Running Projects
CityCLIM - Next Generation City Climate Services Using Advanced Weather Models and Emerging Data Sources
NFDI4Objects - Research Data Infrastructure for the Material Remains of Human History
Development and construction of a deep-horizontal geological ice heat storage system (GEWS) as a demonstration plant at the TestUM/Wittstock test field.
Project: technical realisation and operation, numerical modelling,assessment of hydrogeochemical and microbiological impact
K-Connect - Connectivity in shallow, unconsolidated porous aquifers
KONATES - Design and pilot plant testing for the use of contaminated aquifers for heat management with ATES plants
HANDYWATER - Handy tools for sustainable irrigation management in Mediterranean crops
Forstview - Early detection of forest-damaging insects based on their species-specific volatiles using ion mobility spectrometry in preventive forest protection
Smart Sampling - Development of an IoT device to allow event-based sampling of gases
EBOW - Economical use of the resource water through efficient water management in fruit and vine cultivation
EXPRESS - Experimentation Field for Data-Driven Linkage and Digitalization in Agriculture
MIRO - Central German Innovation Region for Horticulture
CREDIBLE - Building momentum and trust to achieve credible soil carbon farming in the EU
EASYQuart-Plus - Energy-efficient design and planning of decentralised supply networks for geothermal heating and cooling of urban areas – digitization and practical effectiveness
VIRUMEX - Viruses in bank filtration - In-situ monitoring and risk management with special consideration of the influence of extreme weather events
COSMICSENSE II - Roving & Airborne
TestUM Aquifer II- Geophysical and hydrogeological test field for the investigation and monitoring of reactive multiphase transport processes in shallow aquifers induced by the use of the subsurface - follow-up project to TestUM Aquifer I
MARSoluT - Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network
DIGI Humus - Detection and regionalization of humus properties using VIS-NIR spectroscopy and digital
soil mapping
MeSsHumus - Method and sensors development for in-situ determination of humus content in soils and derivation of recommendations for management
MOProALGE - Fast monitoring system to allow the recovery of compounds produced by microalgae to be optimised through more efficient process management
DigitalEarth - Towards SMART Monitoring and Integrated Data Exploration of the Earth System - Implementing the Data Science Paradigm
RegenTracer - Rain as Groundwater Tracer
TestUM Aquifer - Geophysical and hydrogeological test site for exploration and monitoring of induced reactive multiphase transport processes in near-surface aquifer structures d/t utilization of the subsurface
TOXI-triage - Integrated and adaptive responses to toxic emergencies for rapid triage: engeneering the roadmap from casuality to patient to survivor
IGLU – Analysis, modeling, and evaluation of intelligent geothermal long term heat storage with minimized environmental impacts
SIMULTAN - Sinkhole instability: integrated multi-scale monitoring and analysis
CPTTOMO - Development and Validation of a CPT-based seismic tomography system and evalidation method for the stability assessment of old mining locations
ANGUS+ Impacts of the use of the geological subsurface for energy storage in the form of gas and heat in the context of a transition to renewable energy sources – dimensioning, risk analysis and prediction of impacts as a basis for future subsurface spatial planning
RATIEF - Development of a measuring apparatus and a modular probe system to measure depth oriented soil gas concentration and fluxes by taking into account the relevant influencing parameters
SQuAd- Spatially resolved quantification of the advection influence on the balance closure of greenhouse gases
MARSOL - Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought
Odour radar - Validierung of a measuring system to localise and quantify diffuse sources of odours
KOPOXI - Development of a ground water remediation technology for the enhancement of natural attenuation processes within a contamination plume by combining a permanent release of oxidizing agent with localized oxidizing agent injections
CAOS From Catchments as Organised Systems to Models based on Dynamic Functional Units
MONACO - Monitoring approach for geological CO2 storage sites using a hierarchic observation concept
MuSaWa - Multi-scale S-wave tomography for exploration and risk assessment of development sites
iSOIL- Interactions between soil related sciences – Linking geophysics, soil science and digital soil mapping
ModelProbe - EU-Projekt "Model driven soil probing, site assessment and evaluation"
CoTra - Compartment Transfer Revitalisierung of large scale and complex contaminated sites - Constructed wetlands
Großhang - Coupling of Flow and Deformation Processes for Modelling the Movement of Natural Slopes
CO2-Injection test - Development and assessment of the reliable, efficient and cost-effective monitoring concepts in order to detect and characterize possible near-surface CO2- leakages
MOST - Development and Evaluation of new analysis and interpretation approaches for 2D/3D georadar data.
COMEXTECH - A combined exploration technique for the delineation of subsurface structures and the assessment of rock parameters
EGS- Radon - Risk Minimization in the Exploration
DP-Radar - Development and Evaluation of new analysis and interpretation approaches for 2D/3D georadar data.