Lars Bilke
Photo: Burkhard Peter

Lars Bilke

Department of Environmental Informatics
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstrasse 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

Tel.: +49 341 6025 - 1881

Workgroup: Software Engineering and Visualization
Researcher ID

Research Interests

  • Software development for the OpenGeoSys simulation software
  • Build engineering for multiplatform software systems
  • Scientific 3D visualization
  • Virtual reality


2025 (2)

  • Bilke, L., Naumov, D., Wang, W., Fischer, T., Kiszkurno, F.K., Lehmann, C., Jäschke, M., Zill, F., Buchwald, J., Grunwald, N., Kessler, K., Aubry, L., Dörnbrack, M., Nagel, T., Ahrendt, L., Kaiser, S., Meisel, T. (2025):
    Version: 6.5.4 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.13685289
  • Heinze, J., Meisel, T., Zill, F., Buchwald, J., Jäschke, M., Kiszkurno, F.K., Kiszkurno, F., Bilke, L. (2025):
    Version: 0.5.0 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.14731492

2024 (6)

2023 (6)

  • Bilke, L., Dominik, K., Lehmann, C. (2023):
    Version: 0.0.3 10.5281/zenodo.10912874
  • Bilke, L., Lehmann, C., Naumov, D., Fischer, T., Wang, W., Buchwald, J., Rink, K., Grunwald, N., Zill, F., Kiszkurno, F.K., Mollaali, M., Nagel, T., Thiedau, J., Gerasimov, T., Ziaei-Rad, V., Kurgyis, K., Lu, R., Silbermann, C., Heinze, J., Vehling, F., Meng, B., Yoshioka, K., You, T., Chaudrhy, A., Shao, H., Günther, L., Kantzenbach, M., Kolditz, O., Meisel, T. (2023):
    Version: 6.4.4 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.7716938
  • Bilke, L., Zill, F., Meisel, T., Heinze, J., Dominik, K. (2023):
    Version: 0.1.0 10.5281/zenodo.10912983
  • Naumov, D., Bilke, L., Fischer, T., Lehmann, C., Wang, W., Heinze, J., Chen, C., Silbermann, C., Kiszkurno, F.K., Buchwald, J., Rink, K., Nagel, T., Meisel, T., Gerasimov, T., Loer, F., Mollaali, M., You, T., Shil, J.B., Chen, S., Selzer, P., Shao, H., Kessler, K., Ghasebeh, M. (2023):
    Version: 6.5.0 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.2600042
  • Rink, K., Graebling, N., Bilke, L., Buchwald, J., Fischer, T., Lehmann, C., Meisel, T., Naumov, D., Wang, W., Yoshioka, K., Kolditz, O. (2023):
    Hydro-mechanical effects and cracking in Opalinus clay
    In: Kolditz, O., Yoshioka, K., Cajuhi, T., Günther, R.-M., Steeb, H., Wuttke, F., Nagel, T. (eds.)
    GeomInt - Discontinuities in geosystems from lab to field scale
    SpringerBriefs in Earth System Sciences
    Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 77 - 89 10.1007/978-3-031-26493-1_5
  • Zill, F., Heinze, J., Meisel, T., Bilke, L. (2023):
    Version: 0.2.0 10.5281/zenodo.10913044

2022 (5)

2021 (1)

  • Bilke, L., Fischer, T., Naumov, D., Pötschke, D., Rink, K., Sattari, A.S., Schmidt, P., Wang, W., Yoshioka, K. (2021):
    Code descriptions
    In: Kolditz, O., Görke, U.-J., Konietzky, H., Maßmann, J., Nest, M., Steeb, H., Wuttke, F., Nagel, T. (eds.)
    GeomInt–Mechanical integrity of host rocks
    Terrestrial Environmental Sciences
    Springer Nature, Cham, p. 243 - 254 10.1007/978-3-030-61909-1_7

2020 (2)

2019 (4)

2018 (3)

2017 (2)

2016 (1)

  • Naumov, D., Bilke, L., Fischer, T., Lehmann, C., Rink, K., Walther, M., Wang, W., Watanabe, N. (2016):
    Appendix B : ogs6 overview
    In: Kolditz, O., Görke, U.-J., Shao, H., Wang, W., Bauer, S. (eds.)
    Thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in fractured porous media: Modelling and benchmarking. Benchmarking initiatives
    Terrestrial Environmental Sciences
    Springer Nature, Cham, p. 223 - 227 10.1007/978-3-319-29224-3

2015 (4)

2014 (4)

2013 (4)

2012 (5)