Publikationen Katrin Wendt-Potthoff

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2000 (12)

vor 2000

Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften (im JCR)
Wendt, K., Larink, O. (1990): Computer-aided analysis of earthworm burrows from sectioned soil columns. Pedobiologia 34, 221-225.
Wendt-Potthoff, K., Niepold, F., Backhaus, H. (1992): High-efficiency electroporation of the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae R32. Journal of Microbiological Methods 16, 33-37.
Wendt-Potthoff, K., Backhaus, H., Smalla, K. (1994): Monitoring the fate of genetically engineered bacteria sprayed on the phylloplane of bush beans and grass. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 15, 279-290.
Friese, K., Mages, M., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Neu, T. R. (1997): Determination of heavy metals in biofilms from the river Elbe by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 52, 1019-1025.
Herzsprung, P., Friese, K., Packroff, G., Schimmele, M., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Winkler, M. (1998): Vertical and annual distribution of ferric and ferrous iron in acidic mining lakes. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 26, 253-262.
Friese, K., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Zachmann, D. W., Fauville, A., Mayer, B., Veizer, J. (1998): Biogeochemistry of iron and sulfur in sediments of an acidic mining lake in Lusatia, Germany. Water Air and Soil Pollution 108, 231-247.
Büttner, O., Becker, A., Kellner, S., Kuehn, B., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Zachmann, D. W., Friese, K. (1998): Geostatistical analyses of surface sediments in an acidic mining lake. Water Air and Soil Pollution 108, 297-316.
Manz, W., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Neu, T. R., +Szewzyk, U., Lawrence, J. R. (1999): Phylogenetic composition, spatial structure and dynamics of lotic bacterial biofilms investigated by fluorescent in situ hybridization and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Microbial Ecology 37, 225-237.

Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften (nicht JCR)
Wendt-Potthoff, K., Smalla, K., Backhaus, H., Landsmann, J. (1992): Kanamycin-resistente Mikroorganismen ubiquitär in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden nachgewiesen. Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes 44, 101-104.
Schultze, M., Friese, K., Frömmichen, R., Geller, W., Klapper, H., Wendt-Potthoff, K. (1999): Tagebaurestseen - schon bei der Entstehung ein Sanierungsfall. Gaia 8, 32-43

Bücher und Buchbeiträge
Smalla, K., Wendt, K., Niepold, F., Isemann, M., John, G., Weege, K.H. (1991): Monitoring of an rDNA Bacillus subtilis in environmental samples. Environmental Hygiene 3, Proceedings of the 3rd European Meeting of Environmental Hygiene, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, S. 265-268.
Wendt-Potthoff, K., Niepold, F., Backhaus, H. (1992): Fate of plant pathogenic pseudomonads in bean microcosms. In: Stewart-Tull, D.E.S., Sussman, M. (Hrsg.) The release of genetically modified microorganisms REGEM 2, FEMS Symposium No. 63, Plenum Press, New York, S. 181-182.
Backhaus, H., Nickel, A., Fritsch, E., Huber, J., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Engelen, B., Felske, A., Nübel, A., Jehle, J.A. (1996) From gene transfer to risk assessment: experiences with genetic variability in baculoviruses and new approaches to analyse the reaction of microbial communities to stress factors. In: Schmidt, E.R., Hankeln, T. (Hrsg.) Transgenic organisms and biosafety. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, S. 43-66.
Wendt-Potthoff, K., Neu, T. R. (1998): Microbial processes for in situ remediation of acidic lakes. In: Geller, W., Klapper, H., Salomons, W. (Hrsg.): Acidic mining lakes: acid mine drainage, limnology and reclamation. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, S. 269-284.
Stottmeister, U., Gläßer, W., Klapper, H., Weißbrodt, E., Eccarius, B., Kennedy, C., Schultze, M., Wendt-Potthoff, K., Frömmichen, R., Schreck, P., Strauch, G. (1999) Strategies for remediation of former opencast mining areas in Eastern Germany. In: Azcue, J. M. (Hrsg.): Environmental impacts of mining activities: Emphasis on mitigation and remedial. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 263-296.

Populärwissenschaftliche Beiträge
Wendt-Potthoff, K., Backhaus, H. (1994): Monitoring von gentechnisch veränderten phytopathogenen Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae in Mikrokosmos-Experimenten. In: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.) Überwachungsmethoden Gentechnik: Nachweisverfahren für Mikroorganismen, Viren und Gene in der Umwelt. UBA Texte 29/94, 345-356.

Beiträge in Tagungsbänden
Wendt-Potthoff, K., Zock, S., Smalla, K., Niepold, F., Backhaus, H. (1992): Colonization of bean plants by genetically engineered Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae: Effects of inoculation technique. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on the biosafety results of field tests of genetically modified plants and microorganisms, BBA Braunschweig, 275-280.
Smalla, K., Isemann, M., Krögerrecklenfort, E., Wendt-Potthoff K (1992): Persistence of a genetically modified Bacillus subtilis and its DNA in environmental habitats. DECHEMA Biotechnology Conferences 5, 823-828.