DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against Experiments

D-2019 Task E2
Numerical simulation of D-2019 Task E showing the THM process evolution of a real repository scenario in Callodo-Oxfordian (COx) clay (OGS-HPC simulation by Wenqing Wang)

Short project description: “The DECOVALEX project is an international research and model comparison collaboration, initiated in 1992, for advancing the understanding and modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in geological systems. Prediction of these coupled effects is an essential part of the performance and safety assessment of geologic disposal systems for radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, and also for a range of sub-surface engineering activities. The project has been conducted by research teams supported by a large number of radioactive-waste-management organizations and regulatory authorities. Research teams work collaboratively on selected modeling cases, followed by comparative assessment of model results.” (Source: DECOVALEX, more information on D-2015 you find in Birkholzer et al. (2018) and in Kolditz et al. (2016), see below).

D-2023 Task G Abstract
Figure showing the graphical abstract of D-2023 Task G (SAFENET) design

The new (8th) DECOVALEX phase (D-2023) is starting with the Kick-off Meeting in Berkeley (28-30.04.202). Seven Tasks (A-G) will be performed within D-2023:

  • A: HGFrac: Heat and Gas Fracking (ANDRA)
  • B: MAGiC: Modelling Advection of Gas In Clays (BGS)
  • C: Modelling THM processes at the Full-Scale Emplacement (FE) heater experiment (ENSI/Quintessa)
  • D: Full-scale Engineered Barrier System Experiment at Horonobe URL (JAEA)
  • E: BATS: Heated Brine Availability Test in Salt (Sandia NL)
  • F: Proposed PA/UQ/SA Benchmarking Task (Sandia NL)
  • G: SAFENET: Safety Implications of Fluid Flow, Shear, Thermal and Reaction Processes within Crystalline Rock Fracture Networks (UFZ)

OGS will be involved in all tasks performed by several teams. UFZ is leading Task G (SAFENET)

Project duration: 2019-2023

Project funding: POF IV (Topic 8) and various project activities

Selected publications:

  • Birkholzer, J.T., Bond, A.E., Hudson, J.A., Jing, L., Tsang, C.-F., Shao, H., Kolditz, O., (2018): DECOVALEX-2015: an international collaboration for advancing the understanding and modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes in geological systems. Environ. Earth Sci. 77 (14), art. 539 > direct link
  • Kolditz, O., Görke, U.-J., Shao, H., Wang, W., Bauer, S., (eds., 2016): Thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes in fractured porous media: Modelling and benchmarking. Benchmarking initiatives. Terrestrial Environmental Sciences, Springer Nature, Cham, 243 pp. > direct link