Katja Seidel

Phone Office +49 (0) 341 235 1412
Phone Lab    +49 (0) 341 235 1549

Curriculum Vitae

2014 - PhD student UFZ
2012 - 2014 Master of Science Biochemistry, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
2009 - 2012 Bachelor of Science Biochemistry, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg


My research focusses on the respiratory multienzyme complex in Dehalococcoides mccartyi strain CBDB1. This complex is of special interest as it seems to be enough to transfer electrons from donor to acceptor in a protein-bound manner avoiding electron shuttles as quinones and cytchromes. My interest is to purify this complex and retain activity afterwards, to characterize the reductive dehalogenase and its anchoring protein in more detail with cross-linking experiments, gel-based methodes and activity assays combined with mass spectrometric analyes.

Furthermore I investigate the entirety of  membrane complexes in strain CBDB1 with separation on Blue-Native PAGE and mass spectrometryi analyses, also kown as complexome analysis.


2020 (1)

2018 (1)

2017 (1)