dynamics of emerging organic contaminant removal in conventional and intensified subsurface flow treatment wetlands
Sci. Total Environ. 649 , 1144 - 1156 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.339 - Nivala, J., Neale, P.A., Haasis, T., Kahl, S., König, M., Müller, R.A., Reemtsma, T., Schlichting, R., Escher, B.I. (2018):
Application of cell-based bioassays to evaluate treatment efficacy of conventional and intensified treatment wetlands
Environ. Sci.-Wat. Res. Technol. 4 (2), 206 - 217 10.1039/c7ew00341b - Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2018):
Green infrastructure for increased resource efficiency in urban water management
In: Kabisch, S., Koch, F., Gawel, E., Haase, A., Knapp, S., Krellenberg, K., Nivala, J., Zehnsdorf, A. (eds.)
Urban transformations - Sustainable urban development through resource efficiency, quality of life and resilience
Future City 10
Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 133 - 143 10.1007/978-3-319-59324-1_8
2017 (5)
- Aurich, A., Hofmann, J., Oltrogge, R., Wecks, M., Gläser, R., Blömer, L., Mauersberger, S., Müller, R.A., Sicker, D., Giannis, A. (2017):
Improved isolation of microbiologically produced (2R,3S)-isocitric acid by adsorption on activated carbon and recovery with methanol
Org. Process Res. Dev. 21 (6), 866 - 870 10.1021/acs.oprd.7b00090 - Breulmann, M., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A., Schulz, E., Fühner, C. (2017):
Process conditions of pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization affect the potential of sewage sludge for soil carbon sequestration and amelioration
J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 124 , 256 - 265 10.1016/j.jaap.2017.01.026 - Kahl, S., Nivala, J., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A., Reemtsma, T. (2017):
Effect of design and operational conditions on the performance of subsurface flow treatment wetlands: Emerging organic contaminants as indicators
Water Res. 125 , 490 - 500 10.1016/j.watres.2017.09.004 - Khurelbaatar, G., Sullivan, C.M., van Afferden, M., Rahman, K.Z., Fühner, C., Gerel, O., Londong, J., Müller, R.A. (2017):
Application of primary treated wastewater to short rotation coppice of willow and poplar in Mongolia: Influence of plants on treatment performance
Ecol. Eng. 98 , 82 - 90 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.10.010 - Rahman, K.Z., van Afferden, M., Mosig, P., Müller, R.A. (2017):
Influence of hydraulic loading rate on ion precipitations and performance of a vertical-flow soil filter treating contaminated groundwater under cold climatic conditions
Ecol. Eng. 108 (Part A), 40 - 49 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.07.042
2016 (6)
- Boog, J., Nivala, J., Aubron, T., Wallace, S., Sullivan, C., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2016):
Treatment wetland aeration without electricity? Lessons learned from the first experiment using a wind-driven air pump
Water 8 (11), art. 502 10.3390/w8110502 - Borchardt, D., Gordon, C., Mensah, A.M., Dannisøe, J.G., Müller, R.A., Alcamo, J. (2016):
Solutions to the water quality challenge: a preliminary review
UNEP 2016. A snapshot of the world’s water quality: towards a global assessment
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, p. 81 - 94 - Button, M., Weber, K., Nivala, J., Aubron, T., Müller, R.A. (2016):
Community-level physiological profiling of microbial communities in constructed wetlands: Effects of sample preparation
Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 178 (5), 960 - 973 10.1007/s12010-015-1921-7 - Klinger, J., Riepl, D., Wolf, H.-P., Heinz, I., Rödiger, T., Guttman, J., Samhan, S., Tamimi, A., Subah, A., Sauter, M., Müller, R., Geyer, S., Ali, W., van Afferden, M., Lee, M.-Y., Liesch, T., Hötzl, H., Goldscheider, N. (2016):
Challenges of implementing IWRM in the Lower Jordan Valley
In: Borchardt, D., Bogardi, J.J., Ibisch, R.B. (eds.)
Integrated water resources management: concept, research and implementation
Springer, Basel, p. 749 - 777 10.1007/978-3-319-25071-7_28 - Moeller, L., Krieg, F., Zehnsdorf, A., Müller, R.A. (2016):
How to avoid foam formation in biogas plants by coarse grain anaerobic digestion
Chem. Eng. Technol. 39 (4), 673 - 679 10.1002/ceat.201500300 - Zehnsdorf, A., Stock, N., Richter, J., Blumberg, M., Müller, R.A. (2016):
Grauwasserreinigung mit einer Sumpfpflanzenmatte unter Praxisbedingungen. Gray-water purification with a wetland plant mat under practical conditions
Chem. Ing. Tech. 88 (8), 1138 - 1144 10.1002/cite.201500185
2015 (4)
- Button, M., Nivala, J., Weber, K.P., Aubron, T., Müller, R.A. (2015):
Microbial community metabolic function in subsurface flow constructed wetlands of different designs
Ecol. Eng. 80 , 162 - 171 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.09.073 - Jost, B., Holz, M., Aurich, A., Barth, G., Bley, T., Müller, R.A. (2015):
The influence of oxygen limitation for the production of succinic acid with recombinant strains of Yarrowia lipolytica
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 99 (4), 1675 - 1686 10.1007/s00253-014-6252-z - Moeller, L., Eismann, F., Wißmann, D., Nägele, H.-J, Zielonka, S., Müller, R.A., Zehnsdorf, A. (2015):
Innovative test method for the estimation of the foaming tendency of substrates for biogas plants
Waste Manage. 41 , 39 - 49 10.1016/j.wasman.2015.03.031 - van Afferden, M., Cardona, J.A., Lee, M.-Y., Subah, A., Müller, R.A. (2015):
A new approach to implementing decentralized wastewater treatment concepts
Water Sci. Technol. 72 (11), 1923 - 1930 10.2166/wst.2015.393
2014 (5)
- Ávila, C., Nivala, J., Olsson, L., Kassa, K., Headley, T., Mueller, R.A., Bayona, J.M., García, J. (2014):
Emerging organic contaminants in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands: Influence of media size, loading frequency and use of active aeration
Sci. Total Environ. 494–495 , 211 - 217 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.06.128 - Boog, J., Nivala, J., Aubron, T., Wallace, S., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2014):
Hydraulic characterization and optimization of total nitrogen removal in an aerated vertical subsurface flow treatment wetland
Bioresour. Technol. 162 , 166 - 174 10.1016/j.biortech.2014.03.100 - Moeller, L., Krieg, F., Beyer, D., Köster, Y., Müller, R.A., Zehnsdorf, A. (2014):
LEIPZIGER SCHAUMTESTER - Testset und dessen Verwendung zur Bestimmung der Schaumneigung von Substrat in Biogasanlagen
In: Thrän, D., Pfeiffer, D. (Hrsg.)
Festschrift. Konferenz 5 Jahre Förderprogramm "Energetische Biomassenutzung": Wege zur effizienten Bioenergie
Schriftenreihe des Förderprogramms "Energetische Biomassenutzung" 15
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, S. 170 - 175 - Rahman, K.Z., Wiessner, A., Kuschk, P., van Afferden, M., Mattusch, J., Müller, R.A. (2014):
Removal and fate of arsenic in the rhizosphere of Juncus effusus treating artificial wastewater in laboratory-scale constructed wetlands
Ecol. Eng. 69 , 93 - 105 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.03.050 - Würdemann, H., Kleyböcker, A., Lienen, T., Liebrich, M., Brehmer, M., Kraume, M., Daniel-Gromke, J., Lorenz, H., Balussou, D., McKenna, R., Moeller, L., Görsch, K., Müller, R.A., Zehnsdorf, A., Zirkler, D., Kaupenjohann, M. (2014):
OptGas - vergleichende Untersuchungen an großtechnischen Biogasreaktoren
In: Thrän, D., Pfeiffer, D. (Hrsg.)
Neue Wege zur Prozessoptimierung in Biogasanlagen : abgeschlossene Vorhaben im BMU-Förderprogramm T. 1
Schriftenreihe des BMU-Förderprogramms "Energetische Biomassenutzung" 11
DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Leipzig, S. 9 - 24
2013 (5)
- Headley, T., Nivala, J., Kassa, K., Olsson, L., Wallace, S., Brix, H., van Afferden, M., Müller, R. (2013):
Escherichia coli removal and internal dynamics in subsurface flow ecotechnologies: Effects of design and plants
Ecol. Eng. 61 (Part B), 564 - 574 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.07.062 - Moeller, L., Görsch, K., Köster, Y., Müller, R.A., Zehnsdorf, A. (2013):
Schaumbildung und Schaumvermeidung in Biogasanlagen : Schlussbericht
UFZ-Bericht 1/2013
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 129 S. - Nivala, J., Headley, T., Wallace, S., Bernhard, K., Brix, H., van Afferden, M., Müller, R.A. (2013):
Comparative analysis of constructed wetlands: The design and construction of the ecotechnology research facility in Langenreichenbach, Germany
Ecol. Eng. 61 (Part B), 527 - 543 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.01.035 - Nivala, J., Wallace, S., Headley, T., Kassa, K., Brix, H., van Afferden, M., Müller, R. (2013):
Oxygen transfer and consumption in subsurface flow treatment wetlands
Ecol. Eng. 61 (Part B), 544 - 554 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.08.028 - Zehnsdorf, A., Seidel, H., Hoffmann, P., Schlenker, U., Müller, R.A. (2013):
Conditioning of sediment polluted with heavy metals using plants as a preliminary stage of the bioremediation process: a large-scale study
J. Soils Sediments 13 (6), 1106 - 1112 10.1007/s11368-013-0685-3
2012 (5)
- Aurich, A., Specht, R., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U., Yovkova, V., Otto, C., Holz, M., Barth, G., Heretsch, P., Thomas, F.A., Sicker, D., Giannis, A. (2012):
Microbiologically produced carboxylic acids used as building blocks in organic synthesis
In: Wang, X., Chen, J., Quinn, P. (eds.)
Subcellular biochemistry, Volume 64; Reprogramming microbial metabolic pathways, Part 2
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, p. 391 - 424 10.1007/978-94-007-5055-5_19 - Günther, S., Koch, C., Hübschmann, T., Röske, I., Müller, R., Bley, T., Harms, H., Müller, S. (2012):
Correlation of community dynamics and process parameters as a tool for the prediction of the stability of wastewater treatment
Environ. Sci. Technol. 46 (1), 84 - 92 10.1021/es2010682 - Headley, T.R., Davison, L., Huett, D.O., Müller, R. (2012):
Evapotranspiration from subsurface horizontal flow wetlands planted with Phragmites australis in sub-tropical Australia
Water Res. 46 (2), 342 - 354 10.1016/j.watres.2011.10.042 - Moeller, L., Görsch, K., Müller, R.A., Zehnsdorf, A. (2012):
Bildung von Schaum in Biogasanlagen und seine Bekämpfung - Erfahrungen aus der Praxis. Formation and suppression of foam in biogas plants - practical experiences
Landtechnik 67 (2), 110 - 113 10.15150/lt.2012.280 - Moeller, L., Görsch, K., Neuhaus, J., Zehnsdorf, A., Müller, R.A. (2012):
Comparative review of foam formation in biogas plants and ruminant bloat
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2011 (13)
- Headley, T., Nivala, J., Olsson, L., Weichert, G., Kassa, K., van Afferden, M., Müller, R. (2011):
Removal of E. coli in subsurface flow constructed wetlands - effect of plants and design
Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) and Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL) Conference, 3 - 8 July 2011, Prague (CZ) - Headley, T., Olsson, L., Nivala, J., Kassa, K., van Afferden, M., Müller, R. (2011):
Pollutant removal in vertical flow wetlands: effect of depth, media, plants, and loading regime
Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) and Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL) Conference, 3 - 8 July 2011, Prague (CZ) - Kassa, K., Headley, T., Nivala, J., Bernhard, K., van Afferden, M., Barjenbruch, M., Müller, R. (2011):
Effect of depth and plants on treatment of municipal wastewater in horizontal subsrface flow constructed wetlands
Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) and Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL) Conference, 3 - 8 July 2011, Prague (CZ) - Müller, R.A., Cardona, J., Subah, A., Abbassi, B., van Afferden, M. (2011):
Implementation research for decentralized wastewater concepts in Jordan, Presentation
World Water Week, Stockholm, August 21-27 - Müller, R.A., Cardona, J., Subah, A., Abbassi, B., van Afferden, M. (2011):
Decentralized waste water treatment in arid areas and options for a large scale implementation in Jordan
International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM, Management of Water in a Changing World, 12–13 October 2011, Dresden, Book of Abstracts
81 - 82 - Nivala, J., Headley, T., Brix, H., Wallace, S., Müller, R. (2011):
Effect of plants and design on oxygen transfer in treatment wetlands
Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) and Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL) Conference, 3 - 8 July 2011, Prague (CZ) - Rahman, K., van Afferden, M., Mosig, P., Müller, R. (2011):
Development, technical design and potential of vertical-flow soil filter eco-technologies for the remediation of groundwater contaminated with MTBE and benzene
3rd TASK Symposium 'The future of contaminated sites - Strategies and technologies made in Germany', 08-09 June 2011, Leipzig - Abstracts of presentations
36 - Rahman, K.Z., Wiessner, A., Kuschk, P., van Afferden, M., Mattusch, J., Müller, R.A. (2011):
Fate and distribution of arsenic in laboratory-scale subsurface horizontal-flow constructed wetlands treating an artificial wastewater
Ecol. Eng. 37 (8), 1214 - 1224 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2011.02.016 - Sullivan, C., Nivala, J., Headley, T., Dallas, S., Müller, R. (2011):
Capital costs of constructed wetlands compared to other decentralised wastewater treatment technologies: a case study from southern India
Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) and Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL) Conference, 3 - 8 July 2011, Prague (CZ) - van Afferden, M., Goedert, R., Cardona, J., Abbassi, B., Uleimat, A., Ali, W., Müller, R. (2011):
Primary school education as a basic support tool for the implementation of Jordan’s Water Strategy 2009–2022
International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM, Management of Water in a Changing World, 12–13 October 2011, Dresden
64 - 65 - van Afferden, M., Müller, R. (2011):
Regional implementation of decentralized wastewater concepts in Jordan
World Water Week in Stockholm, August 21–27
100 - 101 - van Afferden, M., Rahman, K.Z., Mosig, P., De Biase, C., Thullner, M., Oswalt, P., Müller, R.A. (2011):
Remediation of groundwater contaminated with MTBE and benzene: the potential of vertical-flow soil filter systems
Water Res. 45 (16), 5063 - 5074 10.1016/j.watres.2011.07.010 - Zehnsdorf, A., Hoffmann, P., Seidel, H., Schlenker, U., Müller, R.A. (2011):
Reinigung schwermetallhaltiger Sedimente mithife von Pflanzen und Mikroorganismen. Überführung des Konditionierungsverfahrens in die Praxis
KW Korrespondenz Wasserwirtschaft 4 (10), 558 - 563 10.3243/kwe2011.10.003
2010 (14)
- Cardona, J., van Afferden, M., Goedert, R., Abbassi, B., Ali, W., Müller, R. (2010):
DEWATS capacity building for primary schools in Jordan and Palestine
Water Practice & Technology 5 (4), 1 - 18 10.2166/wpt.2010.102 - Fütterer, N., Seeger, E.M., van Afferden, M., Reiche, N., Borsdorf, H., Rakoczy, J., Müller, R.A., Kästner, M., Weiß, H. (2010):
Development of a low-cost technique for treatment of large-scale contaminated groundwater by using constructed wetlands and aerated trenches
ConSoil 2010, 22 - 24 September 2010 Salzburg, Austria ; Proceedings 11th International UFZ-Deltares - TNO Conference on Management of Soil, Groundwater & Sediments. Theme: A: Restoration; ThS_A19: Special subjects
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, - Headley, T., Al Faouri, M., Abbassi, B., Al-Zreiqat, I., van Afferden, M., Nivala, J., Müller, R.A. (2010):
Ecotechnology systems for decentralized wastewater treatment in Jordan: the Fuheis research, demonstration and training facility
In: Masi, F., Nivala, J. (eds.)
12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, October 4-8, 2010, Venice, Italy - Proceedings Vol. 1
IWA Publishing, 445 - 448 - Headley, T., Al Faouri, M., Abbassi, B., Müller, R.A. (2010):
Evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of emergent macrophytes in the arid climate of Jordan
In: Masi, F., Nivala, J. (eds.)
12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, October 4-8, 2010, Venice, Italy - Proceedings Vol. 1
IWA Publishing, 1320 - 1320 - Kuschk, P., Stottmeister, U., Liu, Y.J., Wiessner, A., Kästner, M., Müller, R.A. (2010):
Batch methanogenic fermentation experiments of wastewater from a brown coal low-temperature coke plant
J. Environ. Sci. 22 (2), 192 - 197 10.1016/S1001-0742(09)60092-9 - Moeller, L., Herbes, C., Müller, R.A., Zehnsdorf, A. (2010):
Und plötzlich schäumt's
Brandenburger Bauernzeitung 51 (38), 32 - 33 - Moeller, L., Herbes, C., Müller, R.A., Zehnsdorf, A. (2010):
Schaumbildung und -bekämpfung im Prozess der anaeroben Gärung. Formation and removal of foam in the process of anaerobic digestion
Landtechnik 65 (3), 204 - 207 10.15150/lt.2010.487 - Mosig, P., Bernhard, K., van Afferden, M., Headley, T., Müller, R. (2010):
An innovative treatment wetland design for pathogen removal - Elimination of faecal coliforms at a filed scale
In: Masi, F., Nivala, J. (eds.)
12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, October 4-8, 2010, Venice, Italy - Proceedings Vol. 1
IWA Publishing, 687 - 688 - Redder, A., Dürr, M., Daeschlein, G., Baeder-Bederski, O., Koch, C., Müller, R., Exner, M., Borneff-Lipp, M. (2010):
Constructed wetlands - are they safe in reducing protozoan parasites?
Int. J. Hyg. Environ. Health. 213 (1), 72 - 77 10.1016/j.ijheh.2009.12.001 - Stottmeister, U., Mueller, R.A. (2010):
Environmental biotechnology research and technology transfer as basis for new regulation and new markets
J. Biotechnol. 150 (Suppl. 1), S55 - S55 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2010.08.146 - van Afferden, M., Cardona, J.A., Rahman, K.Z., Daoud, R., Headley, T., Kilani, Z., Subah, A., Mueller, R.A. (2010):
A step towards decentralized wastewater management in the Lower Jordan Rift Valley
Water Sci. Technol. 61 (12), 3117 - 3128 10.2166/wst.2010.234 - van Afferden, M., Cardona, J., Daoud, R., El-Keilani, Z., Headley, T., Subah, A., Müller, R. (2010):
Potential regions suitable for decentralized wastewater management in Jordan
Oral presentation at: DEWATS Conference, 23-26 March 2010, Surabaya - van Afferden, M., Mosig, P., Müller, R.A. (2010):
Vertical Flow Soil Filter Systems for the remediation of groundwater contaminated with MTBE and benzene
In: Birkle, P., Torres-Alvarado, I.S. (eds.)
Water-rock interaction: proceedingss of the 13th International Conference on Water-Rock Interaction WRI-13, Guanajuato, Mexico, 16-20 August 2010
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, p. 611 - 613 - van Afferden, M., Rahman, K., Mosig, P., De Biase, C., Thullner, M., Oswald, S., Müller, R. (2010):
Development, technical design and cost estimation of a Vertical Flow Soil Filter System for the remediation of groundwater contaminated with MTBE and benzene
ConSoil 2010, 22 - 24 September 2010 Salzburg, Austria ; Proceedings 11th International UFZ-Deltares - TNO Conference on Management of Soil, Groundwater & Sediments. Theme: A: Restoration; ThS_A19: Special subjects
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig,
2008 (3)
- Kuschk, P., Wießner, A., Kästner, M., Müller, R.A., Münch, C., Paredes, D. (2008):
Pflanzenkläranlagen - Zukunftspotenzial und Forschungsbedarf
Chem. Ing. Tech. 80 (12), 1785 - 1793 10.1002/cite.200800085 - Rahman, K.Z., Wießner, A., Kuschk, P., Mattusch, J., Kästner, M., Müller, R.A. (2008):
Dynamics of arsenic species in laboratory-scale horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetlands treating an artificial wastewater
Eng. Life Sci. 8 (6), 603 - 611 10.1002/elsc.200800087 - Rahman, K.Z., Wießner, A., Kuschk, P., Mattusch, J., Offelder, A., Kästner, M., Müller, R.A. (2008):
Redox dynamics of arsenic species in the root-near environment of Juncus effusus investigated in a macro-gradient-free rooted gravel bed reactor
Eng. Life Sci. 8 (6), 612 - 621 10.1002/elsc.200800093
2007 (3)
- Paredes, D., Kuschk, P., Mbwette, T.S.A., Stange, F., Müller, R.A., Köser, H. (2007):
New aspects of microbial nitrogen transformations in the context of wastewater treatment - a review
Eng. Life Sci. 7 (1), 13 - 25 10.1002/elsc.200620170 - Paredes, D., Kuschk, P., Stange, F., Müller, R.A., Köser, H. (2007):
Model experiments on improving nitrogen removal in laboratory scale subsurface constructed wetlands by enhancing the anaerobic ammonia oxidation
Water Sci. Technol. 56 (3), 145 - 150 10.2166/wst.2007.518 - Paredes, D., Velez, M.E., Kuschk, P., Mueller, R.A. (2007):
Effects of type of flow, plants and addition of organic carbon in the removal of zinc and chromium in small-scale model wetlands
Water Sci. Technol. 56 (3), 199 - 205 10.2166/wst.2007.519
2006 (1)
- Wießner, A., Kuschk, P., Kappelmeyer, U., Bederski, O., Müller, R.A., Kästner, M. (2006):
Influence of helophytes on redox reactions in their rhizosphere
In: Macková, M., Dowling, D.N., Macek, T. (eds.)
Phytoremediation and rhizoremediation: Theoretical background
Focus on Biotechnology 9A
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, p. 69 - 82 10.1007/978-1-4020-4999-4_6
2005 (2)
- Baeder-Bederski, O., Dürr, M., Borneff-Lipp, M., Kuschk, P., Netter, R., Daeschlein, G., Mosig, P., Müller, R.A. (2005):
Retention of Escherichia coli in municipal sewage by means of planted soil filters in two-stage pilot plant systems
Water Sci. Technol. 51 (9), 205 - 212 - Kuschk, P., Wießner, A., Müller, R., Kästner, M. (2005):
Constructed wetlands – treating wastewater with cenoses of plants and microorganisms. A research association at UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle in the Helmholtz Association
UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle in the Helmholtz Association, Leipzig, 28 pp.
2004 (3)
- Baeder-Bederski, O., Dürr, M., Borneff-Lipp, M., Netter, R., Kuschk, P., Mosig, P., Daeschlein, G., Müller, R.A. (2004):
Reduction of microorganisms in municipal sewage by means of planted and unplanted soil filters
9th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Avignon/France, 26.-30.9.2004
435 - 441 - Baeder-Bederski, O., Kuschk, P., Mosig, P., Müller, R.A., Borneff-Lipp, M., Dürr, M. (2004):
Reducing faecal germs in municipal sewage using planted soil filters. Initial results of a pilot plant system
International Conference on Urban Horticulture Waedenswil, Switzerland
Acta Hort. 643
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), The Hague, 257 - 263 - Kosolapow, D.B., Kuschk, P., Vainshtein, M., Vatsourina, A., Wießner, A., Kästner, M., Müller, R.A. (2004):
Microbial processes of heavy metal removal from carbon-deficient effluents in constructed wetlands
Eng. Life Sci. 4 (5), 403 - 411 10.1002/elsc.200420048
2003 (4)
- Kuschk, P., Braun, P., Möder, M., Wießner, A., Müller, J., Kästner, M., Müller, R.A. (2003):
Elimination von Nonylphenolen und Bisphenol A in Teich- und Pflanzenkläranlagen
GWF Wasser, Abwasser 144 (4), 297 - 301 - Stottmeister, U., Wießner, A., Kuschk, P., Kappelmeyer, U., Kästner, M., Bederski, O., Müller, R.A., Moormann, H. (2003):
Effects of plants and microorganisms in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment
Biotechnol. Adv. 22 (1-2), 93 - 117 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2003.08.010 - Thunecke, F., Wendlandt, K.-D., Müller, R.A., Mirschel, G., Kunze, C., Listewnik, H.-F. (2003):
Umweltgerechte biotechnologische Herstellung von biokompatiblen Polymerwerkstoffen für die Medizintechnik
Transkript Sonderband 2003 , 33 - 36 - Weber, D., Müller, R.A., Kuschk, P., Bederski, O. (2003):
Mexikanisch-deutsche Forschung: Pflanzen helfen Abwasser zu klären
Forschen für die Umwelt 4
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 40 - 47
2002 (3)
- Müller, R.A., Kuschk, P., Bederski, O. (2002):
Mexikanisch-deutscher Projektverbund zur Entwicklung und Optimierung von Pflanzenkläranlagen zur Keimzahlreduktion in kommunalen Abwässern
GAIA 11 (1), 74 - 76 10.14512/gaia.11.1.32 - Schumann, D., Müller, R.A. (2002):
A water-based method for the isolation of polyhydroxyalkanoates from biomass
Biopolymers: Limits of Natural Performances & Prospects f or Overcoming, Workshop, 30 - 31 May 2002, UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle, Germany
UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, p. 16 - Strehlitz, B., Aurich, A., Sander, A., Böhland, C., Stottmeister, U., Müller, R.A. (2002):
Regelung von Bioprozessen mit Biosensoren
In: Kaden, H. (Hrsg.)
Innovationsforum "Innovative Biosystemtechnik - Sensorik, Aktorik und Auswertung biotechnologischer Prozesse", Waldheim/Sa., 25.-26.10.2001
29 - 36
2001 (2)
- Müller, R.A., Bederski, O., Kuschk, P. (2001):
Experimental station for applied and fundamental research into the hygienization of domestic sewage
ISEB-Meeting 2001, "Phytoremediation", Topic 3: Wastewater treatment, Leipzig, 15.-17.5.2001
p. 100 - Müller, R.A., Müller, R.H., Jahn, Y., Babel, W. (2001):
Bioremediation of herbicide-contaminated building rubble by a defined microbial mixed culture
5th International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, Prag, 12.-14.9.2000
2000 (2)
- Noke, A., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (2000):
Intensive treatment of mineral oil-contaminated drilling cuttings
In: Wise, D.L., Trantolo, D.J., Cichon, E.J., Inyang, H.I., Stottmeister, U. (Hrsg.)
Remediation engineering of contaminated soils
Environmental Science and Pollution Control 23
Marcel Dekker, New York, S. 321 - 327 - Noke, A., Schönbein, K., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (2000):
Bioreactor treatment of mineral oil contaminated drilling mud
Contaminated Soil 2000. Proceedings of the 7th International FZK/TNO Conference on Contaminated Soil, 18 - 22 September 2000, Leipzig, Germany
Telford Publishing, London, 1150 - 1151
1999 (2)
- Müller, R.H., Jahn, Y., Müller, R.A., Babel, W. (1999):
Microbial detoxification of building rubble contaminated by phenoxyalkanoic acid herbicides
9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe "Quality of life and environment in cultured landscape", Leipzig, 25.-29.5.1999 - Noke, A., Kolszynski, R.v., Ercoli, E., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (1999):
Biologische Behandlung von Bohrspülschlämmen
In: Heiden, S., Erb, R., Warrelmann, J., Dierstein, R. (Hrsg.)
Biotechnologie im Umweltschutz. Bioremediation: Entwicklungsstand, Anwendungen, Perspektiven ; [im Rahmen der Fachtagung "Biotechnologie im Umweltschutz, Bioremediation: Entwicklungsstand - Anwendungen - Perspektiven", vom 9.-12. Mai 1999 Munster, Soltau]
Initiativen zum Umweltschutz 12
Erich Schmidt, Berlin, S. 304
1998 (5)
- Ercoli, E., Galvez, J., Müller, R., Stottmeister, U. (1998):
Intensive Behandlung von im Airliftreaktor biologisch sanierten Böden
In: Berthe-Corti, L. (Hrsg.)
Workshop-Bericht Bioremediation of polluted areas, La Plata, am 6. und 7. November 1997. Workshop im Rahmen der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zusammenarbeit (WTZ) zwischen Deutschland und Argentinien
UFZ-Bericht 18/1998
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 33 - 41 - Müller, R.A., Noke, A., Großer, B., Thomas, P. (1998):
Investitionsstandort Argentinien
UmweltMagazin 27 (10), 106 - 107 - Noke, A., Kolczynski, R.A., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (1998):
Biological treatment of mineral oil contaminated sludge
International Conference Oil Spills in the Mediterranean and Black Sea Regions, 15.-18. September 1998, Istanbul, Turkey
N03 - 1 - Noke, A., von Kolczynski, A., Müller, R.A., Stottmeister, U. (1998):
Biologische Behandlung mineralölkontaminierter Schlämme
In: Berthe-Corti, L. (Hrsg.)
Workshop-Bericht Bioremediation of polluted areas, La Plata, am 6. und 7. November 1997. Workshop im Rahmen der wissenschaftlich-technischen Zusammenarbeit (WTZ) zwischen Deutschland und Argentinien
UFZ-Bericht 18/1998
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 20 - 32 - Seidel, H., Müller, R.A., Roland, U. (1998):
Biologische Bodensanierung mit Mikroorganismen auf die sanfte Tour
Geospektrum 1 (1), 16 - 20
1997 (1)
- Müller, R.H., Müller, R.A., Babel, W. (1997):
Dekontamination von herbizidbelastetem Bauschutt mittels alkaliphiler Bakterien - Betrachtungen unter praxisrelevanten Apsekten
Tagungsband 15. DECHEMA-Jahrestagung der Biotechnologen, Münster, 4.-6.3.1997
180 - 182
1996 (4)
- Babel, W., Müller, R. (1996):
Mirkoorganismen zur Reinigung von Abbruchmaterial stillgelegter Industrieanlagen
UFZ-Jahresbericht '92-'95
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 86 - 89 - Müller, R.A. (1996):
Kinetische Untersuchungen zum Abbau chlorierter und methylierter Benzoesäuren durch Pseudomonas spec. B13 FR1(SN45P)
UFZ-Bericht 15/1996
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, 171 S. - Müller, R., Heber, M. (1996):
Grundwasserschutz unter dem Aspekt der Altlastensanierung
UFZ-Jahresbericht '92-'95
UFZ Leipzig-Halle GmbH, Leipzig, S. 118 - 121 - Müller, R.H., Müller, R.A., Babel, W. (1996):
Degradation von Phenoxyalkansäure-Herbiziden durch alkaliphile Mikroorganismen - Dekontamination von belastetem Bauschutt
In: Stegmann, R., Hupe, K., Reimers, C. (Hrsg.)
Neue Techniken der Bodenreinigung : chemisch-physikalische und biologische Verfahrensentwicklung unter Berücksichtigung der bodenkundlichen und analytischen Bewertung ; Dokumentation des 3. SFB 188-Seminars in Hamburg 1996
Economica Verlag, Bonn, S. 373 - 384