Lab members (since 2000)
I am currently not accepting new PhD students or Postdocs
Stephen Murphy (2015), Ian McFadden (2015), Maria Genoveva Gatti (2015), Wirong Chanthorn (2015), Antonio Archidona Yuste (2016), Andres Fuentes (2017-2018), Maria Victoria Jimenez Franco (2017), Xugao Wang (2017), Kelly Ribeiro (2018), Xugao Wang (2018), Pablo Cipriotti (2018/2019), Antonio Perea Martos (2020/2021), Raquel Muñoz-Gallego (2021)
Postdoctoral Margarita Salas fellowship, University Jaen (2023-2024) The relative role of mutualists and antagonists on plant recruitment and their effects on the assembly of Mediterranean mixed forests. Spatially explicit approaches using dissimilarity landscapes.
iDiv Flexpool PostDoc together with Renske Onstein and Jon Chase (2021-2023) Disentangling eco-evolutionary dynamics across temporal and spatial scales.
Humboldt fellow (2020-2022) Spatial interaction of lianas and trees in a tropical forest of Thailand
Humboldt fellow (2019-2021) Variation of soil nematodes communities as driving agents of ecosystem multifunctionality in drylands
DFG PhD project together with Maaike Bader (2019-2022) Alpine-treeline spatial patterns as indicators for climate-change responses: a global study using community-supported pattern-based modelling
Postdoctoral fellowship VALi+d of Valencian Community (2018-2020) Demographic and genetic response of terrestrial vertebrates to global change: assessment of impacts and mitigation strategies using simulation modelling
Postdoctoral fellowship VALi+d of Valencian Community (2015-2017) Changes in species distribution as consequence of global change: development of simulation models to understand their mechanisms
Postdoc ERC advanced grant (2012-2015) Spatially-explicit neutral theory for assessing conditions for coexistence in plan communities
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2012-2014) Incorporating Allee effects and disperser behavior into complex recruitment kernels
ERC advanced grant (2011-2012) Phylogenetic spatial point pattern analysis of tropical forests
ERC advanced grant (2011-2014) Dynamics of tropical forests
ERC advanced grant (2010-2015) Spatial point pattern analysis of tropical forests
ERC advanced grant (2010-2014) Spatial point pattern analysis of tropical forests
DAAD PhD fellowship and ERC advanced grant (2010-2014), defended 2014 Identifying spatial patterns of tropical rain forest in Sri Lanka
ERC advanced grant SPATIODIVERSITY (2010) Individual-based and spatially-explicit version of FORMIND
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2009-2011) The spatial patterns of disruption of plant-animal interactions within a population dynamic approach
ERC advanced grant SPATIODIVERSITY (2009-2015) Habitat modeling and spatial pattern analysis of tropical forests
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2009-2011) Marine protected areas for the conservation of marine top predators
ERC advanced grant SPATIODIVERSITY (2009-2012) Statistical inference for stochastic simulations models
Georg Forster fellowship, Humboldt Foundation (2008-2010) Patch dynamics in arid ecosystems from Patagonian steppe: The role of shrub populations and biotic interactions, and the effects of grazing and droughts
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship and ERC advanced grant (2008-2010) A model for Pyrenean treeline: from individuals to landscapes under a changing climate
Postdoctoral fellowship of Fundación Séneca (2008-2010) Population dynamics and connectivity of populations of spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) in fragmented landscapes in southeast Spain
UFZ guest scientist fellowship (2004-2005), defended 2006 Effect of canopy structure on rainfall partition of three shrub species in semiarid climate
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (1999-2002) PhD fellowship German Federal Environmental Foundation, defended 2002 Scenarios assessing the viability of a lynx population in Germany
Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (1999-2002) Individual-based spatially explicit models applied to the conservation of the endangered Iberian lynxRecent visitors (> 1 month) since 2015