Dr. Frank Hüesker
Research Unit Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology
Department Centre for Environmental Biotechnology
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
phone: ++49 - 341 - 235 1656

Frank Hüesker is a political scientist and post-doc researcher on water governance, micropollutants and nature based solutions, focussing on changing actor constellation, power and problem perceptions in sustainability transition. In former projects he worked on the "Legitimacy and efficiency of global and European environmental governance", on "Sustainable urban infrastructures and municipal utilities" and on "Energy transition and sector integration" (e.g. nexus energy − water).
Research topics
- Politics of water and chemicals
- Legitimacy and efficiency of global and European environmental governance
- Sustainable urban infrastructures and municipal utilities
- Energy transition and sector integration (e.g. nexus to wastewater sector)
Former Projects
RegioZukunft:Wärme – Wärmeversorgung der „Stadt der Zukunft“ und der Region im Kontext von Transformation und Adaption, BMBF, 2020−2021
Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant´s potentials to provide ancillary services for energy grids (arrivee), German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), 2014−2017
Rescaling Environmental Governance in Europe – The EU Water Framework Directive and the scalar reconfiguration of resource regulation, German Research Foundation (DFG), 2010−2013
River Basin Governance (RiBaGo) Research Network: The European Union and China, CO-REACH ERA grant, 2009−2011
Publications & Presentations
Recent Publications:
Hüesker, F., Moss T. (2018): Kommunale (Abwasser-)Unternehmen als ein Standbein der dezentralen Energiewende. In: Radtke, Jörg; Kersting, Norbert (eds.): Energiewende. Politikwissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Springer, 289-312.
Gretzschel, O., Hüesker, F., Schmitt, T.G., Kolisch, G., Salomon, D., Zdrallek, M., Schiebold, D., Hanke, B. (2018): Flexibilitätsbeiträge von Kläranlagen zur Energiewende – Handlungsempfehlungen und Forderungen an Gesetzgeber und Politik. In: Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 65 (3), 217ff.