since 11/2017
Scientist, Department of Solar Materials
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig
05/2016 - 10/2017
06/2012 - 04/2016
Research Assistant (Lab Leader),
BAM - Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -
prüfung, Department 4.0 (Biofilme), Berlin/Germany
10/2008 - 12/2011
Research Assistant (PostDoc)
"Solar H2 (Biokraftstoffe)"
University of Bielefeld/Germany
09/2005 - 05/2008
Research Assistant (PostDoc)
Project "Biofuels from Cyanobacteria"
Purdue University, West-Lafayette, Indiana / USA
01/2005 - 09/2005
Research Assistant (PostDoc)
University of Leipzig/ Germany
Doctoral degree ("Single-cell-techniques to characterize physiological properties of phytoplankton cells with a taxonomic resolution")
University of Leipzig/ Germany
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2024 (1)
- Tüllinghoff, A., Toepel, J., Bühler, B. (2024):
Enlighting electron routes in oxyfunctionalizing Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
ChemBioChem 25 (6), e202300475 10.1002/cbic.202300475
2023 (3)
- Toepel, J., Karande, R., Bühler, B., Bühler, K., Schmid, A. (2023):
Photosynthesis driven continuous hydrogen production by diazotrophic cyanobacteria in high cell density capillary photobiofilm reactors
Bioresour. Technol. 373 , art. 128703 10.1016/j.biortech.2023.128703 - Toepel, J., Karande, R., Klähn, S., Bühler, B. (2023):
Cyanobacteria as whole-cell factories: current status and future prospectives
Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 80 , art. 102892 10.1016/j.copbio.2023.102892 - Tüllinghoff, A., Djaya-Mbissam, H., Toepel, J., Bühler, B. (2023):
Light‐driven redox biocatalysis on gram‐scale in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 via an in vivo cascade
Plant Biotechnol. J. 21 (10), 2074 - 2083 10.1111/pbi.14113
2022 (4)
- Grund, M., Jakob, T., Toepel, J., Schmid, A., Wilhelm, C., Bühler, B. (2022):
Heterologous lactate synthesis in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 causes a growth condition-dependent carbon sink effect
Appl. Environ. Microb. 88 (8), e00063-22 10.1128/aem.00063-22 - Opel, F., Siebert, N.A., Klatt, S., Tüllinghoff, A., Hantke, J.G., Toepel, J., Bühler, B., Nürnberg, D.J., Klähn, S. (2022):
Generation of synthetic shuttle vectors enabling modular genetic engineering of cyanobacteria
ACS Synth. Biol. 11 (5), 1758 - 1771 10.1021/acssynbio.1c00605 - Theodosiou, E., Tüllinghoff, A., Toepel, J., Bühler, B. (2022):
Exploitation of hetero- and phototrophic metabolic modules for redox-intensive whole-cell biocatalysis
Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 10 , art. 855715 10.3389/fbioe.2022.855715 - Tüllinghoff, A., Uhl, M.B., Nintzel, F.E.H., Schmid, A., Bühler, B., Toepel, J. (2022):
Maximizing photosynthesis-driven Baeyer-Villiger oxidation efficiency in recombinant Synechocystis sp. PCC6803
Front. Catal. 1 , art. 780474 10.3389/fctls.2021.780474
2021 (1)
- Lupacchini, S., Appel, J., Stauder, R., Bolay, P., Klähn, S., Lettau, E., Adrian, L., Lauterbach, L., Bühler, B., Schmid, A., Toepel, J. (2021):
Rewiring cyanobacterial photosynthesis by the implementation of an oxygen-tolerant hydrogenase
Metab. Eng. 68 , 199 - 209 10.1016/j.ymben.2021.10.006
2020 (1)
- Till, P., Toepel, J., Bühler, B., Mach, R.L., Mach-Aigner, A.R. (2020):
Regulatory systems for gene expression control in cyanobacteria
Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 104 (5), 1977 - 1991 10.1007/s00253-019-10344-w
2019 (1)
- Hoschek, A., Toepel, J., Hochkeppel, A., Karande, R., Bühler, B., Schmid, A. (2019):
Light‐dependent and aeration‐independent gram‐scale hydroxylation of cyclohexane to cyclohexanol by CYP450 harboring Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Biotechnol. J. 14 (8), art. 1800724 10.1002/biot.201800724
2018 (1)
- Breitenbach, R., Silbernagl, D., Toepel, J., Sturm, H., Broughton, W.J., Sassaki, G.L., Gorbushina, A.A. (2018):
Corrosive extracellular polysaccharides of the rock-inhabiting model fungus Knufia petricola
Extremophiles 22 (2), 165 - 175 10.1007/s00792-017-0984-5
- Breitenbach, R.; Silbernagl, D.; Toepel, J.; Sturm, H.; Broughton, W.J.; Sassaki, G.L.; Gorbushina, A.A.; (2018)
Corrosive extracellular polysaccharides of the rock-inhabiting model fungus Knufia petricola. Extremophiles: life under extreme conditions 22 (2):165-175.
- Martin-Sanchez, P.M.; Becker, R.; Gorbushina, A.A.; Toepel, J. (2018)
An improved test for the evaluation of hydrocarbon degradation capacities of diesel-contaminating microorganisms.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 129:89-94.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2018.01.009
- Martin-Sanchez, P.M.; Gebhardt, C.; Toepel, J.; Barry, J.; Munzke, N.; Günster, J.; Gorbushina, A.A.; (2018)
Monitoring microbial soiling in photovoltaic systems: A qPCR-based approach.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 129:13-22.
- Epperlein, N; Menzel, F.; Schwibbert, K.; Koter, J; Bonse J.; Sameith, J.;Krüger, J. & Toepel, J. (2017)
Influence of femtosecond laser produced nanostructures on biofilm growth on steel
Applied Surface Science 418(B):420-424
- Breitenbach, R.; Toepel, J.; Dementyeva, P.; Knabe, N. & Gorbushina, A. (2016)
Snapshots of fungal extracellular matrix (Chapter) The Perfect Slime; microbial extracellular polymeric substances
Publisher: IWA; Eds.: Flemming, W.
- Martin-Sanchez, P.M.; Gorbushina, A.A.; Kunte, H.J. & Toepel, J. (2016)
A novel qPCR protocol for the specific detection and quantification of the fuel-deteriorating fungus Hormoconis resinae.
Biofouling 32(6):635-44
- Martin-Sanchez, P.M.; Gorbushina, A.A. & Toepel, J. (2016)
Quantification and identification of microbial pollutants from diesel storage tanks in petrol stations.
International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2016.04.009)
- Toepel, J., Doebbe, A., Ilmer Kephaides, M. & Kruse, O. (2013)
Transcriptomic analysis of hydrogen production in wildtype Chlamydomonas strains, new insights with RNA seq.
Plant Biotechnol. Journal 1(6):717-33.
- Nguyen, A.V., Toepel, J., Burgess, S., Blifernez, O., Doebbe, A., Hankamer, B., Nixon, P., Wobbe, L. & Kruse, O. (2011)
Time-course Global Expression Profiles of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during Photo-Biological Hydrogen Production
PloS one. 6(12)
- Toepel, J., Albaum, S.A., Arvidsson, S., Goesmann, A., la Russa, M., Rogge, K. & Kruse, O. (2011) Construction and evaluation of a whole genome microarray of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
BMC genomics. 12:579
- Toepel, J., McDermott, J.M., Summerfield T.C. & Sherman L.A. (2010)
Transcriptional analysis of the unicellular, diazotrophic cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 grown under short day/night cycles
Journal of Phycology. 45:610-620.
- Summerfield, T. C., Toepel, J. & Sherman, L.A. (2008)
Low-oxygen induction of normally cryptic psbA genes in cyanobacteria.
Biochemistry; 47(49):12939-41.
- Toepel, J., Summerfield, T., Welsh, E. & Sherman, L. (2008)
Differential transcriptional analysis of the cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142 during continuous-light growth.
J. Bacteriology 190(11) 3904-3913.
- Toepel, J., Langner, U. & Wilhelm, C. (2005)
The combination of flow cytometry and single cell absorption spectroscopy to study the phytoplankton structure and to calculate the Chl a specific absorption coefficients at the taxon level;
Journal of Phycology 41:1099-1109.
- Stehfest, K., Toepel, J. & Wilhelm, C. (2005)
The application of Microscopy FTIR spectroscopy to analyze nutrient-stress related changes in biomass composition of phytoplankton algae;
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 43:717-726.
- Toepel, J., Wilhelm, C., Meister, A., Becker, A. & Martinez-Ballesta, M. (2004)
Cytometry of freshwater phytoplankton.;
Cytometry: New Developments 75:375-407.
- Toepel, J., Gilbert, M. & Wilhelm, C. (2004)
Can chlorophyll a in-vivo fluorescence be used for quantification of carbon based primary production in absolute terms?
Archiv für Hydrobiolgie 160:515-526.
(qPCR)" (BAM-Az.: Z.-14P022-DE)