PD Dr. Till Markus, LL.M.

Research Unit Environment and Society
Department Environmental and Planning Law
Working Group Climate Change

Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

phone: ++49 - 341 - 6025 1064

T. Markus

Curriculum Vitae

since 02/2017

Co-Chief Editor, Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (NOMOS)

since 12/2016

Editor, International Yearbook of Soil Law and Policy (Springer)

2014 − 2020

Habilitation, Bremen University

2014 − 2018

PI, Graduate School Global Change in the Marine Realm (GLOMAR)

2013 − 2018

PI, Center for Transnational Studies (CENTRA)

2009 − 2018

PI, Graduate College – Integrated Coastal and Shelf Sea Research (INTERCOAST)

since 04/2009

Editorial Board Member, Zeitschrift für Umweltrecht (NOMOS)

2008 − 2012

Post-Doc, MARUM, Bremen University

2005 − 2008

PhD-student, Bremen University

Current Projects

Herausforderungen für ein zukunftsfähiges Umweltrecht
⇒ Circular Carbon Approaches (Helmholtz Climate Initiative)
⇒ Thirsty Cities

Supervision of Doctoral Candidates

I. Current Dissertation Projects

  • Pradeep Singh Arjan Singh, The Role of Science in Shaping the Law of the Sea, seit 2016
  • Christina Gawrych, Protecting Underwater Cultural Heritage in New Zealand and Germany, seit 2013

II. Completed Dissertation Projects

  • Pedro-Pablo Silva-Sánchez, Human Rights Litigation and the Environment
  • Lutz Helfst, Kommunale Klimaschutzregulierung im transnationalen Kontext – Der Beitrag transnationaler Städtenetzwerke zur Verwirklichung völkerrechtlicher Klimaschutzziele
  • Ingo Unterweger, The Law on Tuna Fisheries Management – How can Management Measures meet their Objectives?

Teaching at Bremen University 

  • Climate protection law, national, European, international
  • Marine protection law, national, European, international