Dr. Stefan Möckel
Thematic Area Environment and Society
Department of Environmental and Planning Law
Working Group Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity
Helmholtz Centre
for Environmental Research − UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
Areas of Expertise & Research
⇒ restoration of nature - renaturation - rewilding
nature conservation and agri-environmental law
law on water management
environmental planning law
soil conservation law
⇒ economic-ecological transformations
⇒ taxes, levies and financial law
Curriculum Vitae
since 2021
Together with Julian Rode head of the thematic area project Governing transformations towards sustainable agrifood systems.
2020 − 2022
Head of the Working Group Land Use, Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity, together with Julian Rode.
since 01/2012
Senior scientist, Department of Environmental and Planning Law, UFZ.
2009 − 2015
Deputy head of the Working Group Nature Conservation & Biodiversity, Division of Social Sciences, UFZ.
2007 − 2011
Postdoctoral research fellow, Department of Environmental and Planning Law, UFZ.
Doctoral thesis: Environmental taxes for the ecologisation of agriculture.
2004 − 2006
Legal trainee in the State of Saxony-Anhalt with Second State Examination in Law.
2001 − 2003
Doctoral research scholarship holder of the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrück.
1995 − 2001
Study of law in Leipzig (Germany) and Vigo (Spain), First State Examination in Law.
- Soil Protection Commission at the Federal Environment Agency (KBU) (since 2024)
- German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) (since 2015)
- Working Group of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina "Climate, Biodiversity, Raw Materials: For an Integrated Use of Peatlands and Floodplains" (2022 - 2024)
- Working Group of the academies acatech and Leopoldina: "Ways towards sustainable nitrogen management" (2019 – 2023)
- Board of Curators of the BBN Federal Conference on Nature Conservation Law (2016-2024)
- Commission for Agriculture at the Federal Environment Agency (KLU) (2016 - 2019)
Current Projects
- Renaturation in agricultural landscapes, forests, floodplains and peatlands
- Ecological-economic transformation: macroeconomic money-nature nexus
- Strengthening the dynamic development of water bodies and floodplains in the Natura 2000 network (FKZ: 3521 83 0900, project lead: biota)
- Governing transformations towards sustainable agrifood systems
- Climate-adapted and environmentally sound agricultural landscapes in Germany - Knowledge synthesis on ecological, economic and legal requirements and analysis of governmental instruments for implementation
- European Nature Conservation Legislation and its implementation in Germany
Completed Projects
- BonaRes – Soil as a sustainable resource for the bioeconomy
- AGRI-TRANSFORM – Leverage Points for the Transformation to an Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture
- Development and simulation of a pesticide tax for Germany
- Integrated UFZ Project: Mitigation land use conflicts – between land sharing or land sparing
- Integrated UFZ Project: Healthy Aquatic Ecosystems
- Development of an "Action Programme for the Implementation of the Integrated Nitrogen Strategy"
- Comparison of ammonia regulation in Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark – legal framework
- Fitness Check of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
- Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Niedersachsen im Bereich Oberflächengewässer – Masterplan Fließgewässerentwicklung 2021
- Unverhältnismäßige Kosten nach EG-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie Praxistest des Neuen Leipziger Ansatzes zur Begründung weniger strenger Umweltziele
- Arzneimittelabgabe: Beteiligung von Arzneimittelherstellern an den Kosten von Maßnahmen zur Reduktion der Konzentration von Mikroschadstoffen in Gewässern
- Needs- and demand-based planning – Legal options for and procedural aspects of an instrument for enhanced environmental protection
- Einführung einer Abgabe auf Pflanzenschutzmittel in Deutschland
- Comparative law analysis on instruments for sustainable land management (CLAIM)
- Research and development project agri-environmental law: Legal and other instruments for better protection of the environment in the agricultural sector
- POLICYMIX – Assessing the role of economic instruments in policy mixes for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services provision (EU-FP7)
- Nature Conservation and Climate Change
- The need for legal actions for adaptation to the results of climate change – analysis, amendment and new development of legal instruments (German Federal Environmental Authority)
- Landschaftswasserhaushalt und Bodenschutz
- Stopping the Loss of Biodiversity – Biodiversity Protection in Rural Areas
- Steuergesetzgebungskompetenzen und Verbrauchsteuern sowie Düngemittelabgabe
- Agrar- und umweltrechtliche Anforderungen an Kurzumtriebsplantagen
- Flurbereinigungsrecht
- Synergien und Konflikte von Anpassungsstrategien und -maßnahmen (SynKon)
- Enhancement of Waste Water Charges and Water Extraction Charges to a Comprehensive Charge for the Use of Aquatic Ecosystems (German Federal Environmental Authority: Text 67/2011)
- Options for Waste Disposal in Potash Mining – The Werra-River-Pipeline
- Novellierungen Naturschutzrecht 2007-2010
- Natura 2000 und Landwirtschaft
- Grundwassersanierung – Rechtliche Anforderungen an die Stimulierung natürlicher Schadstoffminderungsprozesse (ENA) durch Compartment Transfer
- Effektivierung des raumbezogenen Planungsrechts zur Reduzierung der Flächeninanspruchnahme (UBA)
- Vorgaben des europäischen Umweltplanungsrechts und ihre Auswirkungen auf die kommunale Entwicklungsplanung
- Der europäische und nationale Rechtsrahmen für den Naturschutz – Handlungsspielräume für effiziente Naturschutzlösungen
- Umsetzung der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie bei FFH- und Vogelschutzgebieten