Dr.-Ing. Ganbaatar Khurelbaatar


Systemic Environmental Biotechnology
Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig

Phone: +49 (0) 341 235-1842



Currilculum Vitae

2016 - present

Post-Doctoral Researcher. Research Topic: Urban Water Management

2012 - 2016

PhD Student, Helmholtz-Center for Environmental Research  and Bauhaus Universität Weimar. Dissertation title: Development of Soil-Willow-System for wastewater treatment and wood production under the extreme climatic conditions of Mongolia

2011 - 2012

Engineer at “Integrated Water Resource Management Project in Central Asia - MoMo II“

2010 - 2011

Technician at “The Project for Improvement of Water Supply Facilities in Darkhan City“, funded by JICA


IEASTE Internship at Niskogradnja D.o.o Laktaši in Bosnia and Herzegovina

2006 - 2010

Civil Engineer (B. Sc.) at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology in Darkhan, Mongolia

Research interests

  • Urban water and wastewater management
  • Integrated wastewater management
  • Development of GIS-based decision support tool for integrated wastewater management
  • Innovative technologies for wastewater treatment in extreme climatic conditions



WATERUN aims to develop an innovative methodology to contribute to the implementation of urban water runoff (UWR) management plans in cities based on the Water-Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) concept. This methodology will provide preventive and mitigation solutions and best management practices adopting a holistic perspective (from source identification to decision making) for diffuse water pollution control in urban catchments.

The target is to transform the UWR management by the development of identification, planning and risk-based tools and new working procedures (guidance) with the early involvement of the main urban water management and governance actors (co-creation process), ensuring a wider and faster adoption.

Leipziger Blau Grün - II

In der Phase 2 werden nun umfassend bewertete Potenzialanalysen zur Vorbereitung der Investitionsplanungen zur BlauGrünen Ertüchtigung von Bestandsquartieren erforderlich. Neben der Evaluierung von öffentlichen Liegenschaften und einer Bewertung der Funktionalitäten realisierter Infrastrukturen, hat die Aufstellung eines Leipziger Aktionsplans für den zukünftigen Einsatz BlauGrüner Investitionsvorhaben für das beantragte Vorhaben eine hohe Bedeutung. Die Verstetigung über die Projektlaufzeit hinaus wird durch Unterstützung eines Ämter-übergreifenden Lenkungsnetzwerks zur „Wassersensitiven Stadtentwicklung“ sichergestellt. Hier werden Verwaltungs- und Genehmigungsprozesse für die BlauGrüne Stadtentwicklung bewertet, priorisiert und die Umsetzung vorbereitet. Die dafür notwendigen organisatorischen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen werden in der zweiten Projektphase entwickelt, bewertet und als Empfehlungen in die politische Entscheidungsebene z.B. als Stadtratsvorlage eingebracht.

PAVITR - "Potential and Validation of Sustainable Natural & Advance Technologies for Water & Wastewater Treatment, Monitoring and Safe Water Reuse in India."

Within the framework of PAVITR-project, the UFZ is responsible for planning regional water/wastewater management scenarios in India. The main objective is to test and further development the GIS-based ALLOWS-tool for Indian context by applying it in a pre-selected region in the vicinity of Aligarh, UP. The testing and further development of the ALLOWS-tool will be accomplished by creating a database by using remote data (e.g. Satellite data) and global data and validating it through locally available data. Acquired database will then be used to produce, evaluate and compare realistic water and sanitation management scenarios on the technical and economic levels and to provide recommendations to the local stakeholders for planning at regional scale.

Leipziger Blau Grün

Im Forschungsprojekt Leipziger BlauGrün steht die Entwicklung ressourceneffizienter Stadtquartiere im Fokus. Das UFZ entwickelt im Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Leipzig, dem Investor, Wirtschaftsunternehmen und weiteren wissenschaftlichen Institutionen ein Konzept für klimaangepasstes Wasser- und Energiemanagement am Beispiel des Quartiers Leipzig 416. Die Stadt Leipzig ist damit eine der geförderten Modellkommunen in der Initiative Ressourceneffiziente Stadtquartiere - RES:Z des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung.

    Project Leipziger Blau Grün RESZ 01 2021

UFO-Plan Urban Transformation Plan

The core of the research project was the determination of potentials, effects and legal framework conditions for a transformation towards a local wastewater and stormwater management with the model of a runoff-free urban neighbourhood (2019-2021).

Managing Water Resources for Urban Catchments

Development and Testing of a GIS-Based Planning Tool for Creating Decentralized Sanitation Scenarios in Chaohu Region, China (2016-2020)

IATI-WW Pilot Project
Establishment of a “Research, Demonstration and Training Facility for Decentralized Wastewater and Sludge Management” in Oman (2015-2019)

    The Research Council of Oman (TRC)

Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies - Management Of Highly Variable Water REsources in semi-arid Regions (2015-2018)

    German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), FKZ 08WM1080

ISSRAR Project

Sanitation Solutions for Underserved Communities in Jordan: Assessment of Local Lowest-cost Wastewater Management Solution- ALLOWS application in Al-Azraq (2018-2019)

    Bremer Overseas Research & Development Association (BORDA e. V.)


Integrated Water Resouces Management in Central Asia Model Region Mongolia (2012-2016)

    German Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF), FKZ 033L003A

Publikationen / Publications

FRIESEN, J.; SANNE, M.; KHURELBAATAR, G.; VAN AFFERDEN, M. (2023): "OCTOPUS" principle reduces wastewater management costs through network optimization and clustering
One Earth 6 (9), 1227 - 1234, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oneear.2023.08.005

HÄNEL, M.; KHURELBAATAR, G.; JESPERSEN, E.; UPADHYAY, A.; ACOSTA, A., KHALIL, N., BRIX, H., ARIAS, C.A. (2023): Application potential of wastewater fertigated Short Rotation Coppice systems in a selected region (Aligarh, UP, India) Recycling 8 (5), art. 75, https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling8050075

MÜLLER, R., VAN AFFERDEN, M.; KHURELBAATAR, G.; UEBERHAM, M.; REESE, M., FISCHER, H.; GEYLER, S.; HOFMANN, E.; WÜSTNECK, T.; ZIEGENBEIN, T.; SAHLBACH, T.; WINKLER, U.; BERBIG, J.; MOHR, M.; STEFAN, M. (2023): Wege zum abflussfreien Stadtquartier - Potentiale, Wirkungen und Rechtsrahmen des ortsnahen Schmutz- und Regenwassermanagements. Abschlussbericht Texte Umweltbundesamt 34/2023 Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau, 201 S.

Improvement of treatment performance of the conventional wastewater treatment plant: A case study of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Sustainability 15 (5), art. 4528, https://doi.org/10.3390/su1505452

Integrated wastewater management for the protection of vulnerable water resources in the north of Jordan,
Sustainability 14 (6), art. 3574, https://doi.org/10.3390/su14063574

KHURELBAATAR, G.; AL MARZUQI, B.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; MÜLLER, R.A.; FRIESEN, J. (2021): Data reduced method for cost comparison of wastewater management scenarios - case study for two settlements in Jordan and Oman, Front. Environ. Sci. 9 , art. 626634, https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.626634

KHURELBAATAR, G.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; SULLIVAN, C.M.; FÜHNER, C.; AMGALAN, J.; LONDONG, J., MÜLLER, R.A. (2021): Wastewater treatment and wood production of willow system in cold climate, Water 13 (12), art. 1630, https://doi.org/10.3390/w13121630

Management of Urban STormwater at Block-level (MUST-B): A new approach for potential analysis of decentralized stormwater management systems, Water 13 (3), art. 378, https://doi.org/10.3390/w13030378

JUNGE, F. W.; SCHRÖER, S.; KHURELBAATAR, G.; OTTO, P.; STÄRK, H.; & ZEHNSDORF, A. (2020): Aquatische Makrophyten als Indikatoren für die Elementverteilung im Fließgewässer Mulde (Mittel deutschland). Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung HyWa, 64. Jahrgang, Heft 3, doi: 10.5675/HyWa_2020.3_2

CLEMENS, M.; KHURELBAATAR, G.; RALF, M.; SIEBERT, C.; VAN AFFERDEN, M. & RÖDIGER, T. (2020): Groundwater protection under water scarcity; from regional risk assessment to local wastewater solutions in Jordan. Science of the Total Environment 706. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136066

AUBRON, T., VAN AFFERDEN, M., KHURELBAATAR, G., MÜLLER, R., (2019): WP-B: Development and Testing of a GIS-Based Planning Tool for Creating Decentralized Sanitation Scenarios In: Sachse, A., Liao, Z., Zhu, W., Dai, X., Kolditz, O., (eds.) Chinese water systems. Volume 2: Managing water resources for urban catchments: Chaohu Terrestrial Environmental Sciences, Springer Nature, Cham, p. 125 - 157

KHURELBAATAR, G.; SULLIVAN, C.M.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; RAHMAN, K.Z.; FUHNER, C.; GEREL, O.; LONDONG, J.& MULLER, R.A. (2017): Application of primary treated wastewater to short rotation coppice of willow and poplar in Mongolia: Influence of plants on treatment performance. Ecological Engineering 98:82–90. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.10.010

KHURELBAATAR, G. (2016): Development of Soil-Willow-System for wastewater treatment and wood production under the extreme climate conditions of Mongolia. {Dissertation, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar; project supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jörg Londong}

KARTHE, D.; HELDT, S.; ROST, G.; LONDONG, J.; ILIAN, J.; HEPPELER, J.; KHURELBAATAR, G.; SULLIVAN, C.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; STAUDEL, J.; SCHARAW, B.; WESTERHOFF, T.; DIETZE, S.; SIGEL, K.; HOFMANN, J.; WATSON, V. & BORCHARDT, D. (2015): Modular Concept for Municipal Waste Water Management in the Kharaa River Basin, Mongolia. In: BORCHARDT, D.; BOGARDI, J. & IBISCH, R. (2016): Integrated Water Resources Management: Concept, Research and Implementation, pp. 649-681. Heidelberg, Germany & New York, USA: Springer.

Conference Contributions

KHURELBAATAR, G.; SANNE, M.; NAVARRO, V. R.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; FRIESEN, J.; MÜLLER, R. A. (2022) " The cost of accomplishing SDG#6.2: A country-wide planning and assessment for wastewater infrastructure" International Conference on Water Resources Management and Sustainability: Solutions for Arid Regions, 22nd-24th March 2022 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

KHURELBAATAR, G.; AUBRON, T., VAN AFFERDEN, M.; LEE, M.& MULLER, R.A, Friesen, J. (2018) “Comparison of wastewater management scenarios for two semi-arid settlements in Jordan and Oman” 15th IWA International Specialised Conference on Samll Water and Wastewater Systems, 14th-18th October 2018 – Haifa, Israel

KHURELBAATAR, G.; SULLIVAN, C.M.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; LONDONG, J.& MULLER, R.A. (2017) “Willow System under cold climate” Wetpol-2017, 7th CWA International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, 21st-25th August 2015 – Big Sky, Montana, USA

KHURELBAATAR, G.; SULLIVAN, C.M.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; LONDONG, J.& MULLER, R.A. (2015) “Influence of hydraulic loading pattern on pilot scale soil-based willow systems for wastewater treatment and wood production” Wetpol-2015, 6th CWA International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, 13th-18th September 2015 - York, UK

KHURELBAATAR, G.; SULLIVAN, C.M.; VAN AFFERDEN, M.; LONDONG, J.& MULLER, R.A. (2014) “Development of Wastewater Treatment technology with Integrated Wood Production in Mongolia” 14th IWA International Conference, Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 12th-16th October 2014 - Shanghai, China