01/2014 - 08/2018
Research Fellow (PhD Student)
Department Solar Fuels and Materials
Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ) Leipzig
07/2013 - 02/2013
Research Fellow (PhD Student)
Laboratory of Chemical Biotechnology
Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering
Technical University Dortmund
11/2012 - 05/2013
Diploma Thesis
„Fermentative production of (S)-perillyl alcohol by recombinant Escherichia coli“
04/2012 - 10/2012
Advanced Trainings BYK-Chemie GmbH (ALTANA)
(“Enzyme catalyzed production of coating additives in organic solvents”)
2. Student Research Project
„Evaluation and characterization of recombinant Escherichia coli strains containing different enzyme systems for the oxygenation of alkyl substrates”
1. Student Research Project
“Functional characterization of an outer membrane protein during biocatalytic oxyfunctionalization with recombinant Escherichia coli”
Diploma Preexam in Bioengineering
10/2004 - 05/2013
Bioengineering Studies Technical University Dortmund
You could use our publication index for further requests.
2021 (1)
- David, C., Karande, R., Bühler, K. (2021):
Cyanobacterial biofilms in natural and synthetic environments
In: Nielsen, J., Lee, S., Stephanopoulos, G., Hudson, P. (eds.)
Cyanobacteria biotechnology
Wiley, Weinheim, p. 477 - 503 10.1002/9783527824908.ch15
2020 (1)
- David, C., Heuschkel, I., Bühler, K., Karande, R. (2020):
Cultivation of productive biofilms in flow reactors and their characterization by CLSM
In: Guisan, J.M., Bolivar, J.M., López-Gallego, F., Rocha-Martín, J. (eds.)
Immobilization of Enzymes and Cells
Methods in Molecular Biology 2100
Springer Nature, p. 437 - 452 10.1007/978-1-0716-0215-7_30
2019 (2)
- David, C. (2019):
Biocatalyst design for 1,2-propanediol synthesis from CO2 employing the photoautotrophic strain Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Dissertation, TU Dresden
PhD Dissertation 4/2019
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 149 pp. - David, C., Schmid, A., Bühler, K. (2019):
Cellular physiology controls photoautotrophic production of 1,2‐propanediol from pools of CO2 and glycogen
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 116 (4), 882 - 892 10.1002/bit.26883
2018 (1)
- David, C., Schmid, A., Adrian, L., Wilde, A., Bühler, K. (2018):
Production of 1,2-propanediol in photoautotrophic Synechocystis is linked to glycogen turn-over
Biotechnol. Bioeng. 115 (2), 300 - 311 10.1002/bit.26468
2015 (1)
- David, C., Bühler, K., Schmid, A. (2015):
Stabilization of single species Synechocystis biofilms by cultivation under segmented flow
J. Ind. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 42 (7), 1083 - 1089 10.1007/s10295-015-1626-5
- Willrodt C., David C., Cornelissen S., Bühler B., Julsing M. K. and Schmid A. (2014)
Engineering the productivity of recombinant Escherichia coli for limonene formation from glycerol in minimal media.
Biotechnology Journal, 9(8):1000–1012, DOI-Link
- Maaß M., David C., Altmann S. and Bühler K. (2016)
Cyanobacterial biofilms: Exploiting the potential of CO2 as a non-fossil carbon source for the production of high value compounds.
Biofilms 7,
26. - 28. June 2016, Porto, Portugal
- Bühler K., David C. and Schmid A. (2015)
Stabilization of single species Synechocystis biofilms by hydrodynamic stress.
1st International Solar Fuels Conference,
26. April - 01. May 2015, Uppsala, Schweden
- David C., Grund M., Bühler B., Bühler K. and Schmid A. (2014)
Applied Biocatalysis & Bio-Artificial Photosynthesis.
POF III Evaluation Meeting,
4. February 2014, Berlin, Germany
- Willrodt C., David C., Julsing M. K., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2013)
Biocatalyst and process development for fermentative synthesis of monoterpene-derived natural product.
1st European Conference on Natural Products,
22. - 23. September 2013, Frankfurt am Main, Germany - Willrodt C., David C., Julsing M. K., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2013)
Biocatalyst and process development for the fermentative synthesis of monoterpene-derived natural product.
Biotrans 2013,
21. - 25. July 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom - Willrodt C., David C., Julsing M. K., Bühler B. and Schmid A. (2013)
Preparation of monoterpenes from cheap and renewable resources.
Tag der Chemie, TU Dortmund,
1. February 2013, Dortmund, Germany