Alix Aldehoff

PhD Student Functional Metabolomics Functional Genomics


Building 6.0
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig
Telephone: +49 341 235 1541
Alix Aldehoff Foto: Sebastian Wiedling/UFZ

Scientific network

Research interests

  • Effects of xenobiotic expoure on function and differentiation of adipocytes using proteomics and metabolomics
  • Post-translational protein modifications and their role in differentiating adipocytes


October 2021 - present PhD student in the CRC1052, Project Z3, Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research, Leipzig

Post-translational modifications in the context of adipocyte differentiation and their exposure to environmental contaminants
2018 - 2021 Master of Science Biotechnology
Münster University

Analysis of the impact of perfluoroalkyl substance exposure on a simplified human intestinal microbiota using proteomics and metabolomics
2015 - 2018 Bachelor of Science Biological Sciences
Münster University

Functional analysis of selected lysine residues on Rubisco activase activity in Arabidopsis thaliana



You could use our publication index for further requests.

2024 (10)

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2023 (1)

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