Dr. Hryhoriy Stryhanyuk
Group Leader - SIMS: Imaging Ion-probe Analytics
Contact / Address:
Office (Room 341, Building 4.1)
Phone +49 341 6025 1359
Department of Technical Biogeochemistry
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstraße 15,
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Curriculum vitae
Since May 2015 |
Group Leader - SIMS Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Microscopy at ProVIS - Centre for Chemical Microscopy Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry |
2012 - Apr. 2015 |
Facility Manager ProVIS - Centre for Chemical Microscopy Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry |
2008 - 2011 |
Post-Doctoral Scientist Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany |
Mar. - Sep. 2008 |
Scientific Assistant Institute for Materials Department “Physic and Technology of Oxide Single Crystals” Scientific-Research Company “CARAT”, Ukraine |
2005 - 2008 |
Post-Doctoral Scientist HASYLAB at DESY Hamburg, Germany |
2004 - 2005 |
Post-Doctoral Scientist Institute for Laser Physics, University Hamburg, Germany |
2002 - 2004 |
Research Assistant Experimental Physics Department Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine |
Feb. 2003 |
Ph. D. in Physics of Semiconductors and Dielectrics Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine Ph.D. thesis: Radiative core-valence and interconfigurational transitions in halide scintillation materials |
Jun. 1998 |
M. Sc. in Physics Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine. Diploma thesis: The determination of time parameters for scintillation pulse decay in subnanosecond range. |
Field of Expertise
- Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and MicroscopyHigh-resolution Chemical Microscopy involving imaging SIMS techniques
Elaboration of quantitative data evaluation methods
Isotope-label dilution model
Single-cell Assimilation rate calculation
Phenotypic Heterogeneity quantitation - Photoelectron spectroscopy
Linear and Circular Dichroism in photoelectron emission.
Implementation of Spin-resolved Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
(First Spin-HAXPES experiment at BL47XU beamline, SPring-8).
- High-Resolution Time-resolved VUV-Vis Luminescence spectroscopy
(Beamline I at HASYLAB, DESY Hamburg)
Relaxation of high-energy electronic excitations in condensed matter.
Luminescent materials for effective solid state detectors, lasing media and phosphors.
- Experiment management and user activity support at large-scale facilities.
at UFZ
Warming the phycosphere: Differential effect of temperature on the use of diatom‐derived carbon by two copiotrophic bacterial taxa
Environ. Microbiol. 22 (4), 1381 - 1396 10.1111/1462-2920.14954
Efficient carbon and nitrogen transfer from marine diatom aggregates to colonizing bacterial groups
Sci. Rep. 12 , art. 14949 10.1038/s41598-022-18915-0
Microbial identification, high-resolution microscopy and spectrometry of the rhizosphere in its native spatial context
Front. Plant Sci. 12 , art. 668929 10.3389/fpls.2021.668929
Corrigendum: Microbial identification, high-resolution microscopy and spectrometry of the rhizosphere in its native spatial context
Front. Plant Sci. 13 , art. 1125001 10.3389/fpls.2022.1125001
Identification of nanoparticles and their localization in algal biofilm by 3D-imaging secondary ion mass spectrometry
J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 34 (6), 1098 - 1108 10.1039/c8ja00439k
Surface cleaning and sample carrier for complementary high-resolution imaging techniques
Biointerphases 15 (2), art. 021005 10.1116/1.5143203
Adsorption of uranium (VI) complexes with polymer-based spherical activated carbon
Water Res. 249 , art. 120825 10.1016/j.watres.2023.120825
Stable isotope probing-nanoFTIR for quantitation of cellular metabolism and observation of growth-dependent spectral features
Small 20 (36), art. 2400289 10.1002/smll.202400289
Metabolic history and metabolic fitness as drivers of anabolic heterogeneity in isogenic microbial populations
Environ. Microbiol. 23 (11), 6764 - 6776 10.1111/1462-2920.15756
Quantitation and comparison of phenotypic heterogeneity among single cells of monoclonal microbial populations
Front. Microbiol. 10 , art. 2814 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02814
Novel clades of soil biphenyl degraders revealed by integrating isotope probing, multi-omics, and single-cell analyses
ISME J. 15 (12), 3508 - 3521 10.1038/s41396-021-01022-9
Anaerobic oxidation of ethane by archaea from a marine hydrocarbon seep
Nature 568 (7750), 108 - 111 10.1038/s41586-019-1063-0
Algal remodeling in a ubiquitous planktonic photosymbiosis
Curr. Biol. 29 (6), 968 - 978.e4 10.1016/j.cub.2019.01.073
Subcellular chemical imaging: New avenues in cell biology
Trends Cell Biol. 30 (3), 173 - 188 10.1016/j.tcb.2019.12.007
Subcellular architecture and metabolic connection in the planktonic photosymbiosis between Collodaria (radiolarians) and their microalgae
Environ. Microbiol. 23 (11), 6569 - 6586 10.1111/1462-2920.15766
Energy migration and Gd3+ ↔ Ce3+ transfer in Ce3+-doped GdP3O9 metaphosphate
J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 46 (23), art. 235103 10.1088/0022-3727/46/23/235103
Characterization of toluene and ethylbenzene biodegradation under nitrate-, iron(III)- and manganese(IV)-reducing conditions by compound-specific isotope analysis
Environ. Pollut. 211 , 271 - 281 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.12.029
High-resolution chemical mapping and identifying spatial distribution of microbes in the Zea mays rhizosphere using correlative microscopy
EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021
Copernicus Publications, EGU21-12160 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12160
Energy structure and luminescence of CeF3 crystals
Materials 14 (15), art. 4243 10.3390/ma14154243
Photoluminescence and energy transfer in Eu3+-doped alkali gadolinium phosphates
Phys. Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Phys. 250 (77), 1418 - 1425 10.1002/pssb.201349020
Microaerophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria isolated from low-Fe marine coastal sediments: Physiology and compostition of their twisted stalks
Appl. Environ. Microb. 83 (8), e03118-16 10.1128/AEM.03118-16
Enantiomer and carbon isotope fractionation of α-hexachlorocyclohexane by Sphingobium indicum strain B90A and the corresponding enzymes
Environ. Sci. Technol. 53 (15), 8715 - 8724 10.1021/acs.est.9b01233
Template synthesis of luminescent oligoperoxide coated YBO3 nanoparticles doped with Ce3+, Tb3+ and Eu3+ ions
Opt. Mater. 124 , art. 112008 10.1016/j.optmat.2022.112008
Primary productivity below the seafloor at deep-sea hot springs
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (26), 6756 - 6761 10.1073/pnas.1804351115
Investigation of architecture development and phosphate distribution in Chlorella biofilm by complementary microscopy techniques
FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 95 (4), fiz029 10.1093/femsec/fiz029
The effect of FISH and CARD-FISH on the isotopic composition of 13C- and 15N-labeled Pseudomonas putida cells measured by nanoSIMS
Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 37 (4), 267 - 276 10.1016/j.syapm.2014.02.002
Functional micelles formed by branched polymeric surfactants: synthesis, characteristics, and application as nanoreactors and carriers
Eur. Polym. J. 75 , 406 - 422 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2016.01.006
Conductive particles enable syntrophic acetate oxidation between Geobacter and Methanosarcina from coastal sediments
mBio 9 (3), e00226-18 10.1128/mBio.00226-18
Location and speciation of gadolinium and yttrium in roots of Zea mays by LA-ICP-MS and ToF-SIMS
Environ. Pollut. 216 , 245 - 252 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.05.069
Luminescence spectroscopy and energy level location of lanthanide ions doped in La(PO3)3
J. Lumines. 155 , 95 - 100 10.1016/j.jlumin.2014.06.029
Luminescence properties of Ce3+-doped NaPrP4O12 polyphosphate
J. Phys.-Condens. Matter 25 (10), art. 105403 10.1088/0953-8984/25/10/105403
Calculation of single cell assimilation rates from SIP-nanoSIMS-derived isotope ratios: a comprehensive approach
Front. Microbiol. 9 , art. 2342 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02342
Quantitative imaging of microbial-mediated biochemical processes with secondary ion mass spectrometry
In: Daus, B., Bings, N., Leopold, K., Otto, M., Panne, U., Welz, U., Wennrich, R. (eds.)
Canas ’15. Colloquium Analytische Atomspektroskopie, 8.–11. März 2015, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ Leipzig. Colloquium Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, 8–11 March, 2015, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ Leipzig
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ, Leipzig, 59
Iron corrosion by methanogenic archaea characterized by stable isotope effects and crust mineralogy
Environ. Microbiol. 24 (2), 583 - 595 10.1111/1462-2920.15658
Cytoklepty in the plankton: A host strategy to optimize the bioenergetic machinery of endosymbiotic algae
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118 (27), e2025252118 10.1073/pnas.2025252118
Mycelium-mediated transfer of water and nutrients stimulates bacterial activity in dry and oligotrophic environments
Nat. Commun. 8 , art. 15472 10.1038/ncomms15472
Stable isotopes and nanoSIMS single-cell imaging reveals soil plastisphere colonizers able to assimilate sulfamethoxazole
Environ. Pollut. 355 , art. 124197 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124197
- G. Stryganyuk, X. Kozina, G. H. Fecher, S. Ouardi, S. Chadov, C. Felser, G. Schönhense, P. Lushchyk, A. Oelsner, P. Bernhard, E. Ikenaga, T. Sugiyama, H. Sukegawa, Z. Wen, K. Inomata, K. Kobayashi, Spin Polarimetry and Magnetic Dichroism on a Buried Magnetic Layer using Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51 (2012) 016602.
- V.N. Makhov, M. Kirm, G. Stryganyuk, S. Vielhauer, G. Zimmerer, B.Z. Malkin, O.V. Solovyev, S.L. Korableva, 5d-4f luminescence of Ce3+, Gd3+ and Lu3+ in LiCaAlF6, J. Lumin. 132 (2012) 418.
- E. Vilanova Vidal, G. Stryganyuk, H. Schneider, C. Felser, and G. Jakob, Exploring Co2MnAl Heusler compound for anomalous Hall effect sensors, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 (2011) 132509.
- X. Kozina, G. H. Fecher, G. Stryganyuk, S. Ouardi, B. Balke, C. Felser, G. Schoenhense, E. Ikenaga, T. Sugiyama, N. Kawamura, M. Suzuki, T. Taira, T. Uemura, M. Yamamoto, H. Sukegawa, W. Wang, K. Inomata, K. Kobazashi, Observation of magnetic dichroism in angular-resolved hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy from buried layers, Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 054449.
- A. Gloskovskii, G. Stryganyuk, G. H. Fecher, C. Felser, S Thiess, H. Schulz-Ritter, W. Drube, G. Berner, M. Sing, R. Claessen, M. Yamamoto, Magnetometry of buried layers - Linear magnetic dichroism and spin detection in angular resolved hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, J Electron Spectroscopy Rel. Phenom. (2011), doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2011.11.005
- S. Ouardi, C. Shekhar, G. H. Fecher, X. Kozina, G. Stryganyuk, C. Felser, S. Ueda, K. Kobayashi, Electronic structure of Pt based topological Heusler compounds with C1b structure and “zero band gap”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 (2011) 211901.
- P. Dorenbos, T. Shalapska, G. Stryganyuk, A. Gektin, A. Voloshinovskii, Spectroscopy and energy level location of the trivalent lanthanides in LiYP4O12, J. Lumin. 131, 4 (2011) 633.
- V.P. Dotsenko, S.M. Levshov, I.V. Berezovskaya, G.B. Stryganyuk, A.S. Voloshinovskii, N.P. Efryushina, Luminescent properties of Eu2+ and Ce3+ ions in strontium litho-silicate Li2SrSiO4, J. Lumin. 131 (2011) 310.
- V. Babin, V. Bichevin, V. Gorbenko, M. Kink, A. Makhov, Yu. Maksimov, M. Nikl, G. Stryganyuk, S. Zazubovich, Yu. Zorenko, Time-resolved spectroscopy of exciton-related states in single crystals and single crystalline films of Lu3Al5O12 and Lu3Al5O12:Ce, Phys. Stat. Sol. b 248, 6 (2011) 1505.
- G. Stryganyuk, T. Shalapska, A. Voloshinovskii, A. Gektin, A. Krasnikov, S. Zazubovich, Processes of the excitation energy migration and transfer in Ce3+-doped alkali gadolinium phosphates studied with time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy technique, J. Lumin. 131 (2011) 2027.
- C. G. F. Blum, S. Ouardi, G. H. Fecher, B. Balke, X. Kozina, G. Stryganyuk, S. Ueda, K. Kobayashi, C. Felser, S. Wurmehl and B. Buechner. Exploring the details of the martensite–austenite phase transition of the shape memory Heusler compound Mn2NiGa by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, magnetic and transport measurements. Appl. Phys. Lett. 98 (2011) 252501.
- S. Ouardi, G. H. Fecher, X. Kozina, G. Stryganyuk, B. Balke, C. Felser, E. Ikenaga, T. Sugiyama, N. Kawamura, M. Suzuki, K. Kobayashi, Symmetry of valence states of Heusler compounds explored by linear dichroism in hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 036402.
- S. Ouardi, G. H. Fecher*, B. Balke, A. Beleanu, X. Kozina, G. Stryganyuk, C. Felser, W. Kloess, H. Schrader, F. Bernardi, J. Morais, E. Ikenaga, Y. Yamashita, S. Ueda, and K. Kobayashi, Electronic and crystallographic structure, hard x-ray photoemission, and mechanical and transport properties of the half-metallic Heusler compound Co2MnGe, Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 155122.
- X. Kozina, T. Jaeger, S. Ouardi, A. Gloskowskij, G. Stryganyuk, G. Jakob, T. Sugiyama, E. Ikenaga, G. H. Fecher, and C. Felser, Electronic structure and symmetry of valence states of epitaxial NiTiSn and NiZr0.5Hf0.5Sn thin films by hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 (2011) 221908.
- V. Alijani, S. Ouardi, G. H. Fecher, J. Winterlik, S. Naghavi, X. Kozina, G. Stryganyuk, C. Felser, E. Ikenaga, Y. Yamashita, S. Ueda, K. Kobayashi, Electronic, structural and magnetic properties of the half-metallic ferromagnetic quarternary Heusler compounds CoFeMnZ (Z=Al, Ga, Si, Ge), Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 224416.
- X. Kozina, S. Ouardi, B. Balke, G. Stryganyuk, G. H. Fecher, C. Felser, S. Ikeda, H. Ohno and E. Ikenaga, A nondestructive analysis of the B diffusion in Ta-CoFeB-MgO-CoFeB-Ta magnetic tunnel junctions by hard x-ray photoemission, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 (2010) 072105.
- S. Ouardi, G. H. Fecher, B. Balke, X. Kozina, G. Stryganyuk, C. Felser, S. Lowitzer, D. Kodderitzsch, H. Ebert, E. Ikenaga, Electronic transport properties of electron- and hole-doped semiconducting C1b Heusler compounds: NiTi1-xMxSn (M=Sc, V), Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 085108.
- T. Shalapska, G. Stryganyuk, Yu. Romanyshyn, D. Trots, P. Demchenko, A. Gektin, A. Voloshinovskii, P. Dorenbos, Photon cascade luminescence from Pr3+ ions in LiPrP4O12 polyphosphate, J. Phys.: Appl. Phys. 43 (2010) 405404.
- T. Shalapska, G. Stryganyuk, A. Gektin, P. Demchenko, A. Voloshinovskii, P. Dorenbos, Crystal structure and luminescence properties of LiYP4O12:Ce3+ phosphor, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22 (2010) 485503.
- T. Shalapska, G. Stryganyuk, D. Trots, T. Demkiv, A. Gektin, A. Voloshinovskii, P. Dorenbos, Luminescence properties of LiPrxCe1-xP4O12, J. Lumin. 130 (2010) 1941.
- N. Shiran, A. Gektin, V. Nesterkina, Y. Boyarintseva, V. Baumer, G. Stryganyuk, A. Voloshinovskii, E. Villora, Peculiarities of cascade photon emission and energy storage in M1-xPrxF2+x (M=Ca, Sr, Ba, x≈0.35) crystals, J. Lumin. 130 (2010) 2277.
- G.B.Stryganyuk, P.V.Savchyn, Z.A.Khapko, O.T.Antonyak, A.S.Voloshinovskii, I.M.Solskii, A.P.Vas’kiv, Luminescence of Pr3+ doped K2LaCl5 microcrystals encapsulated in KCl host, Opt. Mater. 31 (2009) 619.
- T. Shalapska, G. Stryganyuk, P. Demchenko, A. Voloshinovskii and P. Dorenbos, Luminescence properties of Ce3+-doped LiGdP4O12 upon vacuum-ultraviolet and x-ray excitation, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 (2009) 445901.
- V.P. Dotsenko, I.V. Berezovskaya, N.P. Efryushina, A.S. Voloshinovskii, G.B. Stryganyuk, Position of the optical absorption edge of alkaline earth borates, Opt. Mater. 31 (2009) 1428.
- T.Demkiv, V.Vistovskyy, P.Savchyn, G.Stryganyuk, A.Voloshinovskii, L.Demkiv, Formation of La-containing microcrystals in KCl and NaCl matrices, Func. Mat. 16 (2009) 225.
- A. Gektin, N. Shiran, V. Nesterkina, Y. Boyarintseva, V. Baumer, G. Stryganyuk, K. Shimamura, E. Villora, Luminescence of heavily Ce-doped alkaline-earth fluorides, J. Lumin. 129 (2009) 1538.
- G.Stryganyuk, D.Trots, A.Voloshinovskii, T.Shalapska, V.Zakordonskiy, V.Vistovskyy, M.Pidzyrailo and G.Zimmerer, Luminescence of Ce3+ doped LaPO4 nanophosphors upon Ce3+ 4f-5d and band-to-band excitation, J. of Lumin. 128 (2008) 355.
- V.V.Vistovskyy, P.V.Savchyn, G.B.Stryganyuk, A.S.Voloshinovskii and M.S.Pidzyrailo, Luminescence of Ce doped LaCl3 microcrystals incorporated into a single-crystalline NaCl host, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20 (2008) 325218.
- G.Stryganyuk, G.Zimmerer, N.Shiran V.Voronova, V.Nesterkina, A.Gektin, K.Shimamura, E.Villora, F.Jing, T.Shalapska, A.Voloshinovskii, Spectral-kinetic characteristics of Pr3+ luminescence in LiLuF4 host upon excitation in the UV–VUV range, J. Lumin. 128 (2008) 1937.
- S.V.Myagkota, A.S.Pushak, G.B.Stryganyuk, S.S.Novosad, I.P.Pashuk, Specral and kinetic characteristics of luminescence in CsI-Ca crystals, Func. Mater. 15 (2008) 187.
- I.V.Berezovskaya, N.P.Efryushina, G.B.Stryganyuk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, E.V.Zubar, V.P.Dotsenko, Distribution and luminescence characteristics of Ce3+ ions in calcium hydoxiapatite, Func. Mater. 15 (2008) 164.
- G.Stryganyuk and G. Zimmerer, RE3+ VUV d-f luminescence investigated by synchrotron radiation excitation at HASYLAB, Physics of the Solid State 50, 9 (2008) 1631.
- A.Rusydi, R.Rauer, G.Neuber, M.Bastjan, I.Mahns, S.Müller, P.Saichu, B.Schulz, S.G.Singer, A.I.Lichtenstein, D.Qi, X.Gao, X.Yu, A.T.S.Wee, G.Stryganyuk, K.Dörr, G.A.Sawatzky, S.L.Cooper, and M.Rübhausen, Metal-insulator transition in manganites: Changes in optical conductivity up to 22 eV, Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 125110.
- V.Makhov, M.Kirm, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer and G.Zimmerer, VUV Luminescence due to 5d-4f transitions in Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions doped into fluoride crystals, ECS Trans. 11 (2008) 1.
- V.N.Makhov, T.Adamberg, M.Kirm, S.Vielhauer, G.Stryganyuk, Journal of Luminescence, Interplay of spin-allowed and spin-forbidden 5d-4f luminescence from rare earth ions, J. Lumin. 128 (2008) 725.
- M.Kirm, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer et al., Vacuum-ultraviolet 5d-4f luminescence of Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions in fluoride matrices, Phys. Rev. B 75 (2007) 75111.
- G.Stryganyuk, S.Zazubovich, A.Voloshinovskii, M.Pidzyrailo, G.Zimmerer, R.Peters and K.Petermann, Charge transfer luminescence of Yb3+ ions in LiY1-xYbxP4O12 phosphates, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 036202.
- G.Stryganyuk, D.Trots, I.Berezovskaya, T.Shalapska, A.Voloshinovskii, V.Dotsenko, G.Zimmerer, Luminescence of YbP3O9 upon excitation in the UV–VUV range, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 346236.
- G.B. Stryganyuk, Ya.M.Chornodolskyy, A.S.Voloshinovskii, M.P.Ivanov, L.O.Vasylechko, Luminescence of K1-xRbxCaF3 upon the outermost 3pK+ and 4pRb+core ionization., Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 244 Nr.9 (2007) 3303-3307.
- V.N.Makhov, S.Kh.Batygov, L.N.Dmitruk, M.Kirm, G.Stryganyuk, G.Zimmerer, VUV 5d – 4f luminescence of Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions doped into CaF2, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 4, 3 (2007) 881.
- V.N.Makhov, M.Kirm, G.Stryganyuk, Luminescence excitation spectra of LiGdF4 and LiLuF4 in the region of interconfigurational 4fn-4fn-15d transitions in the Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions, Radiat. Meas. 42 (2007) 865-868.
- I.V.Berezovskaya, N.P.Efryushina, A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryganyuk, P.V.Pir, V.P.Dotsenko, Luminescence and thermoluminescence of alkaline earth metaborates, Radiat. Meas. 42 (2007) 878-881.
- V.P.Dotsenko, I.V.Berezovskaya, N.P.Efryushina, A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryganyuk, Influence of the crystal structure on the stability of Ln2+ in strontium borates, Radiat. Meas. 42 (2007) 803-806.
- P.A.Rodnyi, A.Kh.Khandro, A.S.Voloshinovskii and G.B.Stryganyuk, Europium Luminescence in Fluorite upon High-Energy Excitation, Opt. and Spectr. 103 (2007) 568.
- Ya.Chornodolskyy, G.Stryganyuk, S.Syrotyuk, A.Voloshinovskii, P.Rodnyi, Features of the core-valence luminescence and electron energy band structure of A1−xCsxCaCl3 (A=K, Rb) crystal, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 (2007) 476211.
- S.V.Syrotyuk , Ya.M.Chornodolskyy, G.B.Stryganyuk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, P.A.Rodnyi, Electronic energy band parameters of CsCl evaluated on core Bloch states and plane waves, Radiat. Meas. 42 (2007) 723.
- M.S.Pidzyrailo, V.V.Vistovskyy, A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryganyuk, O.V.Bovgyra, Ya.M.Chornodolskyy, Fast intrinsic emission in Cs2CdI4 single crystal, Radiat. Meas. 42 (2007) 869.
- A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, Ya.Chornodolsky, G.Stryganyuk, Luminescence modification of CsI crystal activated by CsCl impurity, Funct. Mater. 14, 2 (2007) 177.
- M.Kirm, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer, G.Zimmerer et al., Vacuum ultraviolet 5d-4f luminescence of Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions in fluoride matrices, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 (DESY, Hamburg) 51.
- V.Vistovskyy, G.Stryganyuk, M.Pidzyrailo, A.Voloshinovskii, O.Antonyak, I.Pashuk, Luminescence of LaI3-Ce microcrystals embedded in NaI host, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 (DESY, Hamburg) 685.
- G.Stryganyuk, P.Savchyn, Z.Khapko, O.Antonyak, A.Voloshinovskii, A.Vaskiv, Luminescence of Pr3+ ions in K2LaCl5 microphase, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 (DESY, Hamburg) 687.
- I.A.Kamenskikh, D.N.Krasikov, O.A.Shalygina, G.Stryganyuk, V.Yu.Timoshenko, M.Zacharias, D.M.Zhigunov, Optical and luminescence properties of Si nanocrystals ensembles in silicon dioxide studied in the extended spectral range, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 (DESY, Hamburg) 721.
- V.N.Makhov, T.Adamberg, M.Kirm, S.Vielhauer and G.Stryganyuk, Temperature dependency of interplay between spin-allowed and spin-forbidden 5d-4f luminescence from Tm3+ doped into LiYF4, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 (DESY, Hamburg) 1105.
- G.Stryganyuk, D.Trots, I.Berezovskaya, T.Shalapska, A.Voloshinovskii, V.Dotsenko, G.Zimmerer, Photoluminescence and structure of YbP3O9 metaphosphate within 12-290 K temperature range, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 (DESY, Hamburg) 1075.
- V.N.Makhov, M.Kirm, S.Vielhauer, S.Kh.Batygov, L.N.Dmitruk, G.Stryganyuk and G.Zimmerer, VUV 5d-4f luminescence of Lu3+ doped into CaF2, HASYLAB Annual Report 2007 (DESY, Hamburg) 1129.
- V.N.Makhov, J.C.Krupa, M.Kirm, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer, G.Zimmerer, VUV luminescence of Gd3+ and Lu3+ ions in fluoride matrices, Russian Physics Journal 49 (2006) 85.
- N.V.Guerasimova, I.A.Kamenskikh, V.V.Mikhailin, C.Pedrini, A.Petrosyan, G.Stryganyuk G.Zimmerer, Intrinsic luminescence and luminescence of inadverten impurities in LuAP and LuYAP crystals, Russian Physics Journal 49 (2006) 44.
- P.A.Rodny, A.S.Voloshinovski, G.B.Stryganyuk, Luminescence Characteristics of the Pr3+ Ion in SrAlF5, Opt. and Spectr. 100 (2006) 712.
- G.Stryganyuk, S.Zazubovich, A.Voloshinovskii, M.Pidzyrailo, G.Zimmerer, Charge transfer luminescence of Yb3+ ions in LiY1-xYbxP4O12 phosphates., HASYLAB Annual Report 2006 (DESY, Hamburg 2007) 473.
- V.B.Mikhailik, H.Kraus, J.Imber and G.Stryganyuk, Studies of polarisation dependences of spectroscopic properties of CaMoO4, HASYLAB Annual Report 2006 (DESY, Hamburg) 723.
- G.Stryganyuk, D.Trots, A.Voloshinovskii, V.Zakordonskiy, V.Vistovskyy, M.Pidzyrailo, C.Baehtz, G.Zimmerer, Ce3+ doped LaPO4 nanophosphors, HASYLAB Annual Report 2006 (DESY, Hamburg) 465.
- V.N.Makhov, M.Kirm, S.Kh.Batygov, L.N.Dmitruk, G.Stryganyuk and G.Zimmerer, VUV 5d-4f luminescence of Gd3+ doped into CaF2, HASYLAB Annual Report 2006 (DESY, Hamburg) 953.
- A.Voloshinovskii, S.Zazubovich, G.Stryganyuk and I.Pashuk. Luminescence of CsBr:Tl crystals under synchrotron excitation. J. of Lumin. 111, 1-2 (2005) 9.
- A. Voloshinovskii, S. Myagkota, I. Garapyn, G. Stryganyuk, P. Rodnyi and C.W.E. van Eijk. Optical properties of Pb-based aggregated phases in CsBr crystal. J. of Lumin. 111, 1-2 (2005) 47.
- Y.Zorenko, V.Gorbenko, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, S.Nedilko, V.Degoda, O.Chukova, Luminescence of Sc-related centers in single crystalline films of Lu3Al5O12 garnet, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 2, 1 (2005) 105.
- A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, G.Zimmerer, P.Rodnyi, O.Antonyak, S.Myagkota, P.Savchyn, Luminescent characteristics of pure and Ce doped K2LaCl5 phase in KCl host., Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 202, 9 (2005) R101.
- P.A.Rodnyi, G.B.Stryganyuk, C.W.E. van Eijk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, Variation of 5d-level position and emission properties of BaF2 :Pr crystals, Phys. Rev. B 72, 19 (2005) 195112.
- E.Savchenko, A.Ogurtsov, I.Khyzhniy, G.Stryganyuk, G.Zimmerer, Creation of permanent lattice defects via exciton self-trapping into molecular states in Xe matrix, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7 (2005) 785.
- Yu.V.Zorenko, A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryganyuk, and V.I.Gorbenko, Exciton Luminescence of YAlO3 Single Crystals and Single-Crystal Films, Opt. and Spectr. 98, 4 (2005) 555.
- Yu.V.Zorenko, V.I.Gorbenko, G.B.Stryganyuk, V.N.Kolobanov, D.A.Spasski, K.Blazek, M.Nikl, Luminescence of Excitons and Antisite Defects in Lu3Al5O12:Ce Single Crystals and Single-Crystal Films, Opt. and Spectr. 99, 6 (2005) 923.
- Yu. Zorenko, R.M.Turchak, T.I.Voznjak, G.B.Stryganyuk, Time-resolved luminescence of Eu2+-aggregate centers in CsBr crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol. (c) 2, 1 (2005) 535.
- Yu.Zorenko, V.Gorbenko, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, V.Mikhailin, V.Kolobanov, D.Spassky, M.Nikl, K.Blazec, Luminescence of excitons in LuAG:Ce single crystals and single crystalline films, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 202 (2005) 1113.
- Yu.Zorenko, V.Gorbenko, I.Konstankevych, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk,V.Mikhailin, V.Kolobanov, D.Spassky, Single-crystalline films of Ce-doped YAG and LuAG phosphors: Advantages over bulk crystals analogues, J. Lumin. 114, 2 (2005) 85.
- P.A.Rodnyi, A.S.Potapov, A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryganyuk, The development of new phosphors with high quantum efficiency, Journal of Optycal Technology 72, 9 (2005) 685.
- M.Pidzyrailo, V.Vistovskyy, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, O.Bovgyra, Fast luminescence in Cs2CdI4 single crystals, HASYLAB Annual Report 2005 (DESY, Hamburg) 339.
- A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, G.Zimmerer, G.Zimmerer, P.Rodnyi, O.Antonyak, S.Myagkota, P.Savchyn, Luminescent characteristics of Ce doped K2LaCl5 phase in KCl host, HASYLAB Annual Report 2005 (DESY, Hamburg) 449.
- A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, Ya.Chornodolskyy, G.Stryganyuk, G.Zimmerer, Modification of CsI luminescent characteristics by doping with CsCl and PbCl2 impurities, HASYLAB Annual Report 2005 (DESY, Hamburg) 457.
- K.V.Ivanovskikh, V.A.Pustovarov, G.Stryganyuk, B.V.Shulgin, VUV emission of Nd3+ and Tm3+ ions doped into strontium fluoride crystals, HASYLAB Annual Report 2005 (DESY, Hamburg) 565.
- I.Kamenskikh, N.Guerassimova, C.Dujardin, V.Mikhailin, C.Pedrini, A.Petrosyan, G.Stryganyuk, A.Vasil’ev, G.Zimmerer, LuAP:Ce and LuYAP:Ce crystals: relaxation channels competing with cerium emission, HASYLAB Annual Report 2005 (DESY, Hamburg) 661.
- V.N.Makhov, J.C.Krupa, M.Kirm, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer, G.Zimmerer, VUV luminescence of Lu3+ ions in fluoride matrices, HASYLAB Annual Report 2005 (DESY, Hamburg) 709.
- S. Myagkota, G. Stryganyuk, A. Voloshinovskii, P. Rodnyi, M. Kirm, G. Zimmerer, Luminescence kinetics characteristics of lead-containing aggregates dispersed in Rb0.95Cs0.05Cl solid state solution, Opt. Commun. 229 1-6 (2004) 271.
- A. Voloshinovskii, I. Pashuk, Ya. Chornodol'skyi, G. Stryganyuk, P. Rodnyi. Peculiarities of core-valence luminescence of CsBr and Rb1-xCsxBr crystals, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 241, 11 (2004) 2613.
- Yu.V.Zorenko, A.S.Voloshinovski , G.B.Stryganyuk, I.V.Konstankevych, Ultraviolet Luminescence of Single Crystals and Single-Crystal Films of YAlO3, Optics and Spectroscopy 96, 1 (2004) 70.
- O.M.Berdychevsky, M.S.Pidzyrailo, G.B.Stryganyuk, Z.A.Khapko, Synchrotron radiation studies of the luminescence of BaCl2 crystals, Journal of Physical Studies 8, 4 (2004) 376.
- A.Voloshinovskii, S.Myagkota, I.Pashuk, G.Stryganyuk, and P.Savchyn. Luminescent study of AI-Pb (A=K, Rb) crystals under excitation by synchrotron radiation quanta, HASYLAB Annual Report 2004 (DESY, Hamburg) 295.
- A.Voloshinovskii, N.Pidzyrailo, I.Sol’skii, G.Zimmerer, Yu.Romanyshyn, G.Stryganyuk, Luminescence of Gd3+ ions in LiGdP4O12 phosphor, HASYLAB Annual Report 2004 (DESY, Hamburg) 293.
- E.Savchenko, A.N.Ogurtsov, I.Khyzhniy, G.Stryganyuk, G.Zimmerer, Recombination luminescence of solid Xe preirradiated with VUV light, HASYLAB Annual Report 2004 (DESY, Hamburg) 347.
- A.N.Ogurtsov, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer, G.Zimmerer, Effect of temperature on triplet luminescence of self-trapped excitons in solid Xe and Kr, HASYLAB Annual Report 2004 (DESY, Hamburg) 479.
- A.N.Ogurtsov, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer, G.Zimmerer, Luminescence of self-trapped excitons in rare-gas cryocrystals under selective photoexcitation at the edge of exciton absorption, Annual Report 2004 (DESY, Hamburg) 509.
- A.N.Ogurtsov, G.Stryganyuk, S.Vielhauer, G.Zimmerer, Manifestation of crystal size effect in polaritonic luminescence from rare-gas cryocrystals, Annual Report 2004 (DESY, Hamburg) 511.
- P.A.Rodnyi, P.Dorenbos, G.B.Stryganyuk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, A.S.Potapov and van Eijk C.W.E, Emission of Pr3+ in SrAl12O19 under vacuum ultraviolet synchrotron excitation, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 15 (2003) 719.
- A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, Ya. Chornodol’skii, M.P.Ivanov, Core hole migration in K1-xRbxF3 solid solution, HASYLAB Annual Report 2003 (DESY, Hamburg) 245.
- P.A.Rodnyi, I.V.Berezovskaya, А.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryganyuk, А.S.Potapov, Luminescent characteristics of Pr3+ ions in SrB4O7 and SrB6O10, Opt. and Spectr. 94, 4 (2003) 603.
- A.Voloshinovskii, Yu.Romanyshyn, G.Stryganyuk, N.Pidzyrailo, I.Pashuk, Efficiency of quantum cutting process in LiY1-xPrxP4O12 phosphor, HASYLAB Annual Report 2003 (DESY, Hamburg) 277.
- A.Voloshinovskii, I.Solskii, G.Stryganyuk, Yu.Romanyshyn, Z.Khapko O.Antonyak, Charge transfer luminescence of Yb3+ ions in LiY1-xYbxP4O12 phosphor, HASYLAB Annual Report 2003 (DESY, Hamburg) 237.
- Yu.Zorenko, V.Gorbenko, S.Nedil’ko, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk. Luminescence of Pb2+ ions in Al2O3 single crystalline film, HASYLAB Annual Report 2003 (DESY, Hamburg) 361.
- S.Zazubovich, A.Voloshinovskii, G.Stryganyuk, Luminescence of CsCl:Tl Crystal under Synchrotron Excitation, Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 233, 2 (2002) 238.
- A. S. Voloshinovskii, O. T. Antonyak, G. B. Stryganyuk, P. Dorenbos, C.W.E. van Eijk, P. A. Rodnyi, Spectral-kinetic study of LaCl3:Ce crystals, Ukr. J. Phys. Opt. 3, 3 (2002) 194.
- A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryhanyuk, M.S.Pidzyrailo, V.N.Makhov, VUV luminescence of lanthanide ions in oxide crystals, HASYLAB Annual Report 2002 (DESY, Hamburg) 215.
- O.T.Antonyak, A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.B.Stryganyuk, V.N.Makhov, Low-temperature Nd3+ luminescence in Cs2NaLaCl6 crystals, HASYLAB Annual Report 2001 (DESY, Hamburg) 275.
- A.S.Voloshinovskii, I.P.Pashuk, G.B.Stryganyuk, The peculiarities of core luminescence in RbBr-CsBr solid solution, HASYLAB Annual report 2001 (DESY, Hamburg) 315.
- P.A.Rodnyi, V.B.Mikhailik, G.B.Stryganyuk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, C.W.E. van Eijk, G.Zimmerer, Luminescence properties of Ce-dopped Cs2LiLaCl6 crystals, J. Lumin. 86, 2 (2000) 161.
- J.Andriessen, O.T.Antonyak, P.Dorenbos, P.A.Rodnyi, G.B.Stryganyuk, C.W.E. van Eijk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, Experimental and theoretical study of the spectroscopic properties of Ce3+ doped LaCl3 single crystals, Opt. Commun. 178, 4 (2000) 355.
- O.T.Antonyak, P.Dorenbos, G.B.Stryganyuk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, Near activator excitation of LaCl3:Ce crystals, HASYLAB Annual report 2000 (DESY, Hamburg) 1017.
- A.S.Voloshinovskii, V.B.Mikhailik, G.B.Stryganyuk, P.A.Rodnyi, Observation of a correlation between the dependences of the radiative decay time and intensity of the impurity core-valence luminescence on excitation energy in K1-xCsxCl and Rb1-xCsxCl mixed crystals, Physics of the Solid State 41, 11 (1999) 1809.
- O.T.Antonyak, P.Dorenbos, P.A.Rodnyi, G.B.Stryganyuk, A.S.Voloshinovskii, G.Zimmerer, Luminescence spectra of LaCl3-Ce crystals, HASYLAB Annual report 1999 (DESY, Hamburg) 831.
- A.S.Voloshinovskii, M.S.Mikhailik, V.B.Mikhailik, G.B.Stryganyuk, Impurity core-valence luminescence and decay of the core excitations in K1-xCsxCl and Rb1-xCsxCl mixed crystals, Journal of Physical Studies 2, 3 (1998) 371-375.