
Dr. Susmit Chakraborty

Mail: Susmit Chakraborty

Working Group: 

Systems Biotechnology

since 11/2024

Scientist, Department of Microbial Biotechnology (MIBITECH)
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany

01/2023 - 10/2024

Postdoctoral researcher, Microbial Electrosynthesis group, Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark

2016 - 2023

PhD in Biological Engineering, IIT Madras, India
Thesis: ‘Numerical Investigations on Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery in a Sandstone Petroleum Reservoir.’

2011 - 2016

Bachelor Tech and Master Tech Dual Degree in Biotechnology (distinction),
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India


  • Muñoz-Duarte, L., Chakraborty, S., Grøn, L. V., Bambace, M. F., Catalano, J., and Philips, J. 2024.
    H2 consumption by acetogenic bacteria follows first-order kinetics.
    Preprint (biorXiv, 05.08.593002). https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.08.593002.
    Accepted in Biotechnology and Bioengineering on 27 November 2024.


  • Chakraborty, S., Govindarajan, S. K., and Gummadi, S. N. 2022.
    Numerical investigation on low-salinity augmented microbial flooding within a sandstone core for enhanced oil recovery under nonisothermal and pH gradient conditions.
    SPE Journal 27 (04): 2352 – 2389. SPE-206098-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/206098-PA.


  • Chakraborty, S., Govindarajan, S. K., and Gummadi, S. N. 2020.
    Numerical modeling on the influence of effective porosity, microbial kinetics, and operational parameters on enhanced oil recovery by microbial flooding within a sandstone formation.
    SPE Journal 25 (06): 2932 – 2961. SPE-200639-PA. https://doi.org/10.2118/200639-PA.

  • Chakraborty, S., Govindarajan, S. K., and Gummadi, S. N. 2020.
    Influence of crucial reservoir properties and microbial kinetic parameters on enhanced oil recovery by microbial flooding under nonisothermal conditions: Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation.
    Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 195: 107831. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2020.107831.


  • Rai, M. K., Shahi, G., Meena, V., Meena, R., Chakraborty, S., Singh, R. S., and Rai, B. N. 2016.
    Removal of hexavalent chromium Cr (VI) using activated carbon prepared from mango kernel activated with H3PO4.
    Resource-Efficient Technologies 02 (S1): 63 – 70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reffit.2016.11.011.