Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Conference papers
Title (Primary) Bioremediation of herbicide-contaminated building rubble by a defined microbial mixed culture
Title (Secondary) 5th International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, Prag, 12.-14.9.2000
Author Müller, R.A.; Müller, R.H.; Jahn, Y.; Babel, W.
Year 2001
Department UMB; UBZ
Language englisch
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Müller, R.A., Müller, R.H., Jahn, Y., Babel, W. (2001):
Bioremediation of herbicide-contaminated building rubble by a defined microbial mixed culture
5th International Symposium and Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe, Prag, 12.-14.9.2000