EcoEpi News Archiv (selected)


Jonas Brock was awarded the poster price at the 2023 SVEPM Annual Conference in Toulouse, France for his poster: "IBR Eradication in Irish Cattle - Questions & Answers"

EcoEpi congratulates Charlotte Göhler on her bachelor thesis submitted to the Faculty of Physics and Geosciences at the University of Leipzig on structures in ASF and wild boar data of Saxony: "Raum-zeitliche Analyse von Wildschweinuntersuchungen und administrative Besonderheiten der Streckenverwendung in Sachsen".

Charlotte Göhler presented a poster of her intership at the International SVEPM Conference in Toulouse, France: "Turning straw into gold - Parameterising landscapes for epidemiological model simulation of ASF control"

Jakob Bürgermeister graduated as Master of Science at the University of Leipzig with the Thesis "Differentiating pathogen-driven and network-dominated epidemics".

Jakob Jeuk graduated as Master in Environmental Science at the University of Oldenburg with the Thesis "Modellbasierte Bewertung von Strategiekonzepten bei der Bekämpfung der Afrikanischen Schweinepest im Wildschwein am Beispiel der sächsischen Lage seit 2020".


Jonas Brock received the Konrad-Bögel-Nachwuchsförderpreis 2022 for his Thesis: Decision support using advanced modelling concepts in Epidemiology: enhancing future bovine herpesvirus type 1 eradication in Ireland, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena, 172 pp.

The seventh EcoEpi contribution to EFSA's output in response to EU Commission mandates on wild boar health investigated the impact to White Zone approaches if applied in adjacency to ASF-affected areas with limited control efforts using the SwiFCoIBM framework (rust-version).


In the sixth EcoEpi contribution to EFSA's output in response to EU Commission mandates on wild boar health the problem of efficacy of alternative application of the control principle "White zone" or "Zone blanche" was retrospectively assessed within the SwiFCoIBM framework.

Jakob Jeuk won the first price for young presenters at the International DACh-Meeting of DVG in Bern (Switzerland) for his talk about ASF spread in wild boar of the Bundesland Sachsen and the investigation of mitigation vs. control measures.

EcoEpi contributions to the international DACh Meeting 2021 of epidemiologists in Bern (Switzerland) held on September 1st-3rd:
Modell-basierte Begleitung der ASP-Bekämpfung im Wildschwein in Sachsen - Verständnisgewinn durch Gleichzeitigkeit (Jakob Jeuk)
Flüchtige Kontaktnetzwerke erklären widersprüchliche Virusprävalenzwerte in Wildbienen (Adam Reichold)
Retrospektive Betrachtung der Wirksamkeit von „White Zones“ bei der Bekämpfung der ASP - Ursachen für Erfolg und Misserfolg (Martin Lange)
Klimaorientierte Projektion von One-Health Risiken - Was ist belastbar? (Henning Nolzen)
Ist das Alter ein Risikofaktor für eine Infektion mit dem Bovinen Herpesvirus Typ-1 (BoHV-1)? (Jonas Brock)

The fifth EcoEpi contribution to EFSA's output in response to EU Commission mandates on wild boar health covers the problem of exiting the restricted status of a region after African Swine Fever virus was spreading in the species.

Martin Lange speaks about the EcoEpi model of African swine fever in wild boar in an MDR Interview - listen the Radio-Podcast.

Jakob Jeuk joined the EcoEpi team. He is an Environmental Scientist and prepares his Master Thesis at the University of Oldenburg. Jakob manages the EcoEpi wild boar model for experiments with ASF in wild boar of the Bundesland Saxony, Germany.

Jakob Jeuk joined the EcoEpi team. He is an Environmental Scientist and prepares his Master Thesis at the University of Oldenburg. Jakob manages the EcoEpi wild boar model for experiments with ASF in wild boar of the Bundesland Saxony, Germany.


Henning Nolzen started a PostDoc position at EcoEpi within the HI-CAM initiative. Henning is about to implement a spatially-explicit, small scale metapoluation model to represent tick dynamics dependent on micro-climatic and landuse parameters. The work is accompanied by large-scale habitat modelling through collaboration with the team of Katharina Brugger & Franz Rubel at the Vet Uni Vienna.

Adam Reichold (MSc) joined the EcoEpi team. Adam models pathogens of pollinator species in virtual landscapes in support of the BIODIVERSA project VooDoo (Viral ecO-evOlutionary Dynamics of wild and domestic pOllinatOrs under global change. Supported by FR, CH, DE, PL).

Eleftherios Meletis visited EcoEpi during his STSM in the frame of COST action SOUND- Control addressing output-based comparision of surveillance programmes using network fitting.


Jonas Brock won the first price for young presenters at the International DACh-Meeting of DVG in Freising (Germany) for the talk "Modellierung des regionalen BVD-Überwachungsprogramms in Sachsen-Anhalt" co-authored by Tierseuchenkasse (Alexandra Koch), Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz Sachsen-Anhalt (Robert V. House, Miriam Linder, Kerstin Albrecht, Benno Ewert) & EcoEpi.

With the talk "BVD in Sachsen-Anhalt . Simulation des Rinderhandels-Netzwerks" Martin Lange presented the first livestock model driven by synthetic farm trading network with emerging animal movement patterns equal to HIT (Herkunftssicherungs- und Informationssystem für Tiere,


EcoEpi received the UFZ Knowledge Transfer Award 2018 for smart knowledge-driven models applied to emergency problems of European Animal Health decisions.