Publication Details

Category Text Publication
Reference Category Journals
DOI 10.1016/j.scs.2017.11.021
Document accepted manuscript
Title (Primary) Compact or cool? The impact of brownfield redevelopment on inner-city micro climate
Author Koch, F.; Bilke, L. ORCID logo ; Helbig, C.; Schlink, U. ORCID logo
Source Titel Sustainable Cities and Society
Year 2018
Department ENVINF; SUSOZ
Volume 38
Page From 31
Page To 41
Language englisch
Keywords Brownfields; Revitalization; Micro climate; Ecosystem Services; Planning strategies; Trade-offs
UFZ wide themes ru6
Abstract While research has demonstrated that brownfield sites and vacant lots in inner-city areas have a cooling effect on the micro climate, less is known about how this effect changes during the redevelopment of a brownfield. It is often argued that redevelopment will lead to a loss of cooling effects. The connection between cool and compact cities is especially of interest as brownfield redevelopment is an important element of sustainable urban development strategies such as the dense city. We evaluate potential tensions between the Ecosystem Service of regulating the micro climate and urban densification processes using an empirical example, the case of the brownfield redevelopment of Bayerischer Bahnhof in Leipzig, Germany. We apply ENVI-met modeling and a virtual reality display system visualization to assess the complex connections between cool and compact cities. Our findings demonstrate that a co-existence between regulating the urban micro-climate and dense urban structures is possible. Smart urban planning approaches can, if properly implemented, reduce the so called “paradox of the compact city” and lead to cool and compact urban areas. Through ENVI-met modeling and virtual reality display system visualization, the complex connections between cool and compact could be assessed.
Persistent UFZ Identifier
Koch, F., Bilke, L., Helbig, C., Schlink, U. (2018):
Compact or cool? The impact of brownfield redevelopment on inner-city micro climate
Sust. Cities Soc. 38 , 31 - 41 10.1016/j.scs.2017.11.021