Dr. Reinhold Lehneis
Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Berufspäd. (Univ.), Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Dr. Reinhold Lehneis
Department of Microbial Biotechnology
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig I Germany
Phone +49 341 6025-2841
Professional experience
since 2024 | Scientist in the field of power grid transformation and renewable power supply for electrobiorefineries at the Department of Microbial Biotechnology |
2020-2022 | Head of working group Renewable Energies at the Department of Bioenergy |
2018-2024 | Postdoc in the field of energy transition monitoring and energy modeling for renewable energies at the Department of Bioenergy |
2015-2018 | Project manager for optical patch cords and fiber-based white light lasers at LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH in Jena |
2010-2015 |
Doctoral researcher and development engineer in the field of fiber and waveguide lasers at the Institute of Applied Physics of the University of Jena Doctoral thesis: Pulse shortening of passively Q-switched microchip lasers |
2008-2010 | Correspondence course in laser technology at the Institute of Materials Science and Technology of the University of Jena |
2005-2010 | Project coordinator in the field of automotive electronics at IST GmbH in Regensburg |
2001-2005 |
Academic studies in Vocational Education at the Technical University of Munich Diploma thesis: Konzeption und Erstellung von Kursmodulen zur Automatisierungstechnik für das TUMLab |
1996-2001 | Electrical engineer in the fields of automotive electronics and power technology at IST GmbH, OBAG and Siemens AG in Regensburg |
1992-1996 |
Academic studies in Electrical Engineering at the Fachhochschule of Regensburg Diploma thesis: Systemtheoretische Behandlung totzeitbehafteter Regelkreise |
UFZ internal cooperation
A collection of physical simulation models that use detailed plant and weather data, as well as information from transmission system operators, to determine the electricity production from renewable power plants with a high spatial and temporal resolution.
Selected publications
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2025 (1)
- Manske, D., Lehneis, R., Thrän, D. (2025):
The landscape of the renewable electricity supply - municipal contributions to Germany’s energy transition
Renew. Energy 240 , art. 122172 10.1016/j.renene.2024.122172
2024 (4)
- Esmaeili Aliabadi, D., Wulff, N., Lehneis, R., Sadr, M., Reutter, F.J., Jordan, M., Lehmann, P., Thrän, D. (2024):
Climate change may impair the transition to a fully renewable energy system
SSRN 10.2139/ssrn.4960744 - Gils, H.C., Wigger, H., Härtel, P., Vögele, S., Niepelt, R., Ottenburger, S.S., Lehneis, R., Manske, D., Doré, L., Mertens, F., Püttner, A. (2024):
Energiesystem-Resilienz in Szenarien und Transformationspfaden
Forschung für ein resilientes Energiesystem in Zeiten globaler Krisen. Beiträge zur FVEE-Jahrestagung 2023, Berlin, 10-11 October 2023
FVEE-Themen 2023
ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE), Berlin, 35 - 39 - Lehneis, R., Harnisch, F., Thrän, D. (2024):
Electricity production landscape of run-of-river power plants in Germany
Resources 13 (12), art. 174 10.3390/resources13120174 - Lehneis, R., Thrän, D. (2024):
In 50 shades of orange: Germany's photovoltaic power generation landscape
Energies 17 (16), art. 3871 10.3390/en17163871
2023 (4)
- Esmaeili Aliabadi, D., Manske, D., Seeger, L., Lehneis, R., Thrän, D. (2023):
Integrating knowledge acquisition, visualization, and dissemination in energy system models: BENOPTex study
Energies 16 (13), art. 5113 10.3390/en16135113 - Harnisch, F., Lehneis, R. (2023):
The power grids need to be made ready for a circular and bio-based economy
Next Sustainability 2 , art. 100010 10.1016/j.nxsust.2023.100010 - Lehneis, R., Thrän, D. (2023):
Temporally and spatially resolved simulation of the wind power generation in Germany
Energies 16 (7), art. 3239 10.3390/en16073239 - Manske, D., Lehneis, R. (2023):
Dataset for the calculation of renewable electricity generation and gross electricity consumption of municipalities in Germany in 2019. Version 1
Mendeley Data 10.17632/c556368bd3.1
2022 (2)
- Lehneis, R., Manske, D., Schinkel, B., Thrän, D. (2022):
Spatiotemporal modeling of the electricity production from variable renewable energies in Germany
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 11 (2), art. 90 10.3390/ijgi11020090 - Lehneis, R., Manske, D., Schinkel, B., Thrän, D. (2022):
Power generation from variable renewable energies (VRE), Final report (Project 9)
Helmholtz-Climate-Initiative: Final report 2022
Helmholtz-Klima-Initiative (HI-CAM), Berlin, p. 213 - 215
2021 (1)
- Lehneis, R., Manske, D., Thrän, D. (2021):
Modeling of the German wind power production with high spatiotemporal resolution
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 10 (2), art. 104 10.3390/ijgi10020104
2020 (2)
- Lehneis, R., Manske, D., Schinkel, B., Thrän, D. (2020):
Modeling of the power generation from wind turbines with high spatial and temporal resolution
EGU General Assembly, EGU2020, Online, 4-8 May 2020
Copernicus Publications, EGU2020-19913 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19913 - Lehneis, R., Manske, D., Thrän, D. (2020):
Generation of spatiotemporally resolved power production data of PV systems in Germany
ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 9 (11), art. 621 10.3390/ijgi9110621
2019 (1)
- Thrän, D., Lenz, V., Liebetrau, J., Krautkremer, B., Kneiske, T., Dreher, A., Wille-Haußmann, B., Dahmen, M., Shu, D.Y., Bau, U., Kolb, T., Graf, F., Köppel, W., Lehneis, R. (2019):
Flexibler Einsatz von KWK, BHKW und Biogas-Anlagen durch Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
Die Energiewende - smart und digital. Jahrestagung 2018 des ForschungsVerbunds Erneuerbare Energien, 17. und 18. Oktober 2018, Umweltforum Berlin
FVEE-Themen 2018
ForschungsVerbund Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE), Berlin, 35 - 40